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 קלריטה ואפרים מצגות קלריטה ואפרים מצגות

 אוטגאווה קוניושי * אוטגאווה קוניושי ) 1 בינואר 7971 - 41 באפריל 2681( אוטגאווה קוניושי * אוטגאווה קוניושי ) 1 בינואר 7971 - 41 באפריל 2681( היה צייר, אמן הדפסי עץ ומאייר ספרים יפני, מאומני האוקיו-אה הגדולים. מיוחסות לו למעלה מעשרים אלף דוגמאות שונות של הדפסי עץ שאותן עיצב. קוניושי היה אחד משלושת האמנים הבולטים והפעילים ביותר שהיו בתקופת אדו המאוחרת ביחד עם אוטגאווה קוניסאדה ואוטגאווה הירושיגה. כבן הכרך העירוני הגדול של אדו וכבנו של אומן לצביעת משי, השתייך למעמד בעלי המלאכה ולאנשי המעמד העירוני, הצ'ונין, שהתפתח באותה תקופה, צבר עוצמה והשפיע על האמנות והציור היפני במידה רבה

 מצגת זו היא מצגת שנייה על 74 הרונין. למי שלא ציפה במצגת הראשונה מצגת זו היא מצגת שנייה על 74 הרונין. למי שלא ציפה במצגת הראשונה אנו ממליצים לצפות בה לפני צפייה במצגת זו: 47 Ronin

Here are some of the best Chushingura illustration made by Kuniyoshi Utagawa was one Here are some of the best Chushingura illustration made by Kuniyoshi Utagawa was one of the last Grand Masters of Ukiyo-e. You will also found pictures of the 47 Ronin's Grave is Sengakuji, Tokyo. Kuniyoshi Utagawa Woodblock Print Collection (1797 - 1861). Text Te xt Series title Print title 47 Ronin - The prints and censors' seals The following is the anatomy of the 47 Ronin prints: Text - In about 1843 -44, Kuniyoshi established a set form for historical biographies which served him well for the next 10 years or so. A full length figure in action on a plain background, with the upper part of the print occupied by a biographical or descriptive text. Series title - On each print the series title Seichu gishi den appears in an oblong red caratouche (print no 1. 38 has no okori 'origin of' added to the title). Print title - Appears below or beside the caratouche with the name of the figure illustrated. Text author - The name of the text author 'by brush of Ippitsu - an' appears to the left of the text in most prints.

Artist's signature - Ichiyusai Kuniyoshi ga (ga means artist) appears on the mid to Artist's signature - Ichiyusai Kuniyoshi ga (ga means artist) appears on the mid to lower half of each print on either the right or left. Artist's seal - Kuniyoshi used a Kiri seal, a variation of the leaf of the Paulowina imperialis (kiri) tree appearing on the Japanese imperial crest, as his personal badge and that of his school for a while. These changed throughout his career. Censors' seals - During the period of this series two censors seals were required to approve the image. Publisher's seal - The trade mark and name of the publisher Ebiya Rinnosuke appears in a small rectangular cartouche. Some prints only display the trade mark.

: מקור הצילומים שמובאים במצגת זו מקורם באתר איטלקי http: //www. cultorweb. com/Ronin/R 47/slides/47%20 : מקור הצילומים שמובאים במצגת זו מקורם באתר איטלקי http: //www. cultorweb. com/Ronin/R 47/slides/47%20 of%2050. html . בתחתית התמונה שמו של הרונין והסבר עליו באיטלקית : ( להסבר הדמויות באנגלית )חלקי http: //www. bushidoboutique. net/prints%2047%20 ronin. html Asano Takumi Naganori (1667 -1701), capo di un ramo del potente clan Asano, signore del castello di Ako, nella provincia di Harima.

