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新编剑桥商务英语 Success with BEC BEC-The New Business English Certificates Course 2010. 09
新编剑桥商务英语(初级)教学大 纲 课程编号 Course Number: o 课程名称 Course Name: 商务英语 o 课程教材 Textbook: 新编剑桥商务英语 (第三版)经济科学出版社 o 学时学分 Studying Hour & Credit: 36/2 o
新编剑桥商务英语(初级)教学大 纲 o 一、课程描述 Course Description: 《商务英语》是为MBA学员开设的一门英语 必修课程,旨在把国际商务活动和系统的英语 语言知识以及技能培养密切结合在一起,培养 适应经济全球化的高级 商管理人才。本课程 的设置是为了让学员通过学习商务英语能够适 应并胜任与外贸、合资及外资相关的 作, 从而 提高他们的英语听、说、读、写、译的实际运 用能力与跨文化交际能力。
新编剑桥商务英语(初级)教学大 纲 o o o 二、课程教学基本目标 Course Objective: 1. 能听懂一般商务活动中的电话、产品展示、谈 判、会议发言等,能基本把握言语者的态度和意图。 2. 能用基本正确的英语进行一般商务活动,如社 交活动、展示产品和业务谈判,筹备商务会议,或 作会议发言。 3. 能为读懂主要英语报刊、杂志有关商务活动的 一般性报道和评论文章打好基础。 4. 能草拟或翻译一般性商务材料,包括公函、公 务报告、简历和填写表格等。
新编剑桥商务英语(初级)教学大 纲 o 通过学习该课程,使学员能够了解、熟悉并 掌握一些与商务有关的英语词汇、专业术语、 表达方式以及一些商贸相关知识,能够运用 所学的英语技能在商务环境中进行有效的交 际与沟通,并知道怎样用英语处理商务中的 一些事物和问题。
新编剑桥商务英语(初级)教学大 纲 o M 1 三、教学内容 CONTENTS Business topic Business skills 1. 1 World of work P 6 Reading: training and workshops Listening: What does your job involve? Grammar: The present simple Adverbs and expressions of fequency Speaking: Work-life balance 1. 2 Personal and professional details P 10 Vocabulary: Meeting people Writing: Personal and professional profiles Vocabulary: job and work Reading: Employee of the Year Award Exam spotlight 1. 3 BEC Preliminary Exam Format; Reading Test Format P 14
新编剑桥商务英语(初级)教学大 纲 M Business topic 2 2. 1 Work in progress P 16 Listening: New projects Grammar: The present continuous Reading: Temping is learning Speaking: Temporary jobs Vocabulary: Hiring and firing Business skills Exam spotlight 2. 2 Making 2. 3 Writing arrangements P 20 Test Format Listening: Arranging P 24 a meeting’ Writing: Confirming a meeting Grammar: Prepositions of time: at, in, on Writing: Accepting an invitation
新编剑桥商务英语(初级)教学大 纲 M 3 Business topic Business skills 3. 1 Company biography P 26 Reading: The man behind Mc. Donald‘S Grammar: The past simple Reading: Company profiles Speaking: Presenting your company 3. 2 Company performance P 30 Vocabulary: What companies do Writing: Press release Listening: Company structure Vocabulary: Production, sales and share prices Reading: An agency built on proactive processes Exam spotlight 3. 3 Listening Test Format; Listening Test: Part One P 34
新编剑桥商务英语(初级)教学大 纲 M 4 Business topic Business skills 4. 1 International business 4. 2 Business P 36 communications P 40 Reading: Fashion industry Speaking: On the crisis after EU import ban Listening: Views on import phone controls Writing: Dealing with complaints Speaking: Imported goods Grammar: will for Grammar: Modal verbs: offers and promises can/could/should Listening: Reading: business 2 Telephone messages business: global communication Exam spotlight 4. 3 Speaking Test Format; Speaking Test: Part One P 44
新编剑桥商务英语(初级)教学大 纲 M Business topic Business skills Exam spotlight 5 5. 1 Career choices P 46 Reading: Escaping the rat race Vocabulary: Money expressions Grammar: The present perfect Listening: Career changes 5. 2 Achievements and plans P 50 Reading: In-company communication Writing: Progress reports Reading: Talking about results Grammar: going to Listening: Negotiating a bank loan 5. 3 Reading Test: Parts One to Three P 54
新编剑桥商务英语(初级)教学大 纲 M 6 Business topic Business skills 6. 1 Business travel 6. 2 Travel arrangements P 56 P 60 Listening: Flight Vocabulary: Hotel amenities problems Writing: Booking enquiries Grammar: Reported Listening: At the hotel speech Listening: Arranging Reading: No card, business travel no ticket Speaking: Making a booking Writing: Changes to flight details Exam spotlight 6. 3 Writing Test: Part One P 64
新编剑桥商务英语(初级)教学大 纲 o o 四、教学安排 Course Arrangements: 本学期学习 6个单元,每个单元包括 3个 部分,安排 6学时,共 36个学时。 五、教学方法与手段 Teaching Method: 采用多媒体教学,课堂讲授。
新编剑桥商务英语(初级)教学大 纲 o 六、教学要求 Requirements: 1. 出勤 15% 2. 平时作业与随堂测试 25% 3. 期末考试 60% 4. 考试形式 闭卷考试 o 注: 缺课 1/3 以上者不得参加期末考试。 o o
新编剑桥商务英语(初级)教学大纲 o o o 七、教材与参考书 Textbook & Reference: 教学用书 TEXTBOOK: 新编剑桥商务英语(初级)学生用书(第三版) 经济科学出版社 2008. 10 参考书目REFERENCE: 新编剑桥商务英语(初级)教师用书(第三版) 经济科学出版社 2009. 1 新编剑桥商务英语(初级)同步辅导(第三版) 经济科学出版社 2009. 6 新编剑桥商务英语(初级)练习册(第三版) 经济科学出版社 2009. 2
新编剑桥商务英语(初级)教学大纲 o o o o 八、推荐浏览网站Websites: 1. 商务英语学习相关网站 商业周刊 http: //www. businessweek. com/ 金融时报 http: //www. ft. com 财富 http: //www. fortune. com/ 哈佛商业评论 http: //www. hbr. com 福布斯 http: //www. forbes. com 企业家 http: //www. entrepreneur. com
