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Space Exploration An Update on Progress Its Harder Than They Thought And it’s Taking Space Exploration An Update on Progress Its Harder Than They Thought And it’s Taking Longer There is a Paradigm Shift April 10, 2017 By Stevan Akerley, NSS Space Ambassador #1129 Planetary Society Space Advocate Cell i. Phone 860 -510 -6316 Also See: www. Akerley. Space. Exploration. com

Presentation Outline 1. Paradigm Shift 2. Sub-Orbital and Small Launch Systems 3. Medium and Presentation Outline 1. Paradigm Shift 2. Sub-Orbital and Small Launch Systems 3. Medium and Large Launch Systems 4. Reusable Rocket Engines & Re-Entry Vehicles (Capsules and Lifting Bodies) 5. Launch Business Overview High Cost, Risk & Potential 6. COTS – A Success Story ------ Intermission-------7. Moon & Mars Interest Resurgence (by 2020 - 2030) 8. Space Habitats - Bigelow Inflatables in LEO, then Al Globus on Kalpana 2 in LEO 9. Google Lunar X Prize 10. In Situ Resource Utilization (ISRU) Or, Can you find what you need locally ? (Moon & Mars) 11. NASA Jupiter & Asteroid Missions ----- Home Work If you are Curious & want to know more -----12. Citizen Requests of the New Administration 13. Blue Origin Videos & Space. X Success Stories ------ Backup Slides If we have time -------- Space Conferences and Who Is Doing What (6 nations) Lunar and Mars Cycler Mission Studies Courtesy S. Akerley NSS Space Ambassador

The Paradigm Shifts Present Future 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Reuse the The Paradigm Shifts Present Future 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Reuse the Hardware – Stop Throwing It Away ! Automated Launch & Diagnostic Systems. Automated Landing Systems. Right Sized Launchers for Various Markets. Business Plans that Close for Commercial Activity. Fuel is Relatively Inexpensive, therefore, Lower Cost to Orbit with Higher Volume & Reuse of HW. 8. Human Expansion into Space. 9. From Earths Cradle to Solar System Citizen. 10. Not Just a Zero Sum Game on Earth anymore. 11. More Resources in Solar System than on Earth. 12. Exponential Growth Possible into the Solar System. 13. Life Will Become Multi Planet ! Courtesy S. Akerley NSS Space Ambassador

Large Launch Systems (Interesting Facts) Space. X and Blue Origin have Reusable 1 st Large Launch Systems (Interesting Facts) Space. X and Blue Origin have Reusable 1 st Stages and Capsules. (LEO) Space. X, Falcon 9, ¼ to ½ the cost of other current launch providers. Blue Origin BE 3 Rocket Engine Being used on the New Shepard suborbital rocket, test began in 2015. Potential for United Launch Alliance (ULA) as 2 nd stage Engine in 2020’s. Blue Origin BE 4 Rocket Engine being developed, with 550 K lbs. thrust for; ULA Atlas, 1 st stage, to replace Russian rocket motors (RD-180’s). Both 1 st and 2 nd stage applications for New Glenn Rocket. First flight is expected no earlier than 2019. New Glenn Rocket is bigger that Falcon 9 Heavy. New Armstrong is bigger still. http: //www. parabolicarc. com/2017/03/07/bezos-details-glenn/ NASA SLS System is Not Reusable. It is intended for Deep Space, and avoids the weight penalty for Re-Usability. Only time will tell if this is a long term advantage. SLS Block 1 and Block 1 B will have 70 K and 105 K lbs to LEO capability. SLS Block 2 will have 130 K lbs. To LEO capability. Space. X has plans for a larger rocket that the Falcon Heavy. It is called the ITS launch vehicle, and will be 3. 5 times more powerful than the Saturn 5. First launch is planned for 2022. It will be reusable. Courtesy S. Akerley NSS Space Ambassador From multiple websources including From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

COTS Commercial Orbital Transportation Services (A Success Story) Of 20 initial company applications, only COTS Commercial Orbital Transportation Services (A Success Story) Of 20 initial company applications, only 2 companies are delivering cargo to the International Space Station, Space. X and Orbital/ATK. Notice that both Boeing and Lockheed were initially involved. Sierra Nevada Dream Chaser “ YES Partial Managed by (C 3 PO) Commercial Crew & Cargo Program Office @ Johnson Space Center Courtesy S. Akerley NSS Space Ambassador From multiple websources including From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

