Surprise Pedagogy at the English Lesson for Young

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>Surprise Pedagogy at the English Lesson for Young Learners     Surprise Pedagogy at the English Lesson for Young Learners Petr A. Stepichev associate professor, Russian State Social University MELTA vice-president, NATE executive director

>A France: «To digest knowledge one should swallow it with appetite» A France: «To digest knowledge one should swallow it with appetite»

>Prof. Amonashvili: «A lesson should be viewed by a teacher as a gift for Prof. Amonashvili: «A lesson should be viewed by a teacher as a gift for a child» A good lesson is…. an interesting lesson An interesting lesson is … an emotional lesson Surprise is one of the basic emotions

>Surprise means that you’re not indifferent to the situation surprise safe environment  interest Surprise means that you’re not indifferent to the situation surprise safe environment  interest surprise pleasant situation  joy

>Pedagogy of Surprise  Cognition starts with surprise   (Aristotle)  Surprise pedagody Pedagogy of Surprise Cognition starts with surprise (Aristotle) Surprise pedagody is a sub-field of pedagogy describing a system of methods based on the cognitive emotion of surprise. The sources of surprise at the lesson are facts, methods and feeling capable of doing things that students have never done before. Степичев П. А. Педагогика удивления: новая парадигма образования в XXI веке // Paradigmata poznání . - 2015. - № 4.

>a surprising fact          Surprising facts a surprising fact Surprising facts are in the subject itself

>surprising methods            surprising methods Surprising methods are introduced by a teacher

>Students are surprised discovering their own potential «Провести человека через детство и отрочество по Students are surprised discovering their own potential «Провести человека через детство и отрочество по пути изумления собственными силами – в этом кроется наша педагогическая мудрость. Там, где есть изумление и восторг, есть и неудовлетворенность. Человек безграничен в своих стремлениях, и, чем выше становится уровень его притязаний, тем глубже испытывает он недовольство достигнутым. В этом чувстве заложен тот, кажущийся крошечным стимул, который открывает перед человеком понимание того, что надо, трудно и хорошо – из одного корня» Сухомлинский В. А. Как воспитать настоящего человека. Педагогическое наследие / Сост. О. В. Сухомлинская. – М.: Педагогика, 1990, – 288 с. – (Б-ка учителя) Источник удивления методом – сам обучающийся

>Grammar Cube ГрамИК      great for kinesthetic students  Grammar Cube ГрамИК great for kinesthetic students (up to 40% of all students); any sentence is correct; easy to use, easy to understand; 364 sentences from Russian into English; BVI version – an innovative tool for the inclusive classroom

>BVI Grammar Cube supported by the American Center and “Harmony”    BVI Grammar Cube supported by the American Center and “Harmony” The potential of education is defined by many factors but to a great extent by the tools available to the teachers and learners. “Grammar Cube” (ГрамИК) can be used to teach grammar, in particular Simple tenses, imperatives and modals in an intuitive kinesthetic way. The method is applicable for both traditional educational setting and BVI students which is especially urgent today in the context of emerging inclusive education. The funding covers the production of 100 models of Grammar Cubes and manuals for them for further dissemination among schools for the blind as well as BVI learners and their tutors who will attend seminars on applying my model in inclusive education conducted in the American Center. Everybody who needs it and is ready to take part in the probation can apply for a free copy of a Grammar Cube.

>Пособие  «Игровые технологии моделирования английских предложений» (Степичев П.А.) – Grammar Cube model and Пособие «Игровые технологии моделирования английских предложений» (Степичев П.А.) – Grammar Cube model and Grammar Box game descriptions and tasks – Grammar Naval Battle Game description – Board games rules and word lists – tips for language learners

>Surprise Pedagogy  as part of individual teaching style  To be able to Surprise Pedagogy as part of individual teaching style To be able to work effectively in the context of surprise pedagogy, teachers should be able to get surprised themselves. Surprise Pedagogy will work miracles for those who are capable of noticing miracles in the world around.

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