- Количество слайдов: 21
האפיפיור ו הרב
האפיפיור יוהאן פאולוס השני, באולם קבלת אורחים בואטיקאן, מקבל את אחד המנהיגים היהודים החשובים, הרב הראשי של ישראל, כב' הרב מאיר לאו. המפגש הפורמאלי התקיים באווירה מאד חמה אשר נתנה את האפשרות לסיפור האנקדוטי כדלהלן.
Papa Johan Paulus II, în sala de receptie din Vatican, primeste pe unul dintre celi mai importanti lideri evrei, șef-rabin al Israelului, Rabinul Meir Lau. Întâlnirea oficială a avut loc într-o atmosferă foarte caldă, care a dat posibilitatea să se povestea anecdote, după cum urmează. The Pope Johan Paulus II, in the reception hall in the Vatican, receives one of the Jewish leaders, Chief Rabbi of Israel, Rabbi Meir Lau. The official meeting took place in a very warm atmosphere, which gave the opportunity to narrate anecdotes, as follows.
הרב מספר לאפיפיור מעשה שקרה לפני עשרות שנים בעיירה קטנה בצפון אירופה.
Rabinul ii povesteste Papei o intamplare petrecuta cu decenii în urmă, într-un orăşel din nordul Europei. The Rabbi tells the Pope a true story, spent decades ago, in a small town in Northern Europe.
הוא מספר לו שבגמר מלחמת העולם השנייה, אישה נוצרייה פנה לכומר של העיירה בהתייעצות. היא ובעלה החביאו ושמרו מפרוץ המלחמה ילד יהודי קטן אשר הוריו הפקידו בידיהם לפני שנשלחו למחנות השמדה.
El îi spune că la sfarsitul celui de al doilea război mondial, o femeie crestina s-a sfatuit cu preotul oraselului. Ea şi soţul ei au ascuns şi au pazit de la inceputul razboiului, un băieţel evreu al căror părinţi l-au depus în mâinile lor, înainte de a fi trimisi in lagărele morţii. He says that at the end of World War II, a Christian woman ask the advice of the priest of the town. She and her husband hid and guarded since the beginning of the war, a Jewish boy whose parents have it deposited into their hands, before being sent to the death camps.
הורי הילד שנעלמו בגיהינום הנאצי הטראגי, רצו ותכננו עתיד לילד בארץ ישראל. האישה הייתה מול דילמה ובקשה מהכומר לעזור לה בעצה. היא באמת, מצד אחד, רצתה לקיים את רצון הורי הילד אבל, מאידך, רצתה שיישאר אצלה ולנצר אותו.
Parintii copilului, care au disparut în iadul nazist tragic, a vrut şi au planificat viitorul copilului în Israel. Femeia se confrunta cu o dilemă şi a cerut preotului sa o ajute cu un sfat. Ea vroia, pe de o parte, să se conformeze voinţei părinţilor copilului dar, pe de altă parte, ar vrut să rămână cu ea şi sa-l converteasca la crestinism. The child's parents, who disappeared in the Nazi hell tragically, wanted and planned the future of the child in Israel. The woman faces a dilemma and asked the priest to help with some advice. She was, on the one hand, to comply with the wishes of the child's parents but, on the other hand, you want to stay with it and to convert him to Christianity.
הכומר נתן לה את עצתו מהר מאד: חובתך לכבד את רצון הורי הילד.
Preotul a dat sfatul foarte repede: -Datoria ta este de a respecta dorinta părinţilor copilului. The priest gave the advice very quickl y: -Your job is to comply the child's parents desire.
הילד היהודי נשלח אז למדינת ישראל שהייתה בתחילת דרכה ושם גדל וחונך.
Băiatul a fost trimis in statul Israel, care era la începutul existentei sale şi acolo a fost crescut şi educat. The boy was sent to Israel State, which was at the beginning of its existence and there was raised and educated.
האנקדוטה מאד מעניינת את האפיפיור אבל, היא הופכת למאד מרגשת כאשר הרב הראשי מוסיף:
O anecdotă foarte interesanta pentru Papa, dar ea devine si mai emotionanta atunci când şef-rabinul continuă: A very interesting anecdote for the Pope, but it gets even more moving when the Chief Rabbi continues:
- הוד מעלתו, אתה היית הכומר הנוצרי הצעיר אז. . .
-Majestatea Voastra, a fost tânărul preot creştin de atunci. -Your Majesty, was this young Christian priest.
והילד היתום, . . אני הייתי. . .
Iar băiatul orfan. . . am fost. . . eu. And the orphan boy. . . I was. . . I.
תרגם מספרדית לעברית טוביה גולדשטיין Translation from Hebrew in Romanian, English and musical background (Mirel Reznik): Beatrice Vaisman