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中国环境执法的现状及展望 Challenges and Successes of Environmental Compliance and Enforcement (ECE) in China 国家环保总局环境监察局局长 陆新元 Lu Xinyuan General Director of Department of Environmental Protection Inspection, SEPA 二OO七年十二月 北京 December, 2007 Beijing
目录 Contents PartⅠ 中国环境执法的现状及最新进展 Status of ECE in China PartⅡ 中国环境执法面临的挑战与机遇 Challenges and opportunities of ECE in China PartⅢ 中国环境执法的展望 Prospect of ECE in China
PartⅠ 1. 中国环境执法体系 -机构和人员 ECE institutions and personnel in China 中国已构建了国家、省、市、县四级环境 执法网络。 Four-level ECE Agencies Network - National, Provincial, City and County levels. 截止 2006年底,全国已有环境执法人员 5. 3 万人,环境执法机构3060个(不含港、澳、 台)。By 2006, more than 53000 staff and 3060 institutions (excluding Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan).
中国环境执法机构体系图 Framework of ECE agencies in China 国家环保总局环境监察局 东北 环保 督查 中心 市环境监察支队 区环境监察大队 EPI 西北 环保 督查 中心 华北 环保 督查 中心 省环境监察总队(局) 地环境监察支队 SEPA 西南 环保 督查 中心 直辖市环境监察总队(局) 区环境监察支队 县环境监察大队 县环境监察支队 华南 环保 督查 中心 华东 环保 督查 中心 自治区环境监察总队(局) 市环境监察支队 区环境监察大队 州环境监察支队 县环境监察大队 Regional Office General EPI of province Branch of city level Team of local
1. 中国环境执法体系-能力建设 Increase ECE investment 2007年中央政府投入 7. 5亿元用于污染 源在线监控网络建设。 Central government invested¥ 750, 000 for on-line monitoring in 2007年中央政府投入 5. 9亿元用于环境 执法装备建设。 Central government invested¥ 590, 000 for ECE equipment in 2007
2. 环境执法 作的现状 Success of ECE in China 2. 1 不断加强日常监督执法 Enhancement of routine environmental inspection 污染防治设施检查 Pollution control facilities 新建和在建项目检查 New and on-going construction projects 限期治理项目检查 Projects eliminating and controlling the pollution within a given period 排污许可证现场检查 On-site inspections of discharge permit 生态环境监察 Routine supervision of eco ECE
2. 2 持续开展环保专项行动 Remarkable achievements in special actions 2003年以来,先后开展了对重 点行业、集中式饮用水源地、城市 污水处理厂、“十五小”企业、 业园区、新建项目、自然保护区等 方面的专项检查和集中整治。 Special actions in collective drinking water sources, urban sewage treatment plants, 15 kinds of small enterprises with heavy pollution, industrial parks, new development projects and nature reserves, etc. Person Dispatched (in 10, 000 times) 出动人员( 万次) Enterprises Checked (in 10, 000 times) 检查企业( 万家) Cased Handled (in 1, 000) ) 查处案件( 千件)
2. 3 逐步规范环境应急处置 作 Strengthen environmental emergency response 加强应急基础性 作 Strengthen fundamental emergency response work 排查环境敏感地区污染企业以及尾矿库的环境安全隐患 Check and rule out hidden environmental safety problems and tailings ponds 妥善处置各类突发环境事件 Properly handle various sudden environmental emergency events
2. 4 积极改革排污收费 作 New progress on the reformation of discharge fees collection 1982年国务院《征收排污费暂行办法》 The State Council - Interim Measures on the Collection of Discharge Fee 2003年国务院《排污费征收使用管理条例》 The State Council - Regulations on the Management of Collection and Use of Pollution Discharge Fee 单因子收费 多因子收费 charge on single factor 单一浓度收费 charge on single concentration multi-factor 浓度与总量相结合的收费 combination of pollution level and total amount 2006年全国共征收排污费 143. 2亿元。 A total of ¥ 14, 320, 000 discharge fees were collected in China in 2006.
2. 5建立健全社会监督机制 Improvement of the society supervision mechanism 环境执法政务公开 ECE information disclosure 全国统一12369环保热线 12369 hotline 江苏、河北、黑龙江、四川等有奖举报 Reward environmental pollution complainants 社会环境监督员 Public participation 企业环境监督员制度 Assistant enterprises to comply environmental law
3. 特色创新-建立区域派出机构 Innovation- Establish 6 Regional Offices Northeast Center Northwest Center East Center Southwest Center South Center
3. 特色创新-12369环保热线 Innovation – 12369 Hotline 2003年-2006年 各级环保部门通过12369环保热线电话受理群众投诉158万件 EPA at all levels had received 1. 58 million public complaints through 12369 hotline
3. 特色创新-多部门合作放大执法效应 Innovation— Multi-department cooperation 环保总局与中国人民银行合作,把环境执法信息纳入人民银行 征信管理系统。 With the cooperation between SEPA and People’s Bank of China, information about ECE is integrated into the credit management system. 环保总局与商务部合作,加强出口企业的环境监管。 SEPA cooperates with Ministry of Commerce to enhance environmental supervision on export enterprises.
Part Ⅱ 1. 中国环境执法面临的挑战 Challenges of ECE in China “十五”期间,我们在推进经济发展的同时,采取一系列措施加 强环境保护,取得积极进展。在资源消耗和污染物产生量大幅度增加 的情况下,环境污染和生态破坏加剧的趋势减缓,部分流域区域污染 治理取得初步成效,部分城市和地区环境质量有所改善, 业产品的 污染排放强度有所下降。 With economic growth during the “ 10 th Five-Year Plan” period, the authority has taken a series of measures to enhance environmental protection with active achievements. Under the situation of big increase of resource consumption and pollutants, the trend of aggravated environmental pollution and ecological damage has been eased. As a result, pollution control of some watersheds and regions has made primary achievements with improvement of environmental quality of some cities and regions and decline of pollution intensity of industrial products.
