- Количество слайдов: 40
分享中文數位資源的契機與探 討 Opportunities and Discussions on Sharing Chinese Digital Resources 李華偉 Hwa-Wei Lee 美國國會圖書館亞洲部主任(退休) Former Chief, Asian Division, U. S. Library of Congress 美國俄亥俄大學圖書館館長(退休) Dean of Libraries Emeritus, Ohio University leeh@ohio. edu
報告要點 Key Points of My Speech 這篇報告主要是探討最近所召 開第五屆中國和北美圖書館合 作會議的主要論題和結論. The speech is based largely on the major topics and conclusions of the recently held Fifth China-North America Library Conference. 2
第五屆中國和北美圖書館合作會 議 The 5 th China-US Library Conference 這個會議是在今年 9月 9 -11日在北京召開. 是由中國國家圖書館和美國國會圖書館聯 合主辦. 美方參加者包括加拿大的數位圖 書館專家們. This conference was held in Beijing on September 9 -11, 2010 organized jointly by the National Library of China and the U. S. Library of Congress. American participants included a number of digital library specialists from Canada. 3
會議宗旨 Mission of the Conference 本次大會旨在促進業界對數位資源的 共享進行更廣泛和深入的研究與探討; 加強中國和北美圖書館界在此領域的 交流與合作. This conference aims to promote the profound research and exploration in digital resources sharing, and to further mutual exchanges and cooperation between China and North America. 4
開幕式致辭 Opening Remarks by Deanna Marcum, Associate Librarian of the Library of Congress 在今天全球的 , 多樣文化的 , 及多元的世界裡 , 對那裡所發生的快速變化和了解 , 必須從多種 的觀點來觀察. 因此 , 圖書館及圖書館員對於 數位資源分享所包含的潛力和複雜性必須有 所了解 Today’s world is global, multi-cultural, and multi-polar, where rapid changes occur and where understanding is only achieved when viewed from multiple perspectives. In response …, libraries and librarians need to understand both the potential and complexity involved with sharing digital resources. 5
第五屆中美圖書館合作會議的主要議 題 Main Discussion Points of the Conference 1. 資源共享政策與趨勢 Resource sharing policies and perspectives 2. 數位資源的基礎架構與藏儲技術 Digital infrastructure and repository technology 3. 研究數據的共享 Research Data Sharing 4. 共享數位保存分法 Sharing digital preservation methods 5. 數位資源的訪問、檢索及利用 Shared digital access, retrieval and use 6
詹福瑞副館長開幕式致辭 Opening Remarks by Zhan Furui, Deputy Director of NL China 中國國家圖書館的數字資源共享戰略與實 踐:近年來,中國國家圖書館以 “同一個中國, 同一個數字圖書館 ”為願景,積極拓展數位 資源的共建共享業務. In recent years, on the basis of the vision “The whole of China will share and benefit from one digital library”, the National Library of China actively promoted the joint construction and sharing of digital resources. 7
數位資源共享戰略與實踐 Strategic Planning & Practices for Digital Resources Sharing 1. 國家圖書館的戰略規劃 The strategic plan of the National Library: 1) 建設國家數字圖書館 程 digital library project Implement the national 2) 促進全國公共圖書館的協調發展 Promote a coordinated development of the nation’s public libraries 3) 開展深度和廣泛的資源共享 and broad-based resource sharing Develop an in-depth 4) 實現數字圖書館的價值融合和增值服務 Realize the combined value and value-added service of digital libraries 8
數位資源共享戰略與實踐 Strategic Planning & Actual Actions for Digital Resources Sharing 2. 國家圖書館的探索與實踐 (1) Search and implement by the National Library: 1) 通過各類網絡平台,服務互聯網用戶 By means of a variety of network platforms to serve Internet users 2) 建設國家數字圖書館地方分館,服務基層讀 者 Establish local branches of the national digital library to serve local readers 3) 實施 “縣級數字圖書館推廣計劃 ”, 服務基層圖 書館 Implement the “County Digital Library Plan” to serve local libraries 9