新编剑桥商务英语(初级)教学大纲 o o o 2. BEC考试相关网站 http: //www. 24 en. com/BEC/http: //www. bec 2. cn http: //www. 51 test. net/bec/ http: //www. shareidea. cn/study_bec. asp http: //www. businessenglishpod. com/ http: //www. englishclub. com/businessenglish/index. htm 《教学大纲》制定人:曾利娟 陈观亚 2010年 8月 o
1. 1 World of work 作领域 Focus 学习重点 1. 熟悉与 作领域相关的词汇 2. 学会谈论培训课程、 作职责以及如何处理好 作与生活的平衡关系 3. 练习在听力和阅读过程中寻找相关信息 4. 掌握一般现在时和频率副词的用法
New words and Expressions o o o o o business n. 商企业;商行;商业 technique n. 技巧,技能 cross-cultural adj. 跨文化的 Internet n. 英特网,国际互联网 presentation n. 口头报告,陈述,叙述 public speaking 演说,演讲 consultant n. 顾问 consultancy n. 咨询公司 run vt. 开办(课程/ 讲习班)
New words and Expressions o o o o one-to -one 一对一的 accredited adj. 公认的 motivational adj. 激发积极性的, client n. 客户 entertaining adj. 有趣的,使人愉快的, professional adj. 专业的,职业的 involve vt. 包含、需要、使成为必要部分 responsibility n. 责任,所负责的事情 be responsible for sb. / sth. 对某人/某事负责
New words and Expressions o o o o title n. 头衔,职称 sample n. 样品 试用产品 account n. 账目,账户 correspondence n. (来往的)信件 badge n. 徽章 identify vt. 发现,确定 workshop n. 研讨会,讲习班
New words and Expressions o o o o catering service 餐饮服务 MD managing director 的缩写,总经理, 执行董事 gadget n. 小巧的器械,小玩意儿 interior adj. 车内产品,内部装饰 memo n. 备忘录,便条,便笺 electrical appliances 电器,家用电器 ship vt. 运送
New words and Expressions o o o o power point 电子版幻灯片 bonus n. 奖金 catalogue n. 产品目录 positive adj. 积极乐观的 presence n. 仪态,风度,风采 diary n. 记事簿 Athens n. 雅典(希腊首都)
Expressions on Job o o o Do you like your job? Do you often travel abroad ? How are you? …Not too bad, thanks. I work for a company that… I work as… What does your job involve ? My job involves doing… What do you do ? I deal with Who is your MD? I am based in ….
Reading: Training and workshop 培训与研讨会、讲习班 Background knowledge 多种多样的培训 o o 依据培训地点不同通常有: 1. 内部培训(Internal training或称in-house- training )是一种在 作场所进行的在职培训,因 此也称为on-the-job training, 其特点是经济实惠。 2. 外部培训 (external training), 是一种将员 送往专门培训机构的离岗培训,因此也称为 offthe-job training。 3. 网上培训 (web-based training)是一种基于 网络环境下的培训尤其受到那些公司员 分布地域 广的公司的青睐。
Reading: Training and workshop o o o o o 依据培训内容不同通常有: 1. 新员 岗前培训 (New employee orientatiion training) 2. 领导才能培训 (Leadership training) 3. 实施绩效评价培训 (Performance appraisal training) 4. 个人电脑培训 (Personal computer training) 5. 团队精神培训 (Team building training) 6. 招聘培训 (Hiring process training) 7. 培训师培训 (Training the trainer) 8. 新设备操作培训 (Operating new equipment training) 9. 防止性骚扰培训 (Sexual harassment training)
J&C培训公司简介 o o o J&C是一家为个人和职业发展提供咨询服务的培训 咨询公司。总部设在牛津,由Janet Coyte,珍妮 特. 考约特掌管。珍妮特是一位经验丰富的教师和 咨询师. 她为公司和大学开设各种课程和讲习班. 作 为培训师, 她的 作是帮助商业人士摆脱困境 。有 时她也提供一对一的电话咨询或电子邮件咨询。 她著有两三本书,也写些关于演讲技巧和口头报告 技巧的文章。同时,她还是国际著名的演说家,在 世界各地发表鼓舞人心的演讲。 J&C 的客户说他们的课程生动、专业、而且非常实 用。
Listening: What does your job involve? 你的 作包括哪些职责? o o o o Job titles 作头衔 Chairman of the Board of Directions 董事长 Managing Director/ General Manager 总经理 CEO: Chief Executive Officer 执行总裁,首席执行官 CFO: Chief Financial Officer 首席财务官 Financial Director 财务总管 Marketing Director 营销总管 Production Director 生产主管
Job titles 作头衔 o o o o o Personnel Manager/Human Resources Manager 人事经理 Chief Accountant 总会计师 Sales Manager 销售经理 Marketing Manager 营销经理 Public Relations Manager 公关经理 Advertising Manager 广告经理 Works/Factory/Production Manager 生产经理 Purchasing Manager 采购经理 After-sales Manager 售后经理
Job titles 作头衔 o o o o Communication/ Information Manager 信息经理 Quality Manager 质检经理 R. & D. Manager 研发经理 Management consultant 管理咨询师 Personal assistant 个人助理,私人助理 Sales representative 销售代表 Consultant 顾问
Grammar:The present simple 一般现在时 o 一般现在时用于描述: 1. 稳定的、经久不变的情形 (Permanent situations) 2. 习惯动作或经常性的动作 (Habits and frequency of activities) 3. 作息时刻 (与时间短语连用) (Timetables with a time expression)
Adverbs and expressions of frequency 1. Adverbs of frequency: Words such as always, usually, often, sometime, occasionally, rarely, seldom, and never usually come before the verbs. 2. Expressions of frequency: once a week, twice a month, every Monday, on Thursdays. These usually go at the end of the sentence. 频率副词在句子中的位置:动词前be 动词后
Adverbs and expressions of frequency Adverb Frequency always 100% usually 90% often 75% sometimes 30% rarely 10% never 0
Speaking: Work-life balance 作与生活的平衡 o 1. 2. 3. Discussion Do you work or study too much? Do you know how to balance your work with you life? What kind of life do you prefer, love the life you live or live the life you love?