Kira Yoshinaka (October 5, 1641 – January 30, 1703) was a kōke (master of Kira Yoshinaka (October 5, 1641 – January 30, 1703) was a kōke (master of ceremonies). His court title was Kōzuke no suke. He is famous as the adversary of Asano Naganori in the events of the Forty-seven Ronin. Although his name has been long pronounced as "Yoshinaka" especially in dramas and novels, Ekisui Rembeiroku written by an anonymous contemporary in 1703 recorded that his name was "Yoshihisa. " Recent findings on Kaōmarked on his own letter preserved in Kezō Temple confirmed that his real name should be read as "Kira Yoshihisa. " ניתן למצוא את תרגום הכתוב בכל תמונה Bushido Boutique באתר : . ותמונה, למעוניינים בכך, כפי שאנו מביאים אותו בשקף הבא http: //www. bushidoboutique. net/prints%2047%20 ronin. html Kira Yoshinaka.

Translation Although Oboshi Yoshio's (1. 1) son Rikiya was a youth of only sixteen Translation Although Oboshi Yoshio's (1. 1) son Rikiya was a youth of only sixteen years, he was taller and stronger than most and expert in martial arts. When the house of Akao fell and the determined confederates gathered at Kagakuji to take the vendetta oath, his fatehr left him off the roll. Hara Goemon turned to Oboshi and said; 'Your son truly is courageous and could even be given command responsibilities. How can you leave him out? ' Oboshi answered; 'He is very young, and so conscious of his mother's love that at some time he may have serious doubts. So I left him off to spare him possible embarrassment. ' When Rikiya heard this, he turned quite red, went to the sanctuary, stripped off his upper garments, and gave every indication of preparing to commit seppuku. His comrades, however, rushed to stop him. Yoshio was pleased to see Rikiya's determination, as were the other members of the band, and he then administered the blood oath. The father was so deeply pleased that he shed tears without realising he was doing so. So afterward, Rikiya made his way to Azuma and quietly took up residence in the village of Hirama, in Bushu. On the night of the attack on the enemy mansion , he performed with distinction and inflicted much pain on the enemy. Showing loyalty and gratefulness to one's lord and reverence to one's parents were to Lao Tzu the highest of arts. Both of these Yoshikane exhibited. If it comes to that sacrafice even your life see the fallen snow Oishi Kuranosuke Yoshio 44 anni, la mente che organizzo' la vendetta, raffigurato col tamburo che diede il segnale d'attacco. Sulla lancia la scritta "Hayano Kampei, ucciso in battaglia"

Chiba Saburobei Mitsusada 52 anni. Uno dei consiglieri di Asano, partecipo' all'attacco nella retroguardia. Chiba Saburobei Mitsusada 52 anni. Uno dei consiglieri di Asano, partecipo' all'attacco nella retroguardia.

Aihara Esuke Munefusa 41 anni. Uomo di poche parole, fu sempre al fianco di Aihara Esuke Munefusa 41 anni. Uomo di poche parole, fu sempre al fianco di Oishi.

Chikamatsu Kanroru Yukishige 35 anni. Era molto legato alla madre che si suicido' per Chikamatsu Kanroru Yukishige 35 anni. Era molto legato alla madre che si suicido' per lasciarlo libero dai doveri filiali e poter cosi' seguire i compagni nella realizzazione del piano.

Masatane was over six feet tall, with a hot, quick temper - strong and Masatane was over six feet tall, with a hot, quick temper - strong and a lover of the martial arts. He knew all the secrets of the Karuma Shindo school of swordsmanship. He was also skilled at suemono giri - now known as tameshi giri - meaning the art of cutting a body in two. There was a paper merchant in town whose wife died suddenly of a venereal disease. She had been a promiscuous woman, whose adulteries and liaisons were an open scandal. Masatane had a new blade that he wanted to test and, aware that she was big boned and corpulent, decided to test it on her. So he went to the cemetery, dug up the corpse, and cut to his hearts content. The merchant was shocked and complained to the authorities, and the lord, saying that what Masatane had done was unworthy of a samurai, regretfully discharged him. He wandered about under the stigma of having displeased his lord. When he heard about the catastrophe involving the Akao, he rushed back to the castle with his weapons, ready to join in the uprising. Oboshi however, said he had no use for someone with the disfavour of his lord upon him. So Masatane swore that he would apologise at the grave of his lord and swear alegiance to him to the death. Oboshi then told him of the plot. When they got to the Kanto his heroism was unmatched. Fuwa Katsuemon Masatane. Raffigurato mentre controlla la sua spada, proprio per significare la sua grande abilita' nel maneggiarla.

