Скачать презентацию SPORT FORD Alina Hasanova A 2 5 may Скачать презентацию SPORT FORD Alina Hasanova A 2 5 may


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SPORT FORD Alina Hasanova A 2 5 may 2012 Unit 4 p. 26 Think SPORT FORD Alina Hasanova A 2 5 may 2012 Unit 4 p. 26 Think of a famous brand for automobile industry. Go online and find out who they sponsor. Choose one of the companies and write a short report or give a mini presentation to the class.

Feel the difference Feel the difference

1)World Rally Championship 2) FIA Formula One World Championship 3) UEFA Champions League 1)World Rally Championship 2) FIA Formula One World Championship 3) UEFA Champions League

WORLD RALLY CHAMPIONSHIP Ford Escort Twin-Cam is one of the most successful rally car WORLD RALLY CHAMPIONSHIP Ford Escort Twin-Cam is one of the most successful rally car of the 20 th century

FIA Formula One World Championship Ford is a sponsor of Stewart Grand Prix for FIA Formula One World Championship Ford is a sponsor of Stewart Grand Prix for 2 years. Stewart Grand Prix is a British team and competitor of Formula 1

 UEFA Champions League Ford Motor Company is a major partner of the UEFA UEFA Champions League Ford Motor Company is a major partner of the UEFA Champions League since 1992.

My e-mail: hasa 46@ yandex. ru My e-mail: hasa 46@ yandex. ru

Sources of information: 1) http: //www. ford. com/ 2) http: //en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Ford 3)http: Sources of information: 1) http: //www. ford. com/ 2) http: //en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Ford 3)http: //www. google. ru/imgres? q=%D 1%8 E%D 0%B 6%D 0%BD%D 0%B 0%D 1 %8 F+%D 0%B 0%D 0%BC%D 0%B 5%D 1%80%D 0%B 8%D 0%BA%D 0%B 0& start=262&hl=ru&newwindow=1&sa=X&biw=1152&bih=801&addh=36&tbm =isch&prmd=imvns&tbnid=k. E 68 c. Zd. OHm. Ok. EM: &imgrefurl=http: //www. mota. ru/wallpapers/view/id/14936&docid=Gjf 5 QX_2 ohw_n. M&imgurl=http: //img. m ota. ru/upload/wallpapers/2009/07/16/12/03/14936/space_029 preview. jpg&w=516&h=387&ei=i. Ayh. T 8 S 3 Ja_O 4 QSzv. KXe. CA&zoom=1&iact =rc&dur=533&sig=105727483601289134693&page=10&tbnh=142&tbnw=2 05&ndsp=30&ved=1 t: 429, r: 14, s: 262, i: 227&tx=48&ty=65 4)http: //www. google. ru/imgres? q=%D 1%84%D 0%BE%D 1%80%D 0%B 4&hl=ru &newwindow=1&sa=X&biw=1152&bih=801&tbm=isch&prmd=imvnsr&tbnid =yypgx 0 -Xu. Y 5 c 9 M: &imgrefurl=http: //www. autoes. ru/remont_generatorov_ford. htm&docid=q 5 Uv. DK 35 W 9 pzu. M&imgurl=htt p: //www. autoes. ru/pics/ford. jpg&w=1280&h=960&ei=_Cuk. T_KKDc. GUOp 2 lk. MUI&zoom= 1&iact=rc&dur=302&sig=105727483601289134693&page=1&tbnh=132&tb nw=201&start=0&ndsp=20&ved=1 t: 429, r: 0, s: 0, i: 150&tx=102&ty=85