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香港民航處 Civil Aviation Department Hong Kong Presentation on “Training the Regulators” for Asia Pacific Airline Training Symposium APATS 2010 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia 14 to 15 September 2010 1
香港民航處 Civil Aviation Department Hong Kong Contents 1. Role of Regulators 2. Training Needs of Regulators 3. Possible Improvements to Training of Regulators 4. Benefits of Improvements to Training of Regulators 5. Safety Oversight Audit of the Hong Kong Civil Aviation System by ICAO 2
1. Role of Regulators Establishment of an effective Safety Oversight System Regulators AGA LEG ANS OPS ORG 香港民航處 Civil Aviation Department AIG PEL AWO 3
1. Role of Regulators (continued) Establishment of an effective Safety Oversight System involves eight core elements: (LEG) Legislation & Regulations (ORG) Organization Notes: (i) (ii) 香港民航處 Civil Aviation Department (PEL) Personnel Licensing (ANS) Air Navigation Services (OPS) Aircraft Operations (AIG) Accident (AWO) Airworthiness of Aircraft (AGA) Aerodrome & Incident Investigation All relates to regulating the Aviation Professionals; and AIG is NOT actually a regulatory duty but being discharged by regulators on a part-time basis in many authorities. 4
2. Training Needs of Regulators – In General Do ic es cu m en ts s rd da an i) ac t St Regulating the Aviation Professionals effectively or the establishment of an effective Safety Oversight System relies heavily on the familiarization and thorough understanding of: on Pr ti sla gi lar cu d r Ci de en mm co ices Re act pr Le ICAO requirements; ii) International best practices; & iii) Local legislation. 香港民航處 Civil Aviation Department Regulators 5
2. Training Needs of Regulators – In General (continued) In fact, one of the common ICAO Safety Oversight Audit findings on different civil aviation system is the inadequacy of training provided to safety inspectorate or operational staff prior to assigning them with specific regulatory tasks or responsibilities. 香港民航處 Civil Aviation Department 6
2. Training Needs of Regulators – ICAO Requirements The air transportation system is increasingly complex and constantly changing. Not to mention others, just the infrastructure of safety oversight requirements would mean: Chicago Convention + 18 Annexes + the Safety Oversight Manual 香港民航處 Civil Aviation Department 7
2. Training Needs of Regulators – ICAO Requirements (continued) Over 200 Documents & 40 Circulars promulgated by ICAO for worldwide use and application. 香港民航處 Civil Aviation Department Doc 4444 Doc 6685 Doc 6920 Doc 7030 Doc 7100 Doc 7192 Doc 7231 Doc 7300 Doc 7364 Doc 7383 Doc 7474 Doc 7475 Doc 7488 Doc 7500 Doc 7515 Doc 7559 Doc 7600 Doc 7620 Doc 7632 Doc 7669 Doc 7695 Doc 7754 Doc 7782 Doc 7910 Doc 7970 Doc 7984 Doc 7986 Doc 8056 Doc 8071 Doc 8126 Doc 8143 Doc 8144 Doc 8146 Doc 8168 Doc 8181 Doc 8229 Doc 8259 Doc 8335 Doc 8364 Doc 8400 Doc 8585 Doc 8632 Doc 8643 Doc 8683 Doc 8697 Doc 8733 Doc 8755 Doc 8896 Doc 8900 Doc 8920 ……. . Cir 185 Cir 205 Cir 211 Cir 213 Cir 234 Cir 240 Cir 241 Cir 247 Cir 249 Cir 253 ……. . 8
2. Training Needs of Regulators – ICAO Requirements (continued) These ICAO Documents & Circulars include: (A) Operating Procedures: regarded as not yet having obtained a sufficient degree of maturity for adoption as SARPs, or too detailed for incorporation in an Annex, e. g. : i) ii) ATM - Air Traffic Management (Doc 4444); OPS – Aircraft Operations (Doc 8168) …. etc. 香港民航處 Civil Aviation Department 9
2. Training Needs of Regulators – ICAO Requirements (continued) (B) Technical Manuals: provide guidance and information and are intended to facilitate uniform application of ICAO SARPs, e. g. : i) iii) iv) v) vii) viii) ix) x) xii) Manual on Certification of Aerodromes (Doc 9774); Manual of Aircraft Accident and Incident Investigation (Doc 9756); Safety Management Manual (Doc 9859); Air Traffic Services Planning Manual (Doc 9426); International Aeronautical and Maritime Search and Rescue Manual (Doc 9731); Manual on the Prevention of Runway Incursions (Doc 9870); Airborne Collision Avoidance System Manual (Doc 9863); Human Factors Training Manual (Doc 9683); Manual on the Approval of Flight Crew Training Organizations (Doc 9841); Airworthiness Manual (Doc 9760); Technical Instructions for the Safe Transport of Dangerous Goods by Air (Doc 9284); ……. etc. 香港民航處 Civil Aviation Department 10
