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 www. ipskiev. com     Kostogorova Si naevskaya Karina. Business English Lesson www. ipskiev. com Kostogorova Si naevskaya Karina. Business English Lesson

 www. ipskiev. com     Kostogorova Si naevskaya Karina. Revise our previous lesson www. ipskiev. com Kostogorova Si naevskaya Karina. Revise our previous lesson • Bother — надоедать; беспокоить, докучать, донимать • Interrupt — прерывать, внезапно прекращать • Disrupt — разрывать, разрушать • Bug – тревожить, раздражать • Annoy — раздражать, сердить, злить; досаждать • Irritate — возмущать, раздражать, сердить • To be about to показывает ближайшее будущее Dialog (Am English)=dialogue (Br English) English. Pod “ Can I ask you for a favour ? (British English)” Can I ask you a favor (Am English)

 www. ipskiev. com     Kostogorova Si naevskaya Karina. Translate into English (Conditional www. ipskiev. com Kostogorova Si naevskaya Karina. Translate into English (Conditional I and II) • Если он отвлечет меня, я не закончу доклад вовремя • If + Present, Future • Если бы ваши дети меня не раздражали, я бы чаще принимал ваши приглашения на ужин • If + Past, would+V 1 (=Future in The Past Simple)

 www. ipskiev. com     Kostogorova Si naevskaya Karina. Now it’s your turn www. ipskiev. com Kostogorova Si naevskaya Karina. Now it’s your turn • Try to create 2 sentences using the vocabulary above and conditional sentences as it was mentioned before • Let’s play! Your teacher will give you Annoying Cards * to find out your opinion What annoys you? How annoying are they? What would you do if…? * Карточки в верхнем ящике стола в папке, на оранж. бумаге.

 www. ipskiev. com     Kostogorova Si naevskaya Karina. Now it’s time to www. ipskiev. com Kostogorova Si naevskaya Karina. Now it’s time to check your hometask: Open the brackets in the conditional sentences making necessary changes. A Example: If he (come) tomorrow, he will help us. — If he comes tomorrow, he will help us. 1. If you (put) salt on ice, it will melt. 2. If he (leave) now, he will miss the rush hour. 3. Provided that she (service) the car, we’ll be able to drive to the country. 4. Unless he (do) his homework, he’ll stay at home. 5. Providing that we (get up) early, we’ll reach the place of destination in time. 6. They will let us know if they (see) him. В Example: If he (come) tomorrow, he would help us. — If he came tomorrow, he would help us. 1. If you met the president, what you (do)? 2. If he (live) nearer, we would see each other more often. 3. 1 might go for a walk if the weather (be) nice. 4. 1 would call him up if he (come) tomorrow. 5. If I were as young as you are, I (sail) in a boat round the world. 6. 1 would go skiing if there (be) more snow. 7, She would play tennis if it (be) not so hot. 8. If I (be) in his shoes, I wouldn’t invite the Browns. 9. If we (not have) to study, we would go out tonight. 10. Where you (go) if you were on leave?

 www. ipskiev. com     Kostogorova Si naevskaya Karina. Answer Key • A www. ipskiev. com Kostogorova Si naevskaya Karina. Answer Key • A 1) put; 2) leaves; 3) services; 4) does; 5) get up; 6) see • В 1) would you do; 2) lived; 3) were; 4) came; 5) would sail; 6) were; 7) were; 8) were; 9) did not have; 10) would go Now it’s time to talk about 3 conditionals

 www. ipskiev. com     Kostogorova Si naevskaya Karina. Conditional Sentences www. ipskiev. com Kostogorova Si naevskaya Karina. Conditional Sentences

 www. ipskiev. com     Kostogorova Si naevskaya Karina Compare www. ipskiev. com Kostogorova Si naevskaya Karina Compare

 www. ipskiev. com     Kostogorova Si naevskaya Karina Compare www. ipskiev. com Kostogorova Si naevskaya Karina Compare