Speaking: Work-life balance o Ways of work-life balance (保持 作与生活平衡的途径) 1. Prioritize tasks (区分任务的优先次序) 2. Set aside one night each week for recreation (每周留出一个晚上放松娱乐) 3. Seek professional help (寻求专业帮助)
1. 2 Personal and professional details 个人和职业详细情况 o o o Focus 学习重点 1. 熟悉与个人信息和职业描述相关的词汇 2. 学习掌握描述个人和职业详细情况的相关 技能 3. 学习在阅读过程中寻找具体信息 4. 学习写个人简历
New Words & Expressions division n. 分理处,部门 colleague n. 同事 profile n. 传略;人物简介;概况 questionnaire n. 问卷,调查表 interview n. 采访;面试 single adj. 单身的,未婚的 musical instrument 乐器 file n. 档案,文件
New Words & Expressions destination n. 目的地 follow-up questions 后续问题,补充问题 swap vt. 交换 electronics n. 电子学;电子器件 varied adj. 多变化的,各不相同的 confectionary adj. 糖果的,有关甜食制造的 annual adj. 每年的,年度的 allocate vt. 分配,分派 candidate n. 候选人 criterion n. 标准,准则 pl. (复数) criteria
New Words & Expressions Inc. adj. Incorporated 的缩写,股份有限的 employee n. 员 ,雇员 value n. 价值观,准则 supervise vt. 主管,监管,管理 coordinate vt. 使协调 scuba diving 水肺潜水 marathon n. 马拉松赛跑 finance assistant 财务助理 audit vt. 审计
New Words & Expressions master’s degree 硕士学位 judo n. 柔道 Chronic Fatigue Syndrome 慢性疲劳综合症 ambitious adj. 雄心勃勃的 journalism n. 新闻学,新闻业 breed vt. 饲养 terrier n. 小猎狗 chewing gum 口香糖 gallery n. 画廊,美术馆 format n. 形式,格式 SARS--Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome 严重急性呼吸道综合征, 俗称非
Background knowledge English Name 英美人的姓名 姓名的组成 大多数英美人的姓名由三部分组成, 排列顺序如下: 名 (first name )+中间名(middle name ) +姓氏 (last name) first name 和middle name一般是父母取的,所以又 称 given name , 在基督教国家也称Christian name。 姓氏是祖传的,所以last name又称family name 。姓 氏还可以是surname。 o 大多数人有一个中间名,但也有些人没有中间名,或 有两个以上中间在交际场合一般不用中间名。 o
English Name 姓名的缩写和顺序 我们在看外国人写的书和文章时, 常看到缩写。 如《哈里. 波特》的作者J. K. Rowling Joanne Kathleen Rowling Joanne: first name Kathleen: middle name Rowling: surname/ family name
Speaking: Meeting People 打招呼 o o o o o Useful Languages What’s your name ? /… What are your hobbies? /… Where are you from/… What’s your job/… What’s your favorite place for holidays ? Why do you learn English ? /… How often do you do sports/ go shopping? Why do you like listening to music? How do you like your job?
Writing: Personal and professional profiles 个人和职业简况 o o o o o Interview/questionnaire Do you have a hobby? Write a personal profile Name ______ Surname _____ Town/City_____ Hobbies______ Family ______ Job title ______
Vocabulary: Job and work o o Job and Work 词义辨析 (1) work 可做动词,而job 不可以。 (2) work 为不可数名词,job 为可数名词。 (3) work 用于泛指脑力或体力的所有各种 活动。Job 是职业,赚钱养家的 作,职责, 任务;一件 作。
Reading: Employee of the Year Award 年度最佳员 o o o Criteria of Employee of the Year Award (年度最佳员 评选标准) Make a significant contribution to company efficiency, profit, product development or staff development. Deal with professional or personal problems successfully. Be a mentor or set a positive example to others. Represent the company values of healthy living.
什么是水肺潜水? o 什么是水肺潜水?水肺潜水的英文是 SCUBA Diving,SCUBA是英文 Self Contained Underwater Breathing Apparatus五个单词的首字母的缩写,称为 SCUBA,意思就是靠自身携带的呼吸系统 进行潜水活动。SCUBA这个专业名字已经 渐渐为人们所熟悉…
New Words & Expressions o o o o efficiency n. 效率 profit n. 利润 mentor n. 良师益友 make contribution to 为……做贡献 personal problem 个人(私人)问题 set an example to 树立榜样 be based in 在……总部 raise money 募捐
New Words & Expressions o o o Master’s degree in business administration: MBA 商硕士 Chronic Fatigue Syndrome 慢性疲劳综 合症 be in charge of 负责 best-selling 畅销 be famous for 以……著称 think of a new idea 想出新点子
1. 3 BEC Preliminary Exam BEC初级考试 Introduction to BEC Preliminary Exam o Paper Skill(s) Marks Length minutes Structure 1 Reading & writing 30+30 90 minutes (Reading: 60 mins) (Writing: 30 mins) Reading: 7 parts Writing: 2 parts 2 Listening 30 40 minutes 4 parts 3 Speaking 30 12 minutes 3 parts
BEC Exam Format 考试形式 Part Ques tions Task type Text type Example 1 5 Multiple choice Notices, messages, Timetables, adverts, leaflets, etc. Unit 5 page 54 2 5 Matching Notice, list, plan, contents page, etc. Unit 5 page 54 3 5 Matching Graphs, charts, tables, etc. Unit 5 page 55 4 7 Right/ Wrong/ Doesn’t say Advert, business letter, product description, report, minutes, etc. (150200 words) Unit 9 page 94
BEC Exam Format 5 6 Multiple choice Newspaper or magazine article, advert, report, leaflet, etc. (300 -400 words) Unit 9 page 95 6 12 Multiple choice, cloze Newspaper or magazine Unit 12 article, advert, leaflet, etc. Page 124 (125 -150 words) 7 5 Form-filling, Short memos, letters, note notices, adverts, etc. completion Unit 12, page 125
2. 1 Work in progress 程进展 Focus 学习重点 1 熟悉相关词汇 2 学会谈论 程进展过程中这一话题 3 联系的听力和阅读过程中寻找具体信息 4 掌握现在进行时的用法
New Words & Expressions Be in progress 在进行中,在运行中 project n. 项目, 程 Garden vi. & vt. 种植或修整花园,从事园艺 作 Update vt. 更新 Construction n. 建筑,建筑物 Apart from 除了……之外 Minor adj. 较小的,次要的 Proceed vi. 进行,继续下去
New Words & Expressions o o o o panorama n. 全景,全景画 management team 管理团队 take shape 成形 ahead of schedule 提前于预订计划 financial report 财务报告 temp n. 临时雇员 help out 帮助(某人)解决困难
New Words & Expressions o o o o give a presentation of 对……做陈述 launch vt. 开始,开办,推出;发射 photocopy vt. & n. 影印,复印 branch n. 分部,分店,分公司 projector manager 项目经理 subcontractor n. 转包商 period of transition 过渡期 permanent job 永久性 作
