Скачать презентацию The Data Management and Information Delivery DMID Project Скачать презентацию The Data Management and Information Delivery DMID Project


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The Data Management and Information Delivery (DMID) Project 10 Apr 2008 Ashwell Jenneker & The Data Management and Information Delivery (DMID) Project 10 Apr 2008 Ashwell Jenneker & Matile Malimabe Data Management and Information Delivery 1

Topics § Stats SA Background § The DMID Project § The End to end Topics § Stats SA Background § The DMID Project § The End to end Statistical Data Management Facility (ESDMF) § Phase 1 Demo § Phase 2 Tools § ESDMF “Building brick by brick” Data Management and Information Delivery 2

Statistics SA Background n n Is a national government department accountable to Minister of Statistics SA Background n n Is a national government department accountable to Minister of Finance, regulated by the Statistics Act (No. 6 of 1999) Legislative mandate provides for: n n n Promotion of coordination among statistical producers in SA Provision of statistical advice to government departments Liaison with the statistical agencies of other countries and other international agencies Vision: The preferred supplier of quality statistics Mission: To provide a relevant and accurate body of statistics to inform users on the dynamics in the economy and society through the application of internationally acclaimed practices For more information: visit www. statssa. gov. za Data Management and Information Delivery 3

The DMID Project n A business improvement initiative: n n n Improve the way The DMID Project n A business improvement initiative: n n n Improve the way originating units develop, structure, capture and store data and metadata according to common standards and procedures. Facilitate better data sharing between the various units Extend the analysis and comparability of data Improve access and use of data, and version control Central storage of data and metadata is key in improving quality of, and access to, authoritative and reliable statistical information Adoption of corporate standards for capturing, storage of, access to and management of data and metadata throughout the statistical value chain, from needs analysis to dissemination of data. Data Management and Information Delivery 4

ESDMF: Functional Requirements n Support the Statistical value chain from end to end: n ESDMF: Functional Requirements n Support the Statistical value chain from end to end: n Manage data capturing and loading n Centrally store data and metadata n Manage exploratory analysis and analysis for publication n Manage dissemination and archiving n n Workflow must be metadata driven and metadata generating User interface, with role-based access Data Management and Information Delivery 5

The ESDMF Need Design Build Data Management and Information Delivery Collect 6 Process Analyse The ESDMF Need Design Build Data Management and Information Delivery Collect 6 Process Analyse Disseminate

PBT: Development and Implementation Dataset /Survey metadata • Collect metadata according to the metadata PBT: Development and Implementation Dataset /Survey metadata • Collect metadata according to the metadata policy using: • standard metadata template Data Management and Information Delivery 7

PBT: Development and Implementation Data Management and Information Delivery 8 PBT: Development and Implementation Data Management and Information Delivery 8

PBT: Development and Implementation Summary of the ESDMF (Phase 0 to 12) ü 17 PBT: Development and Implementation Summary of the ESDMF (Phase 0 to 12) ü 17 Facilities ü 53 Applications/Tools ü R 35 Million ü 3 Year Timeframe Data Management and Information Delivery 9

Phase 1: Tool Demo We will now show a short Demo of the tool Phase 1: Tool Demo We will now show a short Demo of the tool DMID has Developed to Capture Statistical Metadata 95% Captured (3 Outstanding) 65% Approved Data Management and Information Delivery 10

Phase 2 Solution Development q Concepts and Definitions Management Tool Provides a central register Phase 2 Solution Development q Concepts and Definitions Management Tool Provides a central register of all concepts and definitions used in Stats SA, recording the terms and their definitions grouped by pre-defined topics and keywords associated with the topics, making use of the registration framework implemented by the Metadata Registration Management Tool. q Variables Management Tool Provides a central register of all variables on which Stats SA collects information making use of the registration framework implemented by the Metadata Registration Management Tool q Classifications Management Tool Provide a central registry of all classifications making use of the registration framework implemented by the Metadata Registration Management Tool. q Metadata Registration Management Tool Implements the chosen registration framework and guides users of the tool through that process of registration so that an environment is created where statistical processes occur in an organised fashion. Data Management and Information Delivery 11

Phase 2 Solution Development Quality Framework Tool Capture all the indicators, for each dimension, Phase 2 Solution Development Quality Framework Tool Capture all the indicators, for each dimension, of the SASQAF document and will be able to disseminate the SASQAF report to relevant users. ESDMF Reports Create, execute and disseminate all ESDMF reports. This phase will be limited to the configuring and/or integrating Pentaho with the metadata repositories and registries of products described in this document and that of phase 1. Survey Metadata Capture Tool (SMCT) Enhanced to integrate with the some or all products described in this phase. Access Control Management Tool Provides a central point for creating and managing access to all tools of the ESDMF Data Management and Information Delivery 12

Phase 2 In relation to previous and future phases Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase Phase 2 In relation to previous and future phases Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3 Phase 4 Phase 6 Metadata Capture Tool Definitional Metadata Process/ Methodological Metadata Workflow Operational Metadata Survey Metadata Capture Concepts & Definitions Register Process/ Methodological Metadata Workflow Definition Operational Metadata Some parts of SASQAF Classifications Register Metadata Auditing Workflow Task Management Questionnaire Repository Variables Register Metadata Version Control Admin. of Registration In Scope SASQAF Tool Ca. RS Specs Within Stats SA Business Register Meth & Stds Out of Scope Thesaurus Register Data Management and Information Delivery 13 Manual Data Capture

Thank you Data Management and Information Delivery 14 Thank you Data Management and Information Delivery 14