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中国地理标志保护制度概述 The Overview on the Framework of GI Protection in China 王笑冰 山东大学法学院 2011年 3月20日 Dr. WANG Xiaobing Law School of Shandong University
提纲 Contents n 一、中国地理标志保护法律制度概述 1. The legislative Situation of GIs Protection in China n 二、外国地理标志如何在中国获得保护 2. How can foreign GIs get Protection in China n 三、如何使用手册——“Q&A Guidelines: China Legislation on GIs” 3. How to use the Manual “Q&A Guidelines: China Legislation on GIs”
一、中国地理标志保护法律制度概 述 1. The legislative Situation of GIs Protection in China
(一)中国地理标志国内立法 1. 1. The national Legislation on GI Protection in China
三种并行地理标志保护制度 Legislation including provisions specially designed for GI protection 1、商标法 1. Trademark Law 2、地理标志产品保护规定 2. The Provisions on the Protection of Geographical Indication Products 3、农产品地理标志管理办法 3. The Measures for Administration of Geographical Indications of Agricultural Products
1、商标法 1. 1. 1. Trademark Law n n 《商标法》第 16条第 2款:地理标志“是指标示某 商品来源于某地区,该商品的特定质量、信誉或 者其他特征,主要由该地区的自然因素或者人文 因素所决定的标志。” Article 16. 2: The geographical indications …. refer to the signs that signify the place of origin of the goods in respect of which the signs are used, their specific quality, reputation or other features as mainly decided by the natural or cultural factors of the regions.
n n 《商标法实施条例》第 6条:商标法第十六条规定 的地理标志,可以依照商标法和本条例的规定, 作为证明商标或者集体商标申请注册。 作为集体商标、证明商标注册的地理标志受到商 标专用权的保护。 Article 6 of Regulations for the Implementation of Trademark Law: For geographical indications referred to in Article 16 of the Trademark Law, applications may be filed to register them as certification marks or collective marks under the provisions of the Trademark Law and these Regulations. The GIs registered as collective or certification marks are protected under the Trademark Law.
为了履行TRIPS协定的义务, 《集体商标、 证明商标注册和管理办法 》为酒类地理标 志提供了特别保护。 n The Measures for the Registration and Administration of Collective Marks and Certification Marks provide GIs of wines and spirits with additional protection in line with the relevant provisions of TRIPS. n
地理标志产品专用标记 Logo for GIs registered as trademarks
2、国家质量监督检验检疫总局颁布的《 地理标志产品保护规定》 1. 1. 2. Provisions on the Protection of Geographical Indication Products issued by General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine (AQSIQ)
n n 《地理标志产品保护规定》第 2条:地理标志产品 是指“产自特定地域,所具有的质量、声誉或其他 特性本质上取决于该产地的自然因素和人文因素, 经审核批准以地理名称进行命名的产品”。 Article 2: GI products are those “which are named after geographical name after being examined and approved, which originate from a specific region, and whose quality, reputation or other characteristics depend on the natural factors and human factors of the area of production. ”
n n 地理标志产品的保护实行审核批准和注册登记的 原则:凡是申请地理标志产品保护的,必须依照 《地理标志产品保护规定》经质检部门审核批准; 任何单位和个人要使用地理标志产品专用标志, 必须依照该规定经质检部门注册登记,接受监督 管理。 The principle of “examination-approval-registration” applies to the protection of GI products. That means the applications for the protection of GI products are subject to the examination and approval of AQSIQ under the Provisions on the Protection of Geographical Indication Products. The special signs of GI products must be registered and their respective use is subject to supervision and management of AQSIQ in accordance with the Provisions.
注册程序 The Registration Procedure 申请人 applicants ↓ 地方质检部门 Local competent entry-exit inspection and quarantine bureau ↓ 国家质检总局 AQSIQ
使用程序 Procedure for the Use of GI Product 使用申请人 applicants for use of the GI products ↓ 地方质检部门 Local quality and technical supervision bureau ↓ 国家质检总局 AQSIQ
地理标志产品专用标志 (以龙井茶为例) Logo for GI Products Example of Longjing Tea
n 地理标志产品保护制度是一种专门立法保护模式, 与欧盟的地理标志和原产地名称制度类似。 n The Provisions on the Protection of Geographical Indication Products established sui generis protection system which is similar to the protection established by the EU for geographical indications and designations of origin.
