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電子商務概論 淡江大學 資訊管理系所 侯 永 昌 http: //mail. im. tku. edu. tw/~ychou ftp: //mail. im. tku. edu. tw/Prof_Hou
教科書 ︰Turban, King, Lee, Liang and Turban, Electronic Commerce: A Managerial Perspective 2012, Pearson Education, Inc. 華泰文化代理
第一章 電子商務簡介 (Overview of Electronic Commerce)
章前故事:使用電子商務致勝的Dell § Dell成立於 1985年,是第一個透過郵購來賣個 人電腦的公司。Dell設計自己的PC,但是它允 許顧客自行客製化。接單後製造(build-toorder) 一直是它最主要的商業模式(business model) § 到 1993年,Dell已經成為世界前五大電腦製造 商,威脅到Compaq的地位,雙方掀起價格戰 § 1994年Dell虧損超過一億美元。當時Dell還在 採用fax和mail來接受訂單,經營陷入困境 § 解決之道:Direct marketing online 淡江大學資管系所侯永昌 3
章前故事:使用電子商務致勝的Dell § 線上直銷是Dell主要的電子商務活動,其銷 售對象包括: 家用之個別消費者 l 小型企業 l 中大型企業 l 政府、教育機關及醫療機構 l § 銷售至上述第一類對象稱為企業對消費者 (B 2 C),銷售至其他三類對象稱為企業對企業 (B 2 B) 淡江大學資管系所侯永昌 4
Dell所使用的EC商業模式(I) § Business-to-consumer EC with shop aids (e. g. catalogs, shopping carts, credit card payments) § Business-to-business EC with Premier Dell service to browse, buy, track orders, customize user’s requirements § Dell uses electronic tendering when it buys the components for its products § E-collaboration: using Web Services to facilitate communication, integration and reduce inventories § E-customer services: provide a virtual help desk for self-diagnosis and service as well as direct access to technical support data 淡江大學資管系所侯永昌 5
Dell所使用的EC商業模式(II) § Dell keeps a large customer database, Using data mining tools, it learns a great deal about its customers and used to improve marketing § Intrabusiness EC: Dell has automated its factory scheduling, demand-planning capabilities, and inventory management using information technology and e-supply chains models § Affiliate program: pay 2~4% on any qualified sale made from clicking on Dell’s link at the partners’ site 淡江大學資管系所侯永昌 6
從Dell個案中我們得到的經驗 § Dell pioneered the direct-marketing model for PCs, and then it moved to online § Dell supplemented its direct marketing with the build-to-order on a large scale (mass customization). In doing so, Dell benefited from the elimination of intermediation, extremely low inventories and superb cash flow § E-procurement improved the purchasing of components § Collaborative commerce with its partners § Intrabusiness EC improved its internal operations § E-CRM with its customers § In 2006, Dell opened physical stores to match its competitors and customer demands. Still, over 95% of its business is online and through mail orders 淡江大學資管系所侯永昌 7
從Dell個案中我們得到的經驗 § Dell成為電子商務經營模式的典範 § 藉由直銷模式,Dell去除了中間商,藉由接單 生產模式使庫存降低並健全現金流量 § 應用電子採購來改善零組件的採購、應用協 同商務與夥伴溝通、應用企業內部電子商務 來改善內部作業 淡江大學資管系所侯永昌 8
Pure versus partial EC § 電子商務依據: (1) Product, 銷售的商品 (或服務) (2) Process, 交易流程 (如訂購、付款、訂單履行 ) (3) Players, 遞送方式之數位化程度 可以分成幾種不同的類型 淡江大學資管系所侯永昌 9
The Dimensions of EC Buy a e-book from Amazon Buy a book from Amazon 淡江大學資管系所侯永昌 10
EC Organizations § Brick-and-mortar organizations Old-economy organizations (corporations) that perform most of their business off-line, selling physical products by means of physical agents § Virtual (pure-play) organizations Organizations that conduct their business activities solely online § Click-and-mortar (click-and-brick) organizations Organizations that conduct some e-commerce activities, but do their primary business in the physical world 淡江大學資管系所侯永昌 11
EC Classification (1) § Business-to-consumer (B 2 C) E-commerce model in which businesses sell to individual shoppers § Business-to-business (B 2 B) E-commerce model in which all of the participants are businesses or other organizations. Today, over 85% of EC volume is B 2 B § Business-to-business-to-consumer (B 2 B 2 C) E-commerce model in which a business provides some product or service to a client business that maintains its own customers 淡江大學資管系所侯永昌 12