Hara Goemon Mototoki 57 anni. Maestro nell'uso della spada e della lancia. Era molto Hara Goemon Mototoki 57 anni. Maestro nell'uso della spada e della lancia. Era molto forte e coraggioso.

Hayami Sozaemon Mitsutaka 39 anni. E' raffigurato mentre si disseta dopo la battaglia. La Hayami Sozaemon Mitsutaka 39 anni. E' raffigurato mentre si disseta dopo la battaglia. La cesta dietro di lui contiene la testa di Kira.

Hayano Kampei Tsuneyo. Era un giovane guerriero che dopo la morte di Asano torno' Hayano Kampei Tsuneyo. Era un giovane guerriero che dopo la morte di Asano torno' a casa col fratello piu' giovane Hayano Wasuke.

Horibe Yahei Kanamaru 78 anni. Piu' coraggioso di molti giovani, era una gran maestro Horibe Yahei Kanamaru 78 anni. Piu' coraggioso di molti giovani, era una gran maestro nella arti marziali della scuola Yamamoto. Sulla sua lancia attacco' questi versi:

YOSHITORA (w c 1840 s-80) Iooai Juroemon Masahisa ( at the age of 25 YOSHITORA (w c 1840 s-80) Iooai Juroemon Masahisa ( at the age of 25 ) c 1850 -52

Translation Masahisa was a graduate of the Atago Mountain Kyogakuin, in Kyoto, a great Translation Masahisa was a graduate of the Atago Mountain Kyogakuin, in Kyoto, a great reader and an expert in the Saga school of calligraphy. He enjoyed the martial arts and was particularly adept in the use of the naginata, the glaive. He played the koto constantly and, in fact, had a plectrum in his pocket during the night attack. Everyone admired his elegance. He worked closely with his lord and was a useful advisor at all time. When that lord died, he was preparing to martyr himself at Kagakuji when Kataoka Dengoemon informed him of Oboshi’s plot and stopped him. When the fief was dissolved, he rented a house in the Shiba neighbourhood and thus was on the scene to join with the other loyal samurai in their attack on the kono mansion. He killed many of the enemy with his glaive. He served, everyone said, with great distinction. It is true that it doesn’t take a crossbow to kill a mouse, and it is also true that when the time comes to show one’s mettle and stare down dragons and tigers, a gentle, respectful man can dig down and summon the effort necessary to strike fear into a host of enemies. He was such a man. Isoai Juroemon Masahisa. Grande esperto di arti marziali, soprattuto nell'uso della "Naginata", una specie di lancia raffigurata nella stampa di Kuniyoshi.

Kaida Yadaemon Tomonobu. Nel clan si occupava delle questioni finanziarie, ma era molto abile Kaida Yadaemon Tomonobu. Nel clan si occupava delle questioni finanziarie, ma era molto abile anche con la spada. Era un uomo di grande rettitudine. Come Oshi finse di darsi alla bella vita, per carpire informazioni dagli uomini di Kira.

Kanzaki Yogoro Noriyasu 39 anni. Abile nel combattimentio e nella scrittura. Sua madre, nel Kanzaki Yogoro Noriyasu 39 anni. Abile nel combattimentio e nella scrittura. Sua madre, nel timore che per devozione verso di lei, venisse meno ai suoi doveri, si tolse la vita.

Kataoka Genzemon Takafusa 37 anni. Prima dell'attacco scrisse: Una mattinata nevosa quando la vita Kataoka Genzemon Takafusa 37 anni. Prima dell'attacco scrisse: Una mattinata nevosa quando la vita umana sembra piu' leggera di una piuma d'oca

