主编: 陈明娟 谈芳
2 第六章 写作 《基本要求》对A级写作的规定是:能就一般性题材,在 30分钟内写 出 80— 100词的命题作文;能填写和模拟套写简短的英语应用文,如填 写表格与单证,套写简历、通知、信函等,词句基本正确,无重大语法 错误,格式恰当,表达清楚。 《基本要求》对B级写作做了如下规定:能运用所学词汇和语法写出简 单的短文;能用英语填写表格,套写简单的私人信函、便函、通知、简 历,编写名片、贺卡,以及书写简单的个人简历等,词句基本正确,无 重大语法错误,格式基本恰当,表达清楚。 B级的难度要求比A级低,一般只强调考查考生对《基本要求》B级写作 能力所要求应用文基本格式的掌握情况。字数要求也比较低,只要不少 于60个字即可。因此考生应该始终把格式放在第一位,而内容表达上要 运用简单精炼的词句,无需写得太长。 经对历年实考题的分析,发现A、B级写作测试的均是应用文,其中私人 信函和业务信函类(包括邀请函及回函)所占比例最大;再就是表单、 传真、电子邮件、内部通知和报告类。以下我们将对《基本要求》规定 的各种应用文一一给予介绍。 学林出版社 Back Next
3 第六章 写作 一、书信类(私人信函、业务信函) 题型特点 1. 书信格式:较常用的书信格式有齐头式(block form)、绝对齐头式 (extreme block form)和折衷式(semi-block form)。 齐头式:也称直列式,这种格式除日期、信尾敬语和签名部分外,其他 部分每行开头均处于信纸左边顶格处。这种格式便于打字又有变化, 为越来越多的人所采用。 ……………. . ① 信头 (letterhead) ………………. ② 日期 (date) ……………. . ③ 信内地址 (inside address) ……………. ④ 称呼语 (salutation) ………………………………………. . ⑤ 正文 (body) ……………. ⑥信尾敬语 (complimentary close) ……………. . ⑦签名落款 (signature & signature block) 学林出版社 Back Next
4 第六章 写作 2) 绝对齐头式:是齐头式的绝对形式。它起源于美国、加拿大,要求信 的每行开头均从信纸左边顶格写起。这种格式最便于打字,因此为追 求便捷、使用打字机和计算机的人士所喜爱。 ……………. . ① 信头 (letterhead) ……………. . ② 日期 (date) ……………. . ③ 信内地址 (inside address) ……………. . ④ 称呼语 (salutation) ………………………………………. . ⑤ 正文 (body) ………⑥ 信尾敬语 (complimentary close) ……⑦ 签名落款 (signature & signature block) 学林出版社 Back Next
5 第六章 写作 3) 折衷式:兼有缩行式和齐头式的特点。这种格式要求书信的正文采用 缩行式,而其他部分则与齐头式一样。 ……………. . ① 信头 (letterhead) ……………. . ② 日期 (date) ……………. . ③ 信内地址 (inside address) ……………. . ④ 称呼语 (salutation) ………………………………………. ⑤ 正文(body) ………⑥ 信尾敬语 (complimentary close) ………⑦ 签名落款 (signature & signature block) 学林出版社 Back Next
6 第六章 写作 4) 商务信函一般使用定制的信笺,通常信头列在正中顶端;在称谓与正 文间设有主题行。商务行文多使用绝对齐头式。 Matterson, Stock & Cleaver 57 Keswick Street Causeway Bay Hong Kong SAR Tel: 25321339/Fax: 25321267 ……………. . 日期 (date) ……………. . 信内地址 (inside address) ……………. . 称呼语 (salutation) Subject/Re. : …………. 主题行 (subject line) …………………正文 (body) ……………信尾敬语 (complimentary close) ………………签名落款 (signature & signature block) 学林出版社 Back Next
7 第六章 写作 2. 书信类型:包括社交信函(感谢信、邀请函等)、日常信函(申请信、 求职信等)和商务实务信函(建立商务关系、催款、投诉等)。 1) 感谢信(Thank-you Letters)通常包括以下内容:a. 表达感激;b. 对方的体贴、周到、细心、热情等;c. 表示将来有望回报或继续 合作等;d. 再次表示感谢。 2) 邀请信(Invitation Letters)的格式与一般书信的格式相同。其正 文应写明邀请的原因和参加的活动(时间、地点及其他相关细节) ,并表达希望对方接受邀请的诚挚愿望。 3) 求 职 信 函 ( Job Applications) 主 要 包 括 : 求 职 信 ( Letters of Application)、推荐信(Recommendation Letters)和个人简历( Résumé/CV)。 a. 求职信(Letters of Application)属正式信函。它是求职者进行自我 推销的一种方式。分为自荐求职信和应聘求职信。其主要内容为: 说明招聘消息的来源(应聘求职信)或询问是否有职位空缺(自 荐求职信);写信的目的;简要介绍个人经历;自己对应聘 作 的胜任能力以及要求对方予以考虑或提供面试机会。 学林出版社 Back Next
8 第六章 写作 b. 推荐信(Recommendation Letters)也是较正式的函件。正文部分应包 含以下内容:推荐人和被推荐人的关系、被推荐人的 作(学习)成 绩、被推荐人的优势以及推荐人对被推荐人的评价和态度。 c. 个人简历(Résumé/CV)没有绝对标准的统一格式,主要应包括:个 人信息(姓名、地址、电话号码等)、职业目标、教育背景、经历( 所获荣誉、参加过的活动等)。这些内容可根据个人情况不同选择先 后顺序。教育和 作经历的时间顺序由近及远。简历中无须完整的句 子,如在写 作经历时可把:I am teaching undergraduates writing and reading. 写成 Teaching undergraduates writing and reading. 把I worked as a clerk in a company. 写成 Worked as a clerk in a company. 或Clerk in a company. (例文见下页) d. 求职追踪信件(Application Follow-ups)开头:向对方表示感谢,感谢 对方考虑了你的申请或安排了面试;正文:a) 描写自己在申请或面试 之后对所申请 作的新认识;b) 若申请或面试之后,你又取得了一些 新的成就,可在信中顺便提及;c) 询问对方是否需要额外的材料以便 于鉴定自己;结尾:表示自己的等待心情,有礼貌地催请对方尽早回 复。 学林出版社 Back Next
9 第六章 写作 RÉSUMÉ DAVID BENSON Gender: Health: Marital Status: Height: Date of Birth: Weight: Permanent Address: Telephone: EDUCATION ………………………………. . EMPLOYMENT HISTORY ………………………………. . CERTIFICATES ………………………………. LANGUAGES ………………………………. INTERESTS/ACTIVITIES ………………………………. . REFERENCES ………………………………. . . 学林出版社 Back Next
10 第六章 写作 4) 建立贸易关系信函(Letters of Establishing Business Relations):交易 开始和扩展的基础是建立业务关系。信函要注意礼貌、得体、简洁、 真诚、富有策略,将写信人的意图清楚完整地传达给对方。开头部分: 首先要告知对方你是如何获得其名称地址和业务范围的,并表达出你 愿意与对方建立贸易关系的意愿;承接部分:向对方做自我介绍,包 括企业的业务范围、财务状况、企业性质、信誉声望等;结尾部分: 盼望对方回复并表明希望合作的愿意。 5) 投诉信(Complaint Letters)一般发生在买方收到卖方所交的货物或提 供的服务时,经检查后买方发现产品与合同规定不符,遂向卖方提出 异议。开头:提出投诉起因;中心:分析原因并提出具体处理意见; 结尾:要求尽早解决,希望今后交易中不再发生此类现象。 学林出版社 Back Next
11 第六章 写作 6) 催款信件(Collection Letters)一般要连续发出。第一封信的目的只是 提醒客户哪一笔款项尚未支付,简单而有礼貌地要求其尽早付款;第 二封仍是提醒,但口气上稍微强一点,有分寸地敦促对方付款;等待 相当一段时间后再发出第三封信,口气非常坚决,坚持要求对方付款; 第四封信的内容是一定要对方付款,甚至以诉诸法律途径作为胁迫。 催款过程中,印好的信件可能比私人信件更合适和有效,它可使欠款 人比较体面地照办,而不至于感到难堪。 写作技巧 模式:写作格式→包含提示内容→添加连贯语句。 谋篇布局时,首先考虑书信类应用文的格式,其次要注意各类信函的主 要写作要求,另外要将提示或提纲的主要内容包含进去并增加一定的 连贯语句。 学林出版社 Back Next
12 第六章 写作 真题研究 学林出版社 Back Next
13 第六章 写作 学林出版社 Back Next
14 第六章 写作 学林出版社 Back Next
15 学学与练练36 1. Directions: This part is to test your ability to do practical writing. You are required to write a Letter of Invitation according to the following information given in Chinese. Remember to do the task on the Translation/Composition Sheet. 说明:请为王先生向Chapman先生写一封邀请函。 写信日期: 2010年 7月16日 写信人:Assistant G. Manager of DDCC, Teresa Wang 收信人:acting president David Chapman of Marshal International Chemicals Corp. 内容:王先生欲邀请Chapman先生参加他们公司在 8月1号到 3号举行的十 周年庆典。他还安排Chapman先生与DDCC总经理刘先生会晤,谈论 未来合作事宜。 注意书信格式。 Click Here For Reference Answer 学林出版社 Back Next
16 学学与练练36 July 16, 2010 Dear President Chapman, There will be a celebration party for our company’s 10 th anniversary, to be held from August 1 st to 3 rd at our conference hall. I sincerely invite you to join us. Besides, I will arrange a meeting for you and Mr. Liu, the General Manager of DDCC, during which you may have a talk about our future cooperation. I can assure you that we will make everything convenient for you. Please accept our warm welcome and sincere invitation. Faithfully yours, (Signature) Teresa Wang Assistant G. Manager of DDCC 学林出版社 Back Next
17 学学与练练36 2. Directions: This part is to test your ability to do practical writing. You are required to write a Business Letter according to the following information given in Chinese. Remember to do the task on the Translation/Composition Sheet. 说明:作为业务人员为本公司向对方写信,寻求建立贸易关系。 内容: 1) 通过市场调研得知对方名址,获悉对方是一家大型高质量纤维 出口商; 2) 我方是高质量布匹进口商,我方市场前景好有大量订单; 3) 希望能尽快收到对方的样本及价格表。 Word for reference: fabric纤维 Click Here For Reference Answer 学林出版社 Back Next