EC Classification (2) § Consumer-to-business (C 2 B) E-commerce model in which individuals use the Internet to sell products or services to organizations or individuals seek sellers to bid on products or services they need § Consumer-to-consumer (C 2 C) E-commerce model in which consumers sell directly to other consumers § Mobile commerce (m-commerce) E-commerce transactions and activities conducted in a wireless environment 淡江大學資管系所侯永昌 13
EC Classification (3) § Location-based commerce (l-commerce) M-commerce transactions targeted to individuals in specific locations, at specific times § Collaborative commerce (c-commerce) E-commerce model in which individuals or groups communicate or collaborate online § Business-to-employees (B 2 E) E-commerce model in which an organization delivers services, information, or products to its individual employees, a subset of intrabusiness EC 淡江大學資管系所侯永昌 14
EC Classification (4) § E-learning The online delivery of information for purposes of training or education § Exchange (electronic) A public electronic market with many buyers and sellers § E-government E-commerce model in which a government entity buys or provides goods, services, or information from or to businesses or individual citizens 淡江大學資管系所侯永昌 15
A Brief History of EC § 電子商務的應用始於 1970年代初期,例如電子金 融轉帳 (EFT),而後發展出來的電子資料交換 (EDI),以電子方式傳送例行性文件,將電子交換 應用範圍從財務交易擴展到其他類型的跨組織交 易處理 (IOS) § 當網際網路於一九九O年代初期開始商業化而成 為普及的全球資訊網 (WWW) 後,創造出了「電 子商務」這個名詞 § 1999年電子商務的重點從B 2 C轉為B 2 B。2001年 則從B 2 B轉為B 2 E、協同商務、電子化政府、數位 學習與行動商務。到了2005年社交網路、區位商 務、無線應用開始受到廣泛的注意 淡江大學資管系所侯永昌 16
數位革命的特點 淡江大學資管系所侯永昌 17
Business Environment Drives EC § Economic, legal, societal, and technological factors have created a highly competitive business environment in which customers are becoming more powerful § Because the pace of change and the level of uncertainty are expected to accelerate, organizations are operating under increasing pressure to produce more products, faster, and with fewer resources 淡江大學資管系所侯永昌 18
Major Business Pressures and the Role of EC 淡江大學資管系所侯永昌 19
Organizational Response Strategies 淡江大學資管系所侯永昌 20
收益模式(Revenue Model) 淡江大學資管系所侯永昌 21
How do e-marketplaces create value? § Search and transaction cost efficiency (搜尋及交 易的成本效率) : fast, wider selection and cost saving § Complementarities (互補性) : bundling some goods and services together to provide more value than from offering them separately § Lock-in (鎖住) : high switching cost ties customers to particular supplies § Novelty (新奇性) : innovative ways for fostering new markets Amit and Zott 2001 淡江大學資管系所侯永昌 22
Typical EC Business Models (1) § Online direct marketing 線上直銷 l l From manufacturer to customers From retailer to consumers, e. g. , Wal-Mart § Electronic tendering systems 電子招標系統 l Model in which a buyer requests would-be sellers to submit bids; the lowest bidder wins § Name-your-own-price model 自行定價 l Model in which a buyer sets the price he or she is willing to pay and invites sellers to supply the good or service at that price § Find the best price 尋找最佳價格: by search engine § Deep discounting 大幅折扣 淡江大學資管系所侯永昌 23
Typical EC Business Models (2) § Affiliate marketing 聯盟行銷 l An arrangement whereby a marketing partner refers consumers to the selling company’s Web site § Viral marketing 口碑行銷 l Word-of-mouth marketing in which customers promote a product or service to friends or other people § Group purchasing 團購 l Quantity purchasing that enables groups of purchasers to obtain a discount price on the products purchased § Bartering 交換 l Exchange surpluses they do not need for things that they do need 淡江大學資管系所侯永昌 24
