Young people. What are they like? Youth is

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>Young people. What are they like? Young people. What are they like?

>Youth is a time when a person is trying to find his place in Youth is a time when a person is trying to find his place in the world. He or she comes across different problems. Teenagers prefer to make their own mistakes rather than to listen to the warnings of the adults. Young people want to live their own life and overcome their own difficulties themselves.

>Young people are Positive Active Frank Persistent Creative      Young people are Positive Active Frank Persistent Creative Do you agree? What can you add? Negative Aggressive Rebellious Cruel Stubborn

>Teenagers can    achieve……   reject………   solve………  Teenagers can achieve…… reject……… solve……… cope with… prefer to….

>What are teens like?    Imagine the situation “You are a correspondent What are teens like? Imagine the situation “You are a correspondent of a local newspaper. Your task is to write about teenagers. What would you write?