18 学学与练练36 Dear Sir or Madam, We have got your name and address through market investigation, which informed us that you are a large exporter of fabric of high quality. We are one of the largest importers of high quality clothing materials in our country, and have large orders for our markets. Today we are writing to you in the hope of establishing business relations with you. We should be obliged if you would send us your sample books together with price list. We look forward to hearing from you soon. Yours faithfully, (signature) 学林出版社 Back Next
19 学学与练练36 3. Directions: This part is to test your ability to do practical writing. You are required to write an Application Letter according to the following information given in Chinese. Remember to do the task on the Translation/Composition Sheet. 说明:假定你是Tracy Lee,将于2010年秋季毕业,现给上海青年旅行社 人力资源部经理写封求职信。 写信日期: 2010年 3月31日 内容: 1. 求职者:Tracy Lee,旅游专业学生,将于2010年秋季毕业 2. 招聘广告来源: 2010年 3月30日《中国日报》 3. 应聘职位:秘书 4. 职位要求:旅游类专业,大专及以上文化程度,电脑操作娴熟,有 作经验者优先 注意书信格式。 Word for reference: Click Here transcript成绩单 For Reference Answer 学林出版社 Back Next
学学与练练36 20 March 31, 2010 Dear Sir or Madam, I am writing to apply for the secretary position mentioned in your advertisement in China Daily (March 30 th). I shall graduate from college this coming fall, finishing the requirements in three years, during which I have equipped myself with profound knowledge of tourism service and management. My studies have included courses in tourism psychology, tourism principles, tourism laws and regulations, customer relationship management and so forth. Though I have no work experience, I believe that with my solid academic background and business training experience, I would make a success in your company. I am proficient in computer operation and have fair knowledge of tourism management. I shall be glad to hear from you at any time for an interview. And a copy of my transcript and a resume are enclosed for your reference. Very truly yours, Tracy Lee Back Next 学林出版社
21 第六章 写作 二、文案类函电(备忘录、电子邮件、传真和报告) 题型特点 1. 备忘录(Memorandums or Memos):是一种录以备忘的公文。人们在 现代商务书面交往中越来越多地使用这种形式。可以说,传真和电子 邮件的格式是从备忘录发展而来的,报告的格式与备忘录的格式也有 许多相似之处。备忘录多用于内部交往,其中也包括机构内部异地通 讯往来。备忘录通常都有标准的格式:标题(Title)、收件人(To)、 发件人(From)、事由(Subject/Re. )、日期(Date)、文件号或查 阅号(File or Reference number)、正文(Body)、附件(Attachment) 、副本抄送标志:c(copy)(抄送)、cc(carbon copy)(副本抄送) 、pc(photocopy)(复印本送)和附言(Postscript),其中To, From, Subject, Date是不可缺少的,其他部分可酌情省略。 学林出版社 Back Next
22 第六章 写作 MEMORANDUM(可有可无) To: From: Date: Subject: _______________________________ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Body 学林出版社 Back Next
23 第六章 写作 2. 电子邮件(e-mail)的格式是从备忘录发展而来的。备忘录的各构成 部分在电子邮件中也基本适用。 发送电子邮件的一般格式: !This message has high priority. (急件标示) To: (收件人) Cc: (副本抄送) Bcc: (密件抄送) Subject: (主题) ……………………………. . …………………………………Body 学林出版社 Back Next
24 第六章 写作 收到电子邮件时格式有所不同,多了“发件人(From)”和“日期( Date)”两项: From: Date: To: Subject: -URGENT- (急件标示) …………………………………………………………………………Body 3. 传真(Fax)既有信函的特征又有备忘录、电子邮件等的特点。业务 传真的构成:公司名称和地址(your company name and address)、收 件人(To)、收件人传真号码(Fax)、收件人电话(Phone)、寄件 人(From)、寄件人传真号码(Fax)、寄件人电话(Phone)、传真 页码(Pages)、日期(Date)、主题(Re. /Subject)、抄送(CC), 其中,收件人电话可以省略,寄件人传真号码和电话一般在公司名称 和地址中已出现,故可以省略。 学林出版社 Back Next
25 第六章 写作 FAX CRYSTAL LOGISTICS LTD. Vicarage Drive, Barking, Essex 1 g 117 NA(公司名称和地址) Tel: 081 -5291 8040 Fax: 081 -5291 9954(寄件人电话和传真号码) To: (收件人) Fax: (收件人传真号码) From: (寄件人) Tel: (收件人电话号码) Date: (日期) No. of Pages: (传真页码) CC: (抄送) ________________________________ Dear…(称呼) Re. : (主题) ……………………………………………. Body(正文) ……(结束语) 学林出版社 Back Next
第六章 写作 26 4. 报告(Reports)一般是下级向上级呈报的,针对某一事由或主题,在开展调 查研究的基础上得出结论后所汇报的内容。正规报告一般分为五个部分:标 题(Title)、引言(Introduction)、正文(Findings)、结论(Conclusion) 和签名及日期(Signature & Date)。其格式与备忘录相似。 To: (呈送) From: (发自) Date: (日期) Subject: (事由) Introduction(引言) ………………………………………………………………………………… …… Findings(正文) ………………………………………… …… ………………………………………… Back Next 学林出版社 ……
27 第六章 写作 写作技巧 模式:写作格式→包含提示内容→添加连贯语句 谋篇布局时,一定要考虑文案类函电的格式。正文写作时,要认真解 读提纲或提示并将其主要内容包含进去,但又不能采用逐字逐句翻译 的方法,因而需要添加适当的连贯语句以使文章通顺达意。 真题研究 【例1】 2009年 6月B级真题 Directions: This part is to test your ability to do practical writing. You are required to write an e-mail based on the following information given in Chinese. Remember to do your writing on the Translation/Composition Sheet. 学林出版社 Back Next
28 第六章 写作 说明:假设你是Hongxia Trading Company的雇员王东,给客户Mr. Baker 发一封电子邮件。 内容如下: 1. 欢迎他来福州; 2. 告诉他已在东方宾馆为他预定了房间; 3. 告诉他从国际机场到达东方宾馆大约 20公里左右,可以乘坐出租车或 机场大巴; 4. 建议他第二天来你的办公室洽谈业务。 5. 如需帮助,请电话联系。 Word for reference 机场大巴 shuttle bus An E-mail Dear Mr. Baker: 学林出版社 Back Next
29 第六章 写作 【解析】 1. 参考答案: Dear Mr. Baker, Welcome to Fuzhou! We have reserved for you a room in Oriental Hotel which is 20 kilometers away from the International Airport. You can reach the hotel by taxi or shuttle bus. I hope to see you at my office at 10 a. m. the following morning after you get here. Please do not hesitate to contact me at 5757517 if you need any help. Yours sincerely, Wang Dong Staff of Hongxia Trading Company 学林出版社 Back Next
30 第六章 写作 2. 点评:该题考查的是考生对电子邮件这种应用文体裁的掌握情况。这 次甚至都不需要用电子邮件的基本格式做文章。只需把已给出的中文 邮件内容翻译成英文即可。文中需要正确翻译出宾馆的名称,以便客 户能正确地向出租车或机场大巴司机说出自己的目的地。房间类型考 生完全可以发挥,例如double room, single room, twin-bedded room等。 另需交代清楚宾馆到机场的车程,以便客户掌握时间。还要在邮件中 交代清楚王先生和客户商谈 作的日期和地点,至于具体商谈时间和 联系电话考生完全可以随意提供。务必记住最后署名必须亮出红霞贸 易公司的名称,因为这是商务邮件。 【例2】 2007年 6月A级真题 Directions: This part is to test your ability to do practical writing. You are required to write a memo according to the following information given in Chinese. You should include all the points in the following table. The first sentence of the announcement has been written for you. Remember to do the task on the Translation/Composition Sheet. 学林出版社 Back Next
31 第六章 写作 说明:以部门经理(Ruth Crawford)的名义给公司全体员 发一份内部通知。 时间: 2007年 6月24日 事由:有关更新电话系统事宜 内容: 1. 由于业务需要,公司拟更新目前使用的电话系统; 2. 现有通讯公司提交的3个更新方案,内容见附件; 3. 请员 仔细阅读并提出自己的建议; 4. 提交建议的时间:本月底前; 5. 公司将于下月初订货。 注:请将上述内容写成一段文字, 不得逐条罗列, 不得签考生自己姓名。 Words for reference 事由Re 更新update 附件attachment 订货place an order 通讯公司communications company Memo To: All Staff Employees From: _________ Re: _________ Date: ________________________________________ 学林出版社 Back Next