New Words & Expressions o o o o temporary employment agency 临时就业中介 机构 try out 测试,试用 take maternity leave 休产假 option n. 选择,可选择的办法 career field 职业领域 existing skills 现有的技能 supervisor n. 主管,监督人 temorary job 临时 作
New Words & Expressions o o o o o ask for a pay rise 要求涨 资 meet one’s target 完成指标,完成定额 sack vt. 解雇 administration work 行政管理 作 Brazil 巴西 Lisbon 里斯本(葡萄牙首都) Belem 贝伦 (巴西东北部港口城市) Fortaleza 福塔雷萨 (巴西东北部港口城市) Valencia 巴伦西亚 (西班牙港口城市) Montpellier 蒙彼利埃 (法国南部城市)
Listening: New Projects 新 程 o o o Focus 学习重点 Get some information in details from the conversation (1) the relationship between the two speakers (2) the place of the conversation (3) the new projects
Grammar: The Present Continuous 现在进行时 The present continuous is used to talk about( 现在进行时用于描述) o An ongoing action which is happening around this time(说话时正在发生的动作) o An action that is happening now, at the moment of speaking(表示说话时持续进行的动作) o A temporary activity(表示当前一段时间或现阶段 正在进行的动作) o A fixed arrangement in the future (表示安排好即将发生的动作。一般指在最近按计划或 安排要进行的动作。) o
The Present Continuous o The form of the present continuous tense am/ is/ are + v. ing o o Adverbs related to the present continuous Now, for the time being
Reading: Temping is learning 做临时雇员也是学习 o Text Structure Analysis The topic sentence Working for a temporary employment agency can be a great way to earn money, get more experience, and try out different kinds of work. The reasons why companies need temps (1) Advantages of taking temporary jobs (1) (2) (3) Small companies for developing short-term projects Staff taking maternity leave Enjoy routine changes from day to day Finding answers to what career field you are interested in Have opportunities to get lots of work experience
Speaking: Temporary jobs 临时性 作 o o o o Vocubulary on jobs hunt for/ look for a job 求职 apply for a job 申请 作 take up a job 接受 作 be hired 被雇佣 be employed 被雇佣 be fired/ dismissed/ sacked 被解雇 quit a job 辞职
Vocabulary on jobs o o o resign from a job 辞职 be laid off 下岗 be unemployed 失业 be out of work 失业 job hopping 跳槽
2. 2 Making arrangements 日程安排 o o o Focus 学习重点 熟悉与日程安排相关的词汇 学习并掌握如何进行日程安排的相关技能 练习在听力过程中寻找具体信息 学习掌握各类时间介词的用法 掌握回执的写法
New Words & Expressions o o o o make arrangements 做安排,做准备 plant n. 厂,车间 vt. 种植 take time off 抽出时间,休假,休息 finance director 财务经理 confirm vt. 确认,确定 reception n. 接待,接待处 trade fair 交易会,展销会
New Words & Expressions o o o o present vt. 介绍,引见;出席 potential client 潜在客户 quality inspector 质检人员 job applicant 求职者 festival n. 节日 self-employed adj. 个体的,自己经营的 accept an invitation 接受邀请 special reception 特别招待会
New Words & Expressions o o o o o anniversary n. 周年纪念日 venue n. 会场,会议地点 attendance n. 出席,出席人数 Prague 布拉格(捷克斯洛伐克首都) Morpeth 莫派斯(位于英国诺森伯兰郡) Helsinki 赫尔辛基(芬兰首都) Buenos Aires 布宜诺斯艾利斯 (阿根廷首都) Toronto 多伦多 (加拿大主要城市) Sydney 悉尼(澳大利亚东南部港口城市,新南威 尔士州首府)
Listening: Arranging a meeting安排会面 o o o Making an appointment Day Time Place Subject
Writing: Confirming a meeting 确认约会 o o Making a schedule Keeping your activities in your diary page according to the time
Grammar: Prepositions of time: at, in, on at Specific times, festivals in general, at dawn, at night, at lunchtime, at the weekend in Parts of the day, months, seasons, years, centuries on Days of the week and parts of named days, named festival days, dates
Writing: Accepting an invitation 接受邀请 o o o o o Useful language Thank you for… Many thanks for … We can confirm … I confirm our … We will be delighted to … It will be a pleasure to … I’m very sorry, but … I regret that …
2. 3 Writing Test 写作测试 o Exam Format 考试形式 Part One Write a piece of internal 30 -40 words communication, ie to someone in the company. Part Two Write a piece of business 60 -80 words correspondence, ie to someone outside the company.
Reading Skills 阅读技巧 Skimming 略读法 其主要特征是选择性地阅读全文,快速找出 主题句和重要细节,并加以标注,以便准确 有效地回答阅读问题。 Scanning 扫读法 快速扫描全文,以求抓住文章大意或中心思 想,大大降低搜索信息的盲目性,从而提高 准确率。 Skipping 跳读法 根据问题有选择性地进行阅读,将与考试内 容无关的信息跳过去,从而提高阅读速度。
3. 1 Company biography 公司简介 o o o Focus 学习重点 熟悉与公司相关的词汇 学会介绍公司简况、组织结构 练习在听力和阅读过程中抓住语篇大意和寻 找相关信息 学会公司简介
New Words & Expressions o o o o biography n. 形成、成长和衰亡的记载;传记 fast food restaurant 快餐店 transform vt. 转换、改变、改造 global business 跨国企业 original adj. 最初的,原始的,起源的 franchise n. & vt. 特许经销权, 给……以特许 feature n. & vt. 是……的特色, 以……为特色 French fries 炸薯条
New Words & Expressions o o o o softdrink n. 软饮料;汽水 milkshake n. 奶昔 purchase vt. 买,购买 multimixer n. 多用混合器(机) exclusive distributor 独家批发商(代理商) open vi. & vt. 开设,开办,开张 expand vi. & vt. 扩大,扩张 corporation n. 公司
New Words & Expressions o o o o cosmetic n. 化妆品 inspire vt. 激发,启示, 使生灵感 philosophy n. 哲学 revolutionary adj. 革命的 raw material 原材料 supplier n. 供应者,厂商 ethical adj. 伦理的;道德的 travel agency 旅行社
New Words & Expressions o o o o contract n. & vt. 订合同,合同、契约 take delivery of 收货, 提取货物 merge vi. & vt. 合并 fleet 舰队 budget airline 低价航空公司 go public 上市,公开发售股票 business partner 生意伙伴,商业伙伴 entrepreneurial adj. 企业家的
