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欧洲绿色仓储与物流 新技术与新模式 New Technology and New Mode of Green Warehousing and Distribution in EU 第二届中国(国际)绿色仓储与配送大会 2015. 4. 17 西安
内 容 Content 1 欧洲绿色仓储与物流政策和措施 1. 1 政策和措施解读 1. EU Green Warehousing and Logistic Policies and Measures 1. 1 Understanding of Policies and Measures 1. 2 主要政策和措施概览 1. 2 Overview of Policies and Measures 1. 3 主要政策和措施介绍 1. 3 Introduction of Policies and Measures 1. 3. 1欧洲绿色运输 1. 3. 1 Green Freight Europe 1. 3. 2欧洲物流创新联盟 1. 3. 2 Alliance for Logistic Innovation through 1. 3. 3精益与绿色 Collaboration in Europe 1. 3. 4 绿色物流 1. 3. 3 Lean & Green Logistics 1. 3. 4 Greem 4 LOG 1. 3. 5 欧盟建筑能效指令 1. 3. 5 EU Energy Performance for Buildings Directive 2 欧洲绿色仓储与物流解决方案及案例分析 2. 1 欧盟绿色建筑项目 2. 2 绿色照明-智能采光魔镜-Light. Catcher 2. EU Green Warehousing and Logistic Solutions and Cases 2. 1 EU Green Building Program 2. 2 Green Lighting-Intelligent Mirror-Light. Catcher 2. 3 绿色能耗-能耗管理-NANOGRID 2. 3 Green energy- Energy Management-NANOGRID 2. 4 绿色物流装备-高密度智能仓储系统-I-CUBE/SPAGGIARI 2. 4 Green MHE-High Density Intelligent Storage System-I-CUBE/SPAGGIARI 2. 5 绿色运输-半挂车节能转向系统-X-Steering 2. 5 Green Transportation-X-Steering www. chess-nv. com
1 欧洲绿色仓储与物流 政策和措施 EU Policies and Initiatives Related to green warehousing and green logistics
1. 1政策和措施解读 Understanding of Policies and Measures § 推动方 who 欧盟在绿色仓储和物流 领域制定了广泛政策和 措施 Wide range of initiatives and policies of Green Warehousing and logistics across European Union § 解决问 题 what 政策和措施 采取方式 Policies and initiatives how 从2000年开始一直持 续到现在 Some started in the early 2000 some are more recent § 可以从几个方面解读各 项政策和措施: Different policies and initiatives can be distinguished by different aspects 针对行 业 which www. chess-nv. com
1. 1政策和措施解读 Understanding of Policies and Measures 推动方 解决问题 针对行业 采取方式 who what which how 欧盟 EU 碳排放 (能源效率和可再生能 货运与运输 Trucking and transportation 源) 奖励 Awards, benchmarking and information standardization/trans parency Carbon emission (energy efficiency) 仓库与建设 Warehousing and building 行业协会 对环境影响 Industry Association (产品生命周期和回收) Environment impact 端对端系统概 览和优化 End-to-end system view and optimization 研发经费 New technologies and system (R&D funding) 制定法规 REGULATIONS www. chess-nv. com
1. 2主要政策和措施概览 Overview of Policies and Measures 政策和措施 推动方 解决问题 针对行业 采取方式 Initiative/Program Driving Force Focus Target Segment Tools/Means 行业协会,由欧盟支持 认证 (4级) Industry, Backed by European Commission Reduction Carbon Emissions Transportation: both carriers and shippers Benchmarking 提高物流业可持续发展 运输与仓储 提供研发基金 Industry, Backed by European Commission R&D to improve sustainability of logistic industry Transportation and Warehousing Support to R&D initiatives. Funding of specific projects 行业协会 减少碳排放 交通 颁发减排达到 20%证书 Industry Reduction Carbon Emissions Transportation: Certification for targeting and reaching 20% reduction 欧盟委员会和地区 物流可持续发展 端到端物流 提供研发基金 European Commission and Regions Sustainable logistic industry End to end logistic industry Funding R&D 欧盟委员会 建筑能效 商用建筑包括仓储建筑 制度化 European Commission 欧洲物流创新联盟 交通:承运人与托运人 行业协会,由欧盟支持 欧洲绿色运输 减少碳排放 Building Energy Efficiency Commercial Building, including warehousing buildings Regulation Certification (4 levels) 精益与绿色 绿色物流 Organizing regional Log 4 Green 欧盟建筑能效指令 www. chess-nv. com