32 第六章 写作 【解析】 1. 参考答案: Memo To: All Staff Employees From: Ruth Crawford Re: Telephone System Update Date: June 24, 2007 Because of business needs, we are planning to update the current telephone system. The communications company has proposed three updating plans, which can be seen in the attachment. Please read them carefully and put forward your own suggestions. The deadline is the end of this month. Then we are going to place an order early next month. 2. 点评:这是一份内部通知,它是关于更新目前使用的电话系统的三个 更新方案要求员 提出建议。文中的黑体字是内部通知的构成要件, 本文格式基本正确,文字简洁,主题明确。 学林出版社 Back Next
第六章 写作 33 【例3】 2005年 1月A级真题 Directions: This part is to test your ability to do practical writing. The following is a survey on leisure activities. Complete the survey based on the information given below in Chinese. Remember to do the task on the Translation/Composition Sheet. 说明:假定您对 400位年龄在 35岁以下的年轻人进行问卷调查,询问他们下 班后通常做些什么,结果得到下列数据: 1) 45%的人继续 作或学习(其中 60%的学习); 2) 35%的人外出(看电影、访友、去酒吧); 3) 17%的人看电视、看报纸或看书; 4) 10%的人听录音机、收音机或看CD、DVD碟; 5) 2%的人在家做家务。 调查结果表示,年轻人的业余活动是多种多样的(varied)。用英文把上 述调查写成一段短文(第一句话已给出)。不得列表。 FOCUS SURVEY ON LEISURE ACTIVITIES 400 people under the age of 35 were asked what they usually do in the evening after work. ___________________________________________________________ Back Next 学林出版社
34 第六章 写作 【解析】 1. 参考答案: FOCUS SURVEY ON LEISURE ACTIVITIES 400 people under the age of 35 were asked what they usually do in the evening after work. Findings: 45 percent of people are going on work or study, among which 60 percent are still absorbed in study; 35 percent of them are out, going to the cinema, seeing friends or visiting bars; 17 percent stay at home, watching TV, reading newspapers or books; 10 percent listen to the tape-recorder or radio or watch CD or DVD; Only 2 percent stay at home, doing housework. Conclusion and recommendations Through the survey, we find that young people’s leisure activities are varied and very few do housework at home. That means household service is a large potential market. Our company should invest in it. 学林出版社 Back Next
35 第六章 写作 2. 点评:本文实质上是一份关于年轻人业余活动的调查报告。结构安排 上按标题、引言、正文、结论和建议的顺序排列,特别是正文部分采 用了列表的形式来表达,使阅读者对百分比的分配一目了然。 学林出版社 Back Next
36 学学与练练37 1. Directions: This part is to test your ability to do practical writing. You are required to write an e-mail according to the information given in Chinese. Remember to do the writing on the Translation/Composition Sheet. 说明:根据下列内容写一封电子邮件。 发件人:John Smith (js 456@vip. 163. com) 收件人:Ward Brown (wbmarketing@hotmail. com) 发件时间: 12月10日 内容: 1. 想要购买对方的银线牌(Silver Streak)山地自行车; 2. 购买 100辆的折扣、保修期以及送货时间; 3. 要求对方尽快回复。 学林出版社 Back Next
37 学学与练练37 E-mail Message From: Date: To: Subject: Silver Streak Mountain Bicycle Dear Mr. Brown, We are interested in _______________________________________________________________ _________________________________________ Yours faithfully, Click Here John Smith For Reference Answer 学林出版社 Back Next
38 学学与练练37 To: wbmarketing@hotmail. com Form: js 456@vip. 163. com Date: December 10 th Subject: Silver Streak Mountain Bicycle Dear Mr. Brown, We are interested in your Silver Streak mountain bicycle. If we order 100 units, how much would they cost? Could you give us a discount? If so, how much? Also, how long does the guarantee last? Finally, how soon could you deliver when you receive our order? Looking forward to hearing from you as soon as possible. Yours faithfully, John Smith 学林出版社 Back Next
39 学学与练练37 2. Directions: This part is to test your ability to do practical writing. You are required to write a Fax according to the following information in Chinese below. Remember to do the task on the Translation/Composition Sheet. 说明:请以教育艺术系主任里查德·史密斯的名义按照下面的要求发一 份一页纸的传真。 寄件人:教育艺术系主任Richard Smith 日期: 2010年 5月10日 主题:有关林墨涵的到访 收件人:上海 商外国语学院英语系林墨涵 收件人传真: 081 -68025437 内容:Smith 收到对方 20010年 4月25日的来信,认为对方 5月或 6月来访 均可。 学林出版社 Back Next
40 学学与练练37 GRIFFITH UNIVERSITY GOLD COAST UNIVERSITY COLLEGE FACULTY OF EDUCATION AND ARTS Gold Coast Campus Parklands Drive Southport Telephone: (076)948 803 Fax: (076)948 634 E-mail: richardsmith@eda. gu. edu. au ______________________________ No. of Pages: ______ To: _________ Fax: ________ From: ________ Date: ________ CC: _________ Re: ____________________________ ………………………………………… Click Here 学林出版社 For Reference Answer Back Next
41 学学与练练37 GRIFFITH UNIVERSITY GOLD COAST UNIVERSITY COLLEGE FACULTY OF EDUCATION AND THE ARTS Gold Coast Campus Parklands Drive Southport Telephone: (076)948 803 Fax: (076)948 634 E-mail: richardsmith@eda. gu. edu. au ___________________________ No. of Pages: 1(1) To: Lin Mohan English Department Shanghai Industrial & Commercial Foreign Languages Institute Fax: 081 -68025437 From: Richard Smith Faculty of Education and the Arts Gold Coast University College Griffith University Date: May 10, 2010 To be continued 学林出版社 Back Next
42 学学与练练37 CC: Re: Your Arrival Dear Lin Mohan, I have received your letter of April 25, 2010 and I understand your problem. Welcome you to visit our university, then we can work it through satisfactorily. A May/June arrival is fine. Please let me know if you set up your schedule. Best wishes. 学林出版社 Back Next
43 学学与练练37 3. Directions: This part is to test your ability to do practical writing. You are required to write a Report about Canteen Improvement with the following information given in Chinese. Remember to write the report on the Translation/ Composition Sheet. 说明:请为餐厅经理(Canteen Manager)Mike Borealis撰写一篇致公司 总经理Robert White的有关改善餐厅服务质量的报告。 报告时间: 2010年 4月24日 内容:经各部门员 问卷调查发现,大部分人认为餐厅过度拥挤,需重 新配置以腾出空间或扩建;一些人认为需要增加饭菜花样,建议用餐 时播放轻音乐;很少人喜欢用现有的午餐券。征询员 意见现行就餐 时间安排也急需改进,建议改为轮班午餐休息以缓解餐厅拥挤并为公 司节约扩建餐厅费用。 Words for reference: 重新配置 refurnish 午餐券lunch vouchers 轮班午餐休息staggered lunch breaks 缓解alleviate Click Here 学林出版社 For Reference Answer Back Next
