The Railroad: East to West 1881-1885 Who worked

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>The Railroad: East to West 1881-1885 The Railroad: East to West 1881-1885

>Who worked on Building the Railway? Workers from:      Who worked on Building the Railway? Workers from: Eastern Canada The United States China

>Working Conditions  Low wages    Poor living conditions  Difficult/dangerous work Working Conditions Low wages Poor living conditions Difficult/dangerous work

>‘Head’ Tax         On completion of the ‘Head’ Tax On completion of the railroad: Any Chinese railroad worker could stay in Canada He could bring his wife or family to Canada if he paid $50/person Every new Asian person coming into Canada had to pay $50 Chinese immigrants could not become citizens

>1904: the Head Tax was raised to $500 1923: Chinese Immigration (Exclusion) Act 1904: the Head Tax was raised to $500 1923: Chinese Immigration (Exclusion) Act excluded Chinese immigrants from Canada excluded ethnic Chinese of British nationality

>Purpose of the Head Tax   ? Important Note:    Purpose of the Head Tax ? Important Note: 1947: Canada repealed the Chinese Exclusion Act

>Background info It was not until 1947 that Canada finally repealed the Chinese Exclusion Background info It was not until 1947 that Canada finally repealed the Chinese Exclusion Act. Because Canada signed the United Nations' Charter of Human Rights at the conclusion of the Second World War, the Canadian government had to repeal the Chinese Exclusion Act, which contravened the UN Charter. Chinese-Canadians were finally granted the right to vote in federal elections. However, it took another twenty years until the points system was adopted for selecting immigrants in 1967 that the Chinese could be admitted under the same criteria as any other applicants.