- Количество слайдов: 38
後現代主義藝術的先聲 II: 消費文化 ─拉斯維加斯與普普藝 術 劉瑞琪 本著作除另有註明外,採取 創用 CC「姓名標示 -非商業性-相同方式分享」台灣 2. 5版 授權 釋出
Richard Hamilton, Just What Is It That Makes Today’s Homes So Different, So Appealing? (1956)
Robert Rauschenberg, Bed (1955) vs. Robert Rauschenberg, Retroactive I (1963)
• combine painting • silkscreen technique
Jasper Johns, Flag (1954 -55) vs. Jasper Johns, Three Flags (1958)
Jasper Johns, Flag (1954 -55) vs. Jasper Johns, White Flag (1955)
Jasper Johns, Painting with Two Balls (1960)
Andy Warhol, Campbell’s Soup Cans (1962) vs. Andy Warhol, 210 Coca-Cola Bottles (1962)
• Pop Art • Jean Baudrillard(布希亞): simulacrum(擬像) • Andy Warhol(安迪·沃荷): 1. simulacral reading 2. referential reading
Andy Warhol, Campbell’s Soup Can I (1968) vs. Andy Warhol, Big Torn Campbell’s Soup Can (Vegetable Beef) (1962)
Source image of Marilyn Monroe vs. Andy Warhol, Marilyn Diptych (1962)
Source image of Marilyn Monroe vs. Andy Warhol, Gold Marilyn Monroe (1962)
Andy Warhol, Marilyn Monroe’s Lips (1962)
Andy Warhol, Jackie (The Week That Was) (1963) vs. Andy Warhol, 16 Jackies (1964)
Andy Warhol, Double Silver Disaster (1963) vs. Andy Warhol, Tunafish Disaster (1963)
Andy Warhol, Saturday Disaster (1964)
Andy Warhol, Various Boxes (1964) vs. Andy Warhol, Brillo, Del Monte, and Heinz Boxes Piled on Top of One Another (1964)
Andy Warhol, Diamond Dust Shoes (1980)
Andy Warhol, Diamond Dust Shoes (1980) vs. Vincent van Gogh, Pair of Shoes (1887)
Andy Warhol, Blue Liz as Cleopatra (1963)
Roy Lichtenstein, M-Maybe (A Girl’s Picture) (1965) vs. Roy Lichtenstein, Drowning Girl (1963)
Roy Lichtenstein, Yellow and Green Brushstrokes (1966)
Claes Oldenburg, Clothespin (1976) vs. Claes Oldenburg, Lipstick (1969)
Claes Oldenburg, Soft Toilet (1966) vs. Claes Oldenburg, Soft Pay-Telephone (1963)
Claes Oldenburg, Soft Fur Good Humors (1963) vs. Claes Oldenburg, Split Button (1981)
Minoru Yamasaki, Pruitt-Igoe (1952 -55)
Las Vegas signs and buildings (1972)
Recommendation for a Monument (1972)
版權聲明 作品 授權條件 作者 /來源 • Wiki Sylvea • http: //en. wikipedia. org/wiki/File: Warhol-Campbell_Soup-1 -screenprint-1968. jpg • 2010/10/25 visited • Wiki Piersmasterson • http: //en. wikipedia. org/wiki/File: Hamilton-appealing 2. jpg • 2010/10/25 visited • Picasa showupnow. net http: //picasaweb. google. com/lh/photo/Tx. Fk. ZMe. M-ir. I 4 m. Cp. W 8 XIWQ • undroydproject. blogspot. com http: //www. arthistoryarchive. com/arthistory/popart/images/Robert. Rauschenberg. Bed-1955. jpg • 2010/10/25 visited • artknowledgenews. com http: //www. artknowledgenews. com/files 2007 a/Robert. Rauschenberg. Retroacti. jpg • postershop. co. uk http: //www. poster. net/rauschenberg-robert-retroactive-ii 6100409. jpg • 2010/10/25 visited
版權聲明 作品 授權條件 作者 /來源 • Wiki User Wpearl • http: //en. wikipedia. org/wiki/File: Jasper_Johns%27 s_%27 Flag%27, _Encaustic, _o il_and_collage_on_fabric_mounted_on_plywood, 1954 -55. jpg • 2010/10/25 visited • ssafa 88. wordpress. com http: //www. artchive. com/artchive/J/johns/3 flags. jpg • deitchman. com http: //deitchman. com/mcneillslides/images/Johns_Three. Flags. jpg • 2010/11/03 visited • The Metropolitan Museum of Art http: //www. metmuseum. org/Imageshare/ma/large/DT 4325. jpg • sheepish. org http: //www. sheepish. org/engine/wp-content/uploads/2009/07/whiteflag. jpg • 2010/10/25 visited • artchive. com http: //www. artchive. com/artchive/J/johns/twoballs. jpg • schoolofvisualarts. edu http: //www. schoolofvisualarts. edu/ce/blog/wpcontent/uploads/2010/05/svablogjohnstwoballs. jpg • 2010/10/25 visited