Katsuta Shinemon Taketaka Katsuta Shinemon Taketaka

Katsuta Shinemon Taketaka Takataka was a strong man, and fearless. He scrambled like a Katsuta Shinemon Taketaka Takataka was a strong man, and fearless. He scrambled like a monkey up a ladder to the roof at the rear gate and looked down at the Kono mansion, clear in the light of the full moon. It was as bright as midday, without a cloud in the sky. Under the fallen snow, the place shone like a mirror. He didn’t watch long. Saying, ‘This is the time, ’ he jumped to the ground inside. The gate, he saw, was securely locked, so he took steps to get it opened. ‘Sledge, sledge!’ he called, and the attackers outside bought out their 150 pound battering ram and broke the gate open. Then they severed the bar with an axe and rushed in. Alarmed by the noise, a gatekeeper ran out, half dressed. Taketaka saw him and took appropriate action. The shouts and crashes and the noises of entrance at the back gate fell like thunder in the house, and panic-stricken occupants ran about in their underclothes. A child and its nurse screamed. Some crawled under the verandah. The attackers saw none of this but struck against those who opposed them. The air was filled with the sound of sword hilts striking. Thus Taketaka gained entrance to what seemed to be the room of Sahyoenosuke Moroyasu, Moronao’s son, a room with an armour chest and other furnishing, and bed clothes that looked like someone had left in a hurry. A brush and inkstone lay on the table there, and Shinemon took up the brush and wrote a scornful note on a sliding door pane: ‘The Akao ronin paid a visit to their esteemed ניתן למצוא את תרגום הכתוב Bushido Boutique באתר adversaries and were disappointed that milord Sahyoe בחלק מהתמונות, למעוניינים בכך, יוכלו לעיין בתרגומים לפי : . הכתובת http: //www. bushidoboutique. net/prints%2047%20 ronin. html

Kimura Okaemon Sadayuki 47 anni. Kimura Okaemon Sadayuki 47 anni.

Hayano Wasuke Tsunenari 38 anni. Era un eccelente arciere. La sua freccia colpi' la Hayano Wasuke Tsunenari 38 anni. Era un eccelente arciere. La sua freccia colpi' la sentinella sul lato posteriore, poi sali' sul tetto da dove i suoi dardi coprirono l'attacco dei compagni. Fu lui a portare una bandiera in ricordo del fratello Hayano Kampei. Anche lui, come molti compagni, era un poeta. Cosi' descrisse le sue frecce durante l'attacco:

Kurahashi Zensuke Takeyuki 24 anni. Focoso spadaccino, aveva studiato con attenzione i piani del Kurahashi Zensuke Takeyuki 24 anni. Focoso spadaccino, aveva studiato con attenzione i piani del palazzo di Kira, scoprendone tutti i segreti meandri.

Mase Chudayu Masa-aki 62 anni. Nonostante l'eta' era un combattente eccezionale, micidiale con l'arco, Mase Chudayu Masa-aki 62 anni. Nonostante l'eta' era un combattente eccezionale, micidiale con l'arco, terribile con la spada. Partecipo' all'attacco entrando dalla porta principale. Tra i 47 ronin c'era anche il figlio Mase Nagoshiro Masattsu

Mase Magoshiro Masatatsu. Figlio di Mase Chudayu Masa-aki. Nel buio del cortile vide una Mase Magoshiro Masatatsu. Figlio di Mase Chudayu Masa-aki. Nel buio del cortile vide una figura, grido' la parola d'ordine "yama" e non ricevendo la risposta convenuta "kawa" lo uccise.

Miura Jiroemon Kanetsune. Era un samurai di basso rango, incaricato della sussistenza. Non era Miura Jiroemon Kanetsune. Era un samurai di basso rango, incaricato della sussistenza. Non era un grande guerriero ma era soprattutto un uomo leale. Kuniyoshi lo ritrae mentre scivola e cade a terra.

Hidenao was living in Kanto when lord En’ya met his end, and he immediately Hidenao was living in Kanto when lord En’ya met his end, and he immediately began preparations to go to Banshu. At that time he was 62 years old. His son, Handayu, tried to dissuade him but finally gave in, and they set out for Akao together. They had great respect for Oboshi, who advised them to put off dying for the cause at this time. The castle was then surrendered, and they signed a compact agreeing to head for the Kanto and plan vengeance. Hidenao returned and took up residence in Kojimachi. On the night of the attack, when their hopes were realised, he carried his last words sewn into his skull cap: Giving up this life for the sake of his dear lord, to the samurai means the fulfilment of all he has wished his life would bring. And that is not all. You may try to get away a hundred or a thousand times, but do not forget these words: In the light of duty, life is light. Life doesn’t tell you that you are never able to lose even one. You may try to run and hide, but life, you cannot escape. Uramatsu Kihei Hidenao lay priest 62 years old Muramatsu Kihei Hidenao 62 anni. Era un monaco laico, uomo di pensiero piu' che di spada. Volle assolutamente partecipare all'azione.

