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波士顿环球报 2010年度最佳图片 2010 in photos 03 Boston. com E-mail文化传播网www. 52 e-mail. com 李常生 Eddie Lee Taipei 1/13/2011 leechangsheng 5555@gmail. com Xu. Y/110119 1
2010年 11月15日缅甸民主派领导人昂山素季(中)在仰光她的 全国民主联盟党总部受到支持者迎接。两天前,11月13日,她在 被软禁七年后被释放。 (路透社/斯特林格) Myanmar's pro-democracy leader Aung San Suu Kyi (center) is greeted by supporters at her National League for Democracy's party headquarters in Yangon November 15, 2010. Two days earlier, on November 13 th, she was released after serving seven years under house arrest. (REUTERS/Stringer) # 2
2010年 11月4日维基解密创始人朱利安·阿桑奇,他使得美国关 于伊拉克和阿富汗战争的数千份外交电报和机密文件公布于世, 在瑞士日内瓦的日内瓦新闻俱乐部举行新闻发布会。 (路透社/ 瓦伦丁·弗拉罗德) Julian Assange, founder and public face of Wiki. Leaks, which has made public thousands of classified U. S. diplomatic cables and files on the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, holds a news conference at the Geneva Press Club in Geneva, Switzerland on November 4 th, 2010. (REUTERS/Valentin Flauraud) 3
2010年 11月12日,第 16届亚运会开幕式舞蹈表演。(杰米·麦当 纳德/盖蒂图片社) A dancer performs during the Opening Ceremony for the 16 th Asian Games on November 12, 2010. (Jamie Mc. Donald/Getty Images) # 4
2010年 8月22日智利总统塞巴斯蒂安·皮涅拉向媒体展示写着 “我 们全部 33人仍然活着“的纸条,这是从被困于圣埃斯特万金铜矿 的矿 传到地面的。矿 们被困在地下17天之后还活着,并与地 面建立了联系。 (赫克托·里塔默/法新社/盖蒂图片社) Chilean President Sebastian Pinera shows a message reading "We are fine in the refuge, the 33 of us", from the miners trapped in the San Esteban gold and copper mine on August 22, 2010. The miners were alive and contact was established with them 17 days after a structural collapse trapped them below ground. (HECTOR RETAMAL/AFP/Getty Images) 5
2010年 9月1日,智利科皮亚波塌方铜矿矿井下的一帧显示 33名 被困矿 的画面,救援 作仍在进行中。 (路透社/智利政府) A frame grab shows some of the 33 miners trapped underground in a copper and gold mine at Copiapo, Chile on September 1, 2010, as rescue operations were underway. (REUTERS/Chilean Government) 6
2010年 10月13日智利矿 奥斯曼·阿拉亚(右)在被困圣地亚哥 800公里处科皮亚 波附近的圣何塞铜矿下10周后,被救援舱从地下救出地面受到他的妻子安吉利卡的 迎接。阿拉亚是被困井下33名矿 中第六个获救者。(胡戈·因凡特/法新社/盖蒂图 片社) Chilean miner Osman Araya (right) is welcomed by his wife Angelica as he comes out of the Fenix rescue capsule after been brought to the surface on October 13, 2010 following a 10 -week ordeal in the collapsed San Jose mine, near Copiapo, 800 km north of Santiago, Chile. Araya was the sixth from the 33 trapped miners to be lifted from underground. (HUGO INFANTE/AFP/Getty Images) 7
2010年 11月7日在日本东京国际排联女排 世界锦标赛第二轮波兰对俄罗斯比赛中波 兰的安娜韦布林斯卡在跳起扣球。 (路透 社/Toru Hanai) Poland's Anna Werblinska jumps to serve against Russia during their second round match of the FIVB Women's Volleyball World Championship in Tokyo November 7, 2010. (REUTERS/Toru Hanai) 8
