- Количество слайдов: 71
林淑媛 Chere
林淑媛 Chere
cost me $ 500 The shoes cost me 500 dollars.
spend spent I $ 500 I spent 500 dollars on the shoes.
pay paid I $ 500 I paid 500 dollars for the shoes.
buy bought I $ 500 I bought the shoes for 500 dollars.
Asking Questions 林淑媛 Chere
cost me $ 500 The shoes cost me 500 dollars.
cost The shoes cost me 500 dollars. cost ? you How much did the shoes cost ?
spend spent I $ 500 I spent 500 dollars on the shoes.
spend I spent 500 dollars on the shoes. spend you ? How much did you spend on the shoes?
pay paid I $ 500 I paid 500 dollars for the shoes.
pay I paid 500 dollars for the shoes. you pay ? How much did you pay for the shoes?
buy bought I $ 500 I bought the shoes for 500 dollars.
buy I bought the shoes for 500 dollars. you buy ? How much did you buy the shoes (for)?
Rules of the game 林淑媛 Chere
Things to Buy
Distribute 1. $ 10, 000 / group 2. John $ 3, 000 Rose $ 1, 300 Linda $ 1, 500 Bob $ 500 Larry $ 1, 200 May $ 2, 500
3. Q&A G 1 -3 v. s. G 5 -6
Q&A 4. Q: How much did the cake cost? A: The cake cost .
Win - Win 5. Q + G 1 6. A + G 5 G 1 + G 5 = 2, 700 G 5 + G 1 = 2, 700
7. 8. Lose - Win Q A G 1 G 5 + G 1=0 + G 5 =0 = 1, 200
Win - Lose 9. Q 10. A G 1 G 5 + G 1 G 5=0 = 1, 500 =0
Practice 林淑媛 Chere
cost ? you How much did the dress cost you? The dress cost me $500.
cost ? you How much did the watch cost you? The watch cost me $500.
cost ? you How much did the socks cost you? The socks cost me $500.
cost ? you How much did the umbrella cost you? The umbrella cost me $500.
cost ? you How much did the hat cost you? The hat cost me $500.
cost ? How much did the gloves cost you? The gloves cost me $500. you
spend ? you How much did you spend on the dress? I spent $500 on the dress.
spend ? you How much did you spend on the watch? I spent $500 on the watch.
spend ? you How much did you spend on the socks? I spent $500 on the socks.
spend ? you How much did you spend on the umbrella? I spent $500 on the umbrella.
spend ? you How much did you spend on the hat? I spent $500 on the hat.
spend ? you How much did you spend on the gloves? I spent $500 on the gloves.
Are you ready? 林淑媛 Chere
Go !! 林淑媛 Chere
Q: cost A:
Q: cost A:
Q: spend A:
Q: cost A:
Q: spend A:
Q: cost A:
Q: cost A:
Q: spend A:
Q: cost A:
Q: cost A:
Q: cost A:
Q: spend A:
Q: cost A:
Q: spend A:
Q: spend A:
Q: cost A:
Q: spend A:
Q: spend A:
Q: spend A:
Q: cost A:
Q: spend A:
Q: cost A:
Q: spend A:
Q: cost A:
Q: cost A:
Q: spend A:
Q: spend A:
Q: spend A:
Q: cost A:
Q: spend A:
Q: spend A:
Q: cost A:
林淑媛 Chere