2. Training Needs of Regulators – ICAO Requirements (continued) (C) Technical Circulars: publication intended to disseminate to Contracting States specialized information, such as technical studies, analyses, reproductions of or extracts from informative documents supplied by Contracting States; reports on the implementation of ICAO SARPs; and Aircraft Accident Digests, e. g. : i) iii) Operation of New Larger Aeroplane at Existing Aerodromes (Cir 305); Guidance on Assistance to Aircraft Accident Victims and their Families (Cir 285); Satellite-aided Search and Rescue – The COSPAS-SARSAT System (Cir 185) … etc. A very wide range of information!!! 香港民航處 Civil Aviation Department 11
2. Training Needs of Regulators – Training Available Question What are available to Regulators to facilitate them to understand the: - ICAO requirements; international practices; and local legislation, which will lead to proper enforcement actions ? ? ? 香港民航處 Civil Aviation Department 12
2. Training Needs of Regulators – Training Available (continued) Training available to Regulators: i) 香港民航處 Civil Aviation Department Participate in aviation training course provided by different aviation academy or industry association; [Note: also helps the regulators to understand the need of industries and their practices] 13
2. Training Needs of Regulators – Training Available (continued) Training available to Regulators: ii) In-house briefing, on-the-job training and refresher training by individual authorities to maintain knowledge current; and 香港民航處 Civil Aviation Department 14
2. Training Needs of Regulators – Training Available (continued) Training available to Regulators: iii) ICAO and COSCAP training course, workshop or seminars!!! COSCAP 香港民航處 Civil Aviation Department Cooperative Development of Operational Safety & Continuing Airworthiness Programme 15
2. Training Needs of Regulators – Training Example (1) 香港民航處 Civil Aviation Department + Induction Training Courses First 6 to 12 months In-house Briefings + Specialized Training Course and OJT Training + Flying Training Next 24 months Training Progress and Requirements Example: Assistant Operations Officer’s (a basic rank of Civil Aviation Regulators) training path in HKCAD 16
2. Training Needs of Regulators – Training Example (1) (continued) In-house Briefings provide an initial understanding of: - + Induction Training Courses (vii) Organisation of HKCAD General Government Administration Legislation ICAO Requirements Manuals and Publications of HKCAD Roles and Responsibility in different regulatory areas Training courses to be attended + Specialized Training Courses and OJT Training + Flying Training 香港民航處 Civil Aviation Department Next 24 months Training Process / Requirements In-house Briefings First 6 to 12 months (i) (iii) (iv) (vi) 17
2. Training Needs of Regulators – Training Example (1) (continued) Induction Training Includes the following classroom based courses: - + Induction Training Courses + Specialized Training Courses and OJT Training + Flying Training 香港民航處 Civil Aviation Department Next 24 months Training Process / Requirements In-house Briefings Basic ATC Course Civil Aviation Management Course In-house Legal Lectures First 6 to 12 months (i) (iii) 18
Training Process / Requirements In-house Briefings + Induction Training Courses First 6 to 12 months Training Needs of Regulators – Training Example (1) (continued) + Specialized Training Courses and OJT Training + Flying Training 香港民航處 Civil Aviation Department Next 24 months 2. Specialized Training Courses and OJT Training Depending on the regulatory areas posted, officers will need to be trained on the following topics: (i) Airport & Airline Management (ii) Airport Engineering (iii) PANS-OPS Instrument Procedure Design (iv) Aviation Security (v) Dangerous Goods (vi) Aircraft noise modeling (vii) Air Transport and the Environmental (viii) Aviation Law (ix) Managing Aviation Policy & Regulation (x) Schedule Coordination (xi) Flight Crew Licensing (xii) SMS (xiii) Auditor Skill … etc. 19
2. Training Needs of Regulators – Training Example (1) (continued) + Induction Training Courses + Specialized Training Courses and OJT Training + Flying Training 香港民航處 Civil Aviation Department Next 24 months Training Process / Requirements In-house Briefings First 6 to 12 months Flying Training Up to PPL level 20
2. Training Needs of Regulators – Training Example (2) Example: Air Traffic Management Standards Officer’s Training Programme in HKCAD Initial (Basic) Training Programme + OJT Training + Recurrent Training + Specialized Training 香港民航處 Civil Aviation Department 21