2010年 10月5日周二,穿着化学防护服的匈牙利士兵正在被有毒 污泥淹没的代韦切尔小镇街上巡视。维斯普雷姆州奥伊考一座铝 厂的废料池发生溃堤后约 100万立方米的废水溢出,十位居民死 亡。 经营公司的总经理后来被逮捕并被控过失犯罪。 (美联社 照片/Bela Szandelszky) A Hungarian soldier wearing chemical protection gear walks through a street flooded by toxic sludge in the town of Devecser, Hungary on Tuesday, Oct. 5, 2010. Approximately 1 million cubic meters of liquid waste spilled from a nearby alumina plant after a dam burst. Ten residents lost their lives in the caustic flood, the managing director of the operating company was later arrested and charged with criminal negligence. (AP Photo/Bela Szandelszky) 9
图中是一条双颚和舌都长牙齿的龙鱼,由海洋生物普查提供的这 个图片。甚至在它的舌头都长有牙齿。在外观上虽然可怕,但这 种鱼只有香蕉的大小。 (美联社照片/ Julian Finn博士,维多利 亚博物馆,海洋生物普查) A dragonfish with teeth on both jaws and tongue is pictured in this image provided by the Census for Marine Life. even has teeth on its tongue. Though terrifying in appearance, the fish are only about the size of a banana. (AP Photo/Dr. Julian Finn, Museum Victoria, Census for Marine Life) 10
2010年 11月22日周一,一名有霍乱症状的妇女在 海地首都附近的林贝村公立医院等待治疗。海地各 地成千上万的霍乱病人已住院,症状包括严重的腹 泻、呕吐和发烧,至少 1100人死亡。 (美联社照 片/Emilio Morenatti) A woman with cholera symptoms waits for treatment at a public hospital in Limbe village near Cap Haitian, Haiti on Monday Nov. 22, 2010. Thousands of people have been hospitalized for cholera across Haiti with symptoms including serious diarrhea, vomiting and fever and at least 1, 100 people have died. (AP photo/Emilio Morenatti) 11
2010年 10月23日意大利特兹格诺抗议者正在向防暴警察扔烟花弹。示威者抗议 维苏威火山山坡上一个新垃圾场即将启用。(ROBERTO SALOMONE/法新社/ 盖蒂图片社) Riot police take cover as fireworks are let off by protesters in Terzigno, italy on October 23, 2010. Demonstrators were protesting against the opening of a new rubbish dump on the slopes of Mount Vesuvius. (ROBERTO SALOMONE/AFP/Getty Images) 12
2010年 9月27日,巴勒斯坦拉马拉西岸城市的郊外, 45岁的Umm Eyad把刚采摘的橄榄从桶里倒出以捡出其中的叶子。(美联社照片 /Muhammed Muheisen) Palestinian Umm Eyad, 45, pours olives from a bucket she picked before sorting out the leaves, during the harvest on the outskirts of the West Bank city of Ramallah on Sept. 27, 2010. (AP Photo/Muhammed Muheisen) 13
2010年 9月14日阿富汗男孩用玩具手枪瞄准北约国际安全援助部 队(ISAF)的一名意大利士兵,这名士兵正在为阿富汗西部的赫 拉特一所监狱放哨。(路透社/ Raheb Homavandi) An Italian soldier of NATO's International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) stands guard as an Afghan boy aims a toy pistol inside Herat's prison, in western Afghanistan on September 14, 2010. (REUTERS/Raheb Homavandi) 14
2010年 10月15日,圣哥达隧道在瑞士的施 现场一个 人站在 大型盾构机“茜茜公主“的前面。随着隧道的最后一部分 ”Faido. Sedrun”打通后, 瑞士NEAT哥达山基底隧道最终完成。57公里( 35英里)穿越阿尔卑斯山,成为世界上最长的铁路隧道,预计将 于2017年底投入使用。 (路透社/Christian Hartmann) A miner stands in front of the drill machine "Sissi" after it broke through the rock at the final section Faido-Sedrun, at the construction site of the NEAT Gotthard Base Tunnel in Switzerland on October 15, 2010. With a length of 57 km (35 miles) crossing the Alps, the world's longest train tunnel should become operational at the end of 2017. (REUTERS/Christian Hartmann) 15