3、农业部颁布的《农产品地理标志管理 办法》 1. 1. 3. Measures for Administration of Geographical Indications of Agricultural Products issued by the Ministry of Agriculture
n n 此办法仅适用于“农产品”,即“来源于农业的初级 产品,即在农业活动中获得的植物、动物、微生 物及其产品。” The Measures only apply to “agriculture products”, i. e. primary agricultural products, among them plants, animals, microorganisms and the products thereof obtained in agricultural activities.
n n 农产品地理标志,是指“标示农产品来源于特定地 域,产品品质和相关特征主要取决于自然生态环 境和历史人文因素,并以地域名称冠名的特有农 产品标志。” “Geographical indications of agricultural products” are special agricultural product indications which are named after geographical names and are meant to tell that the indicated agricultural products are from a specific area and that the quality and major characteristics of the products mainly lie in the natural and ecological environment as well as cultural and historical factors of the area.
登记程序 Registration Procedure 申请人 Applicants ↓ 省级农业行政主管部门 Provincial administrative departments of agriculture ↓ 农业部农产品质量安全中心 Agricultural Product Quality Safety Centre under the Ministry of Agriculture
使用程序 Procedure for use of the agricultural GIs 符合条件的单位和个人,可以向登记证书 持有人申请使用农产品地理标志,签订农 产品地理标志使用协议 。 n Any producer satisfying relevant requirements may apply to the holder of the registration certificate of a GI of agricultural products for using the registered GI. An agreement on the use of a GI must be concluded between them. n
农产品地理标志专用标志 Logo for Agricultural GIs
(二)注册情况 1. 2. The Status quo of GIs Registration in China
获得注册的地理标志数量 Numbers of registered GIs n n n 至 2010年 12月31日获得商标注册的地理标志: 903 件(包括 36件外国地理标志) GIs registered as trademarks as of 31 December 2010: 903 (including 36 foreign GIs) 至 2009年 6月已注册地理标志产品: 902件 Registered GI products as of June 2009: 902 至 2010年 5月已注册农产品地理标志: 331件 Registered GIs of agricultural products as of May 2010: 331
(三)国际保护 1. 3. International Protection for GIs
1、将地理标志保护纳入自由贸易协定 1. 3. 1. GIs Protection was provided in FTA concluded by China n n 2005年《中国和智利自由贸易协定》第 10条规定:被列入条 约附件的中国和智利的地理标志将在对方境内依其“国内法 律法规,以与TRIPS协定规定一致的方式作为地理标志受到 保护。” Article 10 in the Free Trade Agreement between the Government of the People‘s Republic of China and the Government of the Republic of Chile (2005) specifies the protection of GIs: the Chinese and Chilean GIs listed in Annex to the agreement are subject to domestic laws and regulations in a manner that is consistent with the TRIPS Agreement and will be protected as GIs in the territory of the other Party.
n 该条约附件列举的地理标志: 中国地理标志:绍兴黄酒、安溪铁观音 智利地理标志:智利皮斯科酒 n The GIs listed in the Annex: Chinese GIs: “Shaoxing Wine”, “Anxi Tieguanyin (tea)” Chilean GIs: “Chilean Pisco”
n 2009年签署的中国-秘鲁自由贸易协定第 146条规定:列入 附件十(地理标志)的中国和秘鲁地理标志在对方境内按 照其“国内法律法规的规定,以与TRIPS 协定规定一致的 方式作为地理标志受到保护”。 n Article 146 of the Peru-China FTA (2009): Chinese and Peruvian GIs listed in Annex 10 to the agreement are subject to domestic laws and regulations in a manner that is consistent with the TRIPS Agreement and will be protected as GIs in the territory of the other Party.
条约附件 10列举的地理标志: The GIs listed in Annex 10: n 中国 China (22 GIs): 1. Anxi Tie Guanyin (Tieh-Kuan-Yin)Tea (安溪铁 观音)2. Shaoxing (Yellow) Wine (绍兴酒)3. Fuling Pickled Mustard Tuber (涪陵榨菜)4. (Ningxia) Zhongning Matrimony Vine (宁夏)中 宁枸杞 5. Jingdezhen Porcelain (景德镇瓷器)6. Zhenjiang Aromatic Vinegar (镇江香醋)7. Pu’er Tea (普洱茶)8. (Xihu) Longjing Tea (西 湖)龙井茶 9. Kinghwa (Jinhua) Ham (金华火腿)10. Shanxi Mature Vinegar (山西老陈醋)11. Xuanwei Ham (宣威火腿)12. Longquan Celadon (龙泉青瓷)13. Yixing Dark-red Enamelled Pottery (宜兴紫砂 陶)14. Korla Fragrant Pear (库尔勒香梨)15. Min County Tang-Kuei (Chinese angelica root)(岷县当归)16. Wenshan Notoginseng (文山三 七)17. Wuchang Rice (五常大米)18. Tongjiang White Fungus (通江 银耳)19. Bama Miniature Pig (八马香猪)20. Taihe Blackbone Chicken (泰和乌鸡)21. Fuding Shaddock (福鼎四季柚)22. (Nanjing) Cloudpattern Brocade (南京)云锦 n 秘鲁 Peru (4 GIs): 1. Pisco Perú 2. Cerámica de Chulucanas 3. Maíz Blanco Gigante Cusco 4. Pallar de Ica
n 2010年签署的中国-哥斯达黎加自由贸易协定第 116条规定: 列入附件九的中国和哥斯达黎地理标志在对方领土内按照 其“国内法律法规的规定,以与TRIPS 协定规定一致的方 式作为地理标志受到保护”。 n Article 116 of the Costa Rica -China FTA (2010): Chinese and Costa Rican GIs listed in Annex 9 & 10 to the agreement are subject to domestic laws and regulations in a manner that is consistent with the TRIPS Agreement and will be protected as GIs in the territory of the other Party.
