Theme: ”How to be healthy? ”

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  • Размер: 2 Mегабайта
  • Количество слайдов: 27

Описание презентации Theme: ”How to be healthy? ” по слайдам

 Theme:  ”How to be healthy? ” Theme: ”How to be healthy? ”

  Aim of the lesson : : We are to answer the question:  “ Aim of the lesson : : We are to answer the question: “ “ How to be healthy? ”

  Healthy and unhealthy food Healthy and unhealthy food

  barbecue barbecue

  pizza pizza

  fish fish

  meat meat

  cheese cheese

  bread bread

  Eggs and milk Eggs and milk

  salad salad

  sweets sweets

  cake cake

  You should eat fruits and vegetables. You should eat fruits and vegetables.

  apples apples

  bananas bananas

  strawberry strawberry

  lemon lemon

  berry berry

  fruits fruits

  vegetables vegetables

  oranges oranges

  Advices How to be healthy Advices How to be healthy

  Do not play computer games for more than hour a day. Do not play computer games for more than hour a day.

  You should do some sport every week. You should do some sport every week.

  You should have a hobby. You should have a hobby.

  Present perfect tense. Nazarov Dilshod Rakhmatullayev Odil Present perfect tense. Nazarov Dilshod Rakhmatullayev Odil

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