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  • Количество слайдов: 10

Тест - тренажер Тема: The Walt Disney company Выполнила: студентка 1 курса Факультета иностранных Тест - тренажер Тема: The Walt Disney company Выполнила: студентка 1 курса Факультета иностранных языков Группа 1 А Хлопина Любовь

Задание: выберете правильный ответ из предложенных Задание: выберете правильный ответ из предложенных

1. When was the Walt Disney company founded? a) b) c) d) March 8, 1. When was the Walt Disney company founded? a) b) c) d) March 8, 1924 October 25, 1923 October 16, 1923 December 1, 1922

2. Who founded the Walt Disney company? a) b) c) d) Walt and Roy 2. Who founded the Walt Disney company? a) b) c) d) Walt and Roy Disney Roy and Jane Disney Walt and Robert Disney Waltazar Disney

3. What was the first film, created by the Walt Disney company? a) b) 3. What was the first film, created by the Walt Disney company? a) b) c) d) Mickey Mouse Donald Duck The Bambi Alice’s day at sea

4. What film did Mickey Mouse appear in for the first time? a) b) 4. What film did Mickey Mouse appear in for the first time? a) b) c) d) Mickey Mouse Steamboat Willie Plane Johnson Crazy Willie

5. When was the Disney’s first sound film released? a) b) c) d) November 5. When was the Disney’s first sound film released? a) b) c) d) November 18, 1958 January 17, 1941 November 18, 1928 July 11, 1929

6. What film was nominated for Oscar as “The best film of the year”? 6. What film was nominated for Oscar as “The best film of the year”? a) b) c) d) Beauty and the Beast The Mickey Mouse cartoons The Cinderella Snow White and the seven Dwarfs

7. When did the ABC network launch Disney’s first regular television series? a) b) 7. When did the ABC network launch Disney’s first regular television series? a) b) c) d) October 1954 November 1955 February 1956 October 1953

8. Where was the first “Disneyland” opened? a) b) c) d) Конец! New York, 8. Where was the first “Disneyland” opened? a) b) c) d) Конец! New York, NY Washington D. C. Florida Anaheim, L. A.