Muramatsu Sandayu Takanao 28 anni. Protagonista di un memorabile duello, nel giardino del palazzo, Muramatsu Sandayu Takanao 28 anni. Protagonista di un memorabile duello, nel giardino del palazzo, in cui uccise Kasahara Choshichi.

Nakamura Kansuke Masatoki 47 anni. Prima dell'attacco mando' la moglie e i due figli Nakamura Kansuke Masatoki 47 anni. Prima dell'attacco mando' la moglie e i due figli piccoli dai genitori, perche' si prendessero cura di loro. Qui e' raffigurato nella zona delle cucine, mentre gi lanciano contro della legna da ardere.

Oboshi Rikiya Yoshikane 16 anni. Figlio di Oishi. Oboshi Rikiya Yoshikane 16 anni. Figlio di Oishi.

Oishi Seizaemon Nobukiyo 28 anni. Giovane impaziente dal sangue caldo, fu tra quelli che Oishi Seizaemon Nobukiyo 28 anni. Giovane impaziente dal sangue caldo, fu tra quelli che maggiormente soffrirono nell'attesa della vendetta. Partecipo' all'attacco dalla parte posteriore del palazzo. Uccise Sudo Senemon, uno degli uomini piu' abili di Kira.

Okajima Yasoemon Tsuneshige 39 anni. Forte e coraggioso, una volta aveva sbaragliato cinque banditi Okajima Yasoemon Tsuneshige 39 anni. Forte e coraggioso, una volta aveva sbaragliato cinque banditi che lo avevano assalito in montagna. Dopo averli atterrati li lego' a un albero su cui scrisse: "Chiunque e' stato derubato da questi criminali ha il diritto di decidere della loro vita o della loro morte".

Okano Kinemon Kanehide 25 anni. Giovane, si distinse nell'attacco. Quando, dopo l'azione, si riunirono Okano Kinemon Kanehide 25 anni. Giovane, si distinse nell'attacco. Quando, dopo l'azione, si riunirono per mangiare insieme un'ultima volta

One’s debt to his lord has the weight of Korea’s Taisan mountain, but obeyiny One’s debt to his lord has the weight of Korea’s Taisan mountain, but obeyiny ones lord’s commands is as light as can be. Loyalty is the highest of virtues, but living by it is far from easy. The loyal retainer Onodera Junai joined with Oboshi Yoshio and took the oath of vengeance with their co-conspirators. Then a while after the younger men had departed for the kanto region, he followed, accompanied by Oboshi Rikiya, along the Tokaido road. At Hakone, his fellow conspirators Sugino and Yato caught up with him, bearing a letter from his wife, her response to the letter he had left when he departed. When I read the words your pens left upon the page a shower of tears fell And now all the leaves are gone That I might use to answer Hidetomo then took a poem-card and wrote: Limits there may be on whether I shall return but as I travel My love goes along with me Like a garment of nine folds He then sent that back with a returning courier. In Edo he changed his name to Juan and set up business as a physician. Though he was over 60, he was in vigorous health, with courage inferior to none. He was deeply versed in all the martial arts and also a man of deep learning. He assumed a leading role in the night attack, killed 2 of the enemy, and wounded many others. He did what he came to do and then lived for a time in a guest house. At the end of the year, he wrote: As one grows older one waits with anticipation the day the flowers bloom; How difficult to witness The year coming to a close Hidetomo Onodera Junai Hidetomo. .

Onodera Toemon Hidetomi 29 anni. Ritratto mentre si allaccia un sandalo. Scrisse: Se il Onodera Toemon Hidetomi 29 anni. Ritratto mentre si allaccia un sandalo. Scrisse: Se il signore e' saggio e i suoi guerrieri bravi il popolo e' felice. Il signore e' come la testa e i guerrieri sono le membra. Se sopra e' tutto chiaro tutto va bene anche sotto. Se il signore e' virtuoso regna la lealta' Questo e' quello che vogliamo.

