- Количество слайдов: 75
歡迎弟兄姊妹, 慕道朋友 蒞臨北約華人基督教會 一同聚會 請將手提電話及傳呼機關上 安靜默禱, 預備心靈敬拜神 謝謝 Welcome to NYCCC Sunday Worship. Please turn off all cellular phones and pagers and prepare your hearts for worship. Thank you
宣召 (Call to Worship) 詩 Psalm 89: 8, 11 -12 8 耶和華 ─萬軍之神阿,那一個大能者像你耶和 華 ﹖ 你的信實是在你的四圍。 11 天屬你,地也屬你;世界和其中所充滿的都為 你所建立。 12 南北為你所創造;他泊和黑門都因你的名歡 呼。
宣召 (Call to Worship) 詩 Psalm 89: 8, 11 -12 8 O LORD God Almighty, who is like you? You are mighty, O LORD, and your faithfulness surrounds you 11 The heavens are yours, and yours also the earth; you founded the world and all that is in it. 12 You created the north and the south; Tabor and Hermon sing for joy at your name.
Psalm 36: 7 -9 Call to Worship 7 How priceless is your unfailing love! Both high and low among men find refuge in the shadow of your wings. 8 They feast on the abundance of your house; you give them drink from your river of delights. 9 For with you is the fountain of life; • in your light we see light.
你真偉大/ How Great Tho Art 主阿!我神,我每逢舉目觀看, 你手所造一切奇妙大 , 看見星宿,又聽到隆隆雷聲, 你的大能遍滿了宇宙中。 O Lord my God, When I in awesome wonder, Consider all the worlds Thy Hands have made; I see the stars, I hear the rolling thunder, Thy power throughout the universe displayed. 詩集:生命聖詩,12 1/6
你真偉大/ How Great Tho Art 我靈歌唱,讚美救主我神, 「你真偉大!何等偉大!」 Then sings my soul, My Saviour God, to Thee, How great Thou art! 詩集:生命聖詩,12 2/6
你真偉大/ How Great Tho Art 當我想到,神竟願差祂兒子, 降世捨命,我幾乎不領會, 主在十架,甘願背我的重擔, 流血捨身為要赦免我罪 And when I think, that God, His Son not sparing; Sent Him to die, I scarce can take it in; That on the Cross, my burden gladly bearing, He bled and died to take away my sin. 詩集:生命聖詩,12 3/6
你真偉大/ How Great Tho Art 我靈歌唱,讚美救主我神, 「你真偉大!何等偉大!」 Then sings my soul, My Saviour God, to Thee, How great Thou art! 詩集:生命聖詩,12 2/6
你真偉大/ How Great Tho Art 當主再來,歡呼聲響澈天空, 何等喜樂主接我回天家, 我要跪下,謙恭的崇拜敬奉, 並要頌揚神阿你真偉大。 When Christ shall come, with shout of acclamation, And take me home, what joy shall fill my heart. Then I shall bow, in humble adoration, And then proclaim: 'My God, how great Thou art!' 詩集:生命聖詩,12 5/6
你真偉大/ How Great Tho Art 我靈歌唱,讚美救主我神, 「你真偉大!何等偉大!」 Then sings my soul, My Saviour God, to Thee, How great Thou art! 詩集:生命聖詩,12 2/6
你真偉大/ How Great Tho Art 當主再來,歡呼聲響澈天空, 何等喜樂主接我回天家, 我要跪下,謙恭的崇拜敬奉, 並要頌揚神阿你真偉大。 When Christ shall come, with shout of acclamation, And take me home, what joy shall fill my heart. Then I shall bow, in humble adoration, And then proclaim: 'My God, how great Thou art!' 詩集:生命聖詩,12 5/6
你真偉大/ How Great Tho Art 我靈歌唱,讚美救主我神, 「你真偉大!何等偉大!」 Then sings my soul, My Saviour God, to Thee, How great Thou art! 詩集:生命聖詩,12 2/6
mighty to save CCLI#4591782 Created by Fielding, Ben; Morgan, Reuben Copyright © 2006 Hillsong Publishing
Everyone needs compassion A love that's never failing Let mercy fall on me mighty to save
Everyone needs forgiveness A kindness of a Savior The hope of nations mighty to save