版權聲明 作品 授權條件 作者 /來源 • marcomarcucci. com http: //www. marcomarcucci. com/WARHOL/Andy-Warhol-100 -Cans-1962. jpg • asds. org http: //www. asds. org/Class. Projects/8 th. AH_06/cristina/soupcans. jpg • 2010/10/25 visited • studio-international. co. uk http: //www. studio-international. co. uk/studio-images/face_to_face/Bottles_b. jpg • warholarts. com http: //2. bp. blogspot. com/_Fpkvr. Kl. CSc. Y/Sl. IHGClt. We. I/AAAAEm. Y/VOAat w. Ib. Fzo/s 1600 -h/warhol-210 -coca-cola-bottles. jpg • 2010/10/25 visited • 3 landinfo. blogspot. com http: //4. bp. blogspot. com/_T 3 -Gn 74 j 85 c/TElgzp. Za. Oy. I/AAAABk/6 r 4 h. Dhx. Cq-c/s 1600/Big-Torn-Campbell%27 s-Soup-Can. jpg • lunettesrouges. blog. lemonde. fr http: //lunettesrouges. blog. lemonde. fr/files/2010/09/torn-cs 2. 1285014911. jpg • 2010/10/25 visited • weblo. com • http: //www. weblo. com/asset_images/large/Marilyn_Monroe_Marilyn_Mo_48 e 8 8 a 010460 b. jpg • 2010/11/03 visited
版權聲明 作品 授權條件 作者 /來源 • arts-wallpapers. com http: //www. artswallpapers. com/wallpaper/andy_warhol/04/andy_warhol 800 wallpaper. jpg • tate. org. uk http: //www. tate. org. uk/collection/T/T 03093_9. jpg • 2010/10/25 visited • Picasa Mediologist http: //picasaweb. google. com/mediologist/Warhol. And. Pop. Art#51632051735481633 62 • Flickr House Of Secrets Incorporated http: //www. flickr. com/photos/houseofsecrets/2326709884/ • 2010/10/25 visited • settemuse. it http: //www. settemuse. it/pittori_scultori_americani/warhol/handy_warhol_008_Mari lyn_Monroes_Lips_1962. jpg • Flickr cliff 1066™ http: //www. flickr. com/photos/28567825@N 03/3454880438/ • 2010/10/25 visited • warhol-retrospektive-berlin. de http: //www. warhol-retrospektive-berlin. de/images/jackies. jpg • evilmonito. com http: //evilmonito. com/wp-content/uploads/2009/02/jackies. jpg • 2010/10/25 visited
版權聲明 作品 授權條件 作者 /來源 • walkerart. org http: //www. walkerart. org/archive/C/BB 837146 D 1 EDD 958615 F. jpg • artsconnected. org http: //www. artsconnected. org/media/3 e/d 0/9058 e 096359 f 7 d 9 da 010 b 5130 f 17/1024/ 768/22351. jpg • 2010/10/25 visited • artchive. com http: //www. artchive. com/artchive/w/warhol_disaster. jpg • angel-art-house. com http: //www. angel-art-house. com/upload/artists/w/warhol, andy/aw-82_. jpg • 2010/10/25 visited • horsesthink. com http: //horsesthink. com/wp-content/uploads/2007/09/tuna 2. gif • msu. edu https: //www. msu. edu/course/ha/452/WARHOL. JPG • 2010/10/25 visited • artknowledgenews. com http: //www. artknowledgenews. com/files 2008 a/warhol-slide-3 -64. jpg • gorg. kontxt. net http: //gorg. kontxt. net/wp-content/themes/tumblelog/images/andy_warholambulance_disaster. jpg • 2010/10/25 visited
