Скачать презентацию  lect. 8-9 STYLISTIC ASPECTS OF TRANSLATION Скачать презентацию lect. 8-9 STYLISTIC ASPECTS OF TRANSLATION


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Описание презентации Презентация lect. 8-9 STYLISTIC ASPECTS OF TRANSLATION по слайдам


STYLISTIC ASPECTS OF TRANSLATION Handling Stylistically-Marked Language Units Handling Stylistic Devices STYLISTIC ASPECTS OF TRANSLATION Handling Stylistically-Marked Language Units Handling Stylistic Devices

Handling stylistically-marked language units In different __________the language ______ select words of different________.  The translatorHandling stylistically-marked language units In different __________the language ______ select words of different________. The translator _________the _____ status of the _____ text, by using the ______of the same ______or, failing that, _________________.

Handling stylistically-marked language units The __________effect of the text is created with the help of ________________devices.Handling stylistically-marked language units The __________effect of the text is created with the help of ________________devices. The speaker may __________he mentions in his own way thus giving his________________. Such ______________give much ______to the translator since their meaning is often_________.

Handling stylistically-marked language units Some _______become _______through ______ and they may have ______equivalents in TL, Handling stylistically-marked language units Some _______become _______through ______ and they may have ______equivalents in TL, e. g. true love —_______, dead silence — _______, good old England -_____________. In most cases, however, the translator has to______________, which often requires an _______of the broad context.

Handling stylistically-marked language units __________units may also be certain types of__________.  ________may be _____as anHandling stylistically-marked language units __________units may also be certain types of__________. ________may be _____as an example. Another common type includes _____ indirect _____of various objects or “___________». A _________of paraphrases is a characteristic feature of the____________.

Handling stylistically-marked language units Some of the paraphrases are ______ from such ________as ____ or theHandling stylistically-marked language units Some of the paraphrases are ______ from such ________as ____ or the _____and usually have _____ equivalents in Russian ( Attic salt -_______, the three sisters -______, the Prince of Darkness -_______). Others are _________and are either ______or ______in translation: John Bull —____, the three R’s — _____________, the Iron Duke -____________.

Handling stylistically-marked language units A ______of paraphrases are the names of_____, _____and other _____or _______entities: Handling stylistically-marked language units A ______of paraphrases are the names of_____, _____and other _____or _______entities: the Land of Cakes (_____), the Badger State (______), the Empire City (______). As a rule, such paraphrases are not known to the ______and they are _____by official names in the translation.

Handling stylistically-marked language units Complicated _________are caused by ST containing ______ language units used to produceHandling stylistically-marked language units Complicated _________are caused by ST containing ______ language units used to produce a________. The ST author may ______his character’s speech by means of _______ or _________forms. SL __________cannot be _______in TT, nor can they be ______by TL _____ forms.

Handling stylistically-marked language units It would be ________if a black American or a ________spoke in theHandling stylistically-marked language units It would be ________if a black American or a ________spoke in the _____translation in the dialect, say, of the ______________ or western part of_________. Fortunately, the __________forms are mostly an _______of the speaker’s _______or_________, and they can be rendered into Russian by a _____employment of_______, e. g. :

Handling stylistically-marked language units He do look quiet, don't 'e? D'e know 'oo 'e is, Sir?Handling stylistically-marked language units He do look quiet, don’t ‘e? D’e know ‘oo ‘e is, Sir? _______________

Handling Stylistic Devices Causes : :  Different words may acquire ________________ lexical meanings which areHandling Stylistic Devices Causes : : Different words may acquire ________________ lexical meanings which are ___________in the dictionaries in a certain _________(_________ meanings). Transferred meaning _____________the ________________between the two types of __________________: dictionary and contextual.

Causes :  Stylistic devices are necessary when the _______ from the _____________is carried to aCauses : Stylistic devices are necessary when the _______ from the _____________is carried to a degree which causes an ____________in the recognized _______ (dictionary) meanings.

Causes :  One and the same ________ may be used with________,  perform different ________andCauses : One and the same ________ may be used with________, perform different ________and have different meanings in the _____ system of any language.

Causes :  Stylistic devices in different languages are the________ , but they ________differently in languages.Causes : Stylistic devices in different languages are the________ , but they ________differently in languages. This is the _____of stylistic transformations.

STYLISTIC  devices Stylistic Devices:  Metaphor: - Prolonged metaphor;  Metonymy: - Synecdoche;  STYLISTIC devices Stylistic Devices: Metaphor: — Prolonged metaphor; Metonymy: — Synecdoche; — Metonymic epithet; Antonomasia; Alliteration.

STYLISTIC METHODS OF TRANSLATION One should take into account that while translating there is_______, partial _______andSTYLISTIC METHODS OF TRANSLATION One should take into account that while translating there is_______, partial _______and _________ of rendering_____________.

Alliteration - is the ______of the ____________in two or more words.  It can be usedAlliteration — is the ______of the ____________in two or more words. It can be used for_____, logical ________between the components. e. g. Nothing befalls him that he can not transmute into a stanza, song or story. ___________________________________.

Alliteration (functions) The author may use alliteration for the following purposes :  To _________and _____________Alliteration (functions) The author may use alliteration for the following purposes : To _________and _____________ ( Peter Piper Picked a Peck of Pickled Peppers. ___________________________ );

Alliteration to establish __________ between the components  (cold comfort –________; cold conditions –________);  toAlliteration to establish __________ between the components (cold comfort –________; cold conditions –________); to attract____________ (Britain’s Biggest Bazaar –_______________).

Alliteration Very often it is not necessary to ______________ while translating:  e. g.  RollsAlliteration Very often it is not necessary to ______________ while translating: e. g. Rolls on the Rock –_________;

STYLISTIC METHODS OF TRANSLATION  - Alliteration is often ________ when used in ________and ________style, whereSTYLISTIC METHODS OF TRANSLATION — Alliteration is often ________ when used in ________and ________style, where the _______function is the primary one: E. g. Barbarism in Bars – ________________.

Alliteration should be _______when possible if the _____function is more important than the ________one : Alliteration should be _______when possible if the _____function is more important than the ________one : E. g. The word Papa gives the pretty form to the lips: potatoes, poultry, prunes and prisms, and all very good for the lips. ____________________________________.

Metaphor is a stylistic device which consists in the _______in a ______________ meaning based on theMetaphor is a stylistic device which consists in the _______in a ______________ meaning based on the _____or ______and is used in all _____styles. e. g. hot money — _________. It is important to __________ when dealing with__________.

Ways of rendering metaphor In case it is impossible to______, the metaphor should be then ______orWays of rendering metaphor In case it is impossible to______, the metaphor should be then ______or ________ another ________device.

Problems of conveying metaphors:  the difference in __________ related to some__________.  e. g. blackProblems of conveying metaphors: the difference in __________ related to some__________. e. g. black sheep-_________, black frost-__________ the metaphors those _______ in the national_______ e. g. красна девица -________, добрый молодец- ______

Problems of conveying metaphors the metaphoric _______which have the same _______for the both SL and TLProblems of conveying metaphors the metaphoric _______which have the same _______for the both SL and TL but are__________. e. g. B авилонское столпотворение — ______________ Дары данайцев -________

Problems of conveying metaphors Any _____in the metaphor can lead to ______of the whole phrase e.Problems of conveying metaphors Any _____in the metaphor can lead to ______of the whole phrase e. g. SPARKLER- Light up your life! ______________________ !

Problems of conveying metaphors the metaphor in the process of translation can be _______ metaphoric_____, etc.Problems of conveying metaphors the metaphor in the process of translation can be _______ metaphoric_____, etc. e. g. a beast of a car-_______ an angel of a girl — _______________________

Problems of conveying metaphors and simile Metaphors and similes are _____ figures of speech. Both mProblems of conveying metaphors and simile Metaphors and similes are _____ figures of speech. Both m etaphor and simile are ______ that describe a _______ : the only difference between a metaphor and a simile is that a ____ makes the ______ by using “_______ » or “_____ «: You are my sunshine ( ____ ) – Your eyes are like the sun ( ____ ).

Problems of conveying metaphors and simile Ways of rendering metaphors and similes: - by choosing __________Problems of conveying metaphors and simile Ways of rendering metaphors and similes: — by choosing __________ where the _______is preserved : E. g. white as a sheet –____________. by finding _________when the _______ of the SL phrase is __________ the different one : E. g. old as the hills –_________.

Problems of conveying metaphors and simile by means of __________ :  E. g. As busyProblems of conveying metaphors and simile by means of __________ : E. g. As busy as a bee –______. by means of _________of translation : E. g. As large as life – _______

Problems of conveying metonymy Metonymy - is __________of a ______of one ______ to another_______.  MetonymicProblems of conveying metonymy Metonymy — is __________of a ______of one ______ to another_______. Metonymic ________ of name is based upon the ___________ of two objects.

Problems of conveying metonymy e. g.  Two men entered the room.  The red wasProblems of conveying metonymy e. g. Two men entered the room. The red was smiling, the black was upset. _________________________.

Problems of conveying metonymy This example contains the _______is quite simple to translate since the ____andProblems of conveying metonymy This example contains the _______is quite simple to translate since the ____and ______expressions are the ______in the SL and TL. Metonymy may be _________with metaphor. Both _____involve the _______of one term for another.

Problems of conveying metonymy While in ____this substitution is based on______, in ______the substitution is basedProblems of conveying metonymy While in ____this substitution is based on______, in ______the substitution is based on________. ______example : The ship plowed through the sea (plowed instead of navigated). ______example : The sails crossed the ocean (sails instead of ship with sails).

