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Kursk state medical university Chair of foreign languages Independent work «The state youth policy Kursk state medical university Chair of foreign languages Independent work «The state youth policy » Have executed: Students 2 courses of social work faculty Radskaya J. O. , Rodionova I. A. , Kutovaya M. A. Has checked up: Turina L. V. Kursk 2011

The state youth policy — system of the state priorities and the measures directed The state youth policy — system of the state priorities and the measures directed on creation of conditions and possibilities for successful socialization and effective selfrealization of youth, for development of its potential in interests of the Russian Federation and, hence, on social and economic and cultural development of the country, maintenance of its competitiveness and strengthening of national safety. The basic means of development of potential of youth is its involving in social and economic and political life of the Russian society.

The reorganization first steps in the USSR and the Russian Federation were accompanied by The reorganization first steps in the USSR and the Russian Federation were accompanied by attempts of development of the strong social policy which important direction as a result of long-term discussions had been recognized the youth policy. In May, 1991 «the Law of the USSR has been passed about the general beginnings of the state youth policy» .

► In July-August, 1992 the youth organisations have carried out the All-Russian action «we ► In July-August, 1992 the youth organisations have carried out the All-Russian action «we want to be heard» . In September, 1992 the President had been signed the Decree «About prime measures in the field of the state youth policy» . According to the Decree of the President from October, 29 th, 1992 with a view of formation and carrying out of a uniform state youth policy, and also for coordination of activity of state structures in sphere of a youth policy, the governmental order of the Russian Federation about formation in structure of federal enforcement authorities of Committee of the Russian Federation on affairs of youth has been signed.

► On December, 5 th, 2001 at session of the Governmental Commission for Youth ► On December, 5 th, 2001 at session of the Governmental Commission for Youth Affairs the Concept of the state youth policy in the Russian Federation » according to which the youth has been defined as object of the nationalstate interests has been approved.

► The summer of 1991 after presidential elections of Russia in the new Russian ► The summer of 1991 after presidential elections of Russia in the new Russian Government had been created the State Committee of RSFSR on youth affairs. On September, 16 th, 1992 there was a committee on youth affairs at the government of the Russian Federation. ► 1998 instead of the State Committee there was a Department on affairs of youth in the Ministry of Labour and social development.

Since June, 1 st, 2004, as a result of administrative reform, within the limits Since June, 1 st, 2004, as a result of administrative reform, within the limits of again formed Ministry of Education and Science there was a Department of the state youth policy, education and social protection of children. In Federal agency by training in 2004 Management on youth affairs has been created. ► The decree of the President of the Russian Federation from September, 14 th, 2007 № 1274 creates the State committee of the Russian Federation on youth affairs. ►

► The decree of the president of the Russian Federation № 325 from April, ► The decree of the president of the Russian Federation № 325 from April, 6 th, 2006 founds the award for support of talented youth. The award for support of talented youth — a kind of the state support of gifted young men at the age from 14 till 25 years, carried out within the limits of the Priority national project "Formation". The establishment of awards for support of young talents is an important element of the state youth policy. Awards for support of talents — the most mass form of federal stimulation of gifted youth, also covers such spheres of creativity as socially-significant and public work; scientific and technical creativity and research activity; professional skill; art creativity; amateur sports.

Realization of the national project regarding support of talented youth will allow: ► - Realization of the national project regarding support of talented youth will allow: ► - To reveal and advance talented youth; ► - It is essential to improve quality of spent actions for selection of talented youth; ► - To develop system of support of talented youth at federal and regional levels with participation of all society; - To create a personnel reserve for social and economic development of the country.

► ► ► The state youth policy in the Russian Federation is based on ► ► ► The state youth policy in the Russian Federation is based on the constitutional guarantees of equality of the rights and freedom of the citizens which realization concerning youth is carried out on following principles: - Responsibility of the state for observance of the rights and youth legitimate interests; -Priority the state support of youth at a stage of social, cultural, spiritual and physical development, formation, creation of a family, activity of youth and children's public associations; - Responsibility of young citizens for realization of constitutional laws by them and duties in the course of activity in the basic spheres of the state and public life; - Unities of the state youth policy at federal, regional and local levels; - Granting maintenance to the young citizen of the necessary volume of social services guaranteed by the state; - Recognitions of youth as the partner equal in rights in formation and realization of the state youth policy in the Russian Federation; - Realization of support, coordination and interaction of federal public authorities, legal and physical persons in realization of the state youth policy in the Russian Federation; - Continuity, stability and perfection of measures on formation and realization of the state youth policy in the Russian Federation.

► ► ► The state youth policy in the Russian Federation is carried out ► ► ► The state youth policy in the Russian Federation is carried out with a view of: - Revival of Russia, as the state providing worthy life and free development of the citizens; - Creations of legal, social and economic, organizational conditions for a choice young citizens of the course of life, social formation and realization of constitutional laws by them and duties; - Assistance to social, cultural, spiritual and physical development of youth; - Education and youth formation; - The realization of socially significant initiatives socially useful to activity of youth, youth and children's public associations; - Uses of innovative potential of youth in interests state and social development, in interests of development of the youth; - Creations of conditions for more active creative inclusion of youth in social and economic, political and cultural life of a society; - A discrimination non-admission on age, protection of the rights and legitimate interests of young men.

