Personal pronouns.pptx
- Количество слайдов: 43
I YOU WE Personal pronouns HE SHE IT THEY
Особові займенники I (я) he (він) you (ти) she (вона) we (ми) it (воно) they (вони)
To be am are is I you he we she they it
Exercise: am, are, is 1. I … a teacher. 2. You … a student. 3. We … Ukrainians. 4. He … a doctor. 5. She … my sister. 6. They … football players. 7. It … a tiger.
Exercise: am, are, is 8. We … at the library. 9. He … late. 10. They … happy family. 11. I … tall. 12. She … from France. 13. You … very kind. 14. The apple … a fruit.
Exercise: am, are, is 15. Mary … a pretty girl. 16. Thanks for advice. You … very kind. 17. My brother … very intelligent. 18. The children … at school. 19. I ran after the bus. And now I … hot. 20. January and February … cold months.
Exercise: am, are, is 21. Me and my sister … very friendly. 22. My umbrella … in the bag. 23. The man … a famous actor. 24. Take a rest. You … tired. 25. My twins brothers … 10 years old. 26. The books … on the shelf.
Коротка форма I am = I’m You are = You’re We are = We’re He is = He’s She is = She’s It is = It’s They are = They’re
Заперечення + not I am not = I’m not You are not = You’re not We are not = We’re not He is not = He’s not She is not = She’s not It is not = It’s not They are not = They’re not
Питання I am happy Am I happy? You are happy We are happy He is happy Are you happy? Are we happy? Is he happy? She is Is she happy? It is happy They are happy Is it happy? Are they happy?
Exercise: make a question 1. I am sad today. 2. You are hungry. 3. We are lost. 4. Tom is my friend. 5. Susan is at the hospital. 6. The chair is broken. 7. They are at the kitchen.
Exercise: make a question 8. I am from Ukraine. 9. You are six years old. 10. Cheetahs are fast animals. 11. John is an artist. 12. We are at the bus. 13. My mother is angry. 14. They are noisy.
Exercise: make a question 15. Kate is ill. 16. My parents are at the work. 17. Jack is the winner of this game. 18. I am Carol’s sister. 19. You are from USA. 20. We are good at Maths. 21. It is sunny day today.
Let’s practice!
Let’s practice!
Let’s practice! Ukrainian
Let’s practice! noisy
Let’s practice! at the bank
Let’s practice! tired
Let’s practice! from Poland
Let’s practice! student
Let’s practice! tall
Let’s practice! at the library
Let’s practice! angry
Let’s practice! angry
Let’s practice! in Ternopil
Let’s practice! at the sea
Let’s practice! on the chair
Let’s practice! He, she, it or they
Let’s practice! He, she, it or they
Let’s practice! He, she, it or they
Let’s practice! He, she, it or they
Let’s practice! He, she, it or they actors teachers
Let’s practice! He, she, it or they baby adult
Let’s practice! He, she, it or they from Japan from Denmark
Let’s practice! He, she, it or they driver pilot
Let’s practice! He, she, it or they on a picnic at work
Let’s practice! He, she, it or they sleepy fresh
Let’s practice! He, she, it or they black blue
Let’s practice! He, she, it or they at the sea at the wood
Let’s practice! He, she, it or they on the ground in water
Let’s practice! He, she, it or they in the cafe at home
Let’s practice! He, she, it or they German British