1. 3. 1欧洲绿色运输 Green Freight Europe 目 标 在物流过程中减少温室气体排放. objective Reduce Greenhouse Gas emissions in logistic industry § 根据现有标准,建立监控、报告碳排放的平台, 协助运输采购 方 法 method Platform for monitoring and reporting of carbon emissions, to assist in the procurement of transportation services and based on existing standard § 建立认证制度,奖励托运人和承运人充分参与到此项目 Certification system to reward shippers and carriers who fully participate in the program 参与者 承运人(DHL, TNT, Fed. EX等) many carriers (DHL, TNT, Fed. Ex, …) participant 认证系统 托运人(HP, IKEA, Philips, Schneider) shippers (hp, Ikea, Philips. Schneider) “ 4级叶子” 4 levels of “Leaf” Certification system 集中领域 货运与运输 Focus field Trucking and transportation www. chess-nv. com
1. 3. 2 欧洲物流创新联盟 Alliance for Logistic Innovation through Collaboration in Europe 革新物流和供应链概念,增强行业竞争力和可持续发展 ,目标在 使 命 2030年实现端到端物流绩效改善30%。 mission Development of new logistics and supply chain concepts and innovation for a more competitive and sustainable industry to achieve a 30%-improvement of end to end logistics performance by 2030. 2013年 6月,以项目会员制方式 推出时间 Launch Time June 2013, Industry member based program. Launched in June 2013 § 可持续的、安全的供应链(包括自动化、高效节能仓库和直接转运) Sustainable and Secure Supply Chains (incl. automated, energy efficient warehouses and cross-docking) 研究领域 Research Area § 物流枢纽 Corridors, hubs and synchromodality § 关联物流信息系统 Information systems for interconnected logistics § 供应链协调与合作 Supply Chain coordination and collaboration § 城市物流 Urban Logistics www. chess-nv. com
1. 3. 2 欧洲物流创新联盟 Alliance for Logistic Innovation through Collaboration in Europe 改善转运点 Improved Transhipment Points § 装货/卸货实现全自动化,小件物品转运采用机器人 或AGV Automation of loading/unloading and transhipment for small units by using robots and AGV § 先进的物流枢纽,包括各种增值服务:转运、仓储、 装卸、包装、打包、清洗等 Advanced logistics hub including value add services such as transhipment, storage, handling, packaging, bundling, cleaning, … 主要项目 Key Programs 使用物联网 Towards the Physical Internet 用物联网跟踪商品,如优化商品在仓库定位, Use principles of internet to flow of goods. E. g. optimizing positioning of goods in warehouse § 储存和/或运输采用模块单元化物流 Modular logistics units for storage and/or 制造商和物流商间互动 Interaction manufacturing and logistics transport § 连接生产、物流枢纽和转运点 Joint manufacturing and logistics hubs and transhipment points 高效的逆向物流网络 Efficient reverse logistics networks § 闭环的供应链,例如包装材料的再利用等 Closed-loop supply chains, such as reuse of packaging material, www. chess-nv. com