Savior, He can move the mountains My God is Mighty to save He is Mighty to save mighty to save
Forever, Author of salvation He rose and conquered the grave Jesus conquered the grave mighty to save
So take me as You find me All my fears and failures Fill my life again mighty to save
I give my life to follow Everything I believe in Now I surrender mighty to save
Savior, He can move the mountains My God is Mighty to save He is Mighty to save mighty to save
Forever, Author of salvation He rose and conquered the grave Jesus conquered the grave mighty to save
Shine your light and let the whole world see We're singing for the glory of the risen King. . . Jesus mighty to save
Savior, He can move the mountains My God is Mighty to save He is Mighty to save mighty to save
Forever, Author of salvation He rose and conquered the grave Jesus conquered the grave mighty to save
At The Cross Darlene Zschech & Reuben Morgan Copyright © 2006 Hillsong Publishing CCLI#4591816
Oh Lord You’ve searched me, You know my way; Even when I fail You, I know You love me.
Your holy presence Surrounding me In every season, I know You love me; I know You love me.
At the cross I bow my knee, Where Your blood was shed for me, There’s no greater love than this.
You have overcome the grave, Your glory fills the highest place, What can separate me now?
You go before me, You shield my way, Your hand upholds me; I know You love me
At the cross I bow my knee, Where Your blood was shed for me, There’s no greater love than this.
You have overcome the grave, Your glory fills the highest place, What can separate me now?
You tore the veil, You made a way When you said that it is done.
At the cross I bow my knee, Where Your blood was shed for me, There’s no greater love than this.
You have overcome the grave, Your glory fills the highest place, What can separate me now?
And when the earth fades, Falls from my eyes, And You stand before me, I know You love me; I know You love me.
我的負擔 My Task
冒死, 若我能傳揚這故事,救主從天上 降世。 I would bear the cross of Jesus, Glady would I daily die; If I might but tell the story of His mission from on high.
方; 對人人為主作見証,指引罪人得亮 光。 I must take the glad evangel to the lands of darkest night; Witnessing to ev-ry’creature, Pointing to the Light.
代 禱 Prayer Moment
讀經 Scripture Reading
徒 1: 6 -11 Acts 1: 6 -11 6 他們聚集的時候,問耶穌說:主阿, 你復興以色列國就在這時候麼 ﹖ 7 耶穌對他們說:父憑著自己的權柄 所定的時候、日期,不是你們可以 知道的。 6 So when they met together, they asked him, "Lord, are you at this time going to restore the kingdom to Israel? " 7 He said to them: "It is not for you to know the times or dates the Father has set by his own authority.
徒 1: 6 -11 Acts 1: 6 -11 8 但聖靈降臨在你們身上,你們就必 得著能力,並要在耶路撒冷、猶太 全地,和撒瑪利亞,直到地極,作我 的見證。 9 說了這話,他們正看的時候,他就 被取上升,有一朵雲彩把他接去, 便看不見他了。 8 But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth. " 9 After he said this, he was taken up before their very eyes, and a cloud him from their sight.
