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前瞻民航科技與航空維修研討會 未來航空科技與維修現況 宛 同 亞洲航空公司/淡江大學航空太空 程學系 105. 04. 19
大綱 我國科技實力 n 世界航空科技未來驅勢 n 我國航空維修現況研析 n
n 我國科技實力: 1980年代末航太 業世界 排名第七、2015年軍事力量世界排名第 十三
圖一 1998年至 2008年全世界科技投資額成長驅 勢
圖二 1998年至 2008年全世界科技論文成長驅勢
圖三 2011年全世界科技投資額與人口素質關係圖
n n 2009 關鍵技術評估報告: 五軸加 機械 美國商業部 業暨安全局(Bureau of Industry and Security, U. S. Department of Commerce) 台灣在世界五軸加 機械上的份量
n 世界航空科技未來驅勢
n 航空產業特性與專有名詞:金字塔型生產 體系、中心衛星 廠、高門檻、高科技、 回收慢、適航認證(Airworthiness)、 BASA(Bilateral Airworthiness and Safety Agreement)、Offset、GOCO、Dry Lease vs. Wet Lease、FAA vs. EASA、MRO、FAR、 NADCAP、MIL等。
Three Technology Areas that May Drive Future Aeronautics Innovation: Exploiting Computational Advances for High-fidelity Simulation and Multidisciplinary Design (or MDO) n Removing the Constraint that Aircraft Must be Designed Around Pilots or Passengers n Designing the System rather than the Vehicles: Collectives and Systems of Systems n
Blended-Wing-Body, BWB
Characteristics of BWB L/D increase by 20% n Low fuel burn n High environmental compatibility n Low operating cost n High operational flexibility for airlines n Difficult to escape from aircraft within 90 seconds (ICAO Annex) n
Man is No Longer the Measure of All Things Aeronautical: Unmanned Aerial System (UAS) or RPAS n Micro Air Vehicle (MAV) n Mesicopter – Centimeter-scale Rotorcraft n Micro-Sailplanes, Solar-powered Aircraft, etc. n
Future economic return? 未來產值?
Collectives, Multiagent Systems, and Systems of Systems in Aeronautics: Miniature Trailing Edge Effectors (Mi. TEs): small tab placed near the trailing-edge of an airfoil on the lower or upper surface oriented perpendicular to the airfoil chord line (as shown) n Formation Flight – Induced Drag Saving of about 40% n Chevron Engine Cover Vortex Generator n Fuel Cell Battery n Laminar Flow Control n
Collectives, Multiagent Systems, and Systems of Systems in Aeronautics: BWB Cargo Aircraft n Civilian Air Re-Fueling n Ceramic Matrix Composite (CMC) n Distributive Electric Aircraft Propulsion (DEAP) n Superconducting Devices is Key n Post-stall Civilian Aircraft Performance n Bio-fuel is Gone? n
Current Industrial Design Surface mesh for modern RANS LES computation Typically 50 million flowfield grid points
Other Major Themes Composite materials n Structural analysis and design n Structural dynamics and aeroelasticity n Fatigue and fracture n Flight control – fly by wire n Air traffic management n Safety n Human factors n Noise n UAVs n Climate change n
ICAS Workshops n n n 2005: Towards a Global Vision on Aviation Safety and Security 2007: UAV-Airworthiness, Certification and Access to the Airspace 2009: Aviation and Environment 2011: Advanced Materials and Manufacturing. Certification and Operational Challenges 2013: The More Electrical Aircraft: Achievements & Perspectives for the Future 2015: Complex Systems Integration in Aeronautics
2005 & 2007 Aviation Safety and Security Achievements n Goal for 2020: Traffic Amount Double and Accident Rates Become ¼ Compare to 2000 n Point-to-Point vs. Hub-and-Spoke n Near Future: B 787 & A 350 XWB n UAS or RPAS: Military A/C First and Commercial A/C Later, Cargo Transport First and Passenger Transport Later n
2009 Aviation and Environment Greener: Air Pollution & Noise Pollution n Aviation Industry only produce 2~3% of World CO 2 Emission, But take a Lion’s Share of Blame n NOx Emission is Less Than Expected n Noise Sources: Engine, High Lift Devices, Landing Gear System n Condensation Trail (Contrail) will produce Cirrus, and induce Climate Change, thus needs to vary the Cruise Altitude n Future Fuel Burn should reduced 50% n Still about 15% Wasted Efficiency in Operation n
2011: Advanced Materials and Manufacturing – Certification and Operational Challenges n n n Composite application on airframe has been increasing Typical examples are Boeing 787 & A 350 XWB Composites cannot currently demonstrate prominent advantage in cost & weight in small commercial airplane, such as MRJ Technical challenge against weight reduction Example: Lightning strike damage: difficult & costly tests, at a gateway of accurate numerical simulation If high development costs remain in composites, aircraft industries may go back to aluminum again!
2013: The More Electrical Aircraft: Achievements & Perspectives for the Future
EU Flightpath 2050 n n n n n > 75% less CO 2 emissions > 90% less NOx emissions > 65% reductions in perceived noise > Aircraft is designed and manufactured to be recyclable > Emission-free taxiing > 90% of all journeys (door-to-door within the EU) within 4 hrs > Flight arrived within 1 min. of planned time regardless of weather > 80% less accidents > ATM should handle at least 25 Million flights/year
Zero-emissions Concept – The Ce-Liner (M∞~0. 7)
Future 2050 Asian Plan? n n n n n Area includes Mainland China, Taiwan, Hong Kong/ Macau, Korea, Japan, Singapore, and Southeast Asia > 70% less CO 2 emissions > 80% less NOx emissions > 60% reductions in perceived noise > Emission-free taxiing > 80% of all journeys (door-to-door within Asia) within 4 hrs > Flight arrived within 5 min. of planned time regardless of weather > 80% less accidents > ATM should handle at least 30 Million flights/year
n 我國航空維修現況研析
n n n n 目前現況:民用機、軍用及公務機、航太產值 發展飛機修護產業(民機、軍機、直昇機) 提昇複合材料、3 D列印、及精進簡化製程等 方面之技術精度 軍用機修護之特殊性:消失性商源、賣方市場 鏽蝕對我飛機修護產業之影響:溫度vs. 溼度 EASA換證的挑戰 發展民航服務產業 建立空中交通管理技術能量
n n n 研院航太中心、航空器適航驗證中心 聯成航太、長榮航太改裝四架B 747 LCF 台灣區航太 業同業公會 TAIA 我國目前航空人力資源(國內、海外) Tier 2廠商、訓練維修業務
n n n 國防 業與經濟產業政策 遙控飛行器產業:設計、製造、使用、修護、 飛安、航管、訓練、證照、適航、管理等 政府:Think Big, Think Ahead、以新加坡為師 個人:國際觀、英文實力、英制與公制、基 本數理能力、學習力、守紀律 手腳靈活、英文很好的老實人
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