2. Training Needs of Regulators – Training Example (2) Initial (Basic) Training (i) (iii) (iv) (v) ANS Regulations; Safety Management System; Auditing and Inspection; ATC Incident Investigation; and Safety Risk Assessment Initial (Basic) Training Programme + OJT Training + Recurrent Training + Specialized Training 香港民航處 Civil Aviation Department 22
2. Training Needs of Regulators – Training Example (2) OJT Training (i) OJT supervised by an experienced ATMSO officer Initial (Basic) Training Programme + OJT Training + Recurrent Training + Specialized Training 香港民航處 Civil Aviation Department 23
2. Training Needs of Regulators – Training Example (2) Specialized Training (i) (iii) (iv) (v) Initial (Basic) Training Human Factors; ATC Approved Examiner Aircraft Accident Investigation; ANS Procedures and Systems; AIS, SAR, Aeronautical Charts, PANS -OPS, MET; and (vi) CNS Systems (PBN, AIM, Flight Inspection, etc). Training Programme + OJT Training + Recurrent Training + Specialized Training 香港民航處 Civil Aviation Department 24
2. Training Needs of Regulators – Training Example (2) Recurrent Training Initial (Basic) Training (i) On relevant subjects; and (ii) Attendance at relevant conferences, seminars, workshops, symposiums etc. , on relevant ANS subjects. Training Programme + OJT Training + Recurrent Training + Specialized Training 香港民航處 Civil Aviation Department 25
2. Training Needs of Regulators – Observations on the current mode of training for Regulators in Hong Kong Enhancement Required: (i) Coordinated overview of the Safety Oversight System; and (ii) Common understanding of the ICAO requirements to avoid misinterpretations. 香港民航處 Civil Aviation Department Looking Differently!!! 26
3. Possible Improvements to Training of Regulators Possible Improvements What we are now having Aviation training course by aviation academy or industry association In-house briefing, on-the -job training and refresher training by individual authorities 香港民航處 Civil Aviation Department Introduction to Safety Oversight System and 8 core elements Training System Development of modular training courses on ICAO requirements for different core elements 27
3. Possible Improvements to Training of Regulators (continued) For example: Core Elements overview ………. . (LEG) 8 Core Elements (OPS) (AWO) (PEL) (AIG) (AGA) (ANS) (ORG) Training System 香港民航處 Civil Aviation Department 28
3. Possible Improvements to Training of Regulators (continued) For example: ICAO Requirements overview ………. . Say for the OPS Module Annex 6: Doc 8168: Doc 9683: Doc 9835: Doc 9625: Doc 8335: Training System 香港民航處 Civil Aviation Department Doc 9376: Operations of Aircraft; Aircraft Operations (e. g. Flight Procedures) Human Factors Training Implementation of Language Proficiency Requirements Criteria for the Qualification of Flight Simulators Procedures for Operations Inspection, Certification and Continued Surveillance Preparation of an Operations Manual ……………. 29
3. Possible Improvements to Training of Regulators (continued) Furthermore, ICAO, CAAs and international organizations can contribute to the success of these training improvements by: (i) Conducting introductory training course on the establishment of safety oversight system and the 8 core elements involved; (ii) Conducting modular training courses on ICAO requirements for different core elements; and (iii) Recognition of the completion of training as a qualification of regulators. 香港民航處 Civil Aviation Department 30
4. Benefits of Improvement to Training of Regulators Main Benefits: Provision of structural training and saving in training time Add-on Benefits: i) Provide regulators from different discipline with a coordinated view and understanding of ICAO requirements; Line-up!!! ii) Uniform application of ICAO requirements; iii) Establishment of an effective safety oversight system; iv) Ensure a systematic approach in the carrying out of safety oversight activities; 香港民航處 Civil Aviation Department 31
4. Benefits of Improvement to Training of Regulators (continued) v) Knowledge and experience sharing with other civil aviation regulatory authorities; and vi) Benefits to the industry by minimizing the differences in safety oversight requirements applying to them. 香港民航處 Civil Aviation Department 32
5. Safety Oversight Audit of the Hong Kong Civil Aviation System by ICAO On-Site audit carried out between 26 February to 6 March 2009 香港民航處 Civil Aviation Department 33
5. Safety Oversight Audit of the Hong Kong Civil Aviation System by ICAO (continued) Hong Kong achieved an overall score of 94. 47% in the effective implementation of a safety oversight system 香港民航處 Civil Aviation Department 34
香港民航處 Civil Aviation Department Hong Kong Thank You ! 35