- Количество слайдов: 74
香港高校圖書館 資源共享概述 • 香港城市大學圖書館長 • 潘華棟博士 Slide 1
大綱 1. 為甚麼要合作 2. 合作現況 3. 合作趨勢 Slide 2
為甚麼要合作? 1. Economic Pressures v v price for publication (especially serials) escalated library budget declined constantly Slide 3
Monograph and Serial Costs in ARL Libraries, 1986 -1999 Serial Unit Cost (+207%) Serial Expenditures (+170%) Monograph Unit Cost (+65%) Monographs Expenditures (+34%) Serials Purchased (-6%) Monographs Purchased (-26%) Slide Source: ARL Statistics 1998 -99, Association of Research Libraries, Washington, D. C. 4
為甚麼要合作? 2. Increasing use of Information Technology v v v enhances library effectiveness and services expensive: a drain on reducing budget provides technical capabilities for cooperation Slide 5
為甚麼要合作? 3. Demands from Users v v sophisticated user demand new management concepts and techniques Slide 6
合作現況 Slide 7
Joint University Libraries Advisory Committee (JULAC) 香港 高校圖書館咨詢委員會 An alliance of all libraries funded by the University Grants Committee (UGC) in Hong Kong, comprising the chief librarians. Slide 8
香港 高校圖書館咨詢委員會 (JULAC) 作概覽 • HARNET 香港學術及研究網絡 • JULAC Library Cards 通用圖書証 • Reader's Ticket 讀者證 • JULAC Book Return Service 圖書館互相還書服務 • Interlibrary loans 館際互借 • Collaborative Collection Development 協作式館藏建 設 • • Shared cataloguing 編目共享 And more …… Slide 9
Hongkong Academic and Research NETwork (HARNET) 香 港 學術及研究網絡 Joint Universities Computer Centre (JUCC) Slide 10
Hongkong Academic and Research NETwork (HARNET) 香 港 學術及研究網絡 Ø 香 港 大學 Ø 香 港 中文大學 Ø 香港科技大學 Ø 嶺南大學 Ø Ø 香 港 城市大學 香 港 理 大學 香港浸會大學 香 港 教育學院 ü 大學之間的 網絡骨幹 ü 虛擬的聯合目錄 Slide 11
Hongkong Academic and Research NETwork (HARNET) 香 港 學術及研究網絡 Ü Ü 目前 , 八所大學都是 用相同的圖書館系統 - INNOPAC 館際之間的合作更容 易和更方便 Slide 12
JULAC Library Card 通用圖書証 0111145 Staff no. ________ JULAC LIBRARY CARD Chai Tai Ming Name ______________ Name in Chinese ________ 陳大明 Institution City University of Hong Kong ________________ Signature ____________ Valid until ____________ May 2001 Ü 教學及相等職級行政人員 Ü 研究生 BAR CODES HKBU HKU XX 22200111 S 001234 Poly. U X 111222333 Slide 13
Reader's Ticket 讀者證 香港城市大學 City University of Hong Kong Name LIBRARY Reader’s Ticket No 211123 Chan Siu Fan HKID No Ü 最後一年之本科生 Ü 為期三個月 XXXXX Valid Until Sept. , 2000 Approved by (Librarian) Slide 14
JULAC Book Return Service 圖書館互相還書服務 Ü 服務對象 : 所有持有通用圖書証 (JULAC Library Card) 的人士 Ü 服務模式 : 代還讀者自行於各大 學圖書館借閱的書籍 , 目的是減省教 職人員及研究員生親自走訪其他大 學圖書館的時間 Slide 15
Interlibrary Loans (ILL) 館際互借 書本互借 文章複印 Ü 教學及相等職級行政人 員 Ü 研究生 Ü 最後一年之本科生 (只 限於文章复印 ) Slide 16
Interlibrary Loans (ILL) 館際互借 文件傳送 由速遞公司負責於每個 作天 (星期一 至五 )運送八所大學之間的館際互借書 本及文件 ü 快捷 : 兩個 作天 ü 準確 : 專人送件 , 避 免郵件誤投 Slide 17
Interlibrary Loans (ILL) 館際互借 其他傳送方法 ü ü 圖文傳真: 傳送急需的文章複印 本 Ariel: 以電子形式傳送文章 複 印本 圖文傳真 Ariel Slide 18
Interlibrary Loans (ILL) 館際互借 Ariel Ü 由美國的研究圖書館協會 (RLG Research Libraries Group) 所建設的文件傳 送軟件 Ü 把文件素描成電子檔案 , 就可利用 Ariel 傳送到其他也裝備有 Ariel 的海外圖書 館 Ü http: //www. rlg. org/ariel/index. html Slide 19
Slide 20
Collaborative Collection Development 協作式館藏建設 珠江三角洲特藏書庫 Pearl River Delta Collection Project Management Committee 珠江三角洲特藏書庫項目管理委員會 Slide 21
Collaborative Collection Development 協作式館藏建設 珠江三角洲特藏書庫 香港城市大學及嶺南大學共同 努力的成果 Slide 22
Collaborative Collection Development 協作式館藏建設 Collaborative Collection Development Steering Committee (CCDSC) 協作式 館藏建設督導委員會 Slide 23
Collaborative Collection Development Steering Committee (CCDSC) 協作式 館藏建設督導委員會 委員會架構 3 Two co-chairs (JULAC Members) 3 Representatives from other six UGC-funded libraries Slide 24