Priorities of the state interests concerning youth are: ► - Education of the patriot Priorities of the state interests concerning youth are: ► - Education of the patriot the citizen caring of protection of interests of Fatherland, about material and spiritual stability of the Russian society, about continuity of traditions and moral values; ► - Education of the citizen knowing both enriching national history and culture, society achievements in economy, a science, the literature and the art, actively participating in the state and public life; ► - Education of the citizen - the worker having education, corresponding to requirements of the modern material and spiritual manufacture possessing qualities of enterprise, conscientiousness, responsibility; - Education of the moral and physically developed citizen conducting a healthy way of life, the family man caring of education of the subsequent generations.

in formation and realization of the state youth policy the basic directions and mechanisms in formation and realization of the state youth policy the basic directions and mechanisms are allocated.

The state support of young citizens in an education sphere, education and development. ► The state support of young citizens in an education sphere, education and development. ► - Creation of conditions for a non-admission of infringement of the equal rights and possibilities in reception of high-grade formation by young citizens from needy, large families, the young citizens living in city settlements with number to 50 thousand of persons, rural settlements, regions of the Far North and the districts equal to them, the young citizens who are in a difficult reality situation, including young citizens from among children with the limited possibilities of development, children-orphans and children without parental support, young citizens from among the military men of Armed forces of the Russian Federation transferred to the reserve, and veterans of operations, and also especially gifted young citizens;

- Formation and realization of measures on creation of favorable conditions formation reception by - Formation and realization of measures on creation of favorable conditions formation reception by the young citizens who have arrived in the state and municipal educational institutions of an average, the higher and subsequent vocational training on a budgetary basis and on the basis of contracts with payment of training cost by them; ► - Working out and realization of long-term measures on maintenance of employment of graduates of professional educational institutions, on support of their stable, highgrade labor activity; ► - Realization of system of measures on the state support of pupils and trained in educational institutions; ► - Formation and realization of target programs (projects) on support of the public associations operating in educational institutions; ► - Working out and realization of measures on support and encouragement of talented young citizens in the sphere of education, sciences, technicians and cultures; ►

► ► ► ► - Working out and realization of federal, regional, local target ► ► ► ► - Working out and realization of federal, regional, local target programs on civil formation of youth, its cultural and physical development, patriotic and spiritually-moral education; - Coordination and support of activity of youth and children's public associations in the field of military-patriotic, spiritually-moral, ecological education, professional orientation work, consumer formation, introduction in practice of competitions of programs and projects in the field; - Working out and realization of measures on distribution to the youth environment of ideas of spiritual unity, feeling of the Russian patriotism, friendship of the people, the international consent; - Formation and realization of system of measures on increase of legal culture of young citizens; - Formation and realization of measures on support of various forms of intellectual, moral, physical development of young citizens for their familiarizing with values of universal and national culture, for activization of their participation in cultural life of a society; - Carrying out of competitions, the Olympic Games and festivals but to various directions of creative realization of children and youth, including in the field of professional, enterprise activity; - Support and development of various forms of educational work in specialized establishments, in additional education establishments, in teenage and youth clubs in a residence.

Assistance and support of young citizens in the field of protection of their health, Assistance and support of young citizens in the field of protection of their health, in preventive maintenance of dangerous diseases and formation of a healthy way of life - Perfection of measures of the state support and the help to young citizens, including appeared in a difficult reality situation, maintenance of a healthy way of life of young citizens, maintenance of safe motherhood, preventive maintenance of diseases, sexually transmitted; ► - Activization of measures on preventive maintenance of a narcotism and dependence on narcotics and psychotropic substances, on treatment and rehabilitation of the young citizens sick of a narcotism, on preservation of mental health of youth; ► - Activization of measures on preventive work with young citizens of group of social risk, under the prevention of negative behavior in the youth environment; ► - Stimulation of measures on propagation of a healthy way of life, on development in young citizens of requirement and maintenance of active employment with physical training and sports; ►

- Development of practice of carrying out of the All-Russia, inter-regional and regional sports - Development of practice of carrying out of the All-Russia, inter-regional and regional sports competitions, youth tournaments on mass sports; ► - Formation and development of system of establishments of social service for youth, creation of conditions for mediko -psihologo-pedagogical rehabilitation, social adaptation of minor citizens; ► - Creation of conditions for development of mass kinds of youth travel, support of activity of youth and children's public associations in the specified sphere; ► - Realization of measures of support of activity of nurseries improving, educational institutions, experimental platforms with a view of introduction of innovative technologies and techniques in the field of formation of a healthy way of life, high-grade children's, youth, family rest, leisure, creative development. ►