44 学学与练练37 Date: April 24, 2010 To: Robert White, General Manager From: Mike Borealis, Canteen Manager Subject: Suggestions for Canteen Improvement A survey about canteen improvement has been conducted among all the employees from all the departments. Many think that the canteen is overcrowded and needs to be refurnished to save space or be enlarged. Some think food variety should be broadened, and playing soft music while having meals would be a good idea. And few like the current practice of lunch vouchers. It is suggested by employees that the lunch time is urgently needed to be rescheduled and staggered lunch breaks should be introduced to alleviate the overcrowding and save for the company the cost of enlarging the canteen. 学林出版社 Back Next
45 第六章 写作 三、招贴(启事、通知、便条和海报) 题型特点 1. 启事(Notices)是一种公告性的应用文。其标题可有可无,无需称 谓,一般采用第三人称,内容主要包括正文、署名、时间等,但有的 启事需要写明地址。启事的种类繁多,日常生活中常用的有:开业启 事、征稿启事、招领启事、征婚启事、更正启事、遗失启事、迁址启 事等。 Lost(寻物启事) LOST(标题) Feb. 26, 2010(日期) I was careless and lost a copy of Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English when studying in the reading room yesterday. Will the finder please send it to the office of the English Department or ring me up to fetch it back? (正文) Loser, Tom(落款) Address: Room 435, Student Dormitory 12(地址) Tel. No. : 68023475 (联系电话) 学林出版社 Back Next
第六章 写作 2. 46 一般通知(Common Announcements):往往是上级对下级、组织和 团体对其成员部署 作或传达事项等所使用的一种公告性文体。通知 分为两种:一种是以书信形式把事情传达给有关人员,其格式与信函 形式相同。另一种是以布告的形式把事情通知到有关人员。告示式通 知 在 正 文 上 方 居 中 的 地 方 往 往 有 ANNOUNCEMENT/NOTICE或 Announcement/Notice作为标志。正文的左下角一般写发出通知的日期; 发出通知的单位名称写在右下角,也可写在通知正文的前面(此两项 有时可省略)。发出通知的一方和被通知的一方一般都以第三人称出 现。如果正文前用了称呼语,通知的对象则应是第二人称。通知正文 一般包括时间、地点、活动事宜及其他细节。 DEAN’S OFFICE NOTICE(标题) An open English class will be given by Dr. John Smith to Class 3 of 2002 of Business Department at 9: 00 a. m. on Friday, Oct. 24, in Room 401 Classroom Building. All the teachers of English Department are expected to be present. Teachers of other departments are also welcome. (正文) October 20, 2009(日期) Back Next 学林出版社
47 第六章 写作 3. 便条(Notes)是一种简单的书信形式,其特点是格式简单,内容简 短,更接近口语。大部分是临时性的询问、留言、通知、要求等。便 条不用信封、无需邮寄,多是托人转交或临时在某地留言,常用的有 请假条和留言条两种。便条一般包括四个部分: 1)日期:写在便条的 右上角,经常省去年份,只写月份(缩写形式)与日期,或者直接用 星期几或星期几上午/下午,甚至写出上午/下午的具体时间; 2) 称呼 用语:熟人朋友间可以随便些,直呼其名,不需任何头衔,但请假条 和下级对上级的便条称呼仍应保留头衔; 3) 正文:用词尽量通俗口语 化,简明扼要,把事情说清楚即可; 4) 署名:常省去书信中的结束敬 语,一般写上留言人或请假人的姓名;彼此很熟悉的署上自己的名或 姓即可。 学林出版社 Back Next
48 第六章 写作 Asking for Sick Leave(病假条) July 3 (日期) Manager John Smith, (称呼) I’m awfully sorry that I cannot come to the office today owing to a severe headache. It may possibly be a few days before I’m able to resume my duties. I trust my absence will not cause you any serious inconvenience. (正 文) Enclosed is the Doctor’s Certificate of Advice. Mary Brown(署名) 学林出版社 Back Next
49 第六章 写作 4. 海报(Posters)是一种具有装饰作用的招贴。海报时效性强,传播 影响范围有限,因此手写海报居多。海报主要用于报道球讯、影讯、 演出、电视节目、商品预报等消息。海报的文体既简明扼要又轻松自 由。一般由三部分组成:标题;正文:事项(what)、主办者(who) 、时间(time)、地点(place)、方法(how);落款:位于海报正 文左下角的是海报发出时间,右下角是海报发出单位(有时二者均可 省略)。 Basketball Friendly Match(标题) Under the auspices (赞助) of the Students’ Union of the College a basketball friendly match between Shanghai University Basketball Team and ours is slated ( 定于) to take place in the school gymnasium at 4: 00 this Thursday afternoon. Come and cheer for both teams. (正文) The Students’ Union(发出单位) 学林出版社 Back Next
50 第六章 写作 写作技巧 模式:写作格式→包含提示内容→添加连贯语句 谋篇布局时,首先要特别留意招贴类应用文的格式;其次正文要将提 示或提纲的主要内容包含进去。写作不是翻译,在提示或提纲内容的 基础上应添加适当的连贯语句,予以扩充。 真题研究 【例1】 2008年 6月B级真题 Directions: This part in to test your ability to do practical writing. You are required to write a note asking for sick leave based on the following information given in Chinese. Remember to do your writing on the Translation/Composition Sheet. 说明:假设你是公司职员刘斌,给经理Mr. Johnson 写一张请假条。 时间: 2008年 6月19日,星期四 1. 咳嗽特别厉害,想去医院看病; 2. 因本周大部分 作已经完成,故星期五请假一天; 3. 看完病后,会给经理打电话; 4. 对由此造成的不便表示歉意; 5. 希望能得到经理的批准。 学林出版社 Back Next
51 第六章 写作 To: _______ From: _______ Date: _______ Subject: Leave of Absence ___________________________________________________________________________________________ 学林出版社 Back Next
52 第六章 写作 【解析】 1. 参考答案: To: Mr. Johnson From: Liu Bin Date: Thursday, June 19, 2008 Subject: Leave of Absence Dear Mr. Johnson, I am afraid that I need to go to see a doctor because I am suffering from a terrible cough. Fortunately I have finished most of this week’s task, so I want to ask for a day’s leave on Friday. I will call you after I see the doctor. I am very sorry for the inconvenience caused by this and I hope that I can get your permission. Yours sincerely, Liu Bin 2. 点评:请假条属于便条(notice)的一种。便条实际上是一封短信,可以用来预约、询 问、通知、道谢、致歉等,其特点是简洁,用词口语化。行文中把主要信息都包括在 内,并且注意了格式和常用的表达形式。由于这张请假条是下级给上级的,所以语言 相对比较正式。 学林出版社 Back Next
53 第六章 写作 【例2】 2007年 12月B级真题 Directions: This part is to test your ability to do practical writing. You are required to write a notice according to the information given below in Chinese. Remember to write the notice on the Translation/Composition Sheet. 说明:写一份英语通告,涵盖以下内容,不要求逐词翻译。 东方电子有限公司为一家中外合资企业,主要生产制造电子产品。该 公司将于2007年 12月26日(星期三)在我校学生俱乐部举行招聘会。 招聘的职位有:办公室秘书、市场营销人员和实验室技术员。我们希 望有兴趣的同学于当天下午1: 30到 2号会议室参加招聘会,并请携带身 份证、个人简历、英语应用能力考试合格证书以及计算机等级证书。 Notice Dong Fang Electronics Ltd. is a joint venture, which __________________________________________ Words for reference: 招聘 recruit 身份证 ID card 实验室技术员 laboratory technician B级证书 the certificate of PET (Level B) 学林出版社 Back Next
54 第六章 写作 【解析】 1. 参考答案: Notice Dong Fang Electronics Ltd. is a joint venture, which mainly produces electronic products. Its recruitment meeting will be held at our students’ club on December 26, 2007 (Wednesday). The vacant positions include office secretary, marketing employees and laboratory technicians. Students who are interested in it are expected to attend the recruitment meeting in Room 2, at 1: 30 in the afternoon. ID card, resume, and the certificates of PET (Level B) and computer are required. Students’ Union December 16, 2007 2. 点评:本题考查考生对英语通告/通知文体的掌握情况。通知就事由、时间、 地点、对象以及所需证件做了清楚交代,通知的最后分别注明了出示通知的 部门和日期。行文中,被动语态的运用要比相应的中文多得多,而且根据要 求做到不逐词翻译。 学林出版社 Back Next