 www. ipskiev. com     Kostogorova Si naevskaya Karina Review www. ipskiev. com Kostogorova Si naevskaya Karina Review

 www. ipskiev. com     Kostogorova Si naevskaya Karina Review www. ipskiev. com Kostogorova Si naevskaya Karina Review

 www. ipskiev. com     Kostogorova Si naevskaya Karina Review www. ipskiev. com Kostogorova Si naevskaya Karina Review

 www. ipskiev. com     Kostogorova Si naevskaya Karina. Translate into English. 1. www. ipskiev. com Kostogorova Si naevskaya Karina. Translate into English. 1. Ты бы расстроился ( be upset ), если бы я не при шел? 2. Будь он осторожнее, он бы не упал (посмотрите след. слайд!). 3. Если бы он не приехал на машине встретить нас, нам бы са мим пришлось нести свои вещи. 4. Ты бы пошла куда-нибудь вечером, если бы он тебя пригласил? 5. Мы бы поехали сегодня в бассейн, если бы вы позвонили вчера вечером, 6. Если бы он мог дать положительный ( positive ) ответ, он бы давно это сделал. 7. Я бы на тво ем месте не стал бы поднимать такой шум ( raise a clamor ), 8 — Если бы ты принял его предложение, ты бы давно работал в хорошей фирме. 9. Будь я на вашем месте, я бы пошел пораньше, чтобы застать его. 10. Если бы он вел машину осторожнее, никакой бы аварии не произошло, 11 Не сломай он ногу, он бы выиграл тур нир ( tournament ). 12. Никто бы не обвинил ( blame ), тебя, если бы ты вел себя по-другому.

 www. ipskiev. com     Kostogorova Si naevskaya Karina. Pay your attention to www. ipskiev. com Kostogorova Si naevskaya Karina. Pay your attention to 2 d sentence Будь он осторожнее, он бы не упал. ИНВЕРСИЯ — (от лат. inversio — переворачивание, перестановка) — нарушение обычного порядка слов в предложении. Had he been more careful, he would not have fallen

 www. ipskiev. com     Kostogorova Si naevskaya Karina. Answer Key • 1. www. ipskiev. com Kostogorova Si naevskaya Karina. Answer Key • 1. Would you be upset if I did not come? 2. Had he been more careful, he would not have fallen. 3. If he had not come in his car to meet us, we would have had to carry our things ourselves. 4. Would you go somewhere in the evening if he invited you? 5. We would go to the swimming pool today if you had phoned last night. 6. If he could give a positive answer, he would have done it long ago. 7. If I were you, I would not raise such a clamor. 8. If you had accepted his offer, you would have been working in a good company long ago. 9. If I were you, I would go earlier to catch him. 10. If he had been driving more carefully, he would not have had any accident. 11. Had he not broken his leg, he would have won the tournament. 12. Nobody would have blamed you if you had behaved differently.

 www. ipskiev. com     Kostogorova Si naevskaya Karina. What else you should www. ipskiev. com Kostogorova Si naevskaya Karina. What else you should know about conditional sentences:

 www. ipskiev. com     Kostogorova Si naevskaya Karina Nota Bene • Use www. ipskiev. com Kostogorova Si naevskaya Karina Nota Bene • Use whether , not if , after prepositions. • We talked about whether it was ready. (NOT We talked about if it was ready. ) It’s a question of whether we have enough time. (NOT It’s a question of if we have enough time. ) • With if , we normally use the present to talk about the future. • If I have time, I’ll phone you. (NOT If I’ll have time, I’ll phone you. ) I’ll be surprised if she answers my letter. (NOT I’ll be surprised if she’ll answer my letter. ) We don’t often use would in subordinate clauses; instead, we use past tenses. • Would you follow me wherever I went ? (NOT Would you follow me wherever I would go? ) I would tell you if I knew. (NOT I would tell you if I would know. )