版權聲明 作品 授權條件 作者 /來源 • aesthetic. gregcookland. com • http: //gregcookland. com/journal/uploaded_images/pic. Warhol. Saturday. Disaster 705354. jpg • 2010/10/25 visited • marin. edu • http: //www. marin. edu/art 107/images/Warhol. Boxes. jpg • 2010/10/25 visited • euroartmagazine. com • http: //www. euroartmagazine. com/art. Ups/1230240272. jpg • 2010/10/25 visited • hosting. zkm. de http: //container. zkm. de/fbb/img/warhol_b. jpg • drewarthur. tumblr. com http: //27. media. tumblr. com/tumblr_l 4 cmlea. I 0 L 1 qb 9 yj 1 o 1_r 1_500. jpg • 2010/10/25 visited
版權聲明 作品 授權條件 作者 /來源 • netdale. com http: //thumbs. imagekind. com/museum/350 X 350/AWI/JPGS/NR 809. jpg • ioffer. com http: //cdn 3. ioffer. com/img/item/109/958/023/1090. jpg • 2010/10/25 visited • ryanadam. com http: //www. ryanadam. com/paintings/pairofboots. jpg • vangoghgallery. com http: //www. vangoghgallery. com/catalog/image/0333/Pair-of-Shoes, -A. jpg • 2010/10/25 visited • picasaweb. google. com http: //lh 6. ggpht. com/_SUBGzd 1 BG 60/SXLPbj 6 Rx. FI/AAAAAAAB_Fc/Pkg. TX 8 uz YGs/Warhol, +Blue+Liz+as+Cleopatra+1963. jpg • agisoft. it http: //www. agisoft. it/Arte/5/p/bg/p 5 f 10100. jpg • 2010/10/25 visited • artsheaven. com http: //ep. yimg. com/ca/I/artsheaven_2128_401316918. jpg • thecosmosshop. blogspot. com http: //www. leninimports. com/lichtenstein 2. jpg • 2010/10/25 visited
版權聲明 作品 授權條件 作者 /來源 • Wiki Ira Schnapp • http: //en. wikipedia. org/wiki/File: Roy_Lichtenstein_Drowning_Girl. jpg • 2010/10/25 visited • lichtensteinfoundation. org http: //www. lichtensteinfoundation. org/images/0350. jpg • erhard-metz. de http: //erhard-metz. de/wp-content/uploads/lichtenstein. jpg • 2010/10/25 visited • marin. edu http: //www. marin. edu/art 107/images/Oldenberg. Clothes. Pin. jpg • vmglasshouse. com http: //www. vmglasshouse. com/newsletter 10/oldenburg_clothespin. jpg • 2010/10/25 visited • Daniel Wheeler, (1991), Art Since Mid-Century: 1945 To the Present, Vendome Press
版權聲明 作品 授權條件 作者 /來源 • askyfilledwithshootingstars. com http: //www. askyfilledwithshootingstars. com/wordpress/wpcontent/uploads/2009/05/oldenburg_softtoilet. jpg • twokitties. typepad. com http: //twokitties. typepad. com/. a/6 a 00 d 83451 c 46169 e 20120 a 6550498970 b-500 wi • 2010/10/25 visited • Flickr Ras. Marley http: //www. flickr. com/photos/32357038@N 08/3252703543/ • no-endeavour. cc http: //1. bp. blogspot. com/_ZFzawz__XYM/THWHm. Xmgoj. I/AAAAEf. E/GS DZNuy-i 6 k/s 800/soft 2. jpg • 2010/10/25 visited • blogs. colette. fr http: //blogs. colette. fr/andreacrews/files/2010/02/claes-oldenburg-soft-fur-goodhumor. jpg • n 2 -lesnereides. com http: //www. n 2 -lesnereides. com/leblogdescurieuses/wpcontent/uploads/2010/02/claes-oldenburg-soft-fur-good-humor-466 x 306. jpg • 2010/10/25 visited • metmuseum. org • http: //www. metmuseum. org/explore/oldenburg/images/size 07_06. jpg • 2010/10/25 visited
版權聲明 作品 授權條件 作者 /來源 • de. academic. ru • http: //de. academic. ru/pictures/dewiki/112/pruitt-igoe-collapses. jpg • 2010/10/25 visited • gdpsu. typepad. com • http: //gdpsu. typepad. com/. a/6 a 00 e 55001740 b 88340120 a 5 def 33 f 970 b-800 wi • 2010/10/25 visited • landscapeandurbanism. blogspot. com • http: //3. bp. blogspot. com/_Ymx 9 e 66 vr. Gc/Soy 62 uk. We 6 I/AAAAKw. Q/q 7 Ob. K 4 DAt. U 0/s 400/SKMBT_C 25309081918180_0001. jpg • 2010/10/25 visited