Collaborative Collection Development Steering Committee (CCDSC) 協作式 館藏建設督導委員會 May 99 It was set up at a special JULAC meeting to continue and expand the collaborative efforts of the JULAC known as CCDTF. Dec 99 CCDTF was disbanded and taken over by the CCDSC to continue to serve the JULAC in collaborative collection development. Slide 25
Collaborative Collection Development Steering Committee (CCDSC) 協作式 館藏建設督導委員會 * 作進程 * June 99 A survey among all participating libraries was conducted and a list of electronic resources which were most wanted to be subscribed via consortial efforts was compiled. Slide 26
* 作進程 * 53 Titles were identified Most Wanted Titles : LEXIS-NEXIS Academic Universe Pro. Quest 5000 / ABI/INFORM Global Web of Science OCLC First. Search China Journal Net Slide 27
* 作進程 * June 99 'General Guidelines for License Negotiation' was compiled and will be continuously refined. Major Issue s • Technical Support • Renewal • Definition of authorized users • Termination • Noninfringement • Pricing Management • Training • Authorized use of information Slide 28
協作式 館藏建設督導委員會 (CCDSC) 以圖書館同盟方式採構的電子資源項目 Slide 29
協作式 館藏建設督導委員會 (CCDSC) 計劃以圖書館同盟方式採構的電子資源項目 Slide 30
協作式 館藏建設督導委員會 (CCDSC) 計劃以圖書館同盟方式採構的電子資源項目 Slide 31
末來計劃 Ø Joining International Coalition of Library Consortia (ICOLC) (with about 150 library consortia from around the world). Ø Linking up with overseas consortia, e. g. , NELINET (with more than 600 member libraries). Ø Organizing seminars and training courses. Slide 32
Seminar 專題研討會 “the whole is greater than the sum of its part” …. JULAC fosters collaboration and synergy among libraries …. 主題 : Electronic Resources – Consortial Initiatives 日期 : 2001年 5月 11日 (星期五 ) 地點 : 香港城市大學 Slide 33
Shared Cataloguing of Chinese Language Materials Project 中文資料編目共享項目 Mid-95 Task Force on Cataloguing of Chinese Materials, comprising representatives from all UGC libraries, was formed on JULAC's recommendation to study the feasibility of establishing a system of cooperative cataloguing. Slide 34
Shared Cataloguing of Chinese Language Materials Project 中文資料編目共享項目 目標 : (1) To establish a resource database of CN-MARC (China), C-MARC (Taiwan), LC CJK MARC, and a mechanism for sharing cataloguing data of Chinese language materials among UGC member libraries. C-MARC RC -MA CN Resource Database LC CJK MA RC Slide 35
目標 : (2) To provide the most effective use of cataloguing efforts of participating libraries, particularly original cataloguing, and to provide a mechanism which allows ease of transfer of records thus minimizing duplication of cataloguing work among member institutions. (3) To further enhance existing interlibrary loans and resources sharing. Slide 36
Task Force on Co-operative Cataloguing of Chinese Language Materials 中文資料編目合作專責小組 Nov 95 Feb 96 Oct 96 Proposed to create a resource database comprising records from C-MARC, CNMARC, LC CJK MARC and to allow each participating library to search this resource database with Z 39. 50 client/server software. The proposal was approved and supported by UGC. Contract was signed with software vendor (III). Slide 37
Task Force on Co-operative Cataloguing of Chinese Language Materials 中文資料編目合作專責小組 Nov 96 Hardware and operating system of the Project were installed to house the central resource database. May 97 Testpac for the Project was completed. May 99 The Project started to be implemented. Slide 38
Hong Kong Chinese Authority (Name) Database 中文名稱規範合作 -香港的提議 HKCAN Slide 39
美國國會圖書館名稱規范數 據庫 Library of Congress Name Authority (LCNA) ü 香港圖書館多採用 USMARC ü 中文資料用 Wade-Giles 拼音著錄 ü LCNA包涵約 300萬條名稱規範記 錄 ü 所有記錄皆以拉丁字母著錄 Slide 40
缺乏漢字 Shi shi shi shi, shi shi shi ° Shi shi, shi shi shi ° Shi shi shi, shi shi ° Shi shi shi shi, shi shi shi ° Shi shi shi, shi shi shi ° Shi shi, shi shi shi ° Shi shi shi ° Slide 41
