PHIL-PP-L- 3. Anc.Greek Ph.ppt

  • Количество слайдов: 27


Content of lecture: • Introduction • Periods of Ancient Philosophy • Schools of Ancient Content of lecture: • Introduction • Periods of Ancient Philosophy • Schools of Ancient Philosophy and their founders • Recommended readings

Introduction (I) • The word Introduction (I) • The word "antique" means ancient • The term is historically entrenched for only one socio-cultural regions of the ancient world - Greece and Rome • In this tandem decisive role belongs to Ancient Greece (from the late 7 th century BC - 6 thcentury BC)

Introduction (II) • Relative sign of the classical period was cosmocentrism • The word Introduction (II) • Relative sign of the classical period was cosmocentrism • The word “cosmocentrism” came from the Greek word of "space – order, formation“ • Cosmocentrism studies the problems of being and existence.

Periods of Ancient Philosophy (Greek and Roman) • • Ancient philosophy is divided into Periods of Ancient Philosophy (Greek and Roman) • • Ancient philosophy is divided into 4 distinct periods: Natural philosophy (VI-V century BC) Classic (V-IV century BC) Hellenistic (IV century BC - VI century AD) Roman period (1 st century BC - 6 th century BC)

Natural philosophy (VI-V century BC). Main schools: • • Miletus School: Founder: Thales (Фалес) Natural philosophy (VI-V century BC). Main schools: • • Miletus School: Founder: Thales (Фалес) He believed that the original world was water Anaximander (6 th century BC): the original world was a chaos Anaximenes (6 th century BC): primitive matter was an air

Natural philosophy (VI-V century BC). School of Heraclitus: • Founder: Heraclitus • “Primitive matter Natural philosophy (VI-V century BC). School of Heraclitus: • Founder: Heraclitus • “Primitive matter is fire” • “Everything flows - everything changes” • Heraclitus was the first founder of dialectic

School of Heraclitus • Dialectic (Greek) – art of argue, lead reasoning (вести рассуждения) School of Heraclitus • Dialectic (Greek) – art of argue, lead reasoning (вести рассуждения) • A method of reasoning in philosophy, as well as the form and method of reflective theoretical thinking • Reflective or critical thinking, aimed at deciding what to trust and what to do

School of Pythagoras • Primitive matter was the numbers • School of Pythagoras was School of Pythagoras • Primitive matter was the numbers • School of Pythagoras was a secret order • It took only a few members

Eleatic School (Элейская школа) • The founder of the school was Parmenides • He Eleatic School (Элейская школа) • The founder of the school was Parmenides • He founded the doctrine of being • He was the first who discovered that the earth is spherical: a huge, solid ball, still resting in the center of the world • Parmenides denied the motion

School of Atomists • The school was founded by Democritus (Levkip) • He believed School of Atomists • The school was founded by Democritus (Levkip) • He believed that everything is made of atoms moving in empty space • Atoms are indivisible (неделимый) substance • Substance (latin word “substantia” - essence, is what lies at the heart)

Classic period (mid 5 -4 in BC) School of Socrates (470 - 399 BC) Classic period (mid 5 -4 in BC) School of Socrates (470 - 399 BC) • The main contribution to the development of the Socratic school of philosophy became a method of maieutics (майеветика) • The essence of this method was that, the logical devices (приемы) and leading (наводящие) questions can bring the interlocutor (собеседник) to self determination of the truth • Socrates drew attention to the problem of man

School of Socrates (470 - 399 BC) • Socrates made a revolution in values School of Socrates (470 - 399 BC) • Socrates made a revolution in values • He said that the true value is not a health and beauty - there were mind and knowledge • Lack of reason and knowledge can cause harm to the individual • According to Socrates dialectic - is the ability to converse, finding truth through the clash of opposite ideas • Well known expression of Socrates: "I know that I know nothing"

Plato (427 - 347 BC) • Plato founded his Academy (school) • He divided Plato (427 - 347 BC) • Plato founded his Academy (school) • He divided the world into two parts • The first part - this is what we see, perceive (воспринимать) by the senses: this world is changeable thing • The second part - that's what can be achieved through your mind: it is eternal and unchanging existence or the world of ideas