New Words & Expressions o o o o freelancer n. 自由职业者;自由撰稿人 dot. com millinonaire 网络百万富翁 celebrity n. 名人 entrepreneur n. 企业家 Kuwait City 科威特城(科威特首都) San Bernardino 圣贝纳迪诺(美国加利福 尼亚州东南部的一个县) Illinois 伊利诺斯州(美国中北部州)
Fast food industry in U. S. A. 美国的快餐 业 o o o o Background Knowledge Characteristics of fast food 快餐的特点 Fast 快 Fresh 新鲜 Fried 油炸 Fantasy 浪漫感 Fordism 福特主义 Franchising 特许经营权
Reading: The Man behind Mc. Donald’s 麦当劳餐馆的幕后人 o Text Structure Analysis Time owner scale place Fast food 1954 Richard and small Maurice Mc. Donald San Hamburgers, Bernardino, french fries, California soft drinks and milshakes. 1955 Ray Krok Des Plaines, Illinois 1961 Ray bought the business from the Mac. Donald brothers for $2. 7 million Today Franchised Mc. Donald’s 31, 000 restaurants 100 countries
Grammar: The past simple 一般过去时 o The past simple is used (一般过去时用于) To talk about actions that happened in the paswt. The time is specified, or understood from the context. (谈论发生在过去的动作。时间已点明或从上下 文可获知) o To talk about past states. (谈论过去的状态) o
The past simple 规则动词 不定式形式 talk play stop study travel prefer 过去时 talked played stopped studied travelled preferred 不规则动词 不定式形式 run eat sleep drink have do 过去时 ran ate slept drank had did
Reading: Company profiles 公司简介 o o Background Knowledge 易捷航空公司是应该一家廉价航空公司,也 是欧洲头号低成本航空公司。该公司成立于 1995年, 由于只接受顾客通过网络订购机 票服务,没有任何中间环节,如今已成为应 该载客量第一的航空公司,其航线覆盖欧洲 各大城市和旅游度假地。
Reading: Company profiles 公司简介 o 英国在线预定公司是一家为消费者提供最后 一分钟购买机票、预订饭店、假日旅游、娱 乐演出入场券、餐馆定位以及送货上门等各 种各样服务的公司。公司拥有几百万的注册 客户,与万余家包括航空公司、饭店、租车 公司、娱乐场所和旅店等机构建立了长期的 合作关系。
Reading: Company profiles 公司简介 o 美体小铺是一家著名的健康、美容品连锁店, 始创于1976年在应该开办第一家店铺开始, 迄今为止已经在全球建立了2,000家店铺, 在全球最杰出品牌的排列中居于第 27位。美 体小铺产品采用植物、果蔬调配而成,属纯 天然产品。主要生产绿色美容保养品和化妆 品。
Speaking: Presenting your company 介绍你的公司 o Background Knowledge Types of Company Description 描述 Sole Trader/ Proprietorship 个人独资 (1)经营收益由投资人独享 (2) 组织机构简单 (3) 完全由投资人控制 (4) 税收抵 Partnership 合伙公司 (1)投资人为 2 -25人,资本金较独资增加 (2)企业亏损由合伙人共担 (3) 由于合伙人多,有益于增加客户数量和业务种类 Limited Corporation 股份制公司 (1) 投资者只以出资额为限,承担企业责任,即有限责任 (2)融资能力强,资本可以很多 (3)股权转让容易
Speaking: Presenting your company 介绍你的公司 Company name Type of company Product/ Service offered Got idea for business in … (when) First business activity (when / where) Expanded (where to/ when)
Speaking: Presenting your company Notable successes Key dates/ achievements Current operations Number of employees Current value of company Current personal worth
3. 2 Company performance 公司业绩 o o o Focus 学习重点 熟悉与公司业务和业绩相关的词汇 学习掌握描述公司业绩的相关技能 练习在阅读过程中寻找具体信息 学习写公司新闻稿
New Words & Expressions o o o o performance n. 业绩,成绩;性能 distribute vt. 配送,分发,分送 record profit 历史最高利润 vegetarian n. 素食者,素食的 organic adj. 使用有机肥料的 ingredient n. 配料,成分 nutritious adj. 有营养的 improve one’s image 改善形象
New Words & Expressions o o o o banquet n. 宴会 manufacturer n. 制造业者,厂商 guarantee vt. & n. 保证,担保,担保人 symbol n. 象征,符号,记号 innovative adj. 创新的,革新的 sport utility vehicle 运动型多用途车 component n. 成分 optical instrument 光学仪器
New Words & Expressions o o o o o validation n. (可靠性)检测 certify vt. 证明,保证 application n. 应用,运用 assurance n. 保证,担保,确信,断言 founder n. 创始人,奠基人 turnover n. 营业额 dramatically adv. 戏剧地 advertise vt. 做广告,登广告 annual report 年终报告,年终终结
New Words & Expressions o o o o o share price 股票价格 proactive adj. 积极的,主动的 dedicated adj. 专注的,献身的 unique adj. 唯一的,独特的 access n. 接近(进入)的机会,接近(进入)的权 利;入口 consolidate vt. 巩固 brochure n. 小册子 in this respect 在这个方面,在这个细节 maximum n. 最大量,最大限度,极大
Vocabulary: Verbs used to describe the activities of a company o o o o design sell distribute provide manage publish market produce export import supply organise manufacture
Writing: Press release 新闻稿 o o o Background Knowledge (1) 新闻稿的“倒金字塔”结构的特点就是将最重要、在最精彩的 新闻事实置于第一句/段,通常称“导语”(the lead) (2)新闻稿导语的特点 导语是龙头,导语写作是新闻稿成功的关键。导语 要高度浓缩新闻的主要要素(who? What? When? Where? and Why? )
Listening: Company structure 公司结构 o o o o o Chief Executive Officer 执行总裁 Quality Assurance 质量保障部 R. &D. Department 研发部 Maketing & Sales 市场营销/ 销售部 Industrial Department 产业部 Admistration & Finance 行政/财务部 Project Department 项目部 Product Line 产品种类科 Business Development 业务拓展部 Contract & Purchasing 合同/采购部
Vocabulary on Production, sales and share price o o o decrease/ drop/ fall 下降 go up/ increase/ rise上升 level off 持平 remain steady 保持平稳 reach a peak / peak up 顶点高达 recover 反弹
Reading: An agency built on proactive processes 主动出击的代理商 o Text Structure Analysis Company spider. Web Position One of the leading Web design agencies in Europe. Services (1) (2) Performance (1) (2) (3) (4) Future plan Provide unique and individual web design Clients have easy access to the staff, and clients’ webs go online on schedule and within budget. Growing steadily Working successfully with clients all over Europe Doubled the client base Share price rose by 30 per cent (1) Consolidate the leading position (2) Continue giving excellent returns to the investors (3) Facing a strong future
3. 3 Listening Test 听力测试 o o Exam Format 考试形式 There are two types of listening: 1. Listening for gist – the general meaning of a text 2. Listening for specific information – usually numbers (dates, times, percentages, prices, etc. ) or spellings.