Typical EC Business Models (3) § Product and service customization 產品及服務 客製化 l Creation of a product or service according to the buyer’s specifications § Online auctions 線上拍賣 : e. g. e. Bay § Electronic marketplaces and exchanges 電子 市集與交易 § Information brokers 資訊經紀商 l Provide privacy, trust, matching, search, content, and other services § Membership 會員制 : only members get a discount 淡江大學資管系所侯永昌 25
Typical EC Business Models (4) § Value-chain integrators 價值鏈整合 l Aggregate information-rich products into a more complete package for customers, thus adding value § Value-chain service providers 價值鏈服務提供者 l Specialize in a supply chain function, e. g. , logistic (e. g. , UPS) or payments (e. g. , Pay. Pal) § Supply chain improvers 供應鏈改善者 l Create new models that change or improve supply chain management § 社交網路、社群與部落格 § 製造商直銷 § 協商談判 淡江大學資管系所侯永昌 26
Benefits of EC to Organizations § Global Reach § Cost Reduction § Supply Chain Improvements § Extended Hours: 24/7/365 § Customization § New Business Models § Vendors’ Specialization § Rapid Time-to-Market § Lower Communication Costs § Efficient Procurement § Improved Customer Relations § Up-to-Date Company Material § No City Business Permits and Fees 淡江大學資管系所侯永昌 27
Benefits of EC to Consumers § Ubiquity 到處存在 § More Products and Services § Customized Products and Services § Cheaper Products and Services § Instant Delivery § Information Availability § Participation in Auctions § Electronic Communities § No Sales Tax § 網路通勤、遠距 作 § 尋找特殊的商品 淡江大學資管系所侯永昌 28
Benefits of EC to Society § Telecommuting 網路通勤、遠距 作 § Higher Standard of Living 改善生活水準 § Homeland Security 改善居家安全 § Hope for the Poor 縮小數位落差 § Availability of Public Services 更多的公 共服務 淡江大學資管系所侯永昌 29
電子商務的限制與阻礙 § 技術層面的限制 l l l l 缺乏普遍接受之品質、安全與信賴度之標準 電訊頻寬不足,尤其是行動商務 軟體發展 具仍在演進 整合網際網路、電子商務軟體及某些現存之應用 系統(尤其是老舊的系統)與資料庫有困難 除了網路伺服器之外,需要特殊的網站伺服器, 而這增加了電子商務的成本 網際網路連線仍然昂貴且不便利 大型B 2 C訂單履行需要時殊的自動化倉儲 淡江大學資管系所侯永昌 30
電子商務的限制與阻礙 § 非技術層面的限制 l l l l l 安全性與隱私權考量,降低消費者購買意願 缺乏對電子商務及不相識之銷售者的信任,降低購物意願 人們仍對無紙張及不必見面的交易信賴度不足 很多法律及公共政策課題(包括稅收)尚未解決或不明朗 國內及國際相關之政府法規有時造成阻礙 缺乏成熟的衡量方法或不易衡量某些電子商務之益處,例 如線上廣告 某些顧客喜歡親身實際體驗產品,而且顧客拒絕從實體商 店轉換至虛擬商店 銷售者及購買者數量不足以使電子商務獲利 網路詐騙日漸增加 由於很多dot-com公司失敗,影響創業資金的獲得 淡江大學資管系所侯永昌 31
Managerial Issues (1) 1. Is it real? • Yes! Start EC as soon as possible; it is too dangerous to wait 2. Why is B 2 B e-commerce so attractive? • • B 2 B models are easier to implement than traditional offline models The value of transactions is larger in B 2 B, and the potential saving are larger and easier to justify 3. There are so many EC failures—how can one avoid them? • The important thing is to learn from the successes and failures of others 淡江大學資管系所侯永昌 32
Managerial Issues (2) 4. How do we transform our organization into a digital one? • The process is discussed in chapters 14, 16, and 18 5. How should we evaluate the magnitude of business pressures and technological advancement? • • A good approach is to solicit the expertise of research institutions It is especially important for management to know what is going on in its own industry 淡江大學資管系所侯永昌 33
Managerial Issues (3) 6. How can we exploit social/business networking? • • Advertising Recruiting Offering discount products or services Sponsoring a site or even open our own social networks 7. What should be my company’s strategy toward EC? • • Lead, wait, or experiment Prioritize the many initiatives and applications available to a company 淡江大學資管系所侯永昌 34