數位資源共享戰略與實踐 Strategic Planning & Actual Actions for Digital Resources Sharing 2. 國家圖書館的探索與實踐 (2) Search and implement by the National Library: 4) 搭建立法決策服務平台, 為中央國家機關服 務 Construct service platform for legislative decisionmaking 5) 開通殘疾人數位圖書館, 服務弱勢群體 Establish digital libraries for handicapped users to better serve the disadvantaged 6) 建設兒童數位圖書館,引導兒童閱讀學習 Establish children libraries to cultivate reading habit at an earlier age 10
數位資源共享戰略與實踐 Strategic Planning & Actual Actions for Digital Resources Sharing 2. 國家圖書館的探索與實踐 (3) Search and implement by the National Library: 7) 拓展新媒體服務,創新閱讀新經驗 Expand new media service to create new reading experience 8) 繼往開來,規劃 “國家數字圖書館推廣 程 ” Learn from the past and develop the future, in the planning of the “Extended National Digital Library Project” 11
論文宣讀與討論 Presentation and Discussion 在兩天的會議裡 , 雙方的專家們圍繞著 5個主 題宣讀了 19篇精彩及高水準的論文 , 並進行 了熱烈的討論. During the two-day conference, based on the five subthemes, a total of 19 excellent papers were presented by experts from China and North America, followed by active discussions. 以下為主要論文的討論要點 : Below are key discussion points in the major papers : 12
1. 資源共享政策與趨勢 Resource sharing policies and perspectives • 多倫多大學圖書館館長 Carole Moore 提出 六個政策 The Library Dean of University of Toronto, Carole Moore, proposed six policies: 1)讓不受版權限制的資料能公開及自由的使用 Keep materials already in the public domain openly and freely accessible. 2)把館藏的複件存放在不同的檔案中心以保證 長期的保存和使用 Ensure long-term preservation and accessibility by keeping copies of collections in multiple archives. 13
1. 資源共享政策與趨勢 Resource sharing policies and perspectives 3)建立合作式的開放文檔以便於無限制的文 檔 主權的交換 Build open content collaboration in which there is no requirement for the transfer of content ownership or rights. 4)鼓勵個別作者註明任何使用的限制和引用 的條件 Encourage individual contributors to indicate any restrictions on use and conditions for appropriate attribution. 14
1. 資源共享政策與趨勢 Resource sharing policies and perspectives 5)按照國際標準提供可以查尋各種文獻的元 數據 Ensure accessibility of metadata at the collection and item level according to appropriate international standards depending on format. 6)鼓勵發展能夠經由開放式標準促進文獻使 用的 具 Encourage the development of tools that enhance the usability of materials through open service standards. 15
1. 資源共享政策與趨勢 Resource sharing policies and perspectives • 美國國家科學院 Paul Uhlir討論知識產權 法規和數位資源共享的模式 , 指出兩個 新的發展 Paul Uhlir of the NAS discussed intellectual property laws and models of digital resource sharing and pointed out two new developments: 1)推動 “創造公共園地 “ 和 “科學公共園地 “ 的 新發展 The advent of the “Creative Commons” and “Science Commons” initiatives 2)”開放式獲取 “ 的運動 The “Open-access” movement 16
1. 資源共享政策與趨勢 Resource sharing policies and perspectives • 中國文化部全國文化信息資源建設管理 中心張彥博主任提出 “消弭數位鴻溝共 享文化資源 —全國文化信息資源共享 程建設與實踐 ”的建議 。 • Zhang Yanbo, Director of the National Cultural Information Resources Sharing Management Center spoke on “Narrow the Digital Divide and Share the Cultural Resources—The Construction of the National Information Resources Sharing Project. ” 17
1. 資源共享政策與趨勢 Resource sharing policies and perspectives • 北京大學圖書館館長朱強教授提出了 “ 關於我國資源共享政策的若干建議 ”: Zhu Qiang, Professor and Director, Peking University Library, spoke on “Suggestions to Resource Sharing Policies in Mainland China”: 18
