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Civilization of Ancient India Civilization of Ancient India

 The civilization beginning in India carry to III millenium BC when great cities The civilization beginning in India carry to III millenium BC when great cities with high culture and an accomplishment — Mohendzho-Daro and Harappa were formed, having created a civilization in a valley of Indus. It has quickly come to naught, without having left successors. Синдху - so inhabitants of the country stretched on its coast named the river; to Greeks it was known as Indos, and natives - as инды. Easily and naturally, having kept a recognized originality, it was transferred from Asia to Europe and the bewitching word - India has begun to sound in many languages.

 In immemorial times open spaces of Ancient India occupied дравиды - low black In immemorial times open spaces of Ancient India occupied дравиды - low black dark-haired people with wide noses. Among inhabitants of Southern India there are many their descendants surprisingly reminding the far ancestors. Civil strifes, acts of nature, epidemics, invasions left in the past, becoming marks of slow time. After the lapse of centuries дравидов have replaced the numerous tribes differing one from another by way of life, language, beliefs, culture, degree of development and even appearance of the representatives. The inhabitants of foothills who were not knowing under protection the Himalayas of norths