Oribe Yasubei Taketsune. Terribile guerriero, protagonista di molteplici imprese primi di affiliarsi al clan Oribe Yasubei Taketsune. Terribile guerriero, protagonista di molteplici imprese primi di affiliarsi al clan di Asano. Una volta si era battuto, da solo, prevalendo, contro quindici avversari. Anche nell'ultimo attacco mise in luce la sua abilita'.

Otaka Gengo Tadao. Per carpire i segreti del palazzo di Kira si era finto Otaka Gengo Tadao. Per carpire i segreti del palazzo di Kira si era finto venditore di attrezzi di bambu'. Cosi' aveva scoperto che il 14 di ogni mesi venivano fatte le pulizie generali e tutto il personale il mattino dopo era ancora stanco o ubriaco. Durante l'attacco venne ferito.

Sakagaki Genzo Masakata. Abile con la lancia, gran bevitore di sake. Sakagaki Genzo Masakata. Abile con la lancia, gran bevitore di sake.

Translation Sugenoya Masatoshi was the adopted son and heir of Hanbei Masatatsu. A handsome Translation Sugenoya Masatoshi was the adopted son and heir of Hanbei Masatatsu. A handsome young man, he served as page to Takasada. His foster mother died young, and Hanbei married again, a girl as young as Masatoshi. She was not a virtuous person and lusted after Sannojo which upset him greatly. He loved and respected his foster parents, and he found an improper relationship with his foster mother to be more than he could abide. As day after day went by with Sannojo’s actions toward his foster mother being of absolutely correct deportment, Hanbei nevertheless began to suspect that Sannojo and his wife were having an affair. He then let his resentment be known. The lord Takasada got wind of the matter and, considering it a troublesome problem, quietly appropriated some funds on Masatoshi’s behalf for a trip to the surrounding regions to visit shrines and temples. Then he ordered that the young man, upon completing the journey, should return to their home area, in Naniwa, to inspect the houses and store houses. After the confiscation, Sannojo hurried back from Naniwa to Akao and, mindful of his love for his lord, joined the conspiracy. His resolve was stronger that iron; for him waiting an hour and waiting a thousand autumns were the same thing. When the night of the attack came, he couldn’t sleep for joy and, driven by valour, considered his life to be of no weight at all. Thus he loved his lord with an incomparable love. One’s lord is one’s lord, and one’s subject is one’s subject. And that’s the way it should be. Sugenoya Sannojo Masatoshi. Era giovane, bello e molto determinato.

Sumino Juheiji Tsugufusa 29 anni. Nella stampa e' raffigurato mentre scopre il letto di Sumino Juheiji Tsugufusa 29 anni. Nella stampa e' raffigurato mentre scopre il letto di Kira dicendo: "E' ancora caldo".

Takebayashi Tadashichi Takashige 33 anni. Takebayashi Tadashichi Takashige 33 anni.

Teraoka Hei-emon Nobuyuki. Il giorno dell'attacco Oshi lo mando' a Geishu per salvargli la Teraoka Hei-emon Nobuyuki. Il giorno dell'attacco Oshi lo mando' a Geishu per salvargli la vita. Al suo ritirno chiese alle autorita' il privilegio di fare seppuku con i suoi compagni. Glielo negarono, allora si fece monaco e mori' a 88 anni.

Tokuda Sadaemon Yukitaka 27 anni. Era un gran nuotatore. Qui e' raffigurato con un Tokuda Sadaemon Yukitaka 27 anni. Era un gran nuotatore. Qui e' raffigurato con un mantello di paglia per proteggersi dalla pioggia e dalla neve.

Tominomori Sukeemon Masayori 35 anni. Partecipo' all'attacco entrando, tra i primi, dalla porta principale. Tominomori Sukeemon Masayori 35 anni. Partecipo' all'attacco entrando, tra i primi, dalla porta principale. Per scaramanzia portava con se' un pezzo del vestito della madre.