Listening Test 听力测试题型介绍 题型序号 考查的主要技能 输入 问题形式 试题量 1 听具体信息 8个简短对话或独白,选择题,3个选项 15 -30秒 8 2 听具体信息 简短电话对话或独 白,1分半钟 填空— 数字和拼 写 7 3 听具体信息 独白,约 2分钟 记笔记 7 4 听大意/ 具体信 息 选择题,3个选项 对话、采访、两人 或以上讨论,约 2分 钟 8
4. 1 International business 国际商务 o o o Focus 学习重点 熟悉有关国际商务话题的词汇 掌握关于国际贸易方面的话题 练习在听力和阅读过程中寻找具体信息 掌握情态动词 can, could, should 的用 法
New words & Expressions o o o o import n. vi. & vt. 进口 export n. vi. & vt. 出口 competitor n. 竞争对手 wholesaler n. 批发商 warehouse n. 仓库 audio product 音响产品 ban n. & vt. 禁令 fashion industry crisis 服装行业危机
New words & Expressions o o o o commissioner n. 委员 spokeswoman n. 女发言人 huge losses 巨大损失 resign n. vi. & vt. 辞职 garment n. 服装(成衣) clothing blockade 服装封锁 in favour of 支持、赞成 disastrous adj. 损失惨重的,灾难的
New words & Expressions o o o o import control 进口控制 import quotas 进口配额 compromise n. 妥协,折中,让步 stock exchange 证券交易所 appeal to sb. 对……有吸引力 available adj. 有空的,能得到的 dossier n. 档案,卷宗 flat adj. 没电的,平面的
New words & Expressions o o o o embarrassing adj. 令人尴尬的 in-house magazine 内部杂志 participant n. 参加者 stressful adj. 有压力的,紧迫的 moderator n. 会议主持人 press the mute button 按下静音键 reflect on 有损声誉,招来非议 teleconference n. 远程电话会议
New words & Expressions producer n. 生产商 wholesaler n. 批发商 customer n. 顾客 retailer n. 零售商 warehouse n. 仓库 consumer n. 消费者 competitor n. 竞争对手 customs n. 海关 port n. 港口 clothing n. 服装 o
Reading: Fashion industry crisis after EU import ban o o o Background Knowledge 1. What is EU? EU 是European Union的缩写,由欧洲共同体 (European Communities)发展而来,是一个集 政治实体和经济实体于一身、在世界上具有重要影 响的区域一体化组织。欧盟的统一货币为欧元 (Euro),2002年 1月1日零时欧元正式流通。截止 2008年 1月1日,欧元区成员国有15个。
Background Knowledge o o 2. What is Christmas season? 圣诞季节通常指从12月初到第二年的元月6 号这段时间,商家会利用这段时间进行商品 促销活动,相当于我国的传统节日春节。
Background Knowledge o 3. H&M. 是全球时装零售连锁巨头,来自瑞典的连锁 服装店Hemmes & Mauritz的缩写。公司成立于 1947年,总部设在斯德哥尔摩,是欧洲最大的服 装零售商。 4. Zara:成立于1975年,目前在全球排名第三,西 班牙排名第一的服装零售商。在全球56个国家拥 有超过两千家以上的服装连锁店。 o
Background Knowledge C&A:著名连锁平价时装零售品牌,公司于 1841年在荷兰成立。C&A 提供“时尚你选 择”(Fashion you choose) 引领时尚潮流, 满足不同生活方式的目标消费群的特殊需求。 o
Reading: Fashion industry crisis after EU import ban Text Structure Analysis Topic sentence The Fashion industry in Europe is facing its biggest crisis in recent history. Causes The introduction of import controls in June by the European Trade Commissioner Effects 1. many small companies are suffering … 2. some European countries are in favour of the import restrictions. 3. Mr. Mandelson is in dilemma (a difficult position).
Listening : Views on import controls 对控制进口的看法 o o o Pros and Cons: 赞成与反对的理由 1. pros: be for the import controls 2. cons: be against import controls
Speaking : Imported goods 进口商品 o o Discussion Why does the Eropean company, H&M import clothing and shoes from China?
Imported goods 进口商品 o o o o Supported ideas The quality of the goods is better. It’s difficult to find European manufacturers. The price is lower. Foreign designs appeal to Europeans. The goods are made very quickly. Other countries can supply in large quantities.
Grammar: Modal verbs: can/could and should o o o o o Functions of Modal verbs: can/could and should 1. ability 2. possibility 3. assertion 4. pernission 5. offer 6. request 7. recommendation 8. advice
Reading : Business 2 business: global communication 商务之间:全球通讯 o o o o o New Words and Expressions Teleconference n. 电话会议 face-to-face meeting 见面会 virtual meeting 虚拟会议 participant n. 参加者 stressful adj. 有压力的 agenda n. 日程 document n. 文件 moderator n. (会议等)主持人 tip n. 技巧;小费
Text Structure Analysis Topic Sentence Teleconferencing is a great way to connect people who work in different parts of the world. Reasons 1. cheaper, 2. quicker, 3. more informal Preparation 1. find a date, 2. specify the local time 3. limit the number of participants 4. send out agenda and documents Tips 1. be moderator, 2. always say your name 3. press the ‘mute’ button while listening to others’ talking
4. 2 Business communications 商务沟通 o o o Focus 学习重点 熟悉与商务沟通相关的话题 学习掌握如何进行商务沟通的相关技能 练习在听力过程中寻找具体信息 学习掌握 will 的用法 掌握回复投诉信的写法
New words & Expressions o o o o printer cartridges 打印墨盒 description n. 种类;性质;描述 pass the message on to 把留言给…… complaint n. 投诉 cancel vt. 取消 extension number 分机号码 pharmaceuticals n. 医药用品
New words & Expressions o o o o budget n. 预算 plasma screen TV 等离子电视 freight forwarder 货运商 distributor n. 发行人,销售商 container n. 集装箱 production manager 生产经理,厂长 Madrid 马德里(西班牙首都)
Speaking: On the phone 打电话 Calling o o o o This is …, of… It’s … of… Hello, I’d like to speak to …, please. Can I leave him a message? I’ll call back later. I’ll give it (the number) to you.