漢字原文 Slide 42
中英並重 u u 香港是個 雙語 社會 很多作者,以中、 英 雙語 寫作 也有刊物,以中、 英 雙語 出版 以兩筆規範記錄作「參見」,費 費時 Slide 43
標目缺乏唯一性 Li, Ch'i Slide 44
混合式標目 中文名稱 LCNA 記錄 Slide 45
本地雙語作家 中文名 稱 LC 的標目 著作 / 資料中常見的名稱 Slide 46
各施各法 u ! 若仍依賴 LCNA 提供中文規範 記錄,似乎是反客為主 u 中文資料缺乏外包公司提供服 務,規範 作遂由各館自行建立 Slide 47
香港圖書館的規範標目 w 各圖書館自行決定規範形式,大家都 是「權威」,影響並不嚴重 w 但在網絡環境下,標目的差異,增加跨 館書目檢索的漏檢率和誤檢率 Slide 48
在Z 39. 50,用 檢索,結果如下: 720 Slide 49
在Z 39. 50,用 檢索,結果如下: 286 Slide 50
各館標目的差 異, 阻礙跨館檢索 及 聯合編目的進 行 Slide 51
Hong Kong Chinese Authority (Name) Workgroup Slide 52
Hong Kong Chinese Authority (Name) Database HKCAN Slide 53
多 快 (More) (Faster) 好 省 (Better) (Cheaper) Slide 54
目標 多: 增加規範資料來源 (More) 快: 加速建立中文規範記錄 (Faster) 好 :在 跨 館 檢 索 中 , 使 標 目 達 到 一 致 化 (Better) 省: 通過合作 , 節省各自建庫的成本 (Cheaper) Slide 55
規範 作展望 1. 與書目數據庫線上連接 Slide 56
規範 作展望 2. 自動產生規範記錄 Slide 57
規範記錄的未來 • 多語言、多文字 、 多用途 • 可在 Web介面上運作 Slide 58
進一步的館際合作 w 大陸、台灣正生產、整編規範記錄供各 圖書館使用 w LCNA (Library of Congress Name Authority): 成功在於 合作 精神 w NACO (Name Authority Cooperative): 200所 圖書館 合作 w 共建類似 LCNA 般具影響力的數據庫, 有賴兩岸三地的通力 合作 Slide 59
合作趨勢 Slide 60
§ 香港各大學圖書館之間的合 作層面仍然未夠廣泛和深入 § 中央性的運作(Central functions) 可以更整合(integrated) 和 更連結 (linked) Slide 61
合作趨勢 “…. . a much more highly integrated operation where key central functions of the co-operating libraries are linked …. ” (David Kohl, 1997) Slide 62
合作趨勢 will become part of a Slide 63
Superlibrary Information Mosaic • ILLINET Online – Illinois Library Computer Systems Organization (ILCSO): a consortium of 45 Illinois libraries • MELVYL – University of California System • Ohio. LINK – A consortium of 79 member libraries which include Ohio's college and university libraries and the State Library of Ohio Slide 64
Ohio. LINK • an integrated central catalogue as the platform for all sorts of consortium-wide operations: – cataloguing – circulation – collection development – document delivery • operating on INNOPAC library system Slide 65
Ohio. LINK A model for academic libraries? • • all university libraries in Hong Kong are using the INNOPAC system possible to form a technically and functionally integrated consortium Slide 66
1. A Consortium-wide User-initiated Circulation System • User-initiated (讀者主導) circulation functionality • “Circulation” : not a local function but a consortiumwide function • Policy issues have to be straightened out LC HK U Poly. U HKUST d E HKI UK H C City. U 讀者主導 合作趨勢 Slide 67
2. A Consortium-wide Central Catalogue • Z 39. 50 software • • a virtual union catalogue only • reliability still under question Union Catalogue Uni Cat on alog ue • a consortium-wide central catalogue • facilitates consortial circulation and cataloguing 合作趨勢 Slide 68
3. A Consortium-wide Document Delivery System • Individual in-house ILL automation systems: • not integrated • involve a lot of tedious procedures • A consortium-wide ILL System: • automatic transmission of requests to counterparts electronically within the same system • on-line enquiries about status of requests submitted • central records of all ILL transactions and statistics 合作趨勢 Slide 69
4. Consortium-wide Collection Development Advantages : • • better position • to secure government funding • to bargain for better contract terms a consortium set up to save hardware and maintenance cost 合作趨勢 Slide 70
UP TO NOW (Request) End Users Home Library (as intermediary) (Delivery) (Request) Outside Agents (Delivery) Slide 71
FUTURE (Request) End Users Home Library (as intermediary) Outside Agents (Delivery) Advantages: • speeds up the process • saves staff cost Slide 72
Library Co-operation Better, faster, easier access to more Slide 73
謝謝 Slide 74