Grammar for 5-8 grades What can you say

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  • Количество слайдов: 13

>Grammar for 5-8 grades Grammar for 5-8 grades

>What can you say about Nouns ? Nouns  can be: 1. countable/uncountable 2. What can you say about Nouns ? Nouns can be: 1. countable/uncountable 2. have Singular – Plural forms; 3. have Possessive case:

>What can you say about Nouns ? Countable: a bird – birds;  Uncountable What can you say about Nouns ? Countable: a bird – birds; Uncountable (всегда в ед. числе): hair/money/weather/information e.g. We bought some furniture. I want to give you a piece of advice. Your hair is nice; This information is useful.

>UNCOUNTABLE NOUNS cheese, butter, meat, salt, pepper, bacon, bread, chocolate, honey, jam  coffee, UNCOUNTABLE NOUNS cheese, butter, meat, salt, pepper, bacon, bread, chocolate, honey, jam coffee, milk, water, tea, wine, lemonade, petrol, oil beauty, love, happiness gold, iron, silver, wood, paper food liquids materials abstract nouns hair, money, news, advice, snow, furniture, weather others

>What can you say about Nouns ? Have Singular – Plural forms;  1.after What can you say about Nouns ? Have Singular – Plural forms; 1.after -s, -x, -sh, -ch, -tch, -z → -is added es. e.g. a box – boxes/ a bench - benches 2. after y → is added ies. e.g. a baby – babies / a lady - ladies 3. after vowel -y → is added s. e.g. a day – days 4. after –f /–fe → is added ves, e.g. calf – calves; 5. after -o → is added –es. e.g. potato – potatoes; 6. irregular nouns: a man – men/ a woman – women/ a foot – feet/ a tooth- teeth/ a goose – geese/ a mouse – mice/ a child – children/ an ox – oxen; 7.the same form of nouns: a deer – deer/ a sheep – sheep/ a fish – fish/ a means – means/ a species – species/ a trout – trout / a salmon – salmon.

>What can you say about Nouns ? Исключения:  a kangaroo – kangaroos/ a What can you say about Nouns ? Исключения: a kangaroo – kangaroos/ a kilo – kilos/ a photo – photos/ a piano- pianos/ a radio – radios/ a video – videos/ a zoo – zoos; Исключения: a handkerchief(s), a roof(s), a safe(s), a belief(s), a chief(s), cliff(s)

>Task #1 Give plural forms. a baby, a plant, a lemon, a peach, a Task #1 Give plural forms. a baby, a plant, a lemon, a peach, a banana, a brush, a star, a mountain, a tree, a shilling, a king, the waiter, the queen, a man, a woman, an eye, a shelf, a box, the city, a boy, a goose, the watch, a mouse, a dress, a toy, the sheep, a tooth, a child, the ox, a deer, the life, a tomato, a secretary, a crowd, the airport, a theatre, the tornado, a shop, the tragedy.

>Есімдік – Местоимение -Pronouns Есімдік – Местоимение -Pronouns

>Pronouns Pronouns

>Task #2 Give plural forms. This magazine,  that sticker,   this stamp, Task #2 Give plural forms. This magazine, that sticker, this stamp, that sandwich, this poster, this teacup, this egg, that wall, that picture, this foot, that mountain, this lady, that window, this man, that match, this knife, this book, this family, this pie.

>Грамматиканы пысықтау/Закрепление грамматики/ Revision of Grammar Жекеше түр /в ед числе /Singular form / Грамматиканы пысықтау/Закрепление грамматики/ Revision of Grammar Жекеше түр /в ед числе /Singular form / Көпше түр/ во мн числе /Plural form

>TRANSLATE THE NOUNS lemon- bus- peach- cherry-  roof- fox- glass- key- piano- potato- TRANSLATE THE NOUNS lemon- bus- peach- cherry- roof- fox- glass- key- piano- potato- ball- book- sheep- baby- child- 16. green leaf- 17.old lady- 18. radio- 19.ox- 20. tall woman- 21.knife- 22.toy- 23.policeman- 24.raspberry- 25.sandwich- 26.mouse- 28.cliff- 30.thief-

>WRITE THE PLURAL lemons buses peaches cherries roofs foxes glasses keys pianos potatoes balls WRITE THE PLURAL lemons buses peaches cherries roofs foxes glasses keys pianos potatoes balls books sheep_ babies children KEY: lemon- bus- peach- cherry- roof- fox- glass- key- piano- potato- ball- book- sheep- baby- child- 16. green leaf- 17.old lady- 18. radio- 19.ox- 20. tall woman- 21.knife- 22.toy- 23.policeman- 24.raspberry- 25.sandwich- 26.mouse- 28.cliff- 30.thief- green leaves old ladies radios oxen tall women knives toys policemen raspberries sandwiches mice photos cliffs watches thieves KEY: