25 -Nov-17 Java. Script and HTML Simple Event

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>25-Nov-17 JavaScript and HTML Simple Event Handling 25-Nov-17 JavaScript and HTML Simple Event Handling

>2 JavaScript and DOM JavaScript relies on a Document Object Model (DOM) that describes 2 JavaScript and DOM JavaScript relies on a Document Object Model (DOM) that describes the structure of the web page This is not the same as the XML DOM You can do a lot with a just a little understanding of the DOM You use the DOM to access elements on the web page You can capture events without knowing the DOM at all You need the DOM to make any changes to the web page

>3 Events Some (but not all) elements on the web page respond to user 3 Events Some (but not all) elements on the web page respond to user interactivity (keystrokes, mouse clicks) by creating events Different kinds of elements produce different events Browsers are not all alike in what events are produced We will concentrate on events from HTML form elements and commonly recognized events You can put handlers on HTML form elements If the event isn’t generated, the handler does nothing A handler should be very short Most handlers call a function to do their work

4 A simple event handler

The button is enclosed in a form method tells how to send the form data; action tells where to send it The tag is input with attribute type="button" The name can be used by other JavaScript code The value is what appears on the button onclick is the name of the event being handled The value of the onclick element is the JavaScript code to execute alert pops up an alert box with the given text

>5 Capitalization JavaScript is case sensitive HTML is not case sensitive onclick= 5 Capitalization JavaScript is case sensitive HTML is not case sensitive onclick="alert('You clicked the button!');" The red underlined parts are HTML The quoted string is JavaScript You will frequently see onclick capitalized as onClick The Java naming convention is easier to read This is fine in HTML, but an error if it occurs in JavaScript Also note: Since we have a quoted string inside another quoted string, we need both single and double quotes

>6 Common events Most HTML elements produce the following events: onClick -- the form 6 Common events Most HTML elements produce the following events: onClick -- the form element is clicked onDblClick -- the form element is clicked twice in close succession onMouseDown -- the mouse button is pressed while over the form element onMouseOver -- the mouse is moved over the form element onMouseOut -- the mouse is moved away from the form element onMouseUp -- the mouse button is released while over the form element onMouseMove -- the mouse is moved In JavaScript, these should be spelled in all lowercase

>7 Example: Simple rollover The following code will make the text Hello red when 7 Example: Simple rollover The following code will make the text Hello red when the mouse moves over it, and blue when the mouse moves away


Image rollovers are just as easy:

>8 Events and event handlers I The following tables are taken from: http://developer.netscape.com/docs/manuals/js/client/ jsguide/index.htm 8 Events and event handlers I The following tables are taken from: http://developer.netscape.com/docs/manuals/js/client/ jsguide/index.htm

>9 Events and event handlers II 9 Events and event handlers II

>10 Events and event handlers III 10 Events and event handlers III

>11 Events and event handlers IV 11 Events and event handlers IV

>12 Events and event handlers V 12 Events and event handlers V

>13 Events and event handlers VI 13 Events and event handlers VI

>14 Back to the DOM You can attach event handlers to HTML elements with 14 Back to the DOM You can attach event handlers to HTML elements with very little knowledge of the DOM However, to change what is displayed on the page requires knowledge of how to refer to the various elements The basic DOM is a W3C standard and is consistent across various browsers More complex features are browser-dependent The highest level element (for the current page) is window, and everything else descends from that Every JavaScript variable is a field of some object In the DOM, all variables are assumed to start with “window.” All other elements can be reached by working down from there

>15 The DOM hierarchy Source: http://sislands.com/coin70/week1/dom.htm 15 The DOM hierarchy Source: http://sislands.com/coin70/week1/dom.htm

>16 Fields of window, I window The current window (not usually needed). self Same 16 Fields of window, I window The current window (not usually needed). self Same as window. parent If in a frame, the immediately enclosing window. top If in a frame, the outermost enclosing window. frames[ ] An array of frames (if any) within the current window. Frames are themselves windows. length The number of frames contained in this window.

>17 Fields of window, II document The HTML document being displayed in this window. 17 Fields of window, II document The HTML document being displayed in this window. location The URL of the document being displayed in this window. If you set this property to a new URL, that URL will be loaded into this window. Calling location.reload() will refresh the window. navigator A reference to the Navigator (browser) object. Some properties of Navigator are: appName -- the name of the browser, such as "Netscape" platform -- the computer running the browser, such as "Win32" status A read/write string displayed in the status area of the browser window. Can be changed with a simple assignment statement.

>18 Methods of window, I alert(string) Displays an alert dialog box containing the string 18 Methods of window, I alert(string) Displays an alert dialog box containing the string and an OK button. confirm(string) Displays a confirmation box containing the string along with Cancel and OK buttons. Returns true if OK is pressed, false if Cancel is pressed. prompt(string) Displays a confirmation box containing the string, a text field, and Cancel and OK buttons. Returns the string entered by the user if OK is pressed, null if Cancel is pressed.

>19 Methods of window, II open(URL) Opens a new window containing the document specified 19 Methods of window, II open(URL) Opens a new window containing the document specified by the URL. close() Closes the given window (which should be a top-level window, not a frame).

>21 Fields of document, II forms[ ] An array of Form elements If the 21 Fields of document, II forms[ ] An array of Form elements If the document contains only one form, it is forms[0] images[ ] An array of Image objects To change the image, assign a new URL to the src property links[ ] An array of Link objects A link has several properties, including href, which holds the complete URL

>22 Fields of document, III bgColor The background color of the document May be 22 Fields of document, III bgColor The background color of the document May be changed at any time title A read-only string containing the title of the document URL A read-only string containing the URL of the document

>23 Fields of the form object elements[ ] An array of form elements 23 Fields of the form object elements[ ] An array of form elements

>24 The End 24 The End