
Скачать презентацию Viewpoint1.CriticalThinking.Writinga Скачать презентацию Viewpoint1.CriticalThinking.Writinga


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Описание презентации Viewpoint1.CriticalThinking.Writinga по слайдам

Viewpoint 1. 1 Critical Thinking.  Writing a report SOCIALNETWORKS  Viewpoint 1. 1 Critical Thinking. Writing a report SOCIALNETWORKS

Introduction  • Whataremostpopularsocialnetworks today?  • Socialnetworksstartedin… • Friendshipcircleforprivilegedpeoplewho hadaccessto. Internet.  • Firstpopular. SN:Introduction • Whataremostpopularsocialnetworks today? • Socialnetworksstartedin… • Friendshipcircleforprivilegedpeoplewho hadaccessto. Internet. • Firstpopular. SN: My. Space, Tribe, Xing • What’smostimportantforyouin. SN?

Task • Analyze 4 or 5 most popularnetworksofthe currenttime: Facebook, Twitter, My. Space, Fotolog visit, createaprofile,Task • Analyze 4 or 5 most popularnetworksofthe currenttime: Facebook, Twitter, My. Space, Fotolog visit, createaprofile, browse • Evaluateandcomparein groupeachofthem • Createtheultimate network.

Process • 2 stages:  writeareport createpresentationoftheultimatenetwork  Process • 2 stages: writeareport createpresentationoftheultimatenetwork

1. Clarifyyourtask 2. Collectandrecordinformation 3. Organizeandplan 4. Engage, reflect, evaluate 5. Writeanoutline 6. Workonyourfirstdraft 7. Finaldraft1. Clarifyyourtask 2. Collectandrecordinformation 3. Organizeandplan 4. Engage, reflect, evaluate 5. Writeanoutline 6. Workonyourfirstdraft 7. Finaldraft A 7 -point procedure for writing assignments

Written report includes:  • Title • Abstract (overview of your report) • Introduction (what researchWritten report includes: • Title • Abstract (overview of your report) • Introduction (what research is about briefly, why it is significant) • Method (how you conducted your research) • Present the results (the data you have gathered) • Conclusions • References (all your sources in alphabetical order)

What makes argumentative writing • Stateapointofvieworopinionandclear lineofreasoningtosupportit • Offerevidenceorexamples • Consideranypossiblearguments • Beabletodemonstrateconvincinglywhy yourargumentorpositionisthebest.  What makes argumentative writing • Stateapointofvieworopinionandclear lineofreasoningtosupportit • Offerevidenceorexamples • Consideranypossiblearguments • Beabletodemonstrateconvincinglywhy yourargumentorpositionisthebest.

Social Network Evaluation Criteria • Profile(heartandsoulof. SN, allowstobecreative withdesign? ) • Security(abilitytosetprofilestoprivateinsome wayoranother? ) • Networking.Social Network Evaluation Criteria • Profile(heartandsoulof. SN, allowstobecreative withdesign? ) • Security(abilitytosetprofilestoprivateinsome wayoranother? ) • Networking. Features(musicsections, video uploads, groupsandmore) • Search(commonsearchfunctions) • Help/Support • Legitimate. Friend. Focus(nounsolicitedspam friendrequests)

Useful Links  Useful Links

Resources • Stella. Cottrell(2008), The. Study. Skills Handbook , Palgrave. Macmillan, London • http: //questgarden. com/134/55/1/11110302Resources • Stella. Cottrell(2008), The. Study. Skills Handbook , Palgrave. Macmillan, London • http: //questgarden. com/134/55/1/11110302 4351/tindex. htm • www. 123 rf. com (photos)