COTS Commercial Orbital Transportation Services (A REAL SUCCESS STORY) Space X (NASA ISS) Orbital/ATK COTS Commercial Orbital Transportation Services (A REAL SUCCESS STORY) Space X (NASA ISS) Orbital/ATK (NASA ISS) Completed Missions: (of 33 completed missions 10 were ISS related) Completed Missions: 7/18/2016 NASA Resupply to ISS (Flight 9) 9/18/2013 Cygnus Orb-D 1 4/8/2016 NASA Resupply to ISS (Flight 8). flight 7 Lost – launch Failure 1/9/2014 CRS Orb-1 4/14/2015 NASA Resupply to ISS (Flight 6) 7/13/2014 CRS Orb-2 1/10/2015 NASA Resupply to ISS (Flight 5) 10/28/2014 CRS Orb-3 Lost - launch Failure 9/21/2014 NASA Resupply to ISS (Flight 4) 12/6/2015 CRS OA-4 4/18/2014 NASA Resupply to ISS (Flight 3) 3/23/2016 CRS OA-6 3/1/2013 NASA Resupply to ISS (Flight 2) 10/17/2016 CRS OA-5 10/8/2012 NASA Resupply to ISS (Flight 1) 5/22/2012 NASA COTS (Demo 2/3) 12/8/2010 NASA COTS (Demo 1) Orbital/ATK (NASA ISS) Space X Future Missions: (of 40 planned missions 8 are ISS Related, 4 Demos) Future Missions: Bigelow Aerospace 3/17/2017 CRS OA-7 Dragon. Lab Mission 1 7/6/2017 CRS OA-8 E Dragon. Lab Mission 2 11/17/2017 CRS OA-9 E Falcon Heavy Demo 6/20/2018 CRS OA-10 E NASA Crew (Demo 1) 2/30/2019 CRS OA-11 E NASA Crew (Demo 2) NASA Resupply to ISS (Flight 10) March 14 -15, 2017 NASA Resupply to ISS (Flight 11) NASA Resupply to ISS (Flight 12) NASA Resupply to ISS (Flight 13) Blue Origin has not launched to the ISS yet. NASA Resupply to ISS (Flight 14) But does want to deliver cargo to a new moon base NASA Resupply to ISS (Flight 15) Managed by (C 3 PO) Commercial Crew & Cargo Program Office @ NASA Johnson Space Center Courtesy S. Akerley NSS Space Ambassador From multiple websources including From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

------Intermission-----Blue Origin Oct. 5, 2016 - Blue Origin Successful Demo of New Shepard VTVL ------Intermission-----Blue Origin Oct. 5, 2016 - Blue Origin Successful Demo of New Shepard VTVL Sub-Orbital System (3: 13): https: //youtu. be/9 pilla. Ox. GCo http: //aviationweek. com/space/jeff-bezoss-space-launch-breakthrough Mar. 3, 2017 - Jeff Bezos Discusses New Shepard, and future of humans in Space (13: 30): Bezos: In Future, Humans Will Build All Heavy Manufacturing In Space Mar 3, 2017 Aviation Week & Space Technology Blue Origin's New Shepard Team is the winner of Aviation Week's 60 th Annual Space Laureate. New Shepard is only the first step in fulfilling Blue Origin owner Jeff Bezos' vision of using ever larger reusable rockets to send an entire economy into Earth orbit and beyond. Following the Laureate Award presentations held at Washington's National Building Museum on March 2, Bezos talked to Aviation Week & Space Technology Editor-in-Chief Joe Anselmo and the audience at the awards dinner about the importance of expanding into the solar system. https: //youtu. be/tjz 2 v. P 3 z. Ph. E http: //aviationweek. com/space/bezos-future-humans-will-build-all-heavy-manufacturing-space Blue Origin Graphic Simulation of New Glenn Rocket (1: 32): https: //youtu. be/BTEhohh 6 e. Yk Space X Jan. 14, 2017 Another Successful Landing on Droneship. Iridium 1 Launch (3: 09): http: //www. myvidster. com/video/85635620/Space. X_Nails_1 st_Stage_Landing_Again_In_Return_To_Flight_Video (Successful Landings on Droneships in Pacific and Atlantic Oceans) Feb. 19, 2017 Falcon 9 1 st stage landing on land @ KSC. ISS CRS-10 Launch (2: 33): https: //video. search. yahoo. com/search/video? fr=mcafee&p=Falcon+9+1 st+stage+landing+on+land+%40+KSC. +ISS+CRS-10 . Space. X Interplanetary Transport System https: //youtu. be/0 qo 78 R_y. YFA Courtesy S. Akerley NSS Space Ambassador

