Скачать презентацию Write 3 ways of saying time in Russian Скачать презентацию Write 3 ways of saying time in Russian

Lesson 4.pptx

  • Количество слайдов: 12

Write 3 ways of saying time in Russian: 15. 30 11. 15 17. 40 Write 3 ways of saying time in Russian: 15. 30 11. 15 17. 40 12. 05 19. 40 (4 ways here. Hint: a quarter) 0. 00 (only 2 ways here) 10. 55

Declension of nouns 6 Cases: 1. Nominative expresses the subject, it answers the questions Declension of nouns 6 Cases: 1. Nominative expresses the subject, it answers the questions who? or what? It is an initial form of a noun. Студент читает. The student is reading. 2. Genitive is used to show that something (somebody) belongs or refers to something (somebody). It can be translated by "of" in English. Questions: Whom? What? Я сижу возле реки. I sit by the river. 3. Dative designates that something is given or addressed to the person (object). Questions: To whom? To what? Я иду к врачу. I go to the doctor. Я даю это другу. I give it to the friend.

4. Accusative designates the object of an action. Questions: Of whom? Of what? Я 4. Accusative designates the object of an action. Questions: Of whom? Of what? Я читаю газету. I read the newspaper. Я встретил друга. I met the friend. 5. Instrumental is used to denote an instrument that helps to make something. Questions: By whom? With(by) what? Я пишу карандашом. I write with a pencil. 6. Prepositional is used to designate a place, or a person (object) that is an object of speech and thought. This case is always used with a preposition. Questions: about whom? About what? Where? Она мечтает о лете. She dreams about the summer. Цветы стоят на столе. The flowers are on the table.

Nom. (именительный) what? что? Gen. (родительный) what? чего? Dat. (дательный) to what? чему? Acc. Nom. (именительный) what? что? Gen. (родительный) what? чего? Dat. (дательный) to what? чему? Acc. (винительный) what? что? Instr. (творительный ) with what? чем? Prep. (предложный) about what? o чем? стола столу столом столе

Genitive case 1. To show a possession У Марии есть машина. – Maria has Genitive case 1. To show a possession У Марии есть машина. – Maria has a car. (Whose car is that? ) a)Find a main word. In this example it’s a car b)Go from the main word to the possessed one. In this example it’s Maria c)Determine the connection between those two words by asking the question. If you have a car and the person who owns it, it will be logical to ask Whose car is that? In English the equivalent for the phrase Maria has a car will be This is Maria’s car. This possessed accent points on the Genitive case in Russian language. Or an alternative sentence(the verb to be - есть can be omitted): У Марии красная машина. – Maria has a red car. Это сумка Марии. – This is Maria's bag. (Whose bag is that? )

2. With quantity words and cardinal numerals В чашке мало молока. – There is 2. With quantity words and cardinal numerals В чашке мало молока. – There is not much milk in the cup. (There is not much of what? ) В этом городе много памятников. – There a lot of monuments in this town. (There a lot of what? ) In English the preposition of points on the genitive case in Russian. В этой комнате две(feminine) лампы (feminine). – There are 2 lamps in this room. (How many lamps are in this room? ) 3. In the construction with the word нет meaning "there is not/there are not” У меня нет детей. – I have no children. (I have no what? ) В этой комнате нет телевизора. – There is no TV set in this room. (There is no what? ) 4. After negated transitive verbs Он не читает газет (plural from газеты). – He does not read newspapers. (He doesn’t read what? )

5. For food and drinks nouns meaning 5. For food and drinks nouns meaning "some” Ты хочешь молока? - Would you like some milk? Мне нужно купить хлеба. – I need to buy some bread. 6. After a large number of prepositions, the most frequent of which are: без – without для – for из – from кроме - except около – near/approximately после – after

Genitive case endings Gender Singular Plural Masculine -а / -я -ов / -ей / Genitive case endings Gender Singular Plural Masculine -а / -я -ов / -ей / Ø Feminine -ы / -и Ø / -ей Neuter -а / -я Ø / -ей Neuter nouns in singular with ending -мя change -я to -ени: имя - имени (name) время - времени (time) And neuter nouns in plural with ending -мя change their ending to -мён: имя - имён (name) время - времён (exercise)

Masculine nouns 1. Nouns ending in a consonant add the ending -а: Examples: театр Masculine nouns 1. Nouns ending in a consonant add the ending -а: Examples: театр - театра (theater) парк - парка (park) 2. Nouns ending in -й and -ь change the final letters to -я: Examples: музей - музея (museum) писатель - писателя (writer) Feminine nouns 1. Nouns ending in -а should change the final -а to -ы. However, following the Spelling rule № 1 nouns ending -жа, -чa, -ща, -ша and -ка, -ха, -га can not have the ending -ы, and take the ending -и. Examples: улица - улицы (street) проблема - проблемы (problem) BUT: книга - книги (book) открытка - открытки (post card) кожа - кожи (leather)

Note that nouns with a stem ending in two (or more) consonants need a Note that nouns with a stem ending in two (or more) consonants need a fleeting vowel (-o- or -e-) which is inserted before the last consonant. In most instances (but not always!), -e- is inserted if the stem end in ж/ш/ч/ц/щ/ + consonant or a soft consonant + consonant, and -о- is used if the stem ends in another combination of consonants. Examples: студентка - студенток (female student) открытка - открыток (post card) ручка - ручек (pen) - the stem ручк ends in ч + consonant песня - песен (song) - the stem песн ends in [s'] + consonant, i. e. soft consonant + consnonant

Nom. брат Чай Gen. брата Чая словарь Dat. брату Чаю словаря Acc. брата Чай Nom. брат Чай Gen. брата Чая словарь Dat. брату Чаю словаря Acc. брата Чай словарю Instr. братом Чаем словарь Prep. о брате Чае словарем словаре

Months: Январь - January Февраль - February Март - March Апрель - April Май Months: Январь - January Февраль - February Март - March Апрель - April Май - May Июнь - June Июль - July Август - August Сентябрь - September Октябрь - October Ноябрь - November Декабрь - December