Assistance to maintenance of economic independence of young citizens and realization of their labor Assistance to maintenance of economic independence of young citizens and realization of their labor law and duties ► ► ► - Creation of conditions for youth employment; - Support of the specialized organizations which are carrying out activity on assistance of employment, vocational counseling, vocational training and retraining of young citizens: the centers of time and seasonal employment of youth, youth labor exchanges, student's labor groups, youth associations (realizing programs in sphere of employment and vocational guidance of youth, minors, in sphere of development of modern culture of business, inculcation of culture and skills of consumer behavior, education concerning protection of the rights of consumers); - Formation and realization of programs of assistance of social adaptation and to increase of competitiveness of youth on a labor market; - Maintenance of financial support of actions for creation of workplaces for youth, first of all for the persons who have not reached eighteen-year age, especially needing social protection and experiencing difficulties in job search (children-invalids, children-orphans, children without parental support), and young citizens from among the former military men of Armed forces of the Russian Federation - veterans of operations, and also youth living in countryside and regions of the Far North; - Formation and realization of system of the state measures on material and financial support of activity of the youth educational enterprises, business incubators, business centers, the commercial organizations, more than 75 % of which number of workers make young citizens; - Formation of machineries of government of support of youth business.

The state support of young families ► ► ► - Working out and acceptance The state support of young families ► ► ► - Working out and acceptance of federal, regional, local target programs (projects) on the state support of young families, first of all needy, on rendering of material and other help by it in the decision of social and economic, social problems, on maintenance of employment of young parents, on formation of a healthy way of life; - The organization of educational work with young citizens concerning reproductive health, safe motherhood, education and development of maintenance of children, the organization of family and children's rest; - Introduction in practice of sociological monitorings on problems of a young family, on scientifically-methodical maintenance of work with young families; - Perfection of the legislation concerning support of young families in building and habitation acquisition (on realization of subsidizing, target preferential crediting, mortgage lending, on introduction of mechanisms of rent of the state and municipal habitation and others), improvements of living conditions for young needy families; - Working out and realization of measures on support of initiatives of young citizens, movements of youth housing complexes, other youth associations and other organizations on building of accessible habitation for youth; - Formation of system of social services with a view of expansion of sphere of educational, mediko-social, socially-legal, psihologo-pedagogical, information, consulting and other services to young families for maintenance of health protection, formation, education and development of children, social protection, social adaptation and rehabilitation of the young citizens who are in a difficult reality situation.

The state support of the young citizens who have appeared in a difficult reality The state support of the young citizens who have appeared in a difficult reality situation, in their social service, in social rehabilitation and adaptation ► ► ► - Working out and realization of measures of the state support of the young citizens who have appeared in a difficult reality situation (young citizens with lacks physical and (or) mental development; young citizens - a victim of the armed and international conflicts, ecological and technogenic accidents, the acts of nature, appeared in extreme conditions; young citizens from among refugees and the compelled immigrants; the young citizens who are serving time in the form of imprisonment, including in educational colonies, the young citizens who are in special teaching and educational establishments; the young citizens which ability to live is broken as a result of the developed circumstances which they can't overcome independently or by means of a family; - Perfection is standard-legal grounds for maintenance of the necessary help and socially -legal protection young citizens who have appeared in a difficult reality situation; - Working out and realization of measures on activization of the socially-legal, pedagogical, information and advisory help to the young citizens who have appeared in a difficult reality situation, concerning a choice of directions and forms of formation, vocational counseling, employment, the organization of enterprise activity and other kinds of the help; - Activization of measures on rendering assistance, maintenance of medical, sociallypsychological, social rehabilitation and adaptation of the young citizens who have appeared in a difficult reality situation; - Perfection of standard-legal grounds support of public associations and others legal and the physical persons who are carrying out the help and support to young citizens, appeared in a difficult reality situation.

Support of socially significant initiatives, political activity of youth, youth and children's public associations Support of socially significant initiatives, political activity of youth, youth and children's public associations - Activization of measures on support of public initiatives of the youth and children's public associations, socially useful activity of young citizens, their public associations, but creation of conditions for realization of creative activity, potential of young citizens in all spheres of public life; ► - The further perfection of practice on information, scientificallymethodical, personnel maintenance of activity of youth and children's public associations; ► - Stimulation of measures on support at federal and regional levels of public initiatives on youth attraction to advisory activity of bodies of legislative and executive power in the field of the state youth policy, on distribution of practice of creation and activity of advisory bodies on youth problems at the specified authorities; ► - Attraction youth association to discussion of projects of regulatory legal acts on questions realization of legitimate rights and interests of youth. ►

Management in sphere of the state youth policy in the Russian Federation includes: ► Management in sphere of the state youth policy in the Russian Federation includes: ► - System engineering of measures on perfection of is standard-legal base of the state support and protection of the rights and interests of young citizens of Russia; ► - Expansion of practice of sociological researches and monitorings by position of youth in the Russian Federation, preparations of the annual report on position of youth and realization of a youth policy of the Russian Federation, regular carrying out of the all-Russian, inter-regional, regional scientifically-practical, methodical conferences, seminars on problems of realization of the state youth policy; ► - Formation and realization of measures on improvement of personnel potential, on maintenance of system of preparation of experts in directions and technologies of realization of the state youth policy; - Formation and development of federal system of the information help of youth, maintenance of activity of the informationanalytical, technical centers concerning the state youth policy.