Speaking: On the phone o o o o o Response … Can I help you? Who’s calling, please? Would you like to leave a message? I’m afraid … is not in her office at the moment. Can I take a message? I’ll ask him to call you when he/she gets back. Does he/she have your number? I’ll pass your message on to…
Speaking:Office Supplies 办公用品 o o o o o pencil n. 铅笔 eraser n. 橡皮 ruler n. 尺子 rubber band 橡皮筋 pen n. 钢笔 ball-pen n. 圆珠笔 envelope n. 信封 stationery n. 信纸,文具 paper 纸
Office Supplies 办公用品 o o o o o calculator n. 计算器 diary n. 记事簿 staple n. 订书钉 stapler n. 订书机 scissors n. 剪刀 pin n. 大头针 clip n. 回形针 tape n. 胶带 glue n. 胶水 paste n. 浆糊
Office Supplies 办公用品 o o o o computer n. 电脑/ laptop n. 笔记本电脑 printer n. 打印机 printer cartridge n. 打印墨盒 fax machine n. 传真机 photocopy machine n. 复印机 shredder n. 碎纸机 projector n. 投影仪 telephone n. 电话
Writing: Dealing with complaints 处理顾客投诉 o o o Useful language I apologise for… Please accept my apologies for… I would like to apologiese for … Unfortunately … The problem was due to …
Dealing with complaints o o We had a problem with … I would like to offer … I can offer… Please accept …
Grammar: Will for offers and promises “will” 表示提议和许诺 o o I’ll ask him to call you. (offer) I’ll do it later. (promise)
Listening: Telephone messages 电话留言 Telephone Message o Message for: __________ o From: _____________ o Caller’s company: ________ o Tel. /Email: ___________ o Message: ___________ ___________ _ o
4. 3 Speaking Test 口语测试 o o o o o Part One Prepare your personal informtion for Part One. Your name Your city and country Your family Your home Your job Your studies Your hobbies
5. 1 Career choices 职业选择 o o o Focus 学习重点 熟悉与职业相关的词汇 学会描述职业变化 练习在听力和阅读过程中寻找相关信息 能够表达自己对待 作与生活的态度 掌握现在完成时和过去时的不同用法
New words & Expressions o o o o stock broker 股票经纪人 London Stock Exchange 伦敦证券交易所 bank account 银行帐户 bankrupt adj. 破产的 a modest life 简朴的生活 accommodation n. 住处,膳宿 get started 开始
New words & Expressions o o o o source of income 收入来源 olive n. 橄榄 farm products 农产品 business contact 生意场的熟人/关系 deal in 经营 make enquiries 询问 record shop 音像店
New words & Expressions o o o o human resource 人力资源 HR manager 人力资源经理 photography exhibition 摄影展 accountancy job 会计 作 passion n. 热情,激情 competitive adj 竞争的 give up sth. all together 完全放弃……
New words & Expressions o o o professional photographer 职业摄影师 portrait n. 肖像,人像 studio n. 照相馆,画室,摄影室,演播室 Birmingham 伯明翰(英格兰中部城市) Luxembourg 卢森堡 (西欧国家)
5. 1 Career choices 职业选择 o o Escaping the rat race 躲避无休止的竞争 Background knowledge What is rat race? The rat race refers to a working life where people compete hard for power and money, and don’t have time to enjoy themselves.
Speaking:Elements of career choices 择业时需考虑的因素 o o o o Discussion Elements of career choices 1. salary 2. position 3. working condition 4. interest 5. venue (location) 6. further studies
Elements of career choices o o o o 7. promotion 8. welfare 9. stability 10. challenge 11. safety/ security 12. reputation 13. future
Attitude toward work 对待 作的态度 o o o Do you live to work or work to live? Three attitudes toward work: 1. Workaholic 作狂 2. Work lover 作爱好者 3. Work hater 作仇恨者
Reading: Change your life 改变你的生活 o o o o New Words & Expressions stockbroker 股票经纪人 Stock Exchange 证券交易所 reward n. 报酬,回报 go bankrupt 破产,倒闭 change into 把……. 改变为 trade in shares 股票交易
New Words & Expressions o o o o resign from the job 辞职 farmhouse n. 农舍 bed and breakfast accommodation 只 提供床铺与早餐的住宿 reorganise vt. 重新组织,重新安排 source of income 收入来源 as though 仿佛,好像 the best of luck 好运
Back to the land 回归土地 Name Peter Van Der Groot career Successful stockbroker Living place Moving from London to the countryside Make a living Growing fruit and vegetables, trade in shares Change of life More relaxed, spent more time with children, have a modest, but comfortable life
Life in the sun 阳光下的生活 Name Rob and Manda Brent career teachers Living place Moving from Birmingham’s city centre to the Tuscan hills in Italy. Make a living Offer bed and breakfast accommodation, growing olive trees and sell olive oils. Change of life More challenge and busy
Vocabulary: Money expressions o o o o borrow money lend money spend money save money lose money earn money get money waste money
Vocabulary: Money expressions o o o o o earn an income make a profit make a fortune make a loss make a budget make both ends meet go over budget into debt/be in red get a loan
Grammar:The present perfect 现在完成时 The form of the present perfect 现在完成时的构成 o have (has) + p. p. (动词的过去分词) o o 现在完成时用于描述: 最近已发生的动作,而且对现在有影响或有一个 看得见的结果。 起始于过去,持续到现在的动作。 某段时间内的动作,尚未完成。
The present perfect The adverbs which indicate the present perfect tense. 现在完成时中常用的副词有: o already, yet, ever, not… yet, just, since, for…(days, weeks, months, years…), in the past … years, recently o
Vocabulary: Name of Occupation 职业名称 o o Make a list of the name of career/ occupation professor, doctor, lawyer, police, pilot, actor/ actress, manager, engineer, nurse, secretary, salesperson, businessman …
Listening: Career changes 职业变化 o o Job hopping 跳槽 Discussion Reasons of job hopping Advantages and disadvantages of job hopping
5. 2 Achievements and plans 业绩和计划 o o o Focus 学习重点 熟悉与业绩和计划相关的词汇 学习与业绩和计划相关的技能 掌握将来时的用法 学会写电子邮件和 作进展报告
New words & Expressions o o o o design office 设计室 book cover 书的封面 printer n. 印刷商,印刷 ;打印机 quotation n. 报价 in full colour 用彩色 in black and white 用黑白 a full progress report 详细的进展报告
New words & Expressions o o o o refer to 参考,查阅,查看 book fair 书展,书市 a series of 一系列 Italian 意大利人,意大利语;意大利的 coincidence n. 巧合,巧事 move n. 行动,步骤;措施;方法; vi. 移动 consolidate one’s strong position 巩固某人的 强势地位 removal company 搬运公司
New words & Expressions o o o o stationery n. 文具,信纸 keep sb. up-to-date 使某人信息灵通 utility n. 公用事业,公用事业设备 bank loan 银行贷款 paperwork 日常文书 作 loan application 贷款申请 additive n. 添加剂
New words & Expressions o o o o flavour n. 味道,风味,香味 on a small scale 小规模 Café n. 小餐馆,咖啡馆 snack bar 小吃店,快餐柜 outlet n. 直销店;市场;销路 strawberry n. 草莓 pear n. 梨 mango n. 芒果
New words & Expressions o o o o take on 雇佣 meet demand 满足需求 health club 健身俱乐部 be in business 做生意 Poland 波兰(中欧国家) Hungary 匈牙利(中欧国家) Spain 西班牙(欧洲南部国家)
New words & Expressions o o o Portugal 葡萄牙(欧洲西南部国家) Slovakia 斯洛伐克(中欧国家) Bratislava 布拉迪斯拉发(捷克斯洛伐克中 南部城市)
Reading: Talking about results 谈论成果 o Complete the conversation with present perfect form of a suitable verb. P 51
Grammar: o o Going to 一般将来时 “Be going to” is used to express future plans and intentions. 我们用going to + 不定式表示计划或意图 We‘re not going to use that campany again. They are very expensive. She’s going to look for a new job in the summer.