2010年 10月16日, 德国汉堡, WBC重量级拳击锦标赛上, 乌克兰拳王 韦塔利 • 克里奇科(右)决战来自美国的夏侬 • 布里格斯。克里奇科 赢得了这场 12回合的比赛。(路透社/Christian Charisius) WBC boxing champion Vitali Klitschko (right) of Ukraine lands a punch on Shannon Briggs of the U. S. during their WBC Heavyweight Championship boxing bout in Hamburg October 16, 2010. Klitschko won the fight by points after twelve rounds. (REUTERS/Christian Charisius) 16
2010年 9月18日,墨西哥华雷斯市,在路易斯·卡 洛斯·圣地亚哥的葬礼上,他的朋友、同事、和家 人们在相互拥抱,缅怀这位年仅21岁,死于枪杀的 华雷斯每日新闻报摄影记者。 (路透社/ Alejandro Bringas ) Friends, colleagues and family members embrace while mourning the death of Luis Carlos Santiago during his funeral in Ciudad Juarez, Mexico on September 18, 2010. Santiago, a 21 -year-old news photographer working with Juarez-based newspaper El Diario, was killed after an attack by gunmen. (REUTERS/Alejandro Bringas) 17
2010年 8月28日, 来自加利福尼亚州莱克福雷斯特的B. J. 帕克在主 题为”重拾荣誉“的大型集会中站在林肯纪念堂的台阶上唱着美国 国歌。华盛顿特区广播公司格伦·贝克主持这一活动, 吸引了来 自全国各地的人,充满了林肯纪念堂和第二次世界大战纪念馆之 间的国家广场。(Chip Somodevilla/盖蒂图片社) B. J. Parker of Lake Forrest, California, recites the National Anthem during the "Restoring Honor" event on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial on August 28, 2010 in Washington, D. C. Conservative broadcaster Glenn Beck hosted the event, which drew people from around the country and filled the National Mall between the Lincoln Memorial and the World War II Memorial. (Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images) 18
2010年 8月24日星期二,新加坡,马来西亚跳水杨祝梁(右)在 青年奥运会男子 10米跳台跳水比赛前热身,形成空中剪影。(美 联社照片/Wong Maye-E) Malaysian diver Ooi Tze Liang, right, is silhouetted against the sky while a man walks by during a warm up round at the men's 10 m platform diving event at the Youth Olympic Games on Tuesday, Aug. 24, 2010 in Singapore. (AP Photo/Wong Maye-E) 19
2010年 10月8日,东耶路撒冷Silwan附近,一群巴勒斯坦少年站 在路中间朝过往的以色列车辆扔石头, 一名以色列司机开车将一名 少年撞飞。(ILIA YEFIMOVICH /法新社/盖蒂图片社) An Israeli motorist runs down a masked Palestinian youth who was standing among a group of youngsters throwing stones at Israeli cars on October 8, 2010 in the mostly Arab east Jerusalem neighborhood of Silwan. (ILIA YEFIMOVICH/AFP/Getty Images) 20
2010年 10月31日,一名朝鲜人(右)在公共汽车上挥手,而一 名韩国人则在垂泪,这是朝鲜金刚山度假胜地举办完韩朝临时家 庭团聚午餐会后,离散亲人道别的情景。436名韩国人来到朝鲜 与97名朝鲜亲人相聚三天,他们在 1950 -1953年韩朝战争中分离。 (路透社/金豪英) A North Korean man (right) on a bus waves his hand as a South Korean man weeps after a luncheon meeting during inter-Korean temporary family reunions at Mount Kumgang resort October 31, 2010. Four hundred and thirty-six South Koreans were visiting North Korea to meet their 97 North Korean relatives, whom they have been separated from since the 1950 -53 war, for three days. (REUTERS/Kim 21 Ho-Young)