1. 資源共享政策與趨勢 Resource sharing policies and perspectives • 朱強關於資源共享政策的若干建議 : Suggestions on Resource Sharing Policies in Mainland China: 1) 要推進和加速與圖書館相關的立法 作 Push and Expedite legislative work on library related laws 2) 要堅持並完善數位圖書館聯席會議機制 Continue and improve the work of Joint Council of Digital Libraries 3) 要加強有關標準制定 作 Strengthen the work on adopting related standards 4) 要促進開放獲取運動的開展 Promoting the development of Open Access movement 5) 要從更高層級統籌協調資源共享 Should coordinate resource sharing from higher levels 19
2. 數位資源的基礎架構與藏儲技術 Digital infrastructure and repository technology • Johns Hopkins 大學主管圖書館數字項目副 館長 , 賽義 -喬杜里 , 關於 ”數據保存 : 基礎框 架的全球視野 ”的演講. Sayeed Chounhury, Associate Dean of Library Digital Programs, Johns Hopkins University spoke on “Data Conservancy: A Global Perspective on Infrastructure. ” 20
2. 數位資源的基礎架構與藏儲技術 Digital infrastructure and repository technology • 科學已經是國際化了. 數據保存基礎框架 的發展必須按照能強調共同的科學問題 和要求的新的協作模式. Science has become an international endeavor so Data Conservancy infrastructure development must account for new modes of collaboration that emphasize common scientific questions or requirements. 21
2. 數位資源的基礎架構與藏儲技術 Digital infrastructure and repository technology • 美國國會圖書館亞洲部主任 Peter Young 關於數字資源共享有關的要求的報告 Peter Young, Chief of the Asian Division, Library of Congress, reported on “Requirements for Transfer, Archival Storage, Administration, Access, and Management of Shared Digital Resources” 22
2. 數位資源的基礎架構與藏儲技術 Digital infrastructure and repository technology • 他的報告主要是針對數字資源的傳送 , 文 獻藏儲 , 行政 , 獲取 , 和管理各種要求. 提出促 成數位資源共享所要求的基礎架構與藏 儲技術. His paper addresses requirements for transfer, archival storage, administration, access, and management of shared digital resources. The paper identifies infrastructure requirements and repository technology needed to facilitate digital resource sharing. 23
3. 研究數據的共享 Research Data Sharing • 美國洛杉磯加州大資訊研究所 Christine Borgman 教授關於 “研究數據 : 何者共享 , 與 誰 , 何時 , 及為什麼 ? ”的報告. Christine Borgman, Professor of Information Studies, UCLA spoke on “Research Data: Who will share what, with whom, when, and why? ” 24
3. 研究數據的共享 Research Data Sharing • 她分析了四個爭論點 : Four arguments are examined: 1) 要把用公款研究的數據成果公開 to make the results of publicly-funded research data available to the public 2) 要讓他人對數據提出新問題 to enable others to ask new questions of extant data 3) 要促進科學的現狀 to advance the state of science 4) 要能複製研究的結果 to reproduce research 25
3. 研究數據的共享 Research Data Sharing • 武漢大學圖書館學系肖希明主任關於 “構 建我國信息資源共享政策保障體系 “ 的六 項建議 Professor Xiao Ximing, Head of the Library Science Department, Wuhan University, spoke on the policy assurance for information resource sharing in China and made six recommendations: 1) 信息資源整體佈局政策 Integrated development plan for information resources 2) 信息資源協調採集政策 Coordinated acquisition of information resources 26
3. 研究數據的共享 Research Data Sharing • 肖希明主任關於 “ 構建我國信息資源共享 政策保障體系 “ 的六項建議 : Six recommendations of Professor Xiao Ximing : 3) 書目信息資源共建共享政策 Cooperative building and sharing bibliographic information resources 4) 文獻傳遞補貼和收費政策 document delivery Subsidy and fees for 5) 文獻傳遞中知識產權問題的解決 Solutions for intellectual property right issues in document delivery 6) 信息資源公共獲取政策 resources Public access of information 27