Listening:Negotiating a bank loan 商谈银行贷款 o o o o Questions from bank clerk What do you do? Why do you want a loan? How much do you earn? Do you have any other income? Have you ever borrowed money before? Do you have any debts?
Negotiating a bank loan o o o Do you have a credit card? How long have you been in business? Do you have other properties such as stocks, bonds, treasures or collections? Do you own your house or rent it? Do you have a guarantee?
5. 3 Reading Test: Parts One to Three o o Focus 学习重点 Get familiar with the format of BEC Reading Test: Parts one to three (熟悉BEC考试阅读 1 -3部分的考试形式). Master the key words in the description of a chart(掌握与图表描述相关的词汇). Master the tips of the test(掌握考试技巧).
New words & Expressions o o o o poster n. 海报,招贴 office equipment 办公设备 prefabricated hut 预制营房,活动房 pharmaceutical company 制药公司 previous adj. 以前的,在先的 disastrous fall 损失惨重的一跌 reach the highest level 达到最高水平
New words & Expressions o o o o rise/ increase/ improve /ascend/ go up/ move up/ mount up 上升 soar 飙升 fall/ drop/ decrease/ decline/ descend/ go down下降 stay stable/ steady/ the same 保持平稳 level off 持平 recover 反弹 peak up 达到顶峰,最高点
New words & Expressions o o o o dramatically 喜剧地,引人注目地 considerably 相当大地 obviously 明显地 gradually 渐渐地 sharply 急剧地,明显地 slightly 轻微地 a little bit 一点儿
6. 1 Business travel 商务旅行 o o o Focus 学习重点 熟悉与商务旅行相关的词汇 学会谈论商务旅行的相关话题 练习在听力和阅读过程中寻找具体信息 掌握间接引语的用法
Listening: Flight problems 航班问题 o o Vocabulary on flight aircraft, check-in, delay, journey, land, luggage, passenger, passport, pilot, take off, travel, trip, air traffic controller, baggage handler, check-in baggage, carry-on bag, boarding pass, board, business/ economy/ first class, flight attendant/ stewardship/air-hostess/ stewardess, identity card, return/ single ticket, crew, security/ safety inspection
Listening: Flight problems 航班问题 o o o Speaking: Process of boarding Describe the process of boarding with the words listed above.
Grammar:Reported speech 间接引语 Direct speech Reported speech tense am/is/are Was/ were Present simple Past simple Present continuous Past simple Past perfect Present perfect Past perfect Future with will would can could
Reading: No card, no ticket 无信用卡,无飞机票 o Focus 学习重点 Learn how to write a complaint letter(学 会写投诉信) o How to deal with a complaint via media (怎样通过媒体处理投诉) o How you expect your problem to be solved(问题怎样得到解决) o
Style of the reading: Narration 叙述文 Time Last month Place Frankfurt airport People The author Event/ Lost his credit card and was not allowed to check in incident Process Lost his credit card in Germany, but provided a new credit card while checking in. He was asked to buy another ticket. Result Paid € 375 for another ticket.
6. 2 Travel arrangements 旅行安排 o o o Focus 学习重点 熟悉与旅行相关的词汇 学习掌握如何进行旅行安排的相关技能 练习在听力与阅读过程中寻找具体信息 掌握有关旅行安排的电子邮件的写法
New words & Expressions o o o Manchester 曼彻斯特(英格兰西北部港口城市) Glasgow 格拉斯哥(英国城市) Bristol 布里斯托尔(英国西部的港口) London Heathrow Airport 伦敦希思罗机场 Paris Charles De Gaulle Airport 巴黎戴高乐 机场 Lyon 里昂(法国城市)
Hotel amenities 宾馆便利设施 o lobby, a lift, free newspaper, a directdial telephone, extension, a jacuzzi, a swimming pool, room service, a mini bar, air-conditioning, an Internet connection, TV set, computer, a hair dryer, a conference room, conderence equipment, a fitness room/ gym
Hotel amenities 宾馆便利设施 translation services, laundry service, beauty saloon, restaurant, business centre, sauna, recreation centre, karaoke (KTV), dancing ball, boutique, store, travel agency, etc.
Types of Hotels 宾馆的种类 o o o (5、4、3、2、1) star hotel/ luxurious hotel 星级/ 豪华宾馆 business hotel 商务酒店 inn 小旅馆 motel 汽车旅馆 hostel 招待所,学生公寓
Types of hotel room 宾馆房间的种类 o o o o single room 单人间 double room 双人间 standard room 标准间 suite 套房 president suite 总统套房 master suite 主套房 junior suite 普通套房
Useful expressions in hotel o o o o book a room/ make a reservation check in check out room rate room service compliment breakfast courtesy bus front desk
Useful expressions in hotel o o o o manager receptionist porter attendant chambermaid waiter/waitress barman operator
Writing: Booking enquiries 订房咨询 o o o o Asking for information date room rate/ quotation facilities services location transport parking lot
Listening:Arranging business travel 安排商务旅行 o o o o o Transportation flight/ by plane/by air train/ by train coach/ by coach ship/ by sea car/ by car bus/ by bus underground/ subway/ by metro taxi/ by taxi
Speaking: Making a booking 预订 o Focus 学习重点 Learn how to book a flight ticket (学会怎样订机票) o Keep down the details about the time and the flight number (记录航班信息) o
Writing: Changes to flight details 航班信息变化 o o Deal with the changes of flight time: take off, land, delay flight: transfer/ change/ shift to another airline/ flight; cancel boarding gate: change
Writing Test: Part One o Style of writing email Formal With salutation(称呼语), title(职称、 头衔), complimentary closing(结束语 ), signature with full name(全称签名) Neutral Address to all, usually a notice, memo Informal Without title, just first name, without complimentary closing, signature with first name
Skills & Process of Email Writing 写电子邮件的技巧和步骤 o 1. Identify the style of email o 2. Read the instructions o 3. Conclude all the relevant information o 4. Check your writing for spelling, grammar and punctuation mistakes o 5. Check the number of words