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Electric Shock. Birykov.pptx

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Electric Shock Electric Shock

Electric shock Electric shock ". . . Electric shock - a kind of severe neuro-reflex response of the body in response to the excessive stimulation of electric shock. In shock immediately after exposure to an electric current at the victim comes short excitation phase when he reacts to the pain caused, it increases blood pressure. After this comes the braking phase and a nervous breakdown when sharply reduced blood pressure falls and quickens the pulse, breathing weakened, there is depression. Shock lasts from a few tens of minutes to hours. After that may come or death, or recovery. The outcome of the impact of current on the human body depends on the value and duration of current flow through his body, type and frequency of the current individual properties of the person, his psychophysiological state, the resistance of the human body, stress and other factors. . . "

Symptoms: For any suspected electrocution is recommended to see a doctor. If there are Symptoms: For any suspected electrocution is recommended to see a doctor. If there are burns, lightning strikes, suspected a strong electric shock or serious condition of the victim should immediately call an ambulance.

First aid for electric shock: Call an ambulance. If possible, do not touch the First aid for electric shock: Call an ambulance. If possible, do not touch the person who has just been an electric shock. Do not attempt to rescue the victim unless you are sure that the current is turned off. If possible, turn off all the electricity in the house / apartment / office space. If a person is struck by lightning, it can be touched immediately thereafter. Be sure to check that the victim is breathing and has a normal pulse. If person is not breathing, and you have the necessary skills, give artificial respiration. Cover the burned area with a clean dry cloth. To prevent shock, lay the victim on a flat surface and lift your legs up to 20 cm. If there is suspicion of a neck injury, head or legs, the legs do not need to raise. Cover the victim with a blanket and watch the body temperature. Stay nearby until the ambulance arrives.

Preventive measures: The house follow safety sockets and wiring. Take care to sockets and Preventive measures: The house follow safety sockets and wiring. Take care to sockets and cables were not available to children. Do not use electrical appliances in the shower if you have wet hands or in a very humid room. Check the condition of the wiring in the house every 5 years. Be cautious during a thunderstorm, avoid talking on the phone and do not use electrical appliances. If the storm caught you on the street, try to find shelter. Avoid water, trees, tents, metal fences and large open spaces.

Consequences. Be careful! Consequences. Be careful!