Managerial Issues (4) 8. What are the top challenges of EC? • Technical issues: security, adequate infrastructure, data access, back-end systems integration, sufficient bandwidth, network connectivity, up time, data warehouse and mining, scalability, and content distribution • Managerial issues: budgets, project deadline, keeping up with technology, privacy issues, the high cost of capital expenditures, unrealistic management expectations, training, reach new customers, improve customer ordering services, and finding qualified EC employees 淡江大學資管系所侯永昌 35
Summary (I) 1. Definition of EC and description of its various categories l EC involves conducting transactions electronically ü Pure vs. partial EC ü Internet-based vs. non-Internet-based EC ü Electronic markets vs. interorganizational systems EC 淡江大學資管系所侯永昌 36
Summary (2) 2. The content and framework of EC l l The applications of EC are based on Infrastructures and supported by ü people ü Public policy and technical standards ü Marketing and advertising ü Supporting services, such as logistics, security, and payment services ü Business partners All tied together by management 3. The major types of EC transactions l B 2 B, B 2 C, C 2 C, m-commerce, intrabusiness commerce, B 2 E, c-commerce, e-government, and e淡江大學資管系所侯永昌 37 learning
Summary (3) 4. The role of the digital revolution l EC is a major product of the digital and technological revolution which enables digitization of products, services, and information 5. The role of the business environment as an EC driver l The business environment is changing rapidly due to technological breakthroughs, globalization, societal changes, deregulations, and more; the changing business environment forces organizations to respond 淡江大學資管系所侯永昌 38
Summary (4) 6. The major EC business models l l l l Online direct marketing Electronic tendering systems Name your own price Affiliate marketing Viral marketing Group purchasing Online auctions Mass customization (make-to-order) l l l l l Electronic exchanges Supply chain improvers Find the best price Value-chain integration Value-chain providers Information brokers Bartering Deep discounting membership 淡江大學資管系所侯永昌 39
Summary (5) 7. Benefits of EC to organizations, consumers, and society l EC offers numerous benefits; because these benefits are substantial, it looks as though EC is here to stay and cannot be ignored 8. Barriers to EC l l As time passes, and network capacity, security, and accessibility continue to improve through technological limitations will continue to diminish Nontechnological limitations also will diminish over time, but some, especially the behavioral ones, may persist for many years in some organizations, cultures, or countries 淡江大學資管系所侯永昌 40
Summary (6) 9. Contribution to organizations responding to environmental changes l l l EC provides strategy advantages so organizations can compete better Organizations can go into remote and global markets for both selling and buying at better prices Organizations can speed time-to-market to gain competitive advantage Organizations can improve internal and external supply chain as well as increase collaboration Organizations can better comply to government regulations 淡江大學資管系所侯永昌 41
Summary (7) 10. Social and business online networks l l l Social and business networks attract huge numbers of visitors. Many of the visitors are young future EC customers. Therefore, advertisers are willing to spend money on advertising Already among the most visited sites, they offer many innovative applications as well 淡江大學資管系所侯永昌 42