Moon and Mars Interest Resurgence President Obama, vs NASA, vs Congress and vs Senate Moon and Mars Interest Resurgence President Obama, vs NASA, vs Congress and vs Senate Leaders (Orion, & SLS - POLITICAL) Moon Return (Commercial) Google Lunar X Prize 5 teams have schedule rides to the Moon this Year (2017). Space. X – Elon Musk – Announces Lunar Fly Around Moon – Paying Customers. Blue Origins – Jeff Bezos – Thinks we should start mining the moon – Blue Moon Project with NASA proposes to deliver cargo to the lunar surface. Mars Interest Resurgence (2030’s) President Obama, vs NASA, vs Congress and Senate Leaders (SLS) New President Trump “Make America Great…” wants NASA to CHANGE Space. X – Elon Musk (1 Video) https: //youtu. be/0 qo 78 R_y. YFA Blue Origins – Jeff Bezos (3 Videos Later) Mars One and Mars Society (One Way Settlers – No Return) NGC (National Geographic Channel) “Mars” a 6 part series) National Geographic Hard cover Photo Book Time Magazine Special, UAE proposes to build Chicago sized city of Mars within 100 years (by 2117). Courtesy S. Akerley NSS Space Ambassador

Moon and Mars Interest Resurgence Scientists Enter Hawaii Dome in Eight-Month Mars Space Mission Moon and Mars Interest Resurgence Scientists Enter Hawaii Dome in Eight-Month Mars Space Mission Study Six scientists have entered a dome perched atop the remote Mauna Loa volcano in Hawaii, where they will spend the next eight months in isolation to simulate life for astronauts traveling to Mars, to understand human behavior and performance during long space missions. The crew will perform geological field work and basic daily tasks in the 1, 200 -square-foot (365 m) dome, 8, 000 feet (2. 5 km) above sea level. The scientists will have contact with the outside world, through a mission control team, time-delayed to match the 20 -minute travel time of radio waves passing between Earth and Mars. (Source: Reuters 1/20/2017) There have been many Analogue Sites for Mars Simulation Experiments. (ISS, Biosphere 2, Russian Mars 500, Canada’s Devon Island , Arizona Desert, . Red Zeitgeist: Popular Entertainment and the Settlement of Mars The success of the National Geographic Channel series about Mars exploration has been enough to warrant a second season. (Source: Space Review 1/16/2017) Sy. Fy Channel “Expanse” series, and the newly released movie “Life”. Courtesy S. Akerley NSS Space Ambassador

In Situ Resource Utilization (ISRU) Or, Can You Find What You Need Locally & In Situ Resource Utilization (ISRU) Or, Can You Find What You Need Locally & “Cheaper” ? Instead of Bringing it ALL with you…. YES ! Element Moon Mars Oxygen *** Yes +40% Bound Yes Bound Water (H 2 O) *** Yes @ Poles Yes Frozen in Ground &@ Poles CO 2 No Yes in Atmosphere Silica *** Yes 20% Yes Iron *** Yes 12% Yes Aluminum *** Yes 7% Probably Titanium Yes +1% Probably Calcium Yes 8% Probably Other Trace Elements Yes Probably Make Fuel * Yes * Yes** * Electrolysis of Water to H 2 & O or ** Sabatier Process CO 2 + 4 H 2 → CH 4 + 2 H 2 O + energy *** 1/20 energy cost from Moon instead of Earth Courtesy S. Akerley NSS Space Ambassador

Home Work If You are Curious and Want to Know More Courtesy S. Akerley Home Work If You are Curious and Want to Know More Courtesy S. Akerley NSS Space Ambassador

Citizen Request to Congress to Support The NSS Space Exploration Recommendations Courtesy S. Akerley Citizen Request to Congress to Support The NSS Space Exploration Recommendations Courtesy S. Akerley NSS Space Ambassador

Blue Origin New Glenn Courtesy S. Akerley NSS Space Ambassador Blue Origin New Glenn Courtesy S. Akerley NSS Space Ambassador