1. 1 中国环 境形势 依然十分严 峻 Serious environmental situation 发达国家上百年 业化过程中分阶段出现的环境问题,在中国已经集 中出现。 Environmental problems occurred at different stages of developed countries over several hundred years have concentrated now in China. 全国环境问题呈现出结构型、复合型和压缩型的特点。 Environmental problems in China are structural, combined and compact. n 主要污染物排放量大,超过环境承载能力 Huge emissions of major pollutants exceeding environmental capacity n 农村生活垃圾、规模化畜禽、粪便、污水、流失的化肥污染目前 在中国农村普遍存在 Widespread pollution in rural areas n 生态破坏问题依然突出 Ecological damage problems still pre-eminent
1. 2 环 境法制不健全 Not well-established environmental legal system 法律规定“软”, 可操作性不强 Legal requirements are “soft” with poor operability 法定权力“小”, 强制手段缺乏 “Small” legitimate power and lack of compulsory instruments 执法手段“弱”, 处罚力度不够 “Weak” law enforcement tools with insufficient punishment
1. 3 环 境执 法管理体制不顺 Problems in ECE management 环境保护管理职能分散 Fragment functions on environmental protection 一些地方政府限制或制约环境执法 Some local authorities limit or constrain ECE 环境监察队伍执法地位不明确 Vague position of environmental protection inspection team
1. 4 环 境执 法监 督机制不完善 Incomplete mechanism for ECE 各部门联动协调机制不完善 Incomplete mechanism for joint coordination among departments 守法企业激励机制和企业自我监督机制不足 The mechanism rewarding compliance enterprises and corporate self supervision mechanism not sufficient 全社会参与监督机制不健全 Public participation in supervision mechanism not complete
1. 5 环 境执 法能力薄弱 Weak capacity in enforcement 环境执法 作任务繁重 Onerous task in environmental law enforcement 环境执法人员少,素质参差不齐 Insufficient amount of staff with different capability 较高学历人员多集中在大中城市 Most relevant people with tertiary education certificates concentrate in big and medium sized cities 执法装备和手段落后 Lag behind law enforcement equipment and tools
2. 中国环境执法面临的机遇Opportunities of ECE in China 2. 1 党和政府高度重视环 境执 法 作 CCCPC and Government attach great importance on ECE 中国共产党第十七次全国代表大会 The 17 th National Congress of CCCPC “建设资源节约型、环境友好型社会”写 入《中国共产党章程(修正案)》。 The Congress decided to include “building a resource saving and environment-friendly society” into the Amended Constitution of the Communist Party of China.
2005年 12月国务院《关于落实科学发展观加强环境保护的决定》 The State Council issued the Decision on Implementing the Scientific Outlook on Development and Strengthening Environmental Protection “十一五”环境保护的主要目标: Main environmental protection targets during the “ 11 th Five-Year Plan” period - 20% reduction of energy consumption per unit GDP and 10%, reduction of total emissions of major pollutants as compared with that of 2005 and forest coverage will increase from current 18. 2% to 20% in 2010. 2006年 4月第六次全国环境保护大会 Sixth National Conference on Environmental Protection 温家宝总理提出: “三个转变” Premier Wen Jiabao pointed out “Historic transformations”
2. 2 公众的环 保需求加大,环 保意识 提高 Increased public demand for and awareness 环境问题已成为中国社会最受关注的热点问题之一。 Environmental problem has become one of the hot issues with most public concern in China. 2007年新华网就全国“两会”开展大型专题调查,超过90%的网民认 为环保 作紧迫,刻不容缓。 In the topic investigations across China by Xinhua. com in 2007, over 90% netizens consider that it is urgent for environmental protection in China.
PartⅢ 1. 完善环境法制建设 2. Improve environmental legal system 增加必要的强制手段 Add necessary compulsory tools 加大处罚力度 Strengthen sanctions 推动公众参与 Promote public participation
2. 改革环境执法监督体制 Reform supervision system 整合环境执法资源 Integrate ECE resources 合理划分环境执法监督职权 Appropriately identify the supervision power 建设规范权威的环境执法监督机构 Develop standardized supervision institutions with authority
3. 健全环境执法监督 作机 制 4. Improve supervision mechanism 建立多部门联合执法和移送移办制度 Set up multi-department joint law enforcement system and transfer system 建立全过程环境监管制度 Establish whole-process environmental supervision system 完善社会监督机制 Improve social supervision mechanism 健全信息公开制度 Improve information disclosure system 实施企业环境监督员制度 Implement corporate environmental supervisor system
4. 提升环境执法监督能力 Improve supervision capability 推进环境监察标准化建设 Facilitate the standardization of environmental supervision 增强环境应急处置能力 Enhance the capability in environmental emergency response 加快污染源在线自动监控网络建设 Speed up the development of on-line automatic monitoring network for pollution sources 健全 12369环保举报热线网络 Improve “ 12369” hotline
5. 加强环境执法队伍建设 6. Strengthen the development of ECE team 环境执法人员纳入公务员序列 Mainstream environmental enforcement staff into the civil servant forces 完善环境执法人员培训、持证上岗制度 Improve the training and post certificate system for ECE staff 推进国际培训及交流 Promote overseas training and international exchanges