n 附件 9列举的中国地理标志尚待贸易委员会协商后确 定,目前未列出中国地理标志。 China’s GIs shall be included in Annex 9 after the Commission reaches a consensus and no GIs are listed therein now. n 附件 10列举了10个哥斯达黎加地理标志: Ten Costa Rican GIs are listed in Annex 10: 1. Banano de Costa Rica 2. Café de Costa Rica 3. Guanacaste Madera 4. Orosi 5. Tres Ríos 6. Turrialba 7. West Valley 8. Brunca 9. Central Valley 10. Guanacaste
2、地理标志保护的互认合作 1. 3. 2. The mutual Recognition of GIs Protection n n 2007年 7月11日,中国国家质检总局与欧盟代表团 正式交换了申请在对方进行保护的10个地理标志 保护产品相关文件。 On 11 July 2007, the AQSIQ and the EU delegation exchanged formally relevant documents concerning the applications for registration of 10 GIs in each other’s territories.
中方产品名单 The ten Chinese GI products: 平谷大桃、龙口粉丝、龙井茶、陕西苹果、 东山白芦笋、琯溪蜜柚、金乡大蒜、镇江 香醋、蠡县麻山药、盐城龙虾 n Pinggu Big Peach, Lixian Yam, Longkou Vermicelli, Longjing Tea, Zhenjiang Vinegar, Shaanxi Apple, Dongshan White Asparagus, Guanxi Honey Pomelo, Jinxiang Garlic, and Yancheng Crawfish. n
欧方地理标志产品 The ten European GI products 农舍奶酪, 斯提尔顿奶酪, 苏格兰农家三文 鱼, 帕尔玛火腿, 帕加诺奶酪, 阿让李子干, 洛 克福奶酪, 孔蒂奶酪, 马吉娜橄榄油, 科多瓦 橄榄油 n West Country Farm Cheddar, White Stilton Cheese/Blue Stilton Cheese, Scottish Farmed Salmon, Prosciutto di Parma, Grana Padano, Pruneau d'Agen - Pruneaux d'Agen mi-cuits, Roquefort, Comté, Mágina, and Priego de Córdoba. n
二、外国地理标志如何在中国获得 保护 2. How can foreign GIs get Protection in China
(一)按照中国法律提出注册申请 2. 1. Apply for the Registration under China’s Legislation
n n 尽管《地理标志产品保护规定》和《农产品地理 标志管理办法》均规定将为外国地理标志的注册 和保护制定具体办法,但此办法迄今未出台。因 此目前地理标志只能按照《商标法》的规定申请 注册。 Although both the Provisions on the Protection of Geographical Indication Products and the Measures for the Administration of Geographical Indications of Agricultural Products provide positive clauses promising to establish specific measures for the registration and protection of foreign GIs, the said specific measures have not been established so far. Thereforeign GI can only be applied for the registration under Trademark Law.
1、申请人之主体资格 2. 1. 1. The Qualification of the Applicants n n 外国人或外国企业在中国申请商标注册的,应当按其 所属国和中国签订的协议或者共同参加的国际条约办 理,或者按对等原则办理。 any foreign person or foreign enterprise intending to apply for the registration of a trademark in China shall file an application in accordance with any agreement concluded between China and the country to which the applicant belongs, or according to the international treaty to which both countries are parties, or on the basis of the principles of reciprocity.
n 外国人或者外国企业在中国申请商标注册和办理其他商标 事宜的,应当委托国家认可的具有商标代理资格的组织代 理。此处所指的外国人或者外国企业,是指在中国没有经 常居所或者营业所的外国人或者外国企业。因此,拥有经 常居住地或营业所的外国人、外国企业可不必委托指定的 组织代理。 n Foreign person or enterprise intending to apply for the registration of a trademark or for any other matters concerning a trademark in China sha 1 l appoint an organization officially designated by China government to act as his/its agent. The foreign person or enterprise mentioned here only refers to the foreigner having no habitual residence or place of business in China. In other words, if a foreigner has habitual residence or place of business in China the restriction mentioned above on foreign applicant does not apply to him/her.