这是 2010年 8月4日美国宇航局火星漫游者机遇号在火星Sol 2321地区回望自己走过的轨迹。原计划 2004年 1月在火星上 着陆后运作 90天,而目前机遇号已经继续运作超过2500天,每一天在火星地面上行驶超过26公里(16英里),并发送 回数据和图像。 (美国航天局/JPL) NASA's Mars rover Opportunity looks back at its tracks in the Martian soil on Sol 2321. Originally planned to operate for 90 days, after landing on Mars in January of 2004, Opportunity continues to function well over 2, 500 days later, and has now driven more than 26 km (16 mi) across the planet's surface, sending back data and images nearly every day. (NASA/JPL) 22
2010年 11月1日,印尼的默拉皮火山释放出火山灰云在克拉登县 Balerante村的上空,居民纷纷离开危险地带。接连的喷发和火山 碎石流肆虐对周围的村庄和农场造成破坏,导致超过140人死亡。 (ADEK BERRY/法新社/ 盖蒂图片社) Residents leave a danger zone as Indonesia's Merapi volcano releases ash clouds above Balerante village, Klaten on November 1, 2010. A series of eruptions and pyroclastic flows wreaked havoc on surrounding villages and farms, killing over 140 people. (ADEK BERRY/AFP/Getty Images) 23
2010年 9月11日,美军在阿尔甘达卜谷的Jellawar村外遭到塔利 班武装的袭击. 照片中是 101空降师的一名士兵在用AT– 4火箭发 射器进行反击。(PATRICK BAZ/法新社/盖蒂图片社). A US army soldier with the 101 st Airborne Division Alpha Battery 1320 th fires an AT-4 as Combat Outpost Nolen on the outskirts of the village of Jellawar in the Arghandab Valley came under Taliban attack on September 11, 2010. (PATRICK BAZ/AFP/Getty Images) 24
2010年 11月22日星期一,柬埔寨首都金边,柬埔寨传统节日送水节的最后一天,数千人 在首都金边的一座小岛上参加庆祝活动时发生了严重踩踏事件,导致近 350人丧生,数百 人受伤。图为惊恐的人群在一座桥上相互挤压。(美联社照片/Heng Sinith) A crowd of Cambodians are pushed onto a bridge during a stampede on the last day of celebrations of a water festival in Phnom Penh, Cambodia, Monday, Nov. 22, 2010. Thousands of people celebrating a water festival on a small island in a Cambodian river stampeded, killing nearly 350 people. Hundreds more were hurt as the crowd panicked and pushed over a bridge to the mainland. (AP Photo/Heng Sinith) 25
2010年 11月13日,巴基斯坦基督教女教徒阿西亚·比比的女儿们,她们手持母亲的照片站在他们 位于巴基斯坦旁遮普省舍库普拉的家门口。阿西亚·比比,45岁,基督教徒,四个孩子的母亲, 被指控亵渎神明而被判处死刑,巴基斯坦黎明报报道说。从左到右,分别是 12岁的Esha,18岁 Sidra的和10岁的Eshum。(路透社/Adrees Latif) The daughters of Pakistani Christian woman Asia Bibi pose with an image of their mother while standing outside their residence in Sheikhupura located in Pakistan's Punjab Province November 13, 2010. Asia Bibi, 45, a Christian mother of four, was sentenced to death for blasphemy, the first such conviction of a woman, Pakistan's Dawn newspaper reported. Standing from left to right is Esha, 12, Sidra, 18 and Eshum, 10. (REUTERS/Adrees Latif) 26
2010年 11月1日,德克萨斯阿林顿球场,旧金山巨人队的帕特伯 勒尔(从左至右)、布莱恩·威尔逊、奥本利·哈夫和巴斯特·波西奥 布里在庆祝棒球大联盟锦标赛的第 5场比赛中自己球队击败德克 萨斯巡游者队赢得美国职业棒球大联盟的冠军。(路透社/Brian Snyder) San Francisco Giants' Pat Burrell (left to right) Brian Wilson, Aubrey Huff and Buster Posey celebrate after defeating the Texas Rangers to win Game 5 of the Major League Baseball championship and to clinch the World Series in Arlington, Texas on November 1, 2010. (REUTERS/Brian Snyder) 27
