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実践本部の組織 かなざわ食育プラン2007 実践本部 庁内プロジェクトチーム 局長レベル 課長レベル 政策調整会議? 食育専門推進員 「食育プラン2007 実践本部」 1.まちづくりと食の部会 2.人 づくりと食の部会 3.健康づくりと食の部会 「食育プラン2007 ワーキンググループ」 事務局 (保健所地域保健課) (平成20年度一部改編) copyright©金沢市
Installation ① Kanazawa food education promotion practice headquarters ●Purpose Food education promotion business based in Kanazawa food education plan 2007 Implementation decisions of policy, planning, management assessment of Progress ● Configuration: 15 people about committee (various circles layers leader recommendation) And food improvement promotion And food education promotion And food experience promoting And food culture promotion And food event promotion copyright©金沢市
Installation ② Kanazawa food education promotion practice headquarters ● duties of committee 1. Promotion of initiatives related organizations in (recommendation organizations), (Dissemination activities at a meeting of officials) evaluation 2. Practice guidance of by visiting the various project implementation site (Health class, comprehensive guidance in cooking classes, etc. ) 3. Practice lectures, community awareness activities, in the event, etc. (Panelists, moderator, participation in the overall coordination, etc. ) guidance copyright©金沢市
Installation③ Kanazawa food education promotion practice headquarters ● the contents · Regular meetings, held three times a year Enforcement policy of each business based on the promotion plan, the contents Study Collection → comprehensive annual plan of business plans from all quarters Creating a Check the progress of the business with a focus on food education month, Evaluation Such as planning for the next fiscal year implementation plan • If the other necessary matters, has occurred, that is held copyright©金沢市 each
Practice headquarters personnel system (General Manager: Mayor) Academics (3 people) Ishikawa Prefectural University professor, Hokuriku Gakuin University, Kanazawa Gakuin Junior College Professor Parenting and education organizations (4 people) Kanazawa PTA Council, elementary and junior high school principal meetings, Kanazawa City Council of Social Welfare childcare Subcommittee, Ishikawa private kindergarten Association Kanazawa Branch Community groups (5 people) Kanazawa Medical Association, Kanazawa Dental Association, Kanazawa University under Women's Association Liaison Council, Kanazawa City Community Center Association, Kanazawa Youth Council Food education organization promoting cooperation (3 people) Slow Food representative Kanazawa, Ishikawa Prefecture Food Association, Kaga miso food cooperatives (Kanazawa JCI) Producer organizations (1 person) Core farmers Council Distribution affiliate (4 people) Kanazawa Central Market Association operates, vegetables fruit consumption Promotion Council, Kanazawa fish Promotion Association, Omicho market promotion association Food culture organizations (3 people) Kaga vegetables save social gathering, inns and hotels industry cooperatives, Ishikawa Confectionery Industry Association copyright©金沢市
Practice headquarters personnel activities 1. Promotion of business to be conducted in private organizations And business development of citizen participation by dietary education campaign, etc. · Promotion reunion of family through food · (Production experience, distribution experience, cooking experience) food culture business experience in Kanazawa 2. Promotion of business that Kanazawa to implement Efforts home, school, in nursery-kindergarten Dietary education karuta, breakfast menu contest, such as the promotion of food education in elementary and junior high schools Efforts to improve eating habits in the region Kanazawa version Food Guide, food education promote volunteer activities, such as food environmental improvement Efforts to convey the importance of food through the production experience, etc. Production, cooking Kaga vegetables, promotion of processing experience, reduce food waste at home Efforts to foster the promotion momentum of dietary education and inheritance and development of food culture Inheritance of traditional dishes, such as the improvement of the daily diet due to inheritance of kitchen food culture 3. Outgoing overall dietary education of the Kanazawa copyright©金沢市
(Best menus using Kaga vegetables) lunch tasting party? Of elementary school students and the 1 st practice headquarters conference? Practice headquarters staff copyright©金沢市
Group of three practice headquarters 3 「食育プラン2007 実践本部」 1.まちづくりと食の部会 2.人 づくりと食の部会 3.健康づくりと食の部会 [Group and Food Town Planning] · I transmit the goodness of food culture and food production in Kanazawa · Re-recognize the characteristics of the food culture in the region, town planning I consider the cooperation measures to [Group of food and human resources] · To enhance the human form rich Being involved in food · To consider the promotion measures for tradition's successor-training on food [Group of the Food and Health Promotion] Collect activity information for reviewing the eating habits you can send a healthy diet · Consider the health promotion goals by phagocytic, measures towards achieving the goals Consider copyright©金沢市
Kanazawa food education promotion plan professional employees 食育専門推進員 Order to spread the sum of the activities as dietary education movement of Kanazawa-specific, In specialized fields, such as those who have been addressed in the model practice And at any time commissioned a person who can cooperate in food education activities ◇ regional cuisine expert and national cooking school Association special Normal ◇ Kaga vegetables Meister Kaga vegetables save the Forum for Members ◇ hood photo professionals ◇ Japan Food Service Association member Shokuiku Promotion Committee ◇ Vegetable & Fruit Meister (Omicho market fruit and vegetable shop, President) ◇ Food coordinator diet Advisor copyright©金沢市