Jeff Bezos Blue Origin Vision Aviation Week & Space Technology Interview 3/3/2017 Aviation Week Jeff Bezos Blue Origin Vision Aviation Week & Space Technology Interview 3/3/2017 Aviation Week Network 1. Nov, 23, 2015, Jan 23, 2016 Successful Landings of Blue Origin New Shepard Rocked 2. Oct. 5, 2016 - Blue Origin Successful Demo of New Shepard VTVL Sub-Orbital System (3: 13): https: //youtu. be/9 pilla. Ox. GCo http: //aviationweek. com/space/jeff-bezoss-space-launch-breakthrough 3. Mar. 3, 2017 - Jeff Bezos Discusses New Shepard, and future of humans in Space (13: 30): Bezos: In Future, Humans Will Build All Heavy Manufacturing In Space Mar 3, 2017 Aviation Week & Space Technology Blue Origin's New Shepard Team is the winner of Aviation Week's 60 th Annual Space Laureate. New Shepard is only the first step in fulfilling Blue Origin owner Jeff Bezos' vision of using ever larger reusable rockets to send an entire economy into Earth orbit and beyond. Following the Laureate Award presentations held at Washington's National Building Museum on March 2, Bezos talked to Aviation Week & Space Technology Editor-in-Chief Joe Anselmo and the audience at the awards dinner about the importance of expanding into the solar system. https: //youtu. be/tjz 2 v. P 3 z. Ph. E http: //aviationweek. com/space/bezos-future-humans-will-build-all-heavy-manufacturing-space 4. Blue Origin Graphic Simulation of New Glenn Rocket (1: 32): https: //youtu. be/BTEhohh 6 e. Yk Courtesy S. Akerley NSS Space Ambassador

Elon Musk Space X 1. April 7, 2016 - 1 st Successful Droneship Landing. Elon Musk Space X 1. April 7, 2016 - 1 st Successful Droneship Landing. 2. May 27, 2016 Another Successful Landing on Droneship. Thaicom 8 (1: 13) https: //video. search. yahoo. com/search/video? fr=mcafee&p=Falcon+9+successfule+landing+on+Dr oneship#id=3&vid=d 783 aaa 53 b 4 ae 922698 e 1699236 bca 11&action=click (In Pacific Ocean) 3. Jan. 14, 2017 Another Successful Landing on Droneship. Iridium 1 Launch (3: 09): http: //www. myvidster. com/video/85635620/Space. X_Nails_1 st_Stage_Landing_Again_In_Return_ To_Flight_Video (In Atlantic Ocean) 4. Feb. 19, 2017 Falcon 9 1 st stage landing on land @ KSC. ISS CRS-10 Launch (2: 33): https: //video. search. yahoo. com/search/video? fr=mcafee&p=Falcon+9+1 st+stage+landing+on+land +%40+KSC. +ISS+CRS-10 5. Proposed Space. X Interplanetary Transport System https: //youtu. be/0 qo 78 R_y. YFA Space. X Interplanetary Transport System Part two (7: 57): Discussion/Concerns): https: //www. youtube. com/watch? v=DHjr. Z 7 SNT 2 I Space. X Interplanetary Transport System Part 3 (Discussion/Concerns): https: //www. youtube. com/watch? v=9 Hq. DZl. BJ 9 l 0 6. Mar. 24, 2017 Falcon 9 JCSat-16 7. Mar. 30, 2017 Falcon 9 SES-10 Mission. (53: 02) http: //www. spacex. com/webcast Courtesy S. Akerley NSS Space Ambassador

Elon Musk Vision for Mars Transport http: //news. nationalgeographic. com/2016/09/elon-musk-spacex-exploring-mars-planets-space-science/ 6 It starts with Elon Musk Vision for Mars Transport http: //news. nationalgeographic. com/2016/09/elon-musk-spacex-exploring-mars-planets-space-science/ 6 It starts with a really big rocket, 39 -foot-wide booster, 200 feet tall 28 million pounds of thrust. Using 42 Raptor engines, the booster will accelerate the assemblage to 5, 374 miles an hour. The Interplanetary Trasport System will have 3. 5 times more powerful than NASA’s Saturn V. (1) 5 The rocket booster would deliver the crew capsule to orbit around Earth, then return (2) and land at the launch pad (3). The Booster would then be fitted with a fuel tanker (4)and carry that into orbit, where it would fuel the spaceship for its journey to Mars (5). Once Underway, solar panels would be deployed (6) 1 1 Fleets of these crew-carrying capsules would be placed into an Earth orbit prior to the Mars Launch window. 2 The key to his plan is reusing the various spaceships as much as possible. Space. X Interplanetary Transport System Watch an animation of Elon Musk's vision for how to send humans to Mars. https: //youtu. be/0 qo 78 R_y. YFA 3 Courtesy S. Akerley NSS Space Ambassador 4