Concept of Administrative Law and State Organs Administrative

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>Concept of Administrative Law and State Organs Administrative Law is a body of norms Concept of Administrative Law and State Organs Administrative Law is a body of norms of law which regulates public relations in the sphere of state administration. State administration is exercised by the state organs. State organs: are elements of the state administration; are based on the hierarchy: constitute a single, centralized system; exercise the state power and implement the functions of state.

>Classification of State Organs Primary and Secondary (e.g. President and Parliament / Government) Central Classification of State Organs Primary and Secondary (e.g. President and Parliament / Government) Central and Local (e.g. President, Parliament, Government / Akims and Maslikhats) General and Special (e.g. Government / Ministries and Agencies) Corporate and Individual (e.g. Parliament, Maslikhats / President, Akims) Legislative, Executive and Judicial

>Principles of Organization of State organs Division of Power Recognition of an Individual as Principles of Organization of State organs Division of Power Recognition of an Individual as the highest value Democratism Hierarchy Openness Equal Access to the State Service Professionalism Lawfulness