Plato (427 - 347 BC) Plato (427 - 347 BC)

Plato (427 - 347 BC) • Plato is the founder of the philosophy of Plato (427 - 347 BC) • Plato is the founder of the philosophy of idealism • His main work was the "State", which deals with issues of political structure of the state • The ideal state, according to Plato, must submit the following classes: 1 class - Wise men - governors 2 class - Soldiers – defenders 3 class - Farmers and artisans

Aristotle (384 - 322 BC) • Aristotle taught 20 years at the Academy of Aristotle (384 - 322 BC) • Aristotle taught 20 years at the Academy of Plato • Aristotle's famous phrase: "Plato is my friend, but the truth is expensive" • He founded his own school – lyceum • Aristotle made a huge contribution to the study of logic. He was the founder of this doctrine • Logic (Greek word) - a branch of philosophy, "the science of right thinking", "the art of reasoning"

Aristotle (384 - 322 BC) Aristotle (384 - 322 BC)

Aristotle (384 - 322 BC) Aristotle gave a classification of sciences, and divided them Aristotle (384 - 322 BC) Aristotle gave a classification of sciences, and divided them into three groups: • Theoretical (knowledge for the sake (ради) of knowledge) • Practical (the leading ideas for the behavior of people) • Creative (knowledge for reaching something - or beauty)

Aristotle (384 - 322 BC) • His philosophy was close to materialism. He advocated Aristotle (384 - 322 BC) • His philosophy was close to materialism. He advocated private property, he said, "people - it's a social animal" • Polity, according to Aristotle, is the best political system. Polity consisted of: - Middle class - Moderate (умеренная) oligarchy - Democracy

Hellenistic period (4 -1 century BC) School of Skeptics: • They doubted (сомневаться) in Hellenistic period (4 -1 century BC) School of Skeptics: • They doubted (сомневаться) in quality of principle of thinking School of Epicureans • Founder: Epicurus • The main principle of Epicurus - is enjoying life • At the school of Epicurus hung the inscription: "You are stranger would be good here, pleasure is the highest good"

School of Epicureans • Epicurus believed that a true delight - a rejection of School of Epicureans • Epicurus believed that a true delight - a rejection of unwanted desires • He divided the people's desires into 3 types: - Natural and necessary (food, water, shelter) - Unnatural but necessary (wealth, fame) - Unnatural and unnecessary

School of Stoics: • Stoics worked on the study of logic, physics, and ethics School of Stoics: • Stoics worked on the study of logic, physics, and ethics • This knowledge is known and compared with orchard (фруктовый сад) of philosophy: - logic meets the fence that protects it - Physics is a growing tree - Ethics - the fruit

Roman period (1 st century BC - 6 th century AD) • This period Roman period (1 st century BC - 6 th century AD) • This period is characterized by the proliferation of Skeptics and Stoic philosophy • Its outstanding representatives were: - Cicero - Lucretius - Seneca - Marcus Aurelius

Recommended readings: 1. Аристотель. Сочинения в 4 т. М. , 1975— 1984 2. Платон. Recommended readings: 1. Аристотель. Сочинения в 4 т. М. , 1975— 1984 2. Платон. Собрание сочинений в 4 т. М. , 1990— 1994 3. Фрагменты ранних греческих философов. / Отв. ред. И. Д. Рожанский. - М. : Наука, 1989. — Ч. 1. 4. Асмус В. Ф. Античная философия. — М. : Высшая школа, 1999 5. Вернан Ж. -П. Происхождение древнегреческой мысли. — М. : Прогресс, 1988. — 221 с.

Recommended readings: 6. Мамардашвили М. К. Лекции по античной философии. — М. : Аграф, Recommended readings: 6. Мамардашвили М. К. Лекции по античной философии. — М. : Аграф, 1997. 7. Целлер Э. Очерк истории греческой философии. Перевод С. Л. Франка. — СПб. : Алетейя, 1996. 8. Античная философия: Энциклопедический словарь. — М. : Прогресс-Традиция, 2008. — 896 с.