1. 3. 3精益与绿色物流 Lean & Green Logistics § 目标:在物流过程降低温室气体排放 Objective: Reduce Greenhouse Gas emissions in logistics § 协调:由非盈利组织协调 Coordinated by non profit organization. § 范围:荷兰、比利时、德国、意大利等 Activated in several countries Netherlands, Belgium, Germany, Italy. § 措施: Method § 鼓励企业设定 20%温室气体减排目标 Encourage companies to set 20% greenhouse gas § 设定减排目标、实施行动计划和达成目标 reduction targets, implement action plans and reach targets. § 使用精益和绿色标签 Uses Lean and Green Label § 精益与绿色奖励 Lean and Green Award § 当目标实现时,获得精益与绿色一星标签 Lean and Green First Star label when target achieved § 当达到更大贡献时,获得精益与绿色二星标签Lean and Green Second Star label with achieve further contributions www. chess-nv. com
1. 3. 4绿色物流 § Log 4 Green 目地:发展现代、可持续的端到端物流 Develop modern and sustainable end-to-end logistics § 协调:由欧盟委员会发起,由欧盟主要地区推动 Initiated by European Commission and driven by key EU regions § 领域: 多种方式联运物流,城市物流,商品的生命周期与循环 Key areas of focus: Multimodal logistics,Urban logistics,Goods lifecycle and recycling § 措施 Means and tools n 每个区域补贴 2000 -8000万欧元 Subsidies the range of 20 to 80 MEUR per region n 推动基础标准和经济性研究 Drive benchmarking and economic studies n 在各自区域组织产业集群提高竞争力 n 与当地的大学合作支持研发项目,具体的项目如:Support specific R&D programs with local universities, E. g: Organize industry in clusters of competence in respective regions n 采用RFID冷链追踪Tracking of cold goods with RFID n 物流中心内部的协同管理(例如港口)Collaborative management within logistic centers (harbor areas) n 资源节约型后勤维修Resource-Efficient Maintenance Logistics n Gough-Stewart平台运用到内部物流Gough-Stewart platform use in Intralogistics www. chess-nv. com
1. 3. 5 欧盟建筑能效指令 EU Energy Performance for Buildings Directive § 目的:推動所有建築物,包括倉庫和其他商業大廈改善能效。 Purpose: EU policy to drive improvement of energy performance of all buildings, including warehouses and other commercial buildings. § 要点Main points § 任何销售或租赁交易都需要能效证书(EPC)。EPC级别从A到G. Energy Performance Certificates (EPC) required for any sales or rental transaction. Energy Performance Certificates EPC level from A to G. § 到 2020年 12月31日所有新建建筑必须是接近零能耗 All new buildings must be nearly zero energy buildings by 31 December 2020 § 每个欧盟国家设定对新建筑、建筑翻新和建筑构件(加热和冷却系统,屋顶,墙壁等)的更 换或改造,设定最低能效要求 Each EU countries to set minimum energy performance requirements for new buildings, for the major renovation of buildings and for the replacement or retrofit of building elements (heating and cooling systems, roofs, walls, etc. ) § 每个欧盟国家设定针对所有商业建筑的供暖和空调的检查计划 Each EU countries to set inspection schemes for heating and air conditioning systems for all commercial building § 每个欧盟国家制定国家财政措施,以鼓励改善能效的建筑 Each EU countries to set national financial measures to improve the energy efficiency of buildings www. chess-nv. com
2 欧洲绿色仓储与物流 解决方案和案例分析 EU Green Warehousing and Logistic Solutions and Cases
2. 1 欧盟绿色建筑项目EU Green Building Program § 目的:鼓励业主和商业建筑的建造者改善能效,减少 25%能耗视为 合格 EU program to encourage owners and builders of commercial buildings to improve energy efficiency. Eligible if target 25% reduction of energy consumption. § 组织建设审计/能源绩效评估,为所有参与者设立信息交流和指导会 议。 Organized building audits/energy performance evaluation. Setup information exchange and guidelines, conferences for all participants. § 包括建筑围护结构、暖通空调、照明、电器设备和建筑管理。 Covers building envelope, HVAC, lighting, electric equipment, building management. § 项目到 2014年完成 Program completed in 2014. § 很多仓库参与了该项目 Many warehouses participated the program www. chess-nv. com
