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  • Автор: Марат Тажибаев
  • Количество слайдов: 9

Описание презентации THE 21 ST OF JANUARY SATURDAY по слайдам


* oaks [ uk] еменə * garden [ g dn] ба ша ˈ ɑː* oaks [ uk] еменə * garden [ g dn] ба ша ˈ ɑː қ * elms [ lm] шегіршін ɛ * pines [pa n] ɪ қ ара айғ * firs [f r] əː шырша * birches [b t ] əː ʃ қ айың * thistle [ ˈθɪsl ] оша ан ғ

 Flora and Fauna of the British Isles.  The warm and wet climate Flora and Fauna of the British Isles. The warm and wet climate of Great Britain is very good for plants. That is why the country looks like a beautiful garden. Centuries ago there were a lot of forests on the British Isles but now you can find big forests only in a few parts of the country- the North of Scotland the South-west of England. The most common trees in England are oaks, elms, and beeches while Scotland has a lot of pines, firs, and birches. The fauna or animal life on the British Isles is like in the north-west of Europe. Many larger animals such as bears and wolves don`t live on the British Isles anymore but there a lot of smaller animals : foxes, rabbits, hares and hedgehogs.

Deer live in the forests of Scotland England too. There also different kinds ofDeer live in the forests of Scotland England too. There also different kinds of fish, snakes, lizards, frogs, butterflies and dragonflies. More than two hundred species of birds live on the British Isles and about two hundred kinds are visitors of the place. Many of them are song birds in spring the land rings with their singing. There also plant symbols of the country : the red rose is the natinal emblem of England, the thistle is the national emblem of Scotland, the yellow daffodil and the leek are emblems of Wales and shamrock is the emblem of Ireland.

Scotland Ireland England Wales Scotland Ireland England Wales

Great Britain Capital Island Mineral resources Rivers Lakes Climate British Isles Northern Ireland TreesGreat Britain Capital Island Mineral resources Rivers Lakes Climate British Isles Northern Ireland Trees Animals Birds Plants Read the and you have to remembered

лыбритания 4 кімшiлік-саяси б ліктен Ұ ә ө (тарихи лтты облыстардан) ұ қ :лыбритания 4 кімшiлік-саяси б ліктен Ұ ә ө (тарихи лтты облыстардан) ұ қ : Англиядан ( 45 графты пен ерекше кімш. бірлік — лкен қ ә Ү Лондон, кімш. орт. — ә Лондон ), Уэльстен ( 8 графты , кімш. орт. — Кардифф қ ә ), Шотландиядан ( 12 облыс пен 186 арал, кімш. орт. — ә Эдинбург ), Солт стік ү Ирландиядан (26 округ, кімш. орт. — ә Белфаст ) т рады. Ал ұ Мэн аралы ( кімш. орт. — Дуглас) мен ә Норманд аралдары ( кімш. орт. — Сент-Хелиер) дербес кімш. айма тар а ә ә қ ғ жатады.