3. 研究數據的共享 Research Data Sharing • 中國社會科學院圖書館蔣穎副館長關於該院 ”人文社會科 學學術資源開放獲取現狀分析 ” 的報告 Ms. Jiang Ying, Deputy Director of Chinese Academy of Social Science Library reported on the current status for open access of scholarly resources in the humanities and social sciences: 1) 根據她的調查 , 中國人文社科領域對數字信息資源開放 獲取遠遠落後於自然科學領域 According to her survey, open access to information resources in humanities and social sciences is far behind those in natural sciences in China. 2) 在數據資源的保存和共享方面 , 大學和研究機構的數據 基本上是分散保存和內部使用 , 不對外提供 In regard to data resources, they are scattered in different places and are only for internal use. 3) 值得一提的是國家統計局網站已將 《 中國統計年鑑 》 的 數據在網站上免費開放 However, it is worthy of note that the database of the <China Statistical Yearbook> provided by the Chinese 28 National Bureau of Statistics is now available from its website and is free of
• 4. 數位資源保存方法 Sharing digital preservation methods 中國國家圖書館張志清副館長關於 “中華古籍 特藏資源庫構建 ” 報告的三個要點 : The report on “The Digitization of Chinese Rare Books and Special Collections” by Zhang Zhiqing, Deputy Director of the NL of China. 1) 國家圖書館古籍特藏數字化 Digitization of Chinese rare books and special collections at the National Library 2) 中華古籍保護計劃 The Chinese Ancient Books Conservation and Preservation Project 3) 中華古籍特藏資源庫 – 包括中華古籍目錄檢 索平台及分佈式古籍影像資源庫等 Resource database of Chinese ancient books and special collections 29
• 4. 數位資源保存方法 Sharing digital preservation methods 美國 Emory 大學圖書館館長 Richard Luce對數 字資源保存所提出的設想與合作方案 Richard Luce, Library Director of Emory University spoke on “Digital Preservation: Proposing Scenarios and Collaborative Projects” • 他認為中美之間對數字資源保存的合作可從 以下三點著手 Three possible approaches for cooperation: 1) 保存數字化後的收藏和原始的數字化檔案 Preserving digitized collection & born digital archives 2) 保存網站上的存檔 Preserving web site archiving 3) 保存數據,數據集,及應用 具 Preserving data, datasets & application tools 30
4. 數位資源保存方法 Sharing digital preservation methods • 浙江圖書館劉曉清副館長關於浙江網絡 圖書館數字資源的報告要點 : Key points in the Report on digital resources in Zhejiang Network Library by Liu Xiaoqing, Deputy Director of Zhejiang Library: 1) 數字資源利用的策略 Strategies for the use of digital resources 2) 數位資源的整合 Integration of digital resources 3) 讀者資源的共享 Sharing digital resources with users 4) 數位資源利用的方法 Methods for the use of digital resources 31
4. 數位資源保存方法 Sharing digital preservation methods • 美國 Smithsonian Institution圖書館副館長 Thomas Garnett 關於 “ 生物多樣性遺產圖 書館 : 保留一門知識生態學 “ 的報告. Thomas Garnett, Associate Director of U. S. Smithsonian Institution Libraries reported on “The Biodiversity Heritage Library: Preserving a Knowledge Ecology. ” • 中國科學院也是這個國際合作項目的參與 機構之一 The Chinese Academy of Sciences is also one of the participants of this international cooperative project. 32
4. 數位資源保存方法 Sharing digital preservation methods • 以下是一些共同的原則 Below are the general principles of BHL: 1) 保證數位化數據庫長期及連續地獲取 Ensure long-term continued access to digital files 2) 責任分佈及資源結合 pool resources Distribute responsibilities and 3) 建立有責任的所有權 Create responsible ownership 4) 將復制的數位化數據庫分佈在不同的地點 Replicate the content in different locations 5) 用不同的系統結構和管理方式 system architectures and management With different 33
5. 數位資源的訪問、 檢 索及利用 Shared digital access, retrieval and use • 美國 ITHAKA 公司總裁 , Kevin Guthrie, 的報告 – “網絡演變的三個趨勢 : 推進數字資源共享的實 用指南 “. 這三個趨勢是 : The speech by Kevin Guthrie, President of ITHAKA on “Three Trends in the Evolution of the Web: A Practical Guide to Promote Shared Use of Digital Resources”. The three trends are: 1) 鏈接 Linking 2) 搜索引擎 Search engines 3) 社會化網絡 Social networking 34