55 学学与练练38 1. Directions: The following is a Contributions (征稿) on English Corner in a local Chinese newspaper. Put both the introduction and the Contributions into English. Remember to write your composition on the Translation/Composition Sheet. 说明:现以大学生专刊“英语角”栏目的名义向社会各界征集稿件。欢迎 大学生们、广大英语学习者、外国留学生及外国朋友们踊跃投稿。 内容: 1. 社会热点问题(住房、就业等); 2. 发生在你身边的趣事。 文章字数不要超过500字。 稿件邮寄地址:北海市新民大街 10号 北海晚报 王平 收 邮编: 230034 电子邮件:Monuica@public. cngd. com Words for reference: 各界 all walks of life 社会热点问题 hot spots of society Click Here 学林出版社 For Reference Answer Back Next
56 学学与练练38 Contributions After English Corner is published on the special issues of College Students, it is popular among English readers and draws wide attention. To provide it with more and better English writings, we would like to ask for contributions of readers from all walks of life. College students, English learners, foreign students and foreign friends are all welcome. The content should include: 1) Hot spots of society (housing, employment, etc. ); 2) Interesting things happening around you. Remember your writing will not be over 500 words. Postal address: Wang Ping, Beihai Evening Post 10 Xinmin Street, Beihai 230034 E-mail: Monuica@public. cngd. com 学林出版社 Back Next
57 学学与练练38 2. Directions: This part is to test your ability to do practical writing. You are required to write a Poster based on the following information given in Chinese. Remember to do your writing on the Translation/Composition Sheet. 说 明:请为学生会写一张海报。欢迎全校师生前来参加圣诞晚会。涵盖 以下内容,无需逐字翻译。 事 宜:圣诞晚会 参加者:全校师生 时 间:本周四晚上6: 00 地 点:校大礼堂 Click Here For Reference Answer 学林出版社 Back Next
58 学学与练练38 Christmas Party Under the auspices of the Student Union of the College, a Christmas Party will be held at 6: 00 on Christmas Eve (Thursday) in College Hall. Various programs such as singing, dancing will be shown by students from different departments. All students and teachers are welcome to attend this grand event. The Student Union 学林出版社 Back Next
59 学学与练练38 3. Directions: This part is to test your ability to do practical writing. You are required to write an Announcement according to the following information in Chinese. You should include all the points in the following table. Remember to write the announcement on the Translation/Composition Sheet. 说明:以校学生会的名义就迎接美国学生来校参观事宜发一则通知。 内容: 1. 事由:欢迎姊妹学校麻省理 学院的学生来我校参观; 2. 时间: 2009年 6月21日星期天上午9: 00至 13: 00; 3. 人数:约 50人; 4. 具体安排: To be continued 学林出版社 Back Next
60 学学与练练38 时间 地点 事项 8∶ 40 校门口 集合,欢迎客人 9∶ 00— 10∶ 30 接待室 开欢迎会,互赠礼物 10∶ 30— 11∶ 30 校园、图书馆、实验 室和语言实验室 参观 11∶ 30 学生食堂 午餐 13∶ 00 校门口 送别 Words for reference: 接待室 reception room 欢迎会 welcome party 食堂 student canteen 麻省理 学院 Massachusetts Institute of Technology Announcement ____________________________________________________________The Student Union Click Here 学林出版社 For Reference Answer Back Next
61 学学与练练38 Announcement We are glad to have about fifty American students who will come to our school for a visit on June 21 st (Sunday). They come from our sister university, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. In order to give them a friendly and warm welcome, we have made an arrangement as follows: 8: 40 Get together to welcome the guests at the school gate 9: 00— 10: 30 Have a welcome party, presenting gifts to each other in the reception room 10: 30— 11: 30 Visit the campus, library, laboratories, and language labs 11: 30 Lunch at the student canteen 13: 00 See the guests off at the school gate All students concerned are requested to make timely preparation and to be at their post on time. The Student Union June 19, 2009 学林出版社 Back Next
62 第六章 写作 四、宣传类(广告、品牌和商标、简章和商品使用说明书) 题型特点 1. 广告(Advertisements, 缩写词为 ads),含有广而告之之意。主要刊 登在报刊杂志上,或以大字报的形式张贴在公共场所。广告语言应简明 易懂,使读者一目了然。广告词可以是一个词、一个短语或一个句子, 甚至可以是一篇短文。广告一般由标题、口号、正文及附文构成,各 项可根据需要取舍。此处特别讨论招聘广告。招聘广告通常有以下几 部分内容:招聘单位介绍、所聘职务、应聘条件以及联系方式等。 Rockwell Automation Power Systems (Shanghai) Ltd. (标题) Rockwell Automation, a global industrial automation company, is a leading industrial automation provider. In September 2000, Rockwell Automation Power Systems was established in Songjiang District, Shanghai, serving as a distribution, manufacturing, assembly, and service basis. We are seeking for a a Sales Engineer. (单位介绍、所聘职务) 学林出版社 To be continued Back Next
63 第六章 写作 Main Responsibilities: (应聘条件) To achieve sales goals for Dodge mechanical products Requirements: Bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering 2— 3 years’ work experience in industrial sales Good oral and written communication in English Willing to travel within China and abroad Human Resources Department Rockwell Automation Power Systems (Shanghai) Ltd. 5299 Songgong Rd. , Songjiang District Shanghai 201611(联系方式) 学林出版社 Back Next
64 第六章 写作 2. 品牌和商标(Brands & Trade Marks)主要用于介绍产品的性质、种类 和产地等,有的还介绍产品的各种成分和用法。一般印在产品包装上 或装在包装盒内,也可另纸张贴,或登在报刊上以扩大产品的销路。 商标或品牌经注册后,一般在品牌的右上角有®或™的标志。在介绍 产品时要求文字简洁、图文并茂、设计新颖。标题和正文是产品介绍 必不可少的组成部分。 Time. Wise®(注册商标) This skincare line is specially designed to deliver breakthrough anti-aging benefits in a daily skincare system for mature skin. With innovative, highperformance formulations, the Time. Wise skincare line works in conjunction with the skin’s own natural repair process to help reduce the visible signs of aging, to help even out skin tone and calm skin. (正文) Mary Kay Inc. 1 -800 -627 -9529 www. marykay. com(联系方式) 学林出版社 Back Next
65 第六章 写作 3. 简章(Brochures)也称公司简介或企业介绍,属广告类文体,其目的是 对外宣传、扩大影响、拓展经营范围、招揽生意。结构有标题、口号、正文 和附文,其中最重要也必不可少的是标题和正文。正文内容可以就以下几个 方面根据需要进行取舍: 1) 单位性质(国营、私有或合资); 2) 业务范围; 3) 地理位置与条件; 4) 单位简史; 5) 单位规模(人力、物力方面); 6) 单 位特色与强项。 SHANGHAI DAZHONG TRAVEL VEHICLE CO. LTD. Shanghai Dazhong Travel Vehicle Co. Ltd. , owning more than one hundred cars and buses in high- and middle-level and a group of excellent drivers with honest attitude, good service and reputation, offers the guests with safe, comfortable, clocklike and neat service. We especially undertake the business by cars and buses for international and domestic travel, business activities, meetings and exhibitions, scheduled cars and buses for touring groups, receiving and delivering to airport, special scheduled buses for certain enterprise and renting for citizen. We are honored for reasonable price and good reputation. 86 – 21 – 63179190 63537288 www. dzit. com 学林出版社 Back Next
