Презентация shopping k uchebniku spotlight 8 klass module 2b

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  • Количество слайдов: 3

Описание презентации Презентация shopping k uchebniku spotlight 8 klass module 2b по слайдам

 ex 2 DESCRIBING A PICTURE!!!!! • Place • Objects • Sounds • People’s clothes • ex 2 DESCRIBING A PICTURE!!!!! • Place • Objects • Sounds • People’s clothes • Weather • What are people doing

 ex 2 DESCRIBING A PICTURE!!!!! Work in pairs, write down as many words as you ex 2 DESCRIBING A PICTURE!!!!! Work in pairs, write down as many words as you can Place Flea market, crowded street The UK — flag Objects Counter, different clothes, trees, bus, British flag, umbrella Sounds Noisy, people speak People’s clothes Casual clothes, t-shirts, shorts, bright caps, sunglasses Weather Sunny, hot, is not blowing What are people doing Shopping, sell, choose and buy

Picture D shows us some people shopping at a busy flea market.  You can probablyPicture D shows us some people shopping at a busy flea market. You can probably hear a lot of noise as people are talking about what they want to buy and the stall-holders are trying to persuade people to buy things. The weather must be warm because they are wearing light clothes, such as T-shirts and shorts. The person working on the stall is wearing sunglasses. The stalls are selling clothes. This flea market is probably somewhere in the UK because I can see the UK flag at the top right hand corner of the picture.

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