2010年 10月29日,布宜诺斯艾利斯,阿根廷总统克里斯蒂娜 • 费尔南德斯 • 基什内尔向同情者致意,她跟随着丈夫(前任总统 奈斯特 • 基什内尔)的灵车, 从当地机场到自己家乡阿根廷圣克鲁斯省的里奥加耶戈斯举行安葬。 2010年 10月27日奈斯特 • 基什内尔死于突然的心力衰竭。(路透社/Martin Acosta) Argentine President Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner greets sympathizers while accompanying the hearse of her husband, former President Nestor Kirchner, from the Casa Rosada Presidential Palace to the local airport for a flight to their home province of Santa Cruz, in Buenos Aires October 29, 2010. Nestor Kirchner had died suddenly of heart failure on October 27 th, 2010. (REUTERS/Martin Acosta) 28
2010年 9月15日,韩国首尔以西仁川市海域,韩国海军陆战队的 两栖的车辆和海军直升机降落平台( LPH)船” 独岛”号(背景)参加 一场模拟登陆作战 。该行动标志着在 1950 -1953年朝鲜战争的以 美国为首的联合国部队的仁川登陆作战 60周年。 (路透社/Jo Yong-Hak) South Korean Marine Corps' amphibious vehicles and the Navy's Landing Platform Helicopter (LPH) ship "Dokdo" (background) take part in a mock landing operation in the sea off Incheon, west of Seoul, September 15, 2010. The operation marked the 60 th anniversary of the U. S. -led United Nations troops' Incheon Landing Operations during the 1950 -1953 Korean War. (REUTERS/Jo Yong. Hak) 29
2010年 10月10日星期日,朝鲜领导人金正日和他的儿子,继承人金正云出席在朝鲜平壤举行的大规模阅兵式上。 (美联社照片/Vincent Yu) North Korean leader Kim Jong Il and his son, heir apparent Kim Jong Un attend the massive military parade in Pyongyang, North Korea on Sunday, Oct. 10, 2010. (AP Photo/Vincent Yu) 30
2010年 12月9日,英国伦敦,穿防暴服的警察在西敏寺大桥遏制 学生抗议者,这场大规模的抗议活动是反对一项大幅提高学费的 提案。这项提案后来获得通过。(Oli Scarff /盖蒂图片社) Police officers in riot wear contain student protesters on Westminster Bridge during a large protest over a proposal that would triple tuition fees on December 9, 2010 in London, England. The proposal was later passed. (Oli Scarff/Getty Images) 31
2010年 10月14日,印度新德里,在为期 11天的2010年印度德里 英联邦运动会上一名运动员在男子马拉松比赛中经过维杰集市。 (Mark Dadswell/盖蒂图片社) An athlete runs in the Men's Marathon at Vijay Chowk during day eleven of the Delhi 2010 Commonwealth Games on October 14, 2010 in Delhi, India. (Mark Dadswell/Getty Images) 32
2010年 9月18日,津巴布韦边境附近的马尼卡省,一名淘金者微 笑着爬进矿井。数百名矿 在向当地土地拥有人租借的私人矿上 作。 (路透社/Goran Tomasevic) A gold miner smiles as he climbs down into a mine shaft in Manica Province, near the Zimbabwe border, September 18, 2010. Hundreds of miners work in individual claims rented from local landowners. (REUTERS/Goran Tomasevic) 33
2010年 10月10日, 101空降师502步兵团一名美国士兵在搜查一 名塔利班简易爆炸装置安装嫌疑犯(独轮车上)的同伴, 此嫌疑犯 在阿富汗坎大哈省扎里地区的联合导弹袭击中被杀死。(美联社 照片/ Rodrigo Abd) A US Army soldier from Scout Platoon 502 Infantry Regiment, 101 st Airborne Division searches an associate of a suspected Taliban IED placer, seen in a wheelbarrow, who was killed in a coalition missile strike in Zhari district, Kandahar province on Oct. 10, 2010. (AP Photo/Rodrigo Abd) 34