66 第六章 写作 4. 商品使用说明书(Directions for Use)主要用来说明产品的性能、特点、 用途、使用方法、保养、维修及注意事项等。其语言浅显确切、简单明 了。注意科学性和逻辑性,使用户一看便知道该商品的用途、用法和保 管方法等,以免发生差错或造成损失。商品使用说明书一般由标题、正 文和落款三部分组成。 Wrinkle Care Essence (标题) It is a highly penetrative treatment that contains materials known to replenish moisture and improve resilience (肌 肤 弹 性 ) to rough and wrinkled skin, reducing the appearance of fine lines. a) Working with the skin’s physiology, vitamin substitutes improve smoothness and softness, reducing the visible signs of aging. b) Contains Arginine (精氨酸) to attract and bind moisture to the skin over long hours. c) Contains Retinol Palmitate (维 生 素 A棕 榈 酸 ), which has been shown to provide firming benefits. d) Contains cucumber and lemon extracts (萃取液) to help even out skin tone and restore the healthy-looking skin. (总体介绍) 学林出版社 To be continued Back Next
67 第六章 写作 Key Ingredients: (主要成分) Vitamin C derivative (衍生物) Vitamin E derivative Retinol Palmitate (vitamin A derivative) Arginine Cucumber and lemon extracts To Use: (使用方法) Using fingertips, apply softly all over the face, especially around the eye or lip area with dryness and wrinkles, morning and night. Warnings: (注意事项) Avoid contact with the eyes. If product gets into eyes, rinse (清洗) thoroughly with water. Discontinue use if signs of irritation (发炎) or rash (皮疹) appear. To Store: (保存方法) Avoid high temperatures and direct sunlight. Mary Kay Inc. 1 -800 -627 -9529 www. Marykay. com 学林出版社 Back Next
68 第六章 写作 写作技巧 模式:写作格式→包含提示内容→添加连贯语句 谋篇布局时,首先考虑宣传类应用文的格式,其次要将提示或提纲的 主要内容包含进去,添加连贯语句,以使行文流畅。 真题研究 【例1】 2004年 6月A级真题 Directions: This part is to test your ability to do practical writing. You are required to write a Paragraph to describe a company based on the information given in Chinese. Remember to write it on the Translation/Composition Sheet. 说明:根据下列信息写一篇公司简介。不得列成表格。 公司简介: 1. 成立时间: 1998年 2. 业务范围:电脑软件开发 3. 总部:中国大连 4. 分部:南非、日本和加拿大 5. 公司机构:人事部、财务部、研究开发部、销售部和客户服务部 6. 员 数量: 500 7. 2003年全球销售额:一亿五千万美元 学林出版社 Back Next
69 第六章 写作 【解析】 1. 参考答案: ABC Company, founded in 1998, is one of the largest software companies in China, which develops computer software. Its headquarters is situated in Dalian, the North of China. The Company has opened three branches separately in South Africa, Japan and Canada and it has a large staff of 500. In the Company, there are five departments, that is, the personnel department, financial department, R&D department, sales department and customers’ service department. Our Company, noted for its strong capacity in researching and developing software, has a competent technical team and strong capacity to develop new products. In 2003, its worldwide sales reached $150, 000. 2. 点评:本文是公司简介的一个段落。文章包含了企业介绍中必不可少 的内容,即标题和正文。为了便于写作可给公司命名,正文就公司历 史、业务范围、机构设置、公司规模等几个方面展开叙述。 学林出版社 Back Next
70 第六章 写作 【例2】 2002年 12月A级真题 Directions: This part is to test your ability to do practical writing. The following is a job vacancy (空缺) advertisement of Whirlpool Co. , written in Chinese. You are required to make a version of it. Remember to write it on the Translation/ Composition Sheet. Whirlpool是一家著名的生产和经营家用电器的公司,总部设在天津,在 全国有20余家分公司。我公司现招聘销售经理一人。 条件: • · 中国公民,年龄35 – 40岁 • · 销售学、经济学或相关领域的大专及以上文凭 • · 具有至少 5年的销售管理经验 • · 具有良好的英语会话和写作能力 • · 愿意经常出差 • · 熟练掌握计算机技能 有意者请拨打电话 24876669与约翰·史密斯先生联系。 Words for reference: 家用电器electrical home appliances 总部headquarters 条件qualifications 大专文凭college diploma 销售学Marketing 学林出版社 Back Next
71 第六章 写作 【解析】 1. 参考答案: Wanted Whirlpool Company is a famous manufacturer and marketer of electrical home appliances, with its headquarters in Tianjin. It has more than 20 branches over the country. The company is seeking for one sales manager now. Qualifications: Chinese citizen, aged 35 – 40 With college diploma or above in Marketing, Economics or related majors A minimum of 5 years’ work experience in sales management Proficiency in English speaking and writing Willing to travel frequently Good at using computers Those who are interested in the position please contact Mr. John Smith at 24876669. 学林出版社 Back Next
72 第六章 写作 2. 点评:这是一则招聘广告。标题Wanted直接表明广告的目的是招聘, 文章开头部分介绍了招聘公司情况及招聘职务,第二部分是应聘条件, 第三部分是联系方式,文中黑体字是招聘广告的关键词语。 学林出版社 Back Next
73 学学与练练39 1. Directions: This part is to test your ability to do practical writing. You are required to write a Trade Mark according to the following information given in Chinese. Remember to do your writing on the Translation/Composition Sheet. 说明:德芙®巧克力品牌介绍的英文部分已给出标题和最后一段。现请 根据下列信息,为介绍写出前三段内容。 1. 德芙®巧克力由 100%纯可可脂制成,香味醉人、色泽光滑、口感丰 富,是其他巧克力所无法比拟的。 2. 口感光滑如丝味道无穷,每一块德芙®巧克力都是经玛氏专门的技术 人员两次精选把关挑出最好的可可豆制成。 3. 经巧克力浆液和可可脂的完美结合,德芙®口味平和,既不太甜也不 很苦。德芙®很注重巧克力制作过程中的每个细节,以确保其经久挥 之不去的美味。 学林出版社 Back Next
74 学学与练练39 The DOVE® Chocolate Difference _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Mars takes great care and maintains the highest standard of quality in manufacturing DOVE® Chocolate from the bean to bar, coupled with its special roasting and grinding—resulting in the signature silky smooth and signature taste of DOVE® Chocolate. Words for reference: 香气scent 可可脂 cocoa butter 无法超过 unsurpass Click Here For Reference Answer 学林出版社 Back Next
75 学学与练练39 The DOVE® Chocolate Difference MADE WITH 100% PURE COCOA BUTTER, DOVE® Chocolate has an extremely exciting scent, a silky color and a rich taste unsurpassed by other bars. Always silky smooth on the tongue with a complex flavor, each DOVE® Chocolate product starts with only the best cacoa beans, tested twice by expert Mars technicians for quality and flavor. With the perfect combination of chocolate liquor and cocoa butter, DOVE® has a balanced taste that is never too sweet or too bitter. Because DOVE® cares about every detail of the chocolate making process, you are always assured of delicious, durable chocolate flavor. Mars takes great care and maintains the highest standard of quality in manufacturing DOVE® Chocolate from the bean to bar, coupled with its special roasting and grinding — resulting in the signature silky smooth and signature taste of DOVE® Chocolate. 学林出版社 Back Next