2、对拟申请注册之地理标志的要求 2. 1. 2. The Requirements foreign GIs n 外国人或者外国企业申请以地理标志作为集体商标、证明 商标注册的,申请人应当提供该地理标志以其名义在其原 属国受法律保护的证明。 n Foreign person or enterprise applying for the registration of a GI as a collective mark or a certification mark shall furnish documents certifying that the GI, in his/its name, is under the legal protection in the country of origin.
3、语言要求 2. 2. 3. Language n 申请商标注册或办理其他商标事宜,应使用中文。依照商 标法和本条例规定提交的各种证件、证明文件和证据材料 是外文的,应附送中文译文;未附送的,视为未提交。商 标为外文或者包含外文的,应说明含义。 n The application for trademark registration and other matters related to trademark shall be provided in Chinese language. If any certificate, certifying document or evidence submitted to the authorities is written in a foreign language, a Chinese translation shall be attached thereto, or it shall be deemed that the certificate, certifying document or evidence has never been submitted. If a trademark is, or consists of, foreign words, their meanings shall be clarified in Chinese.
(二)通过所属国与中国签订的双 边条约获得保护 2. 2. Foreign GIs can get protection in China on the base of bilateral agreements concluded between China and it’s country of origin
n n 中国与智利、秘鲁、哥斯达黎加签订的自贸协定 为外国地理标志在中国获得保护提供了范例。 The FTAs between China and Chile, Peru, Costa Rica can serve as examples foreign GIs to get protection in China. 或者通过双边互认合作使外国地理标志在中国获 得保护,例如中-欧 10+10地理标志互认试点。 Foreign GIs can also be protected in China on the base of mutual recognition cooperation. For example, the project of 10 + 10 GI recognition between the EU and China can serve as a feasible approach for EU GIs to get protection in China.
三、如何使用手册——“Q&A Guidelines: China Legislation on GIs” 3. How to use the Manual “Q&A Guidelines: China Legislation on GIs”
(一)手册的基本内容和结构 3. 1. The basic Content and Structure of the Manual n n n n (1)中国地理标志立法概况 1. Legislative Situation on GIs in China (2)地理标志之定义 2. Definitions of GIs in China (3)中国地理标志保护的模式 3. Protection Modes for GIs in China (4)地理标志的注册 4. Registration of GIs in China (5)地理标志专用标记的构成 5. Contents GI Logos in China (6)地理标志的使用和保护 6. Use and Protection of GIs in China (7)地理标志的监控和管理 7. Supervision and Administration of GIs in China (8)附录,即中国地理标志主管机关的地址、联系方式和网站信息 8. Annex including address, website and telephone number of the competent authorities for GIs
手册采用问答的形式,在每一个问题下均 设有几个具体的子问题。 n The manual is in the form of Q&A. Each Question has several sub questions providing detailed information and guidance for the readers. A considerable number of tables, boxes, examples and diagrams accompany the answers. n
示例 Example n Q 2 – What products are eligible for GI protection in China? Sub questions: 1. What are the products eligible for GI protection under the Trademark Law? 2. What are the products eligible for GI protection under the Provisions on the Protection of Geographical Indication Products? 3. What are the products eligible for GI protection under the Measures for the Administration of Geographical Indications of Agricultural Products? 4. Could a GI be protected under two or more legislations at the same time? Is it necessary to get the protection under different systems?
(二)应特别注意的内容 3. 2. Specific Issue needing to be noted n 1、中国不同地理标志制度之间的关系 三种不同的地理标志保护制度是相互独立的,它 们之间不存在支持配合关系。 n 3. 2. 1. The relation between the different legislation for GI protection in China The three systems are independent and separate, they neither support nor cooperate each other.
2、不同制度的适用对象不同,地理标志构 成要素亦不相同。 n 3. 2. 2. The scope of the products eligible for GI protection are different under different systems. The components of the GIs are also different according to their definitions under different systems. n
3、不同的保护制度下地理标志注册和使用 程序不同。 n 3. 2. 3. Different procedures for registration and use of the GIs under different systems. n 4、费用问题 n 3. 2. 4. Fees for registration and use of the GIs n 5、对外国地理标志的特别规定 n 3. 2. 5. Special provisions foreign GIs. n
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