Ushioda Takenori had been a retainer with the Yoshida family under the name of Ushioda Takenori had been a retainer with the Yoshida family under the name of Ushioda Mondo. When that family went out of existence he became an Akao retainer and changed his given name to Takanori. He was talented with weapons, in particular the spear. In the night attack he approached the back gate and threw the hooked rope, then launched himself like a bird over the wall and removed the bar. He was no laggard and once the gate was open, fought his way wondrously forward. He moved into the garden in quest of Monaro’s apartment, when a man with a flashing sword leaped out and shouted. ‘Shimizu Ikkaku here!’ and swung it towards Takenori’s throat. Takenori reacted quickly and slid to the left, then swung his spear around and countered. His aim was true, but Shimizu was quick and twisted his body safely about. With sword parrying and thrusting, and spear skilfully stabbing, only to be kicked aside, they went on endlessly, gasping for breath, fighting like tiger and dragon. Both were so agile, and the outcome was in doubt, when Miura Jirozaemon came running up, extended his lance and stabbed Shimizu in the side. Still active even against so strong an enemy as Shimizu, Takanori thrust again, and this time caught his adversary in the throat, releasing a flood of blood. Shimizu died unable to utter a word. The two men did not take a second look at the corpse as they hurried on into the centre of the house. Ushioda Masanojo Takanori 36 anni. Agilissimo, fu quello che lancio' la corda sulla parte posteriore del palazzo, salendo primo sul tetto.

Yata Goroemon Suketane 30 anni. Nel palazzo vinse un difficile duello con Tsuzuki Jitsuemon. Yata Goroemon Suketane 30 anni. Nel palazzo vinse un difficile duello con Tsuzuki Jitsuemon.

Yato Yomoshichi Norikane 16 anni. Il padre, prima di morire, gli lascio' il compito Yato Yomoshichi Norikane 16 anni. Il padre, prima di morire, gli lascio' il compito di fare quello che lui non poteva piu': seguire Oishi e vendicare il capo del clan

Yazama Kihei Mitsunobu 69 anni. Con i due figli aveva gia' cercato di incontrare Yazama Kihei Mitsunobu 69 anni. Con i due figli aveva gia' cercato di incontrare Kira fuori dal suo palazzo, ma la sorveglianza era troppo forte. Nonostante l'eta' era un terribile guerriero, molto abile con la spada corta e con l'arco.

Yazama Shigejiro 27 anni. Ritratto mentre suona il fischietto per avvertire i compagni che Yazama Shigejiro 27 anni. Ritratto mentre suona il fischietto per avvertire i compagni che Kira e' stato trovato.

Yazama Shinroku Mitsukaze 25 anni. Era il terzo figlio di Yazama Kihei. Fu molto Yazama Shinroku Mitsukaze 25 anni. Era il terzo figlio di Yazama Kihei. Fu molto abile nell'azione di spionaggio che precedette l'attacco.

Yoshida Chuzaemon Kanesuke 65 anni. Maestro nell'arte della guerra, ma anche poeta. Orchestro' con Yoshida Chuzaemon Kanesuke 65 anni. Maestro nell'arte della guerra, ma anche poeta. Orchestro' con Oishi il piano, guidando il gruppo che attacco' il lato posteriore del palazzo.

Yukukawa Sampei Munenori. Uomo di bell'aspetto e grande fierezza Yukukawa Sampei Munenori. Uomo di bell'aspetto e grande fierezza

: מקורות http: //www. hiroshige. org. uk/hiroshige/historical_ http: //www. bushidoboutique. net/2 ayoshikane. html http: : מקורות http: //www. hiroshige. org. uk/hiroshige/historical_ http: //www. bushidoboutique. net/2 ayoshikane. html http: //www. bushidoboutique. net/prints%2047%20 ronin. html http: //www. cultorweb. com/Ronin/R 47/slides/45%20 of%2050. html http: //www. hiroshige. org. uk/hiroshige/historicaltm קלריטה ואפרים : הנכם מוזמנים להיכנס לאתר שלנו www. clarita-efraim. com chefetz@clarita-efraim. com