 www. ipskiev. com     Kostogorova Si naevskaya Karina. Nota Bene  • www. ipskiev. com Kostogorova Si naevskaya Karina. Nota Bene • In ‘unreal’ conditions with if , use would , not will. • If I knew the price, I would tell you. (NOT If I knew the price, I will tell you. ) It w ould be better if he told the truth. (NOT It will be better if he told the truth. ) • Don’t use in case to mean ‘if’. • Compare: I’ll take an umbrella in case it rains. (= ‘… because it might rain. ’) I’ll open the umbrella if it rains. (NOT I’ll open the umbrella in case it rains. ) • Only use unless to mean ‘except if’. • Compare: I’ll see you tomorrow unless I have to work. I’ll be really upset if I do n’t pass the exam. (NOT I’ll be really upset unless I pass the exam. )

 www. ipskiev. com     Kostogorova Si naevskaya Karina. Now it’s your turn www. ipskiev. com Kostogorova Si naevskaya Karina. Now it’s your turn • Try to create 5 sentences using the vocabulary above and conditional sentences as it was mentioned before • Use the inversion where it’s possible

 www. ipskiev. com     Kostogorova Si naevskaya Karina. Canceling an appointment revise www. ipskiev. com Kostogorova Si naevskaya Karina. Canceling an appointment revise your vocabulary • I wonder… • Reschedule • I have a bit of an emergency that I need to take care of • If it doesn’t inconvenience you too much… • Something came up (Smth has come up) • Postpone • No wonder

 www. ipskiev. com     Kostogorova Si naevskaya Karina. Supplementary Vocabulary www. ipskiev. com Kostogorova Si naevskaya Karina. Supplementary Vocabulary

 www. ipskiev. com     Kostogorova Si naevskaya Karina. Now it’s your turn www. ipskiev. com Kostogorova Si naevskaya Karina. Now it’s your turn • Try to create 5 sentences using the vocabulary above and conditional sentences as it was mentioned before • Use the inversion where it’s possible

 www. ipskiev. com     Kostogorova Si naevskaya Karina. Sorry I’m late • www. ipskiev. com Kostogorova Si naevskaya Karina. Sorry I’m late • To be supposed to • Get\Be tied up with somebody\something • Traffic jam • Pile up • To be backed up for miles • To be running late • Run over

 www. ipskiev. com     Kostogorova Si naevskaya Karina. Supplementary Vocabulary www. ipskiev. com Kostogorova Si naevskaya Karina. Supplementary Vocabulary

 www. ipskiev. com     Kostogorova Si naevskaya Karina. Be attentive  • www. ipskiev. com Kostogorova Si naevskaya Karina. Be attentive • Tardiness is not an adjective, it’s a noun! • Now try to write down your senteces!

 www. ipskiev. com     Kostogorova Si naevskaya Karina. I need more time www. ipskiev. com Kostogorova Si naevskaya Karina. I need more time read then listen to this dialogue twice

 www. ipskiev. com     Kostogorova Si naevskaya Karina. I need more time www. ipskiev. com Kostogorova Si naevskaya Karina. I need more time

 www. ipskiev. com     Kostogorova Si naevskaya Karina. I need more time www. ipskiev. com Kostogorova Si naevskaya Karina. I need more time

 www. ipskiev. com     Kostogorova Si naevskaya Karina. I need more time www. ipskiev. com Kostogorova Si naevskaya Karina. I need more time Vocabulary

 www. ipskiev. com     Kostogorova Si naevskaya Karina. I need more time www. ipskiev. com Kostogorova Si naevskaya Karina. I need more time Vocabulary

 www. ipskiev. com     Kostogorova Si naevskaya Karina. Supplementary Vocabulary www. ipskiev. com Kostogorova Si naevskaya Karina. Supplementary Vocabulary

 www. ipskiev. com     Kostogorova Si naevskaya Karina. Now it’s your turn www. ipskiev. com Kostogorova Si naevskaya Karina. Now it’s your turn • Try to create 5 sentences using the vocabulary above and conditional sentences as it was mentioned before • Use the inversion where it’s possible