2. 1 欧盟绿色建筑项目EU Green Building Program 国别 基本情况 业务 面积 ( 平方米) 瑞典 瑞典 物流中心,365天/年, 仓储与生产 17小时/天 20, 000 控制仓库照明 仓库通风控制 采用与办公室进行热 交换通风系统 分区供热制暖 物流中心高架库 1 12, 000 1, 000 优化能源效率 奥地利 医药物流中心, 有7个 温控的高架库仓库 8, 000 采用绝热基础、墙壁和 屋顶(PUR夹心板或岩 棉)。 在办公室采用水循 环散热器采暖系统 和热回收通风系统 使用地下水热泵来利用 600平 方 米 的 天 窗 在 大 地热能进行加热和制冷 厅提供日光 生产场地用水取暖 节能措施 奥地利 200 k. W的太阳能满足基 每个仓库单独通风管理 本电力需求 办公室采用三层玻璃窗 自动化控制所有的能源 建立高效的建筑围 户,高架库区域采用双 和气候数据。 护结构(U=0. 192 层玻璃窗户隔热 漏风率=00. 12 l/s在高架库储存区域全部 sqm) 安 装 LED灯 , 并 使 用 日 暖通由水 - 水热泵提供 光需求管理系统 基础能耗( Wh/m 2/年) 能耗节省 80 80 123 133 项目后能耗( Wh/m 2/年) 55 38 41 37. 7 能耗节省( Wh/m 2/年) 31% 52% 67% 71% www. chess-nv. com
2. 2 绿色照明-智能采光魔镜-Light. Catcher Green Lighting-Intelligent Mirror-Light. Catcher § 系统概述 What it is: § 使用智能魔镜Light. Catcher捕捉日光并反射进仓库内 Uses mirror to catch daylight and reflect into building § 通过使用智能魔镜Light. Catcher取代光带和照明 Light. Catcher is used to replace light shaft or light § 智能魔镜Light. Catcher为自驱动,从光伏电池板获得能量 Autonomous, gets own power from PV cell § 节能原理 How does it help making warehousing greener? § 在白天把日光带进建筑,不需要使用电力照明 Brings daylight into the building at any hour of the day. No need to use electric lights § 智能魔镜Light. Catcher可以调节进入建筑物的日光量,并通过光轴调节进入仓库的热量 从而可以在夏季减少通风或降温的能耗,在冬季减少取暖的能耗。 Light. Catcher also regulates amount of light coming in the building. This also regulate sunlight heat coming in warehouse through light shaft and reduces ventilation or cooling needs in summer and need for heating in winter www. chess-nv. com
2. 2 绿色照明-智能采光魔镜-Light. Catcher Green Lighting-Intelligent Mirror-Light. Catcher § 节能优势 Energy Saving Advantages § 节能降耗 energy saving -照明灯平均每天可以关掉至少 10小时。通过这种方式,每年可以节省高达 3, 650小时光照的能源。 -只要1. 6平方米的屋顶开口面积就可以为 60至 120平方米的建筑面积提供了充足的光线。 Lights can be switch off for an average of ten hours. This way, you can save up to 3, 650 hours of light per year. An opening in your roof of only 1. 6 sqm provides sufficient light for a floor area of 60 to 120 sqm. § 减少碳排放reduce CO 2 emissions -在整个生命周期, Light. Catcher不使用一度电,也不排放一克二氧化碳。 -由于Light. Catcher 系统和照明系统相连,每年节省3650小时的人 照明将大大降低二氧化碳排放量 -一个 1000平方米的建筑,使用Light. Catcher可减少高达 45吨的二氧化碳排放量 During whole life cycle, Light. Catcher never use the electricity and never has CO 2 emissions. Because the Light. Catcher controls your artificial lights and turns them off for up to 3, 650 hours per year, a lot of k. Wh in CO 2 is saved. For every 1, 000 sqm of floor area, the Light. Catcher can reduce by up to 45 tonnes. § 生态足迹更小 Smaller ecological footprint 生态足迹比其他方案小 6. 6倍(传统天窗需要使用更多的屋顶面积,且生产过程耗费更多原料)。 Thanks to the savings in plastic and steel plates, the ecological footprint of the Light. Catcher is up to 6. 6 times smaller than that of traditional daylight systems. www. chess-nv. com