Problems of conveying metonymy • The most difficult to render are _______based on the ______between: Problems of conveying metonymy • The most difficult to render are _______based on the ______between: • — the object and its ____ (_______ epithet ); • — the ____and its part (______); • — the ______ and ______ names (__________).

Ways of rendering metonymy by means of __________of the _____name  (in case the _____metonymic wordWays of rendering metonymy by means of __________of the _____name (in case the _____metonymic word has ________ nor _____ in the TL and is not known to the _______ due to _______ cultural traditions):

Ways of rendering metonymy The _______both in the means of _________and the _______ to which itWays of rendering metonymy The _______both in the means of _________and the _______ to which it has ______ in the SL and TL. Different ___________ of ________expressions. e. g. To buy some Kellog’s- ______________.

Ways of rendering metonymy by means of ________ transformations (in case __________of the two languages are_____,Ways of rendering metonymy by means of ________ transformations (in case __________of the two languages are_____, and the _____ cannot be ____ equivalently in terms of________): structural transformations and _________ in the grammatical____

Ways of rendering metonymy e. g. Very soon after words there was a concerned official’s faceWays of rendering metonymy e. g. Very soon after words there was a concerned official’s face staring at me through the jagged hole in the glass of the kitchen door. ___________________________________ __________________.

Ways of rendering metonymy by means of____________  (in case the __________ of the metonymy isWays of rendering metonymy by means of____________ (in case the __________ of the metonymy is different in the ______ and_______________): ___________ transformations when the __________ of the _______ expression do not ________ in SL and TL

Ways of rendering metonymy e. g. These wheels will drive you at your pleasure.  ___________________________________.Ways of rendering metonymy e. g. These wheels will drive you at your pleasure. ___________________________________.

Ways of rendering metonymy by choosing ____________________ (in case there is a _______________between the ______traditions ofWays of rendering metonymy by choosing ____________________ (in case there is a _______________between the ______traditions of expressing individual _____of a certain object in the _____and target_______):

Ways of rendering metonymy ________________ due to _____ correspondence both in _____ and in ______properties ofWays of rendering metonymy ________________ due to _____ correspondence both in _____ and in ______properties of the metonymic expressions e. g. I am revolt of the stupidity of a country police. _________________________________.

Ways of rendering metonymy by means of ________ of the ______ for metonymic transference (in caseWays of rendering metonymy by means of ________ of the ______ for metonymic transference (in case the metonymic _______ used in the SL does not _______ in the TL in a___________):

Ways of rendering metonymy E. g. The guards now change at Buckingham Palace to a LennonWays of rendering metonymy E. g. The guards now change at Buckingham Palace to a Lennon and Mc. Cartney . ____________________________.

Ways of rendering synecdoche Synecdoche - this __________ is realized in ____variants.  The ______is namingWays of rendering synecdoche Synecdoche — this __________ is realized in ____variants. The ______is naming the ______ by mentioning ____of it. e. g. Caroling lives with Jack under the same roof. ____________________________________.

Ways of rendering synecdoche The second is using the name of the __________to denote a _________ofWays of rendering synecdoche The second is using the name of the __________to denote a _________of this object. e. g. The hall applauded. ____________.

Problems of conveying synecdoche The means of it expression may often be________________.  Sometimes it requiresProblems of conveying synecdoche The means of it expression may often be________________. Sometimes it requires the __________ of the stylistic device e. g. These wheels will drive you at your pleasure. “These wheels” ______this car. We cannot say “_______ ” because it will not correspond to____________.

Problems of conveying synecdoche “ _________________________ ”. Problems of conveying synecdoche “ _________________________ ”.

Problems of conveying epithet Metonymic _______ - on basis of _______between the _____and of its ______Problems of conveying epithet Metonymic _______ — on basis of _______between the _____and of its ______ or______. e. g. ______________________________. – A girl in her full denim outfit nearly fell into the office. The only way of translation is _______the _____into the____, but at the same time part of SL ___________information is lost.

Problems of conveying antonomasia Antonomasia - is based upon the principle of ________ of _______with thingsProblems of conveying antonomasia Antonomasia — is based upon the principle of ________ of _______with things which ________them. e. g. John is a real Romeo. ____________.

Problems of conveying antonomasia ______________.  While translating ____the translator has to reconstruct the ____for theProblems of conveying antonomasia ______________. While translating ____the translator has to reconstruct the ____for the metonymic ______ because the antonomasia is not ______in Russian. e. g. “Old Blue Eyes” for_______. “ The King” for________.

Ways of conveying stylistic devices There are _______ways of conveying stylistic devices :  If itWays of conveying stylistic devices There are _______ways of conveying stylistic devices : If it is possible, ______them; Stylistic devices can be _______ other_______; Stylistic ________(when it is impossible to ________device in the text).

Assignment for the seminar:  Test  Ex. 1 pp. 75 Ex. 2 pp. 75 Ex.Assignment for the seminar: Test Ex. 1 pp. 75 Ex. 2 pp. 75 Ex. 3 pp.