10 當他往上去,他們定睛望天的時候, 忽然有兩個人身穿白衣,站在旁邊, 說: 11 加利利人哪,你們為甚麼站著望天 呢 ﹖ 這離開你們被接升天的耶穌,你 們見他怎樣往天上去,他還要怎樣來。 10 They were looking intently up into the sky as he was going, when suddenly two men dressed in white stood beside them. 11"Men of Galilee, " they said, "why do you stand here looking into the sky? This same Jesus, who has been taken from you into heaven, will come back in the same way you have seen him go into heaven. "
本週金句 (this week) 你要盡心、盡性、盡意、盡力愛 主 ─你的神。 (可 12: 30) Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength. ' (Mk 12: 30) 上週金句 (Last week) 誰願為首,就必作你們的僕人。正如 人子來,不是要受人的服事,乃是要 服事人,並且要捨命,作多人的贖價。 (太 20: 27 -28) 27 and whoever wants to be first must be your slave— 28 just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many. “ (Mt 20: 27 -28)
宣教信息/ Missions 講道 徒 1: 6 -11 Acts 1: 6 -11 Message 何恩樂牧師 Rev Enoch Hall
奉獻 (offering) 奉獻是我們基督徒的權利和義務, 假如中間有非基督徒和不明白奉獻的意義的, 當奉獻袋傳到你手中, 請不必勉強 歌林多後書 9章 7節 (2 Corinthians 9: 7) ”各人要隨本心所酌定的.不要作難、不要勉強. 因為捐得樂意的人、是神所喜愛的。” 7 Each man should give what he has decided in his heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.
三一頌 Doxology
讚美真神 萬福之源 世上萬民 都當頌揚 天使天軍 讚美主名 讚美 聖父 聖子 聖靈 阿們 “Praise God from whom all blessings flow; Praise Him all Creatures here below; Praise Him above, ye heavenly host; Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost. Amen. ”
歡迎 及 報告 Announcement
Parking Space available for NYCCC usage on Sunday P It means where You can park P Harris P P P No parking allowed for first 10 lots of 34 P 32 Kern Rd NYCCC 30 Kern rd 34 Kern Rd P Absolutely No Parking at 30 Kern Rd
All schedules are all on nyccc. ca 10/24 Preacher: Rev Karen Robinson 10/24 Worship Band: Jess Lee(L), Andy & Jess Tang (V), David(G), Anna(K), Joshua(D), Jessy (T) AV team: Samantha & James Bi Usher: Ivy Offering Helper: Boki Opening Scripture reading: Wingkin Lunch Setup: Linda Next Week Worship Schedule: Oct 24, 2010 11: 15 am MISSIONS MONTH
Fidelity (High School) 10/22 Fri, 4: 30 pm Missions Conference at TCCC; 10/23 Sat, 9 am-6: 30 pm Mission Agency visitation College & Career 10/22 Fri, 7: 30 pm TCCC Missions Conference All schedules are all on nyccc. ca
Other Major News of our Spiritual Home 1. Worship Training – Guitar & Drum: TBD 2. Discipleship Development 102 – First step for New Christians: Next Class – 10/24 (Sun), 2 -3 pm (10/17 class is cancelled) 202 – “When God’s people pray”: Next class – 10/28 (Thurs), 7 pm 3. Recruitment – “New Look” Team – graphic design, decoration, web site design, etc! 4. Church Membership Meeting 10/31 10: 45 am – Vote for next year deacon board members.
Other Major News of our Spiritual Home 4. Mission News – w 32 rd Missions Conference – Pickup Prayer Guide today; – Complete and Return: Missions Prayer Card and Faith Commitment Card – Oct 22 (Fri) : English Night at TCCC: 7: 30 pm • Dessert with Purpose - Fundraising – Oct 23 (Sat): Mission Agency Visit: 9 am-6: 30 pm – Oct 24 (Sun): Grand Finale: 7: 30 pm Other NYCCC Ministries – w Children: 1. “Samaritan Purse” starts – to send out Christmas gift box to the kids in the developing countries! 2. Awana starts – 1 st and 3 rd Sat, 4 -6 pm; good for SK-Gr. 6 kids.
賜福與你 願主的恩惠慈愛與你同在 願主的靈時時圍繞 恩典降下 賜福與你 平安喜樂天天充滿你( x 2) 賜福與你 平安喜樂天天充滿你