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  • Количество слайдов: 13

English Tenses English Tenses

Present Tenses Present Tenses

Pr. Simple Pr. Continuous am V 1 (s) ( not)+Ving do/does not + V Pr. Simple Pr. Continuous am V 1 (s) ( not)+Ving do/does not + V 1 is are Do/Does ___ V 1? регулярныед. д, происх. сейчас привычки привычн. сост. always often usually sometimes never in winter on Sundays every … раздражение из-за часто повторяющ. д. now at the moment at present these days today Pr. Perfect Pr. Perf. Cont. have (not) V 3 (not) been Ving has д, произошедш. в прошлом. РЕЗУЛЬТАТ! недавно завершенное д. д. началось в прошлом, продолжается до сих пор already for just since ever yet never since for

p 14 ex 3 a Match pictures and sentences 1. Flowers usually smell nice. p 14 ex 3 a Match pictures and sentences 1. Flowers usually smell nice. 2. - Why are you smelling this flower? - It smells great.

See I see you are in trouble. I’m seeing my boyfriend tonight. See I see you are in trouble. I’m seeing my boyfriend tonight.

Look Her hair looks wonderful. She’s looking through the photo album. Look Her hair looks wonderful. She’s looking through the photo album.

Taste The milk tastes sweet. He is tasting the soup. Taste The milk tastes sweet. He is tasting the soup.

Feel It feels like velvet. Why are you feeling your pocket? Feel It feels like velvet. Why are you feeling your pocket?

Weight It weights 16 kilos. I’m weighting myself on the scales. Weight It weights 16 kilos. I’m weighting myself on the scales.

Have She has a dog. He’s having a bath. Have She has a dog. He’s having a bath.

Think I think she’s beautiful. She’s thinking about her friends. Think I think she’s beautiful. She’s thinking about her friends.

be • He is selfish = He is ALWAYS selfish • He is being be • He is selfish = He is ALWAYS selfish • He is being selfish = He is usually NOT selfish, but NOW he is.