76 学学与练练39 2. Directions: This part is to test your ability to do practical writing. You are required to write a Directions For Use according to the following information given in Chinese. Remember to do your writing on the Translation/Composition Sheet. 说明:为一款修复晚霜撰写使用说明。主要成分、使用方法、注意事项 和保存方法已列出,根据所给提示,描述产品: 1. 睡眠时修复晚霜多种活性成分能加速肌肤更新以减缓皮肤衰老,有效 减少皱纹出现,细纹消失; 2. 植物精华和两种特殊的缩氨酸有效修复日间受损肌肤,令肌肤活力绽 放; 3. 富含维生素的Nutribeads精华颗粒释放精华素,给予肌肤新鲜有效的抗 氧化成分。 NIGHT SOLUTION ___________________________________________________________ 学林出版社 Back Next
77 学学与练练39 Key Ingredients: * Nutribeads microcapsules * Botanical Extracts Click Here * Sea Fennel Extracts * Matrixyl 3000 For Reference Answer * 1 -Methylhydantion-2 -Imide * Humectants To Use: * As part of your regular evening regimen, apply Night Solution prior to your moisture balance step. Warnings: * For external use only, not to be swallowed. * Avoid contact with the eyes. * Discontinue use if signs of irritation or rash appear. To Store: *Store above 32°F/0°C. Words for reference: 缩氨酸 peptide 精华颗粒 microcapsule 植物精华 botanical 精华素 serum 抗氧化剂 antioxidant 学林出版社 Back Next
78 学学与练练39 学林出版社 Back Next
79 学学与练练39 Click Here For Reference Answer 学林出版社 Back Next
80 学学与练练39 Wanted: Assitant Financial Controller Large law firm is seeking an Assistant Financial Controller for our Accounting Department. Basic responsibilities: supervision of a 7 -person department and control of the accounting systems. Qualifications: 8 years of accounting experience and have a minimum of 2 to 3 years’ supervisory experience. Education requirements include an undergraduate degree in accounting. Must have computer experience and be familiar with automated financial systems. 学林出版社 Back Next
81 第六章 写作 五、其他(合同、各类表单) 题型特点 1. 合同(Contract)也称协定或协议(Agreement),是为了搞好协作而 拟定的一种凭证。合同对各方都有约束力,要求各方都履行所规定的 义务,保证享受充分的权利。协议书(协定或合同)一般包括以下几 个部分:名称,标明合同的性质;正文,合同的主体,包括对双方的 责任、权利、义务等的具体约定;签署日期;地点和签字。 1) 合同种类: 买卖合同(Sales Contract)、货运合同(Freight Contract)、建筑承包 合 同 ( Engineering and Construction Contract) 、 供 应 合 同 ( Supply Contract)、技术转让合同(Technology Transfer Contract)、聘用合 同(Employment Contract)、租赁合同(Lease Contract)、借款合同 (Loan Contract)、仓储合同(Warehouse and Storage Contract)等。 学林出版社 Back Next
82 第六章 写作 2) 称谓(Parties): 为使合同正文中论述简便,可将签约方分别简称为Party A(甲方)和 Party B(乙方),此简称在签约方的全称首次出现时紧跟其后注明。 如有更多方参与,应在其他方的名称后标明简称为Party C及Party D等。 3) 常用条款(Clause): Contract Price 合同价、Terms of Payment 付款方式、Applicable Laws 学林出版社 Back Next
83 第六章 写作 EXTENSION OF EMPLOYMENT CONTRACT English Department of Shanghai Industrial & Commercial Foreign Languages College (the engaging party) and Mr. William Harrison (the engaged party), motivated by their common desire, agree to extend their employment contract for two years, from September 1, 2008 to September 1, 2010. The two parties affirm that all the stipulations contained in the employment contract signed on June 25, 2001 remain effective during the given period of extension. (The engaging party) ………… (signed) (The engaged party) ………… (signed) July 10, 2008 Shanghai 学林出版社 Back Next
84 第六章 写作 2. 个人资料(Certificates)是指单位或有关人士对其管辖或了解范围内 的人或事情的真实情况所开具的、证明一个人的身份、经历、学历或 某件与个人有关的事情真相的文件。其格式与一般书信的格式相似, 但通常略去收信人的姓名、地址和结束用语。称呼语常用“To Whom It May Concern”或“To whom it may concern”,意为“敬启者”,但此项也 可省略。落款用单位公章或个人签名。正文常用“This is to certify that…”或“This is to certificate that…(兹证明……)”来开头。 IDENTITY CERTIFICATE This is to certify that Mr. William Hansen of American nationality, male, aged 50, is an exchange professor in the English Department of Shanghai Industrial & Commercial Foreign Languages College. He holds an American passport and has registered temporary residence with the police station of Nanhui District under the Public Security Bureau of the People’s Municipal Government of Shanghai. Foreign Affairs Office of Shanghai Industrial & Commercial Foreign Languages College 学林出版社 Back Next
85 第六章 写作 3. 外贸单证(Documents)就是在进出口业务中应用的单据与证书。买 卖双方凭借这些单证来处理货物的交付、运输、保险、商检、结汇等。 它贯穿于企业的外销、进货、运输、收汇的全过程。单据具有履约证 明和代表货物的作用。 ZHEJIANG IMP. & EXP. CORPORATION 76 Wulin Road, Hangzhou, China INVOICE(发票) To: ××× Co. , Ltd. No. : 835 R 08 EA 0246 No. 16, ××× Road Date: 12 Dec. , 2009 Osaka, Japan L/C No. : 2286500 -005 Contract No. : 02 ZA 0101 From Shanghai to Osaka Shipping Marks Quantities & Descriptions Unit Price Amount ZJAB Ladies’ Garment CIF C 5 Osaka 学林出版社 To be continued Back Next
86 第六章 写作 C/No. 1 -50 STY/No. Made in China 343 -025 63 PCS USD 45. 88/PC USD 2, 890. 44 343 -026 98 PCS USD 46. 98/PC USD 4, 604. 04 343 -027 160 PCS USD 52. 09/PC USD 8, 334. 40 343 -028 120 PCS USD 52. 07/PC USD 6, 248. 40 ___________ Total: 441 PCS USD 22, 077. 28 Less: C 5 USD 1, 103. 86 ______ Total Value: USD 20, 973. 42 Total: U. S. DOLLARS TWENTY THOUSAND NINE HUNDRED AND SEVENTY THREE AND CENTS FORTY TWO ONLY. Country of Origin: P. R. China for and on behalf of Zhejiang Imp. & Exp. Corporation _________ Authorized Signature 学林出版社 Back Next
87 第六章 写作 学林出版社 Back Next
88 第六章 写作 写作技巧 模式:写作格式→包含提示内容→添加连贯语句 谋篇布局时,首先考虑合同、单证等应用文的格式,其次要注意这几类 应用文的主要写作要求,另外要将提示或提纲的主要内容包含进去并增 加一定的连贯语句。对于表单类题目,平时要多了解各类表单的内容, 做题时要读懂填写要求,根据要求认真填写。 真题研究 【例1】 2006年 12月B级真题 Directions: This part is to test your ability to do practical writing. You are required to complete a Visitor’s Message according to the instructions given below in Chinese. Remember to write it on the Translation/Composition Sheet. 假定你是假日酒店前台 作人员Linda。根据以下内容填写来访客人留言 表。 内容: 1. 来访客人:李华,男,PKK公司总经理助理;联系电话: 65734363 2. 来访时间: 12月20日上午10点 3. 被访客人:Mr. John Smith,住假日酒店 422房间 4. 事 由:李华来酒店与Mr. John Smith商谈 作,Mr. John Smith外出 学林出版社 Back Next
89 第六章 写作 5. 留 言:李华约Mr. John Smith明天去PKK公司洽谈业务。李华明天上 午9: 00 驾车来酒店接他;下午安排Mr. John Smith参观公司一条新建成 的生产线。 Words for reference: 驾车接人 to pick somebody up 生产线 assembly line 总经理助理 Assistant to General Manager Holiday Inn Visitor’s Message Mr. / Ms. (1) Mr. John Smith Room No. (2) While you were out Mr. / Ms. (3) of (4) Telephone (5) 65734363 □Telephoned √Came to see you □Will call again □Will come again □Asked you to call back Message: (6)____________________________ ______________________________ Clerk (7) Linda Date (8) Time (9) 学林出版社 Back Next
90 第六章 写作 【解析】 1. 参考答案: Holiday Inn Visitor’s Message Mr. /Ms. (1) Mr. John Smith Room No. (2) 422 While you were out Mr. /Ms. (3) Li Hua of (4) PKK company Telephone (5) 65734363 □Telephoned √Came to see you □Will call again □Will come again □Asked you to call back Message (6) Mr. Li Hua, Assistant to General Manager of PKK company, came to see you at 10: 00 this morning while you were out. He said that he would pick you up at the hotel at 9: 00 a. m. tomorrow to hold a business talk in his company, and that he would invite you to look around their newly-built assembly line in the afternoon. Clerk (7) Linda Date (8) Dec. 20 Time (9) 10: 00 a. m. 学林出版社 Back Next
91 第六章 写作 2. 点评:该题考查考生对表格这种应用文体裁的掌握情况。表格中需 要考生进行创造性处理的信息只有留言部分。其他信息均可进行简单 的套搬。所以,考生应当把重点放在对这部分信息的处理上。为了容 易操作,考生可以按照所给中文信息顺序写出,以避免遗漏。 【例2】 2005年 6月B级真题 Directions: This part is to test your ability to do practical writing. You are required to complete the English Questionnaire (问卷调查) Form based on the information given in Chinese. 说明: 假定你是王明(中国国籍),去海口旅游度假,于2005年 6月10日入住 白云宾馆3002房间,6月20日离店。临走时填写了一份问卷调查表。 内容如下: 1. 对酒店的总体管理感到满意; 2. 对酒店提供的各种服务感到满意; 3. 建议: 学林出版社 Back Next
92 第六章 写作 Words for reference: 总体(的)overall 商业(的)commercial 班车shuttle bus 相关公司 related company QUESTIONNAIRE To improve the quality of our service, we would be grateful if you’d complete the following questionnaire. Name: Nationality: Room Number: _______ Check-in Date: Check-out Date: _______ Did you receive polite and efficient service when you arrived? _____ Are you satisfied with the room service of our hotel? _____ What’s your opinion of our health facilities? _____ Please give your impression of our restaurant service. _____ Have you any other comments to help us make your stay more enjoyable? ________________________________ Baiyun Hotel General Manger 学林出版社 Back Next
93 第六章 写作 【解析】 学林出版社 Back Next
94 第六章 写作 【例3】 2005年 1月B级真题 Directions: This part is to test your ability to do practical writing. The following is a notice written in Chinese. You are required to make an English form of it by completing the table below. Remember to write it on the Translation/Composition Sheet. 说明:请按照中文提供的信息,按下述内容填入英文表格。 欢迎到西部主题公园来! 公园开放时间为 4月到 9月,每周 7天,从上午10点至下午6点。成 人票价 15美元,儿童 7美元,也可以花 28美元买家庭票!每周六、周 日我们有原始西部表演。表演从下午两点开始,持续两个半小时。星 期一至星期五上午8∶ 00— 10∶ 00有免费巴士从市区开往公园,节假日 和周末全天都有免费巴士从市区开往公园。可以在网上预订门票,也 可打电话订票。演出开始前半小时可买到半价票。 学林出版社 Back Next
95 第六章 写作 Welcome to Wild West Theme Park Opening months: From to Opening days in a week: Opening hours: From to Time of Wild West Show: Show starts: Show lasts: Ticket price: Adults $ ; Children $ ; Family Ticket $ Additional information: 1. Bus service ____________________________________________________________ 2. Booking information _____________________________________________________________ 学林出版社 Back Next
96 第六章 写作 【解析】 学林出版社 Back Next
97 学学与练练40 1. Directions: This part is to test your ability to do practical writing. Suppose you are going to apply for a job. Now fill in the Application Form with the necessary information. You can make use of the hints given in Chinese. 说明:张亚丽想调换 作,得知某公司招聘英语翻译,现填写申请表。 内容: 1. 申请人:女,1974年 5月4日生于北京市,已婚; 2. 学历: 92年毕业于北京市五中,92~96年在中国外国语大学英语系读 书,获文学学士学位; 3. 作经历:毕业后在上海大学任教,擅长翻译并作过兼职翻译 作; 4. 联系地址:上海市松江路 4号 电话: 65877910。 Family Name: _______ First Name: _________ Address: _____________________ Tel. No. _____________________ Date of Birth: ____________ Place of Birth: ____________ Gender: _______ Marriage: Married □ Divorced □ Single □ 学林出版社 Back Next
98 学学与练练40 Educational Records: 1. _______________________. 2. _______________________. Employment History: ____________________________________________________ Words for Reference: 文学学士学位 BA 兼职 part-time job Click Here For Reference Answer 学林出版社 Back Next
99 学学与练练40 Family Name: Zhang First Name: Yali Address: No. 4 Songjiang Road, Shanghai, P. R. China Tel. No. : 65877910 Date of Birth: May 4, 1974 Place of Birth: Beijing Gender: Female Marriage: Married Divorced Single Yes Educational Records: 1. 1992— 1996 Studied and graduated from the English Department of China Foreign Languages University, BA. 2. 1992 Graduated from No. 5 Beijing Middle School Employment History: I have been working at Shanghai University as a teacher since graduation in 1996. I am skillful at translation and have experience in doing part-time job as a translator. 学林出版社 Back Next
100 学学与练练40 2. Directions: This part is to test your ability to do practical writing. You are required to fill in a Bill of Exchange according to the instructions given below in Chinese. Remember to write it on the Translation/Composition Sheet. 说明:请根据以下信息填写汇票。 内容:汇票编号:SHHXFP 08167;付款限期:即期汇票;出票日期: 2010年 4月27日;汇票金额: 46980. 00美元;(收)受款人:上海爱建 金融公司;出票条款:THE ROYAL BANK OF CANADA, BRITISH COLUMBIA INTERNATIONAL CENTER, 信 用 证 号 码 : 08/0501 – FTC,开证日期: 2010年 4月8日;付款人(受票人):THE ROYAL BANK OF CANADA, BRITISH COLUMBIA INTERNATIONAL CENTER 1055 WEST GEORGIA STREET, VANCOUVER, B. C. V 6 E 3 P 3 CANADA;对价条款:四类中国陶瓷餐具共 1639箱;出票人(签 章):华信贸易有限公司 学林出版社 Back Next
101 学学与练练40 Click Here For Reference Answer 学林出版社 Back Next
102 学学与练练40 学林出版社 Back Next
103 学学与练练40 3. Directions: This part is to test your ability to do practical writing. You are required to complete a Contract according to the instructions given below in Chinese. Remember to write it on the Translation/Composition Sheet. 说明:请根据下列要求撰写买卖合同。 Click Here 内容: 1. 买方:荷兰鹿特丹Tivoli Products PLC For Reference Answer 2. 卖方:中国上海环宇贸易有限公司 3. 签定时间及地点: 2010年 4月5日 上海 4. 合同内容: 1) 在两个财政年度内,卖方向买方出售 350套钻孔机械设备; 2) 卖方负责产品质量、数量、包装和船运事项; 3) 买方以不可撤销信用证支付并负责安排保险事宜; 4) 货到十日内提出索赔; 5) 未经双方同意不得撕毁协议; 6) 合同为英文,有效期两年。合同期满后可续签,修订或终止。 Words for reference: 钻孔机械设备 drilling mechanical device 受权代表 authorized representative 财政年度 fiscal year 不可撤销信用证 irrevocable L/C 学林出版社 Back Next
104 学学与练练40 学林出版社 Back Next
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