2010年 11月23日,美国科罗拉多州丹佛市,丹佛国际机场的一名交通安 全管理局 作人员对一名旅客进行安检。今年,美国开始在机场广泛实施 应用全身扫描仪和“深度安检“程序的安全措施。(路透社/Rick Wilking) A Transportation Security Administration (TSA) worker rubs her hands across a female traveler's chest during a pat-down search at Denver International Airport in Denver, Colorado on November 23, 2010. This year, the TSA began implementing wider use of full-body scanners and "enhanced" pat-down procedures at airport security installations across the United States. (REUTERS/Rick Wilking) 35
2010年 10月15日,泰国北部美索附近,一名脸上涂有缅甸 thanaka膏的男孩在当地一所缅甸外出打 者子弟学校的外面等 待。根据联合国难民事务高级专员公署的报告,缅甸的长期政治 危机已经迫使百万计的人越过边界寻求更安全的生活。约 14万难 民住在沿缅甸与泰国边境的正式难民营。(路透社/Damir Sagolj) A boy with his face decorated with thanaka paste waits outside a local school for children of migrant workers from Myanmar, near Mae Sot in northwest Thailand October 15, 2010. Myanmar's long standing political crisis has forced millions of people across the border for a better and safer life. Some 140, 000 refugees live in official camps along the Myanmar-Thailand border, according to the U. N. refugee agency. (REUTERS/Damir Sagolj) 36
2010年 11月28日星期日,巴西里约热内卢,一名警察走过棚户 区Alemão贫民窟里一面画有巴西国旗的墙,墙上还有与毒品贩 子交火后残留的弹孔。(美联社照片/ Felipe Dana) A policeman walks past a wall with a painting of the Brazilian flag marked with bullet holes during an operation against drug traffickers at the Complexo do Alemão slum in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Sunday, Nov. 28, 2010. (AP Photo/Felipe Dana) 37
2010年 2月13日,尼泊尔加德满都南约 40 km赫陶达市,在 赫陶达社区眼科医院,瑞杰·卡利亚·法纳克经过局部 麻醉后压住眼睛躺在病床上。法纳克与其他 500多人, 其中大多数人从未看过医生,这些人乘自行车、摩托 车或公共汽车,而法纳克由其亲属背着花了几天来到 Sanduk Ruit博士的流动眼科医疗营地。这被国际医学 界的不可想象的、不计后果的。这种大规模“在丛林中 “的手术在二十年以前就从尼泊尔开始蔓延到世界各贫 困国家。(美联社照片/ Gemunu Amarasinghe) Raj Kaliya Dhanuk lies still on a bed with weights on her eye after receiving local anesthesia at Hetauda community eye hospital in Hetauda, about 40 kilometers (18 miles) south of Katmandu, Nepal on Feb. 13, 2010. Dhanuk and more than 500 others, most of whom have never seen a doctor before, traveled for days by bicycle, motorbike, bus and even on their relatives' backs to reach Dr. Sanduk Ruit's mobile eye camp. Once condemned by the international medical community as unthinkable and reckless, this mass surgery "in the bush" started spreading from Nepal to poor countries worldwide nearly two decades ago. (AP Photo/ Gemunu Amarasinghe) 38
2010年 8月3日,加州长滩,士兵Kyle Warren的继母Jill Warren 握着他留在房间的衬衫。 7月29日这位28岁的士兵在阿富汗 Tsagay地区巡逻时, 当他的军车撞到了一个爆炸装置。他在爆炸 中身亡 。(美联社照片/Jae C. Hong) Jill Warren, stepmother of Army Staff Sgt. Kyle Warren, holds a shirt he left in his room in Long Beach, California on August 3 rd, 2010. The 28 -year-old was patrolling an area of Tsagay, Afghanistan on July 29, 2010 when his military vehicle hit an explosive device. He died in the blast. (AP Photo/Jae C. Hong) 39
2010年 10月14星期四,法国巴黎,在反对退休改革的游 行中高校学生们在喊口号。(美联社照片/Francois Mori) High school students shout during a demonstration against retirement reforms in Paris, Thursday, Oct. 14, 2010. (AP Photo/Francois Mori) 40
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