5. 數位資源的訪問、檢索及利用 Shared digital access, retrieval and use • 北京市檔案局副局長李立軍關於 “北京市國家綜 合檔案館館藏信息資源共享機制建設研究 “的報 告. The report “On Mechanism of Resources Sharing of the Beijing Municipal National Comprehensive Archives” by Li Lijun, Deputy Director of Beijing Municipal Archives. • 依據國家信息化建設 “統籌規劃 , 國家主導 , 統一 標準 , 聯合建設 , 互聯互通 , 資源共享 “ 的戰略原則 進行 Actions guided by the strategic principles of national informationization: “Coordinated planning, government leadership, unified standards, cooperative construction, networked and linked, and resources sharing“. 35
5. 數位資源的訪問、撿索及利用 Shared digital access, retrieval and use • 中國國家博物館信息網絡部主任肖飛關於 共享 : 數位社會中的博物館 “ 的報告. “資源 Report on “Resource Sharing: Museums in the Digital Society” by Xiao Fei, Director of the Information Network Department of the National Museum of China. • 她認為博物館的資源共享不應該是簡單的信息 發布. 博物館不僅要提供藏品的直觀信息 , 而且 要還原 , 說明藏品作為社會生活物化載體的立體 信息. She believes that as a museum, not only the basic information of a collection item should be open to the public, but also the cultural and the realistic information about the item. 36
一些總結 Some Conclusions • 第五屆中美圖書館合作會議被擴大為中國 及北美圖書館員的會議 The 5 th China-U. S. Library Conference was expanded to include library professionals from Canada. • 隨著第四屆會議的模式也邀請了檔案界和 博物館界的專家一同參加 It continued the trend of the 4 th conference by inviting professionals from archives and museums to join. • 這個會議有深度的及廣泛的回顧和探討了 有關數字資源共享的各種重要問題 It reviewed and discussed extensively and in greater depth the wide range of important issues relating to sharing digital resources. 37
一些總結 Some Conclusions • 雙方都希望能在這個會議後達成一些具體的合 作項目 Both sides showed strong desires to develop cooperative projects as a follow up of the conference. • 很高興能看到很多經由國際合作的數位資源共 享項目在快速發展中並且試圖克服一些不合理 的限制 It was exciting to see the many expedited developments in a worldwide effort to share digital resources and to overcome unreasonable restrictions. • 像台灣一樣,中國政府也在大力的計劃和推行全 國性的各種信息資源數位化項目 Like what has happened in Taiwan, the Chinese Government has placed great effort on planning and implementing national digitization projects for information resources of various types. 38
一些總結 Some Conclusions • 近年來,信息和網絡技術的快速發展也促進了信 息資源數位化的進展 The rapid advancement in information and network technologies in recent years have also facilitated this movement. • 目前在信息資源共建共享方面有更多可供國際合 作的機會. 這是採取行動的好時機 Opportunities for greater international cooperation in building and sharing digital resources are ever more present. It is time to act! • 對正在進行中的中文古籍數位化合作項目 , 美國國 會圖書館要向台灣的國家圖書館在過去五年的大 力贊助表示感謝 The Library of Congress is deeply grateful to the National Central Library in Taiwan for the on-going cooperative digitization of the rare Chinese materials in the Library of Congress. 39
重要網址 Important websites • 第五屆中美圖書館合作會議 The 5 th China-US Library Cooperation Conference http: //www. nlc. gov. cn/yjfw/zm/index. html • 第五屆中美圖書館合作會議在京隆重召開 The opening of the 5 th China-US Library Cooperation Conference in Beijing http: //www. nlc. gov. cn/syzt/2010/0909/article_565. htm • 中國國家圖書館 -中國國家數字圖書館 National Library of China – National Digital Library of China http: //www. nlc. gov. cn • 全國文化信息資源共享 程 National Cultural Information Resources Sharing Project http: //www. ndcnc. gov. cn 多謝。敬請指教 !Thank You! 40