2. 2 绿色照明-智能采光魔镜-Light. Catcher Green Lighting-Intelligent Mirror-Light. Catcher § 取得成就 Achievements Light. Catcher 是目前国际上最有效的智能日光系统,被广泛应用在 15个国家的 业和公共建筑上,并在多个国家享受最 多高达 50%的政府补贴。其技术的先进性也引起世界各国关注,多次获得绿色能源领域的各项国际大奖,其领导人也受到 各界政要会见,包括中国国家主席习近平、国务院总理李克强、欧盟主席Herman Van Rompuy 、联合国秘书长潘基文等。 部分获奖情况 Awards § 2013年世界经济论坛被评为”能源先锋企业” Chosen as Bloomberg “new energy pioneer” at the World Economic Forum in 2013 § 2013年荣获 “扎伊德未来能源大奖”第二名 Top finalist in ‘Zayed Future Energy Prize’ (Abu Dhabi) § 2013年荣获美国“彭博新能源先锋”称号 Named ‘Bloomberg New Energy Pioneer’ § 2012年荣获 比利时“年度最具创新力企业”称号Named ‘Most Innovative and Creative Company in Ghent’ § 2012新加坡绿色生态标签称号 Light. Catcher receives Green Label in Singapore. www. chess-nv. com
2. 2 绿色照明-智能采光魔镜-Light. Catcher Green Lighting-Intelligent Mirror-Light. Catcher § 案例分析:包装大厅 packing hall Light. Catcher 应用 初始情况 16小时 /天,260天/年使用灯光 Lamps on 16 hours a day, 260 days a year 环境很热,没有窗户 warm environment and now windows 每 65平米安装1个 Light. Catche Installed 1 Light. Catcher for each 65 sqm 应用后的情况 仅6小时/天使用灯光,每天减少 10小时灯 光Lamps on only 6 hours a day which save up 10 hours lighting per day 能耗较高,长时间在灯光下 资,舒适感降低 High energy consumption and low comfort due to color factor www. chess-nv. com 降低了30吨CO 2 排放 Savings of 30 tonnes CO 2
2. 3绿色能耗-能耗管理-NANOGRID Green energy- Energy Management-NANOGRID § 系统概述 What it is: § 实时能耗监控 Real time monitoring of consumptions § 分析、标杆管理、检测节能的 具Tools to analyse, benchmark, detect savings § 适用于电力、水、气等Works for electric power, water, gas, . . . § 节能原理 How does it help making warehousing greener? § 通过监控发现任何不正常的能源使用情况并确定发生的确切地方 Allows to detect any unusual use of energy and other in specific places in warehouse § 针对发生的实际问题由能源管理专家提出改进意见,例如 Energy management experts will propose the improvements based on actual findings such as § 灯光管理 作不正常Light management not working well § 空气压缩机在不需要时 作Air compressor working when not needed § 优化门与通风 Optimization of doors or ventilation § 增加局部投资提高能耗效率(如带热交换的通风等)Business case for additional investments (ventilation with heat exchange) www. chess-nv. com
2. 3绿色能耗-能耗管理-NANOGRID Green energy- Energy Management-NANOGRID § 案例分析 1 Case study: 冷库:冷冻区域和直接分拨区域 Cold Area, Cross Dock Area 初始情况 9个改善措施 结 果 优化门的操作 Optimize door operations 优化压缩机控制 Optimize compressor control 能耗 Consumption: 260 k. Wh/month 优 化 低 温 区 空 压 机 重 启 点 Optimize Low Temp Zone compressor off setback point 优 化制冷风 扇控制和重启点 Optimize refrigeration fan control and setback points 冷却塔维护计划 Cooling tower maintenance plan 空气湿度管理 Air humidity management 3个制冷机Chillers 墙和门的保温 Wall and Door Insulation 提高冷冻设备性能 High performance cold group equipment 照明优化 Lighting Optimization www. chess-nv. com 节省 25% 能量 enegy saving
2. 3绿色能耗-能耗管理-NANOGRID Green energy- Energy Management-NANOGRID § 案例分析 2 水渗漏检测和水过量使用警告 Case study: 客户 Client Armonea-Pont d’Amour 现场位置 Location Dinant-比利时 Belgium 建筑类型 Construction 护理中心 Nurse Center 图表类型 Diagram 柱状图 节省 Save up 50%---€ 7200/年 Before Nanogrid installation After Nanogrid optimization Result : 50% savings / year per building www. chess-nv. com
