Скачать презентацию Lecture 1 What is laser and laser radiation Скачать презентацию Lecture 1 What is laser and laser radiation


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Lecture 1 What is laser and laser radiation? (Brief introduction) 1 Lecture 1 What is laser and laser radiation? (Brief introduction) 1

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Principal scheme of a laser 1– active element (solid, liquid, gas, plasma) 3 3 Principal scheme of a laser 1– active element (solid, liquid, gas, plasma) 3 3 4 5 2– pumping source (radiation, electric current, chemical reaction) 1 3– mirrors 2 4, 5 – elements, operating laser parameters 6

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Most important parameters of laser radiation. 1. Radiation wavelength λ. UV spectral region – Most important parameters of laser radiation. 1. Radiation wavelength λ. UV spectral region – eximer lasers ( λ= 157, 193, 222, 248, 308, 352 nm) harmonics of Nd: YAG (λ= 210, 266, 355 nm) nitrogen laser (λ= 337 nm) Visible IR – He-Ne (λ= 0, 63 µm) Cr+: Al 2 O 3 (λ= 0, 69 µm) Не-Сd (λ= 0, 44 µm) Ar+ (λ= 0, 488 и 0, 514 µm) Dye lasers Сu (λ= 0, 51 и 0, 578 µm) Semiconductor lasers Ti +: Al 2 O 3 (λ= 0, 8 -0, 9 µm) Nd: YAG (λ= 1, 06 µm) Ho: YAG (λ= 2, 08 µm) Er: YAG (λ= 2, 94 µm) СО (λ= 5, 5 µm) СО 2 (λ= 9, 6 и 10, 6 µm) Semiconductor lasers Fiber lasers 2. Temporal modulation. a) continuous wave regime (CW) b) single pulse with duration τ = 5 fs – 10 ms в) pulse-periodic regime with pulse repetition rate f = 0 -50 MHz 13

Most important parameters of laser radiation. 3. Each laser pulse can have a different Most important parameters of laser radiation. 3. Each laser pulse can have a different temporal shape : - rectangular - bell-shape τ - leading spike + tail - pulse train 4. Power and energy parameters. а) mean Р and peak PS power [W] b) energy E in laser pulse (pulse train) [J] c) energy density (laser fluence) ES=E/S [J/cm 2], S-spot area d) irradiation dose CW D=P. t/S pulse-periodic regime D=E. t. f/S , f-pulse repetition rate e) mean I = P/S and peak IS = PS/S intensity [W/сm 2] 14

Most important parameters of laser radiation. 5. Irradiation spot size and energy distribution in Most important parameters of laser radiation. 5. Irradiation spot size and energy distribution in beam cross-section depend on beam mode structure. Single and multi-mode regimes 1) Gaussian beams I(r) = Ioexp(-2 r 2/Rs 2), when I(r= Rs)=Io/e 2; Rs = Ro or I(r) = Ioexp(-r 2/Rs 2), when I(r= Rs)=Io/e; Rs = Re Important ! R o=R e 2 and for temporal bell shape I(r, t) = Ioexp(-r 2/Rs 2)exp(-t 2/τe 2) where τ = τe – laser pulse duration at the level 1/е τ1/2= τe/1. 22 –pulse duration at the level 1/2 r – coordinate Rs – beam radius, 15 S = π R s 2

Most important parameters of laser radiation. Laser power P= a) For beam radius at Most important parameters of laser radiation. Laser power P= a) For beam radius at the level 1/е 2 (Rs = Ro) b) At the level 1/е (Rs = Re) P = π Re 2 Io 2) Uniform energy distribution IO for r ≤ RS I(r) = O for r > RS 16

Most important parameters of laser radiation. 6. Propagation of Gaussian beams. Beam divergence angle Most important parameters of laser radiation. 6. Propagation of Gaussian beams. Beam divergence angle beam waist 7. Focusing. R= R 0 Uniform parallel beam R(z) Rf = θf ( f – focal length) Gaussian beam 17

Most important parameters of laser radiation. At long distances from the initial beam waist Most important parameters of laser radiation. At long distances from the initial beam waist and at f<

Most important parameters of laser radiation. 8. Depth of focus. Assume If at distance Most important parameters of laser radiation. 8. Depth of focus. Assume If at distance . Then intensity drops by two times, then and (Raleigh length) If we assume , then 19

Spot-size of “radiation damaged” area Power density: Laser pulse energy: Diameter of “damaged” area: Spot-size of “radiation damaged” area Power density: Laser pulse energy: Diameter of “damaged” area: Gaussian Beam 20