2. 4绿色物流装备-高密度智能仓储系统-I-CUBE/SPAGGIARI Green MHE-High Density Intelligent Storage System – I-CUBE/Spaggiari § 系统概述 What it is § 新一代智能化高密度存储系统 New generation and high density storage system § 无需任何通道,提供最大密度的储存 No need for aisles providing maximum density storage § 强大的智能软件控制,提供缓存、排序拣选、温度调节、快速出货等功能 provide buffer, sorting, picking, conditioning, cross-docking and more via PLC and PC controlled smart software 子母车方式 三维卫星车方式 Master Shuttle+ ranger 穿梭母车在 X 轴方向提取或运载货物。 子车在 Y轴方向进入货架通道运载、存储货物 3 D Shuttle 三维卫星车在X, Y方向运行,运载货物 Master shuttle in X and ranger in Y www. chess-nv. com 3 D Shuttle in both X and Y
2. 4 绿色物流装备-高密度智能仓储系统-I-CUBE/SPAGGIARI Green MHE-High Density Intelligent Storage System – I-CUBE/Spaggiari § 最经济和最绿色的运行模式 How does it help making warehousing greener? : 高密度的 储存方式 High density storage 智能化 控制系统 I-Control 全自动化 运行 Full Automation 模块化配 置方式 Modular Configuration 降低占地面积 减少对环境的影响 low down impact to environment 系统永远按最优路径运行 Operation in best route 降低能耗, 加快发货 Decrease energy consumption 降低劳动力成本 Decrease labor cost (初期土建成本+物流设备)/ 冷库总投资比例降低 人 和电费降低 (investment in building+ manpower+ electricity MHE)/Total investment in cold storage) 未来规模改变无需 改造硬件 No hardware change for change of scale 普通穿梭式系统 shuttle system 40%-50% 15%-30% 双深度AS/RS double deep AS/RS 30%-40% www. chess-nv. com
2. 4绿色物流装备-高密度智能仓储系统-I-CUBE/SPAGGIARI Green MHE-High Density Intelligent Storage System – I-CUBE/Spaggiari 项目成果: § 案例分析 Case Study 客户 Client 欧洲最大薯类加 厂FARM FRIES 仓库运营时间 Operation 24小时 7天 进出货量 Input and Output 35000个托盘位/月 冷冻区 Frozen Area (移动式货架 物流系统配 20°C) 置 MHE 冷藏区Cool Area(3°C) I-CUBE 冷冻产品 Frozen products 物流处理 Material Handling 从 厂来的产品通过输送链运至 冷库 冷冻产品在I-CUBE里作暂时储存, 最多不超过30分钟后,通过链式 输送机运到冷冻货物储存区域外, 然后由叉车运至移动货架 冷藏产品 Cool products 冷藏产品(超过160种)根据订 单发货时间要求,在I-CUBE里 拣 选、排序和储存,接到发货指 令后,自动转移到出货通道。 硬件选用 高密度 high Density 操作系统 自动化 储存能力翻倍 double capacity 减少对环境的影响 low down the impact on environment 减少 60%的人 labor cost reduction Automation 降低手 操作错误率, 发货差错率为零 控制系统 智能化 Intelligent 从外面来的货物也可I-CUBE实现 系统配置 模块化 拣选、排序和直接转拨功能 Modular www. chess-nv. com No mistake for delivery 根据订单发货时间自 动排序储存,加快发 货速度,减少卡车等 待时间,降低能耗 客户周转量增加仅 配置软件和卫星车
2. 5 绿色运输-半挂车节能转向系统-X-Steering Green Transportation-X-Steering § 系统概述 What it is: § 半挂车车轴的主动引导系统 Active steering for semi-trailers. § 相比传统产品,该系统增加了可操纵性,并在载荷分配方面拥有独特优势,在转弯时可 以到达传统半挂车无法达到的位置。Compared to traditional trailers, the system increase the manoeuvrability and has uniqueness in distribution of loading so that it can reach the position which is impossible for traditional ones to reach. § 如何帮助实现绿色物流How does it help making transportation greener? 更少的燃料消耗 reduced fuel 燃料消耗减少 consumption 6% 可操纵性增加 Increase in manoeuvrability Fuel consumption 更长的轮胎寿命 3倍 longer tyre life 轮胎寿命延长 Tyre life cycle 更好的轴重分配 载荷分配优化 Better load distribution enhanced axle load distribution 更小的转弯半径 smaller turning radius www. chess-nv. com
Contacts Jennifer Lu Bart Dauwe Tel: +86 -21 -20221266 Tel: + 32 93870798 E-mail: jennifer. lu@chess